/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.jcr.ImportUUIDBehavior; import javax.jcr.Item; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.NodeIterator; import javax.jcr.Repository; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException; import javax.jcr.Workspace; import javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException; import javax.jcr.query.Query; import javax.jcr.query.QueryResult; import javax.jcr.version.Version; import org.apache.jackrabbit.test.AbstractJCRTest; import org.apache.jackrabbit.test.NotExecutableException; /** * Tests features available with shareable nodes. */ public class ShareableNodeTest extends AbstractJCRTest { private String mixShareable; protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); try { checkSupportedOption(Repository.OPTION_SHAREABLE_NODES_SUPPORTED); ensureKnowsNodeType(superuser, mixShareable); } catch (NotExecutableException e) { cleanUp(); throw e; } mixShareable = superuser.getNamespacePrefix(NS_MIX_URI) + ":shareable"; } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } //------------------------------------------------------ specification tests /** * Verify that Node.getIndex returns the correct index in a shareable * node (6.13). */ public void testGetIndex() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); a2.addNode("b"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b", false); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); b1 = shared[0]; Node b2 = shared[1]; // verify indices of nodes b1/b2 in shared set assertEquals(1, b1.getIndex()); assertEquals(2, b2.getIndex()); } /** * Verify that Node.getName returns the correct name in a shareable node * (6.13). */ public void testGetName() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); b1 = shared[0]; Node b2 = shared[1]; // verify names of nodes b1/b2 in shared set assertEquals("b1", b1.getName()); assertEquals("b2", b2.getName()); } /** * Verify that Node.getPath returns the correct path in a shareable * node (6.13). */ public void testGetPath() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); b1 = shared[0]; Node b2 = shared[1]; // verify paths of nodes b1/b2 in shared set assertEquals("/testroot/a1/b1", b1.getPath()); assertEquals("/testroot/a2/b2", b2.getPath()); } /** * Verify that the shareable node returned by Node.getNode() has the right * name. */ public void testGetNode() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // a1.getNode("b1") should return b1 b1 = a1.getNode("b1"); assertEquals("b1", b1.getName()); // a2.getNode("b2") should return b2 Node b2 = a2.getNode("b2"); assertEquals("b2", b2.getName()); } /** * Verify that the shareable nodes returned by Node.getNodes() have * the right name. */ public void testGetNodes() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // a1.getNodes() should return b1 Node[] children = toArray(a1.getNodes()); assertEquals(1, children.length); assertEquals("b1", children[0].getName()); // a2.getNodes() should return b2 children = toArray(a2.getNodes()); assertEquals(1, children.length); assertEquals("b2", children[0].getName()); } /** * Verify that the shareable nodes returned by Node.getNodes(String) have * the right name. */ public void testGetNodesByPattern() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // a1.getNodes(*) should return b1 Node[] children = toArray(a1.getNodes("*")); assertEquals(1, children.length); assertEquals("b1", children[0].getName()); // a2.getNodes(*) should return b2 children = toArray(a2.getNodes("*")); assertEquals(1, children.length); assertEquals("b2", children[0].getName()); } /** * Check new API Node.getSharedSet() (6.13.1) */ public void testGetSharedSet() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // verify shared set contains 2 items Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); } /** * Add the mix:shareable mixin to a node (6.13.2). */ public void testAddMixin() throws Exception { // setup parent node and first child Node a = testRootNode.addNode("a"); Node b = a.addNode("b"); testRootNode.save(); ensureMixinType(b, mixShareable); b.save(); } /** * Create a shareable node by restoring it (6.13.3). */ public void testRestore() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // make b1 shareable ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // make a2 versionable ensureMixinType(a2, mixVersionable); a2.save(); // check in version and check out again Version v = a2.checkin(); a2.checkout(); // delete b2 and save a2.getNode("b2").remove(); a2.save(); // verify shared set contains one element only Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(1, shared.length); // restore version a2.restore(v, false); // verify shared set contains again two elements shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); } /** * Check new API Node.removeShare() (6.13.4). */ public void testRemoveShare() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); b1 = shared[0]; Node b2 = shared[1]; // remove b1 from shared set b1.removeShare(); a1.save(); // verify shared set of b2 contains only 1 item, namely b2 itself shared = getSharedSet(b2); assertEquals(1, shared.length); assertTrue(shared[0].isSame(b2)); } /** * Check new API Node.removeSharedSet() (6.13.4). */ public void testRemoveSharedSet() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // remove shared set b1.removeSharedSet(); testRootNode.save(); // verify neither a1 nor a2 contain any more children assertFalse(a1.hasNodes()); assertFalse(a2.hasNodes()); } /** * Invoke Node.removeSharedSet(), but save only one of the parent nodes * of the shared set. This doesn't need to be supported according to the * specification (6.13.4). */ public void testRemoveSharedSetSaveOneParentOnly() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // remove shared set b1.removeSharedSet(); try { // save only one of the parents, should fail a1.save(); fail("Removing a shared set requires saving all parents."); } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { // expected } } /** * Verify that shareable nodes in the same shared set have the same * jcr:uuid (6.13.10). */ public void testSameUUID() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); b1 = shared[0]; Node b2 = shared[1]; // verify nodes in a shared set have the same jcr:uuid assertTrue(b1.getUUID().equals(b2.getUUID())); } /** * Add a child to a shareable node and verify that another node in the * same shared set has the same child and is modified when the first * one is (6.13.11). */ public void testAddChild() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); b1 = shared[0]; Node b2 = shared[1]; // add node to b1, verify b2 is modified as well and contains that child b1.addNode("c"); assertTrue(b2.isModified()); assertTrue(b2.hasNode("c")); b1.save(); } /** * Copy a subtree that contains shareable nodes. Verify that the nodes * newly created are not in the shared set that existed before the copy, * but if two nodes in the source of a copy are in the same shared set, then * the two corresponding nodes in the destination of the copy must also be * in the same shared set (6.13.12). */ public void testCopy() throws Exception { // setup parent node and first child Node s = testRootNode.addNode("s"); Node a1 = s.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = s.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // copy source tree to destination workspace.copy(s.getPath(), testRootNode.getPath() + "/d"); // verify source contains shared set with 2 entries Node[] shared1 = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared1.length); // verify destination contains shared set with 2 entries Node[] shared2 = getSharedSet(testRootNode.getNode("d/a1/b1")); assertEquals(2, shared2.length); // verify elements in source shared set and destination shared set // don't have the same UUID String srcUUID = shared1[0].getUUID(); String destUUID = shared2[0].getUUID(); assertFalse( "Source and destination of a copy must not have the same UUID", srcUUID.equals(destUUID)); } /** * Verify that a share cycle is detected (6.13.13) when a shareable node * is cloned. */ public void testDetectShareCycleOnClone() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); try { // clone underneath b1: this must fail workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), b1.getPath() + "/c", false); fail("Share cycle not detected on clone."); } catch (RepositoryException e) { // expected } } /** * Verify that a share cycle is detected (6.13.13) when a node is moved. */ public void testDetectShareCycleOnMove() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child node Node c = b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); // move node try { workspace.move(testRootNode.getPath() + "/a2", c.getPath() + "/d"); fail("Share cycle not detected on move."); } catch (RepositoryException e) { // expected } } /** * Verify that a share cycle is detected (6.13.13) when a node is * transiently moved. */ public void testDetectShareCycleOnTransientMove() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Session session = b1.getSession(); Workspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child node Node c = b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); // move node try { session.move(testRootNode.getPath() + "/a2", c.getPath()); fail("Share cycle not detected on transient move."); } catch (RepositoryException e) { // expected } } /** * Verify export and import of a tree containing multiple nodes in the * same shared set (6.13.14). The first serialized node in that shared * set is serialized in the normal fashion (with all of its properties * and children), but any subsequent shared node in that shared set is * serialized as a special node of type <code>nt:share</code>, which * contains only the <code>jcr:uuid</code> property of the shared node * and the <code>jcr:primaryType</code> property indicating the type * <code>nt:share</code>. */ public void testImportExportNtShare() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node p = testRootNode.addNode("p"); Node a1 = p.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = p.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Session session = b1.getSession(); Workspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // create temp file File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("test", null); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); // export system view of /p OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); try { session.exportSystemView(p.getPath(), out, false, false); } finally { out.close(); } // delete p and save p.remove(); testRootNode.save(); // and import again underneath test root InputStream in = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); try { workspace.importXML(testRootNode.getPath(), in, ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW); } finally { in.close(); } // verify shared set consists of two nodes Node[] shared = getSharedSet(testRootNode.getNode("p/a1/b1")); assertEquals(2, shared.length); } /** * Verify system view import via workspace (6.13.14). Export a system view * containing a shareable node and verify, that