/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.apache.jackrabbit.test.AbstractJCRTest; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.Item; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.NodeIterator; import javax.jcr.PropertyType; import javax.jcr.PropertyIterator; import javax.jcr.Property; import javax.jcr.Value; import javax.jcr.ValueFormatException; import javax.jcr.RangeIterator; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.Assert; /** * ContentHandler implementation which checks if the system view export of * a node tree is compliant to the specification. */ class SysViewContentHandler extends DefaultHandler { // the session used protected Session session; // the path to start from protected String path; // the choices boolean skipBinary; boolean noRecurse; // the nodeElem in process NodeElemData currentNodeElem; // the parenNodetElem of the currentNodeElem NodeElemData parentNodeElem; // the propElem in process PropElemData currentPropElem; // the valueElem in process protected StringBuffer currentValue; // the value(s) of the current propElem e.g if multiple values protected ArrayList currentValues; // prefix mapping data protected HashMap prefixes; // if the first node is yet treated protected boolean testRootDone; // The stack holding the opened nodeElems Stack nodeElemStack; // resolved QNames for well known node and property names private String jcrRoot; private String jcrPrimaryType; private String jcrMixinTypes; private String jcrUuid; private String svNode; private String svProperty; private String svName; private String svType; private String svValue; private String mixReferenceable; /** * Constructor * @param path Thepath to the root node of the tree to be exported. * @param session The session used. * @param skipBinary Boolean if the binary properties are not exported. * @param noRecurse Boolean if only the root node of the tree should be exported. */ public SysViewContentHandler(String path, Session session, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse) throws RepositoryException { this.session = session; this.path = path; this.skipBinary = skipBinary; this.noRecurse = noRecurse; jcrRoot = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_JCR_URI) + ":root"; jcrPrimaryType = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_JCR_URI) + ":primaryType"; jcrMixinTypes = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_JCR_URI) + ":mixinTypes"; jcrUuid = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_JCR_URI) + ":uuid"; svNode = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_SV_URI) + ":node"; svProperty = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_SV_URI) + ":property"; svName = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_SV_URI) + ":name"; svType = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_SV_URI) + ":type"; svValue = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_SV_URI) + ":value"; mixReferenceable = session.getNamespacePrefix(AbstractJCRTest.NS_MIX_URI) + ":referenceable"; } /** * Check if the given path is valid. * Init the neccessary data. * @throws SAXException */ public void startDocument() throws SAXException { try { // Check the given path, init the treeState stack Item item = session.getItem(path); checkCondition("TestPath "+path+" is not a path to a node.", item.isNode()); nodeElemStack = new Stack(); currentNodeElem = new NodeElemData(); currentNodeElem.name = item.getName(); currentNodeElem.node = (Node) item; currentNodeElem.path = path; prefixes = new HashMap(); testRootDone = false; } catch (PathNotFoundException pe) { checkCondition("TestPath " + path + " is not a valid path." + pe.toString(), false); } catch (RepositoryException re) { checkCondition("Could not determine test node: " + re.toString(), false); } } // Collect all prefix mappings. public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) { prefixes.put(prefix,uri); } public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { try { if (qName.equals(svNode)) { //attribute sv:name String nodeName = attributes.getValue(svName); if (noRecurse) { if (!testRootDone) { nodeElemStack.push(currentNodeElem); testRootDone = true; // correct root name? if (currentNodeElem.node.getDepth()==0) { checkCondition("Exported Root node has not the required " + "element name 'jcr:root'.", nodeName.equals(jcrRoot)); } // nothing else to do here } // rootNode yet done else { // only the testRootNode should be exported. checkCondition("Child Node Element of testRoot Node " + "element found although noRecursive is true.", !testRootDone); } } else { if (!testRootDone) { nodeElemStack.push(currentNodeElem); testRootDone = true; // correct root name? if (currentNodeElem.node.getDepth()==0) { checkCondition("Exported Root node has not the required " + "element name 'jcr:root'.", nodeName.equals(jcrRoot)); } // nothing