/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api; import org.apache.jackrabbit.test.AbstractJCRTest; import org.apache.jackrabbit.test.NotExecutableException; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.ValueFactory; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.PropertyType; import javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException; import javax.jcr.Value; import javax.jcr.ValueFormatException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; /** * <code>ValueFactoryTest</code> tests the different ValueFactory.createValue methods. * * @test * @sources ValueFactoryTest.java * @executeClass org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.ValueFactoryTest * @keywords level2 */ public class ValueFactoryTest extends AbstractJCRTest { private Session session; private ValueFactory valueFactory; private static final boolean booleanValue = false; private Calendar dateValue = null; private static final double doubleValue = 3.1414926; private static final long longValue = Long.MAX_VALUE; private Node referenceNode = null; private Node notReferenceableNode = null; private static final String stringValue = "a string"; private static String nameValue = "aName"; private static String pathValue = "/a/Path[1]"; private byte[] binaryValue = null; private ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); private String dateValueFail = nameValue; private static final String doubleValueFail = nameValue; private static final String longValueFail = nameValue; private static String nameValueFail = ";pre fix::name;"; private static String pathValueFail =nameValueFail; private static int[] types = {PropertyType.DATE, PropertyType.DOUBLE, PropertyType.LONG, PropertyType.NAME, PropertyType.PATH, PropertyType.REFERENCE, PropertyType.STRING, PropertyType.BINARY, PropertyType.BOOLEAN}; public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); session = getHelper().getReadWriteSession(); try { valueFactory = session.getValueFactory(); } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { String message = "ValueFactory Test not executable: " + e.getMessage(); throw new NotExecutableException(message); } //notReferenceableNode = getProperty(not_ReferenceableNode); nameValue = testRootNode.getName(); pathValue = testRootNode.getPath(); dateValue = Calendar.getInstance(); binaryValue = createRandomString(10).getBytes(); referenceNode = createReferenceableNode(nodeName1); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { if (session != null) { session.logout(); session = null; } valueFactory = null; referenceNode = null; super.tearDown(); } /** * Create a referenceable node under the testRootNode * or null if it is not possible to create one. * @param name * @return * @throws RepositoryException */ public Node createReferenceableNode(String name) throws RepositoryException { // remove a yet existing node at the target try { Node node = testRootNode.getNode(name); node.remove(); session.save(); } catch (PathNotFoundException pnfe) { // ok } // a referenceable node Node n1 = testRootNode.addNode(name, testNodeType); if (n1.canAddMixin(mixReferenceable)) { n1.addMixin(mixReferenceable); // make sure jcr:uuid is available testRootNode.save(); return n1; } else { return null; } } /** * Tests if the type of a created value is set correctly. * * @throws RepositoryException */ public void testValueType() throws RepositoryException { Value value = null; int type = -1; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { switch (types[i]) { case PropertyType.BINARY: try { ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(binaryValue); value = valueFactory.createValue(in); session.save(); type = value.getType(); in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } assertTrue("Type of created value not correct: Expected: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(PropertyType.BINARY) + " but was: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(type), PropertyType.BINARY == type); break; case PropertyType.BOOLEAN: value = valueFactory.createValue(booleanValue); session.save(); type = value.getType(); assertTrue("Type of created value not correct: Expected: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(PropertyType.BOOLEAN) + " but was: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(type), PropertyType.BOOLEAN == type); break; case PropertyType.DATE: value = valueFactory.createValue(dateValue); session.save(); type = value.getType(); assertTrue("Type of created value not correct: Expected: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(PropertyType.DATE) + " but was: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(type), PropertyType.DATE == type); break; case PropertyType.DOUBLE: value = valueFactory.createValue(doubleValue); session.save(); type = value.getType(); assertTrue("Type of created value not correct: Expected: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(PropertyType.DOUBLE) + " but was: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(type), PropertyType.DOUBLE == type); break; case PropertyType.LONG: value = valueFactory.createValue(longValue); session.save(); type = value.getType(); assertTrue("Type of created value not correct: Expected: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(PropertyType.LONG) + " but was: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(type), PropertyType.LONG == type); break; case PropertyType.NAME: value = valueFactory.createValue(nameValue, PropertyType.NAME); session.save(); type = value.getType(); assertTrue("Type of created value not correct: Expected: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(PropertyType.NAME) + " but was: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(type), PropertyType.NAME == type); break; case PropertyType.PATH: value = valueFactory.createValue(pathValue, PropertyType.PATH); session.save(); type = value.getType(); assertTrue("Type of created value not correct: Expected: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(PropertyType.PATH) + " but was: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(type), PropertyType.PATH == type); break; case PropertyType.REFERENCE: if (referenceNode != null) { value = valueFactory.createValue(referenceNode); session.save(); type = value.getType(); assertTrue("Type of created value not correct: Expected: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(PropertyType.REFERENCE) + " but was: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(type), PropertyType.REFERENCE == type); // correct value? assertEquals("Reference value does not contain the UUID of the " + "referenced node.", referenceNode.getUUID(), value.getString()); } break; case PropertyType.STRING: value = valueFactory.createValue(stringValue); session.save(); type = value.getType(); assertTrue("Type of created value not correct: Expected: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(PropertyType.STRING) + " but was: " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(type), PropertyType.STRING == type); break; } } } /** * Tests if a ValueFormatexception is thrown in case the passed string * cannot be converted to the required value type. * value creation. * @throws RepositoryException */ public void testValueFormatException() throws RepositoryException { Value value = null; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { switch (types[i]) { case PropertyType.DATE: try { value = valueFactory.createValue(dateValueFail,PropertyType.DATE); fail("Conversion from String " + dateValueFail + " to a " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(types[i]) + " value should throw ValueFormatException."); } catch (ValueFormatException vfe) { //ok } break; case PropertyType.DOUBLE: try { value = valueFactory.createValue(doubleValueFail,PropertyType.DOUBLE); fail("Conversion from String " + doubleValueFail + " to a " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(types[i]) + " value should throw ValueFormatException."); } catch (ValueFormatException vfe) { //ok } break; case PropertyType.LONG: try { value = valueFactory.createValue(longValueFail,PropertyType.LONG); fail("Conversion from String " + longValueFail + " to a " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(types[i]) + " value should throw ValueFormatException."); } catch (ValueFormatException vfe) { //ok } break; case PropertyType.NAME: try { value = valueFactory.createValue(nameValueFail,PropertyType.NAME); fail("Conversion from String " + nameValueFail + " to a " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(types[i]) + " value should throw ValueFormatException."); } catch (ValueFormatException vfe) { //ok } break; case PropertyType.PATH: try { value = valueFactory.createValue(pathValueFail,PropertyType.PATH); fail("Conversion from String " + pathValueFail + " to a " + PropertyType.nameFromValue(types[i]) + " value should throw ValueFormatException."); } catch (ValueFormatException vfe) { //ok } break; default: break; } } } }