reimporting underneath * a different parent adds another member to the shared set and does not * duplicate children nodes. */ public void testImportSystemViewCollision() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node a3 = testRootNode.addNode("a3"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Session session = b1.getSession(); Workspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child c to shareable nodes b1 & b2 b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // create temp file File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("test", null); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); // export system view of /a1/b1 OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); try { session.exportSystemView(b1.getPath(), out, false, false); } finally { out.close(); } // and import again underneath /a3 InputStream in = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); try { workspace.importXML(a3.getPath(), in, ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW); } finally { in.close(); } // verify there's another element in the shared set Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(3, shared.length); // verify child c has not been duplicated Node[] children = toArray(b1.getNodes()); assertEquals(1, children.length); } /** * Verify document view import via workspace (6.13.14). Export a document * view containing a shareable node and verify, that reimporting * underneath a different parent adds another member to the shared set and * does not duplicate children nodes. */ public void testImportDocumentViewCollision() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node a3 = testRootNode.addNode("a3"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Session session = b1.getSession(); Workspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child c to shareable nodes b1 & b2 b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // create temp file File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("test", null); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); // export system view of /a1/b1 OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); try { session.exportDocumentView(b1.getPath(), out, false, false); } finally { out.close(); } // and import again underneath /a3 InputStream in = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); try { workspace.importXML(a3.getPath(), in, ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW); } finally { in.close(); } // verify there's another element in the shared set Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(3, shared.length); // verify child c has not been duplicated Node[] children = toArray(b1.getNodes()); assertEquals(1, children.length); } /** * Verify system view import via session (6.13.14). Export a system view * containing a shareable node and verify, that reimporting underneath * a different parent adds another member to the shared set and does not * duplicate children nodes. */ public void testSessionImportSystemViewCollision() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node a3 = testRootNode.addNode("a3"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Session session = b1.getSession(); Workspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child c to shareable nodes b1 & b2 b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // create temp file File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("test", null); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); // export system view of /a1/b1 OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); try { session.exportSystemView(b1.getPath(), out, false, false); } finally { out.close(); } // and import again underneath /a3 InputStream in = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); try { session.importXML(a3.getPath(), in, ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW); session.save(); } finally { in.close(); } // verify there's another element in the shared set Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(3, shared.length); // verify child c has not been duplicated Node[] children = toArray(b1.getNodes()); assertEquals(1, children.length); } /** * Verify document view import via session (6.13.14). Export a document * view containing a shareable node and verify, that reimporting * underneath a different parent adds another member to the shared set and * does not duplicate children nodes. */ public void testSessionImportDocumentViewCollision() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node a3 = testRootNode.addNode("a3"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Session session = b1.getSession(); Workspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child c to shareable nodes b1 & b2 b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // create temp file File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("test", null); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); // export system view of /a1/b1 OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); try { session.exportSystemView(b1.getPath(), out, false, false); } finally { out.close(); } // and import again underneath /a3 InputStream in = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); try { session.importXML(a3.getPath(), in, ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW); session.save(); } finally { in.close(); } // verify there's another element in the shared set Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(3, shared.length); // verify child c has not been duplicated Node[] children = toArray(b1.getNodes()); assertEquals(1, children.length); } /** * Verify that a lock applies to all nodes in a shared set (6.13.16). */ public void testLock() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); ensureMixinType(a1, mixLockable); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); ensureMixinType(b1, mixLockable); b1.save(); // add child c Node c = b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); b1 = shared[0]; Node b2 = shared[1]; // lock shareable node -> all nodes in shared set are locked b1.lock(false, true); try { assertTrue(b2.isLocked()); } finally { b1.unlock(); } // deep-lock parent -> locks (common) child node a1.lock(true, true); try { assertTrue(c.isLocked()); } finally { a1.unlock(); } } /** * Restore a shareable node that automatically removes an existing shareable * node (6.13.19). In this case the particular shared node is removed but * its descendants continue to exist below the remaining members of the * shared set. */ public void testRestoreRemoveExisting() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // make b1 shareable ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child c b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // make a2 versionable ensureMixinType(a2, mixVersionable); a2.save(); // check in version and check out again Version v = a2.checkin(); a2.checkout(); // delete b2 and save a2.getNode("b2").remove(); a2.save(); // verify shareable set contains one elements only Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(1, shared.length); // restore version and remove existing (i.e. b1) a2.restore(v, true); // verify shareable set contains still one element shared = getSharedSet(a2.getNode("b2")); assertEquals(1, shared.length); // verify child c still exists Node[] children = toArray(a2.getNode("b2").getNodes()); assertEquals(1, children.length); } /** * Clone a mix:shareable node to the same workspace (6.13.20). Verify * that cloning without mix:shareable fails. */ public void testClone() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); try { // clone (1st attempt, without mix:shareable, should fail) workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); fail("Cloning a node into the same workspace should fail."); } catch (RepositoryException e) { // expected } // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone (2nd attempt, with mix:shareable) workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); } /** * Verify that Node.isSame returns <code>true</code> for shareable nodes * in the same shared set (6.13.21) */ public void testIsSame() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); Node[] shared = getSharedSet(b1); assertEquals(2, shared.length); b1 = shared[0]; Node b2 = shared[1]; // verify b1 is same as b2 (and vice-versa) assertTrue(b1.isSame(b2)); assertTrue(b2.isSame(b1)); } /** * Remove mix:shareable from a shareable node. This is unsupported in * Jackrabbit (6.13.22). */ public void testRemoveMixin() throws Exception { // setup parent node and first child Node a = testRootNode.addNode("a"); Node b = a.addNode("b"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b, mixShareable); b.save(); try { // remove mixin b.removeMixin(mixShareable); b.save(); fail("Removing mix:shareable should fail."); } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { // expected } } /** * Verify that a descendant of a shareable node appears once in the * result set (6.13.23) */ public void testSearch() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add new referenceable child Node c = b1.addNode("c"); ensureMixinType(c, mixReferenceable); b1.save(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM nt:unstructured WHERE jcr:uuid = '"+c.getUUID()+"'"; QueryResult res = workspace.getQueryManager().createQuery(sql, Query.SQL).execute(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); NodeIterator iter = res.getNodes(); while (iter.hasNext()) { list.add(iter.nextNode()); } assertEquals(1, list.size()); assertTrue(((Node) list.get(0)).isSame(c)); } //--------------------------------------------------------- limitation tests /** * Clone a mix:shareable node to the same workspace, with the same * parent. This is unsupported in Jackrabbit. */ public void testCloneToSameParent() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a = testRootNode.addNode("a"); Node b1 = a.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); try { // clone to same parent workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a.getPath() + "/b2", false); fail("Cloning inside same parent should fail."); } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { // expected } } /** * Move a node in a shared set. This is unsupported in Jackrabbit. */ public void testMoveShareableNode() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first childs Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b = a1.addNode("b"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b, mixShareable); b.save(); // move Workspace workspace = b.getSession().getWorkspace(); try { // move shareable node workspace.move(b.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b"); fail("Moving a mix:shareable should fail."); } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { // expected } } /** * Transiently move a node in a shared set. This is unsupported in * Jackrabbit. */ public void testTransientMoveShareableNode() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first childs Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b = a1.addNode("b"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b, mixShareable); b.save(); // move Session session = superuser; try { // move shareable node session.move(b.