else to do here } // Collect the exported data in a NodeElemData object. // every occurrence of an opened sv:node element // creates such an object which will be put on the nodeElemStack. // As this element will be popped from the stack when the node element // is closed, the latest element on the stack represents the parent // node element of the current node element. else { parentNodeElem = (NodeElemData) nodeElemStack.pop(); // get the node(s) with the found nodeName NodeIterator nodeIter = parentNodeElem.node.getNodes(nodeName); // create a new nodeElemData for this new node elem in process currentNodeElem = new NodeElemData(); currentNodeElem.name = nodeName; long size = getSize(nodeIter); if (size >= 1) { // Find the index of the child node, // collect the childElems data of the parent // ie for every name we count the number of child nodes with that name. // Also get the child node with the correct index given by the // position the node elem is found in the exported tree. if (parentNodeElem.childNodeElemNames.containsKey(nodeName)) { ChildNodeElem child = (ChildNodeElem) parentNodeElem.childNodeElemNames.get(nodeName); child.number++; currentNodeElem.index = child.number; // get the node String relPath = currentNodeElem.name + "[" + child.number + "]"; currentNodeElem.node = parentNodeElem.node.getNode(relPath); currentNodeElem.path = currentNodeElem.node.getPath(); parentNodeElem.childNodeElemNames.put(nodeName,child); } else { ChildNodeElem child = new ChildNodeElem(); child.name = nodeName; child.number = 1; currentNodeElem.index = child.number; // get the node String relPath = currentNodeElem.name + "[" + child.number + "]"; currentNodeElem.node = parentNodeElem.node.getNode(relPath); currentNodeElem.path = currentNodeElem.node.getPath(); parentNodeElem.childNodeElemNames.put(nodeName,child); } } else { // no node found, this is an error. checkCondition("No child node of node "+ parentNodeElem.path + " found with name: " + nodeName,false); } // push the parent data and the current node element data on the stack nodeElemStack.push(parentNodeElem); nodeElemStack.push(currentNodeElem); } } } // Collect the property data found in a PropElemData object. // Collect the value(s) found in an ArrayList. else if (qName.equals(svProperty)) { currentPropElem = new PropElemData(); currentPropElem.name = attributes.getValue(svName); currentPropElem.typeName = attributes.getValue(svType); currentPropElem.type = PropertyType.valueFromName(currentPropElem.typeName); currentPropElem.values = new ArrayList(); } else if (qName.equals(svValue)) { // init currentValue = new StringBuffer(); } else { // invalid element name is used checkCondition("Invalid element name " + qName + " in SysView export found",false); } } catch (PathNotFoundException pne) { checkCondition("Item not found during exportSysViewTest: " + pne.toString(), false); } catch (RepositoryException re) { // what here? } } // Collect the value data public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (currentValue != null) currentValue.append(ch, start, length); } public void endElement (String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { try { // The value is held in a ArrayList // ignoring if it is a multivalue property or not. if (qName.equals(svValue)) { if (currentValue != null) { String val = currentValue.toString(); if (currentPropElem.type != PropertyType.BINARY || (currentPropElem.type == PropertyType.BINARY && !skipBinary)) currentPropElem.values.add(val); } } else if (qName.equals(svProperty)) { // we know all props are exported before the first node currentNodeElem = (NodeElemData) nodeElemStack.pop(); currentNodeElem.propElems.add(currentPropElem); nodeElemStack.push(currentNodeElem); } else if (qName.equals(svNode)) { currentNodeElem = (NodeElemData) nodeElemStack.peek(); // now check all the stuff if (currentNodeElem.node == null) { checkCondition("Tree structure of exported node does " + "not match the tree structure of the repository.", false); } else { // position of jcr:primaryType, jcr:mixinTypes and jcr:uuid if present checkPropOrder(currentNodeElem); // number of child nodes ok? checkChildren(currentNodeElem, noRecurse); // props and their values ok? try { checkAllProps(currentNodeElem, skipBinary); // remove from the stack nodeElemStack.pop(); } catch (IOException ioe) { checkCondition("Error in Base64 encoding " + "of a binary property value: " + ioe.toString(), false); } } } else { // invalid element name is used checkCondition("Invalid element name " + qName + " in SysView export found",false); } } catch (PathNotFoundException pne) { checkCondition("Item not found during exportSysViewTest: " + pne.toString(), false); } catch (RepositoryException re) { // what here? } } public void endDocument() throws SAXException { // check exported namespaces try { Map sessionNamespaces = new HashMap(); String[] sessionPrefixes = session.getNamespacePrefixes(); for (int i = 0; i < sessionPrefixes.length; i++) { sessionNamespaces.put(sessionPrefixes[i], session.getNamespaceURI(sessionPrefixes[i])); } // check prefixes against namespace mapping in session for (Iterator it = prefixes.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String prefix = (String) it.next(); if ("xml".equals(prefix)) { Assert.fail("Prefix mapping for 'xml' must not be exported."); } String uri = (String) prefixes.get(prefix); checkCondition("Exported uri " + uri + " is not a registered namespace.", sessionNamespaces.containsValue(uri)); checkCondition("Exported prefix " + prefix + " does not match " + "current namespacce mapping in Session", sessionNamespaces.containsKey(prefix)); } } catch (RepositoryException re) { throw new SAXException(re); } } // helpers for test result forward private void checkCondition(String str, boolean bool) { Assert.assertTrue(str, bool); } public class ConditionException extends SAXException { public ConditionException(String message) { super(message); } } //--------------helper methods to check the data --------------------------------- /** * Checks the correct position of the jcr:primarType, jcr:mixinTypes * and jcr:uuid in the property elements of the given nodeElem. * @param nodeElem * @throws RepositoryException */ private void checkPropOrder(NodeElemData nodeElem) throws RepositoryException, SAXException { boolean jcrPrimaryTypeFound = false; boolean jcrMixinTypesFound = true; boolean uuidFound = true; PropElemData propElem = (PropElemData) nodeElem.propElems.get(0); jcrPrimaryTypeFound = (jcrPrimaryType.equals(propElem.name)); checkCondition("Exported property jcr:primaryType of node " + nodeElem.path + " is not at the first position.", jcrPrimaryTypeFound); if (nodeElem.node.hasProperty(jcrMixinTypes)) { PropElemData propElem2 = (PropElemData) nodeElem.propElems.get(1); jcrMixinTypesFound = (jcrMixinTypes.equals(propElem2.name)); checkCondition("Exported property jcr:jcrMixinTypes of node " + nodeElem.path + " is not at the second position.", jcrMixinTypesFound); NodeType[] mixins = nodeElem.node.getMixinNodeTypes(); for (int j=0; j<mixins.length; j++) { if (mixins[j].getName().equals(mixReferenceable)) { uuidFound = (jcrUuid.equals(((PropElemData)nodeElem.propElems.get(2)).name)); checkCondition("Exported property jcr:uuid of node " + nodeElem.path + " is not at the third position.", uuidFound); } } } } /** * Checks the values of all exported properties of a given node. * * @param nodeElem The nodeElem of the given node. * @param skipBinary Boolean if the binary properties should be exported. * @throws RepositoryException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ private void checkAllProps(NodeElemData nodeElem, boolean skipBinary) throws RepositoryException, SAXException, IOException { boolean allFound = false; boolean correctVal = false; Node node = nodeElem.node; ArrayList propElems = nodeElem.propElems; // no props exported if (propElems.size() == 0) { // if node has properties they should be of Binary type and skipBinary should be true if (node.hasProperties()) { if (skipBinary) { PropertyIterator iter = node.getProperties(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Property prop = iter.nextProperty(); checkCondition("Property " + prop.getName() + " of node " + node.getPath() + " is not exported.", prop.getType()== PropertyType.BINARY); } } else { checkCondition("One or more properties of node " + node.getPath() + " are not exported.", false); } } else { // ok } } else { // compare the propElems with the properties of the given node for (int i = 0; i < propElems.size(); i++) { correctVal = false; PropElemData propElem = (PropElemData) propElems.get(i); int propType = propElem.type; if (node.hasProperty(propElem.name)) { Property prop = node.getProperty(propElem.name); // compare the propTypes correctVal = (propType == prop.getType()); checkCondition("Property type of property " + propElem.name + " of node " + nodeElem.path + " is not exported correctly." + "expected: "+prop.getType()+" received: "+propType, correctVal); // property which should be exported if (propType == PropertyType.BINARY && !skipBinary || propType != PropertyType.BINARY) { try { int size = propElem.values.size(); // multivalue property with empty value array if (size == 0) { if (prop.getDefinition().isMultiple()) { long length = prop.getValues().length; checkCondition("Value of property " + prop.getPath() + " is not exported.", length == 0); } else { checkCondition("Singler value property " + prop.getPath() + " with no value is exported.", false); } } // single value property or multivalue property with one value if (size == 1) { String str = ""; if (prop.getDefinition().isMultiple()) { str = (prop.getValues()[0]).getString(); } else { str = prop.getString(); } String