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b"); session.save(); fail("Moving a mix:shareable should fail."); } catch (UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) { // expected } } //----------------------------------------------------- implementation tests /** * Verify that invoking save() on a share-ancestor will save changes in * all share-descendants. */ public void testRemoveDescendantAndSave() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Session session = b1.getSession(); Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child node c to b1 Node c = b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // remove child node c c.remove(); // save a2 (having path /testroot/a2): this should save c as well // since one of the paths to c is /testroot/a2/b2/c a2.save(); assertFalse("Saving share-ancestor should save share-descendants", session.hasPendingChanges()); } /** * Verify that invoking save() on a share-ancestor will save changes in * all share-descendants. */ public void testRemoveDescendantAndRemoveShareAndSave() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Session session = b1.getSession(); Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child node c to b1 Node c = b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // remove child node c c.remove(); // remove share b2 from a2 a2.getNode("b2").removeShare(); // save a2 (having path /testroot/a2): this should save c as well // since one of the paths to c was /testroot/a2/b2/c a2.save(); assertFalse("Saving share-ancestor should save share-descendants", session.hasPendingChanges()); } /** * Verify that invoking save() on a share-ancestor will save changes in * all share-descendants. */ public void testModifyDescendantAndSave() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child node c to b1 Node c = b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // add child d to c, this modifies c c.addNode("d"); // save a2 (having path /testroot/a2): this should save c as well // since one of the paths to c is /testroot/a2/b2/c a2.save(); assertFalse("Saving share-ancestor should save share-descendants", c.isModified()); } /** * Verify that invoking save() on a share-ancestor will save changes in * all share-descendants. */ public void testModifyDescendantAndRemoveShareAndSave() throws Exception { // setup parent nodes and first child Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = testRootNode.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); b1.save(); // clone Workspace workspace = b1.getSession().getWorkspace(); workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), a2.getPath() + "/b2", false); // add child node c to b1 Node c = b1.addNode("c"); b1.save(); // add child d to c, this modifies c c.addNode("d"); // remove share b2 from a2 a2.getNode("b2").removeShare(); // save a2 (having path /testroot/a2): this should save c as well // since one of the paths to c was /testroot/a2/b2/c a2.save(); assertFalse("Saving share-ancestor should save share-descendants", c.isModified()); } /** * Clone a mix:shareable node to the same workspace multiple times, remove * all parents and save. Exposes an error that occurred when having more * than two members in a shared set and parents were removed in the same * order they were created. */ public void testCloneMultipleTimes() throws Exception { final int count = 10; Node[] parents = new Node[count]; // setup parent nodes and first child for (int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { parents[i] = testRootNode.addNode("a" + (i + 1)); } Node b = parents[0].addNode("b"); testRootNode.save(); // add mixin ensureMixinType(b, mixShareable); b.save(); Workspace workspace = b.getSession().getWorkspace(); // clone to all other nodes for (int i = 1; i < parents.length; i++) { workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b.getPath(), parents[i].getPath() + "/b", false); } // remove all parents and save for (int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { parents[i].remove(); } testRootNode.save(); } /** * Verify that shared nodes return correct paths. */ public void testSharedNodePath() throws Exception { Node a1 = testRootNode.addNode("a1"); Node a2 = a1.addNode("a2"); Node b1 = a1.addNode("b1"); ensureMixinType(b1, mixShareable); testRootNode.save(); //now we have a shareable node N with path a1/b1 Session session = testRootNode.getSession(); Workspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); String path = a2.getPath() + "/b2"; workspace.clone(workspace.getName(), b1.getPath(), path, false); //now we have another shareable node N' in the same shared set as N with path a1/a2/b2 //using the path a1/a2/b2, we should get the node N' here Item item = session.getItem(path); assertEquals("unexpectedly got the path from another node from the same shared set", path, item.getPath()); } //---------------------------------------------------------- utility methods /** * Return a shared set as an array of nodes. * * @param n node * @return array of nodes in shared set */ private static Node[] getSharedSet(Node n) throws RepositoryException { return toArray(n.getSharedSet()); } /** * Return an array of nodes given a <code>NodeIterator</code>. * * @param iter node iterator * @return node array */ private static Node[] toArray(NodeIterator iter) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); while (iter.hasNext()) { list.add(iter.nextNode()); } Node[] result = new Node[list.size()]; list.toArray(result); return result; } }