val = (String) propElem.values.get(0); if (prop.getType() == PropertyType.BINARY) { // decode value val = decodeBase64(val); } correctVal = (str.equals(val)); checkCondition("Property value of property " + propElem.name + " of node " + nodeElem.path + " is not exported correctly:" + " expected value: "+str+" found value: "+val, correctVal); } // multivalue property with several values else { Value[] vals = prop.getValues(); checkCondition("Number of exported values of property " + prop.getPath() + " does not match the number " + "its values", vals.length == size); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { // we know that the order of the values // of a mulitval prop is preserved during export String val = (String)propElem.values.get(j); if (prop.getType() == PropertyType.BINARY) { // decode value val = decodeBase64(val); } String str = vals[j].getString(); correctVal = (val.equals(str)); checkCondition("Property value of property " + propElem.name + " of node " + nodeElem.path + " is not exported correctly.", correctVal); } } } catch (ValueFormatException vfe ) { checkCondition("Error during retreiviing the value(s)" + " of property " + prop.getPath() + vfe.toString() + " .", false); } } // skipBinary true and propType is Binary, should be skipped else { checkCondition("Value of binary property "+ prop.getPath() + " exported although skipBinary flag is true.", propElem.values.isEmpty()); } } // given node has no property with the name given by the prop element else { checkCondition("Property element " + propElem.name + " found but node " + nodeElem.node.getPath() + " does not have a property with that name", false); } } // compare the sizes here long otherSize = getSize(node.getProperties()); allFound = propElems.size() == otherSize; checkCondition("Not all properties of node " + nodeElem.path + " are exported.", allFound); } } /** * Counts the number of child nodes exported and compare with the number * of child nodes of a given node. * @param nodeElem The node to check. * @param noRecurse Boolean if child nodes should be exported at all. * @throws RepositoryException * @throws SAXException */ private void checkChildren(NodeElemData nodeElem, boolean noRecurse) throws RepositoryException, SAXException { Hashtable childElemsFound = nodeElem.childNodeElemNames; boolean totalSumOk = false; boolean partialSumOk = true; if (noRecurse) { totalSumOk = (childElemsFound.size() == 0); } else { // all children found if number of node.getNodes(name) is the same as found // in childElemsFound and if sum(number of nodeGetNodes(names)) // == number of node.getNodes() long childrenFound = 0; NodeIterator nodeIter = nodeElem.node.getNodes(); long children = getSize(nodeIter); for (Enumeration e = childElemsFound.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { ChildNodeElem child = (ChildNodeElem) e.nextElement(); String name = child.name; long number = child.number; NodeIterator iter = nodeElem.node.getNodes(name); long size = 0; size = getSize(iter); if (size != number) { partialSumOk = false; break; } else { childrenFound += number; } } totalSumOk = (children == childrenFound); checkCondition("The number of child nodes of node" + nodeElem.path + " which are exported does not match the number of its child nodes.", totalSumOk && partialSumOk); } } // helper methods /** * Decodes Base64 encoded binary values. * @param str the string to decode * @return * @throws IOException */ private String decodeBase64(String str) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Base64.decode(str, bos); String decoded = bos.toString("UTF-8"); return decoded; } /** * * @param it * @return */ private long getSize(RangeIterator it) { long size = it.getSize(); if (size != -1) { return size; } size = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); size++; } return size; } //---------------- helper classes for collecting the xml data found ---------------- /** * Node data class holding the collected data found during event processing. */ private class NodeElemData { // Name of the node String name; // the number of the occurence of this name as child element name // this is then the same as the index of this node. long index; // the path of the node String path; // List of PropElemData ArrayList propElems = new ArrayList(); // the node itself Node node; // the current position of the child node in process among its same name siblings. // /the index of the child node in proces is therefore position+1) int position = 0; // the childNodeElems (stored are key: name and // value: number of the same name siblings) Hashtable childNodeElemNames = new Hashtable(); } /** * Property data of the current property element. */ private class PropElemData { String name; String typeName; int type; ArrayList values; } /** * Child node data. */ private class ChildNodeElem { String name; long number; } }