package org.jumpmind.db.platform.postgresql; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import static org.jumpmind.db.model.ColumnTypes.MAPPED_TIMESTAMPTZ; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.jumpmind.db.model.Column; import org.jumpmind.db.model.ForeignKey; import org.jumpmind.db.model.IIndex; import org.jumpmind.db.model.PlatformColumn; import org.jumpmind.db.model.Table; import org.jumpmind.db.model.TypeMap; import org.jumpmind.db.platform.AbstractJdbcDdlReader; import org.jumpmind.db.platform.DatabaseMetaDataWrapper; import org.jumpmind.db.platform.IDatabasePlatform; import org.jumpmind.db.sql.JdbcSqlTemplate; /* * Reads a database model from a PostgreSql database. */ public class PostgreSqlDdlReader extends AbstractJdbcDdlReader { public PostgreSqlDdlReader(IDatabasePlatform platform) { super(platform); setDefaultCatalogPattern(null); setDefaultSchemaPattern(null); setDefaultTablePattern(null); } @Override protected Table readTable(Connection connection, DatabaseMetaDataWrapper metaData, Map<String, Object> values) throws SQLException { Table table = super.readTable(connection, metaData, values); if (table != null) { // PostgreSQL also returns unique indices for non-pk auto-increment // columns which are of the form "[table]_[column]_key" HashMap<String,IIndex> uniquesByName = new HashMap<String,IIndex>(); for (int indexIdx = 0; indexIdx < table.getIndexCount(); indexIdx++) { IIndex index = table.getIndex(indexIdx); if (index.isUnique() && (index.getName() != null)) { uniquesByName.put(index.getName(), index); } } for (int columnIdx = 0; columnIdx < table.getColumnCount(); columnIdx++) { Column column = table.getColumn(columnIdx); if (column.isAutoIncrement() && !column.isPrimaryKey()) { String indexName = table.getName() + "_" + column.getName() + "_key"; if (uniquesByName.containsKey(indexName)) { table.removeIndex((IIndex) uniquesByName.get(indexName)); uniquesByName.remove(indexName); } } } setPrimaryKeyConstraintName(connection, table); } return table; } protected void setPrimaryKeyConstraintName(Connection connection, Table table) throws SQLException { String sql = "select conname from pg_constraint where conrelid in (select oid from pg_class where relname=? and relnamespace in (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname=?)) and contype='p'"; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, table.getName()); pstmt.setString(2, table.getSchema()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { table.setPrimaryKeyConstraintName(rs.getString(1).trim()); } } finally { JdbcSqlTemplate.close(rs); JdbcSqlTemplate.close(pstmt); } } @Override protected Integer mapUnknownJdbcTypeForColumn(Map<String, Object> values) { String typeName = (String) values.get("TYPE_NAME"); Integer type = (Integer) values.get("DATA_TYPE"); if (typeName != null && typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("ABSTIME")) { return Types.TIMESTAMP; } else if (typeName != null && typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("TIMESTAMPTZ")) { // lets use the same type code that oracle uses return MAPPED_TIMESTAMPTZ; } else if (PostgreSqlDatabasePlatform.isBlobStoredByReference(typeName)) { return Types.BLOB; } else if (type != null && (type == Types.STRUCT || type == Types.OTHER)) { return Types.LONGVARCHAR; } else { return super.mapUnknownJdbcTypeForColumn(values); } } @Override protected Column readColumn(DatabaseMetaDataWrapper metaData, Map<String,Object> values) throws SQLException { Column column = super.readColumn(metaData, values); PlatformColumn platformColumn = column.findPlatformColumn(platform.getName()); if (platformColumn != null && "serial".equals(platformColumn.getType()) || "serial4".equals(platformColumn.getType())) { platformColumn.setType("int4"); } else if (platformColumn != null && "bigserial".equals(platformColumn.getType()) || "serial8".equals(platformColumn.getType())) { platformColumn.setType("int8"); } if (column.getSize() != null) { if (column.getSizeAsInt() <= 0) { column.setSize(null); // PostgreSQL reports BYTEA and TEXT as BINARY(-1) and // VARCHAR(-1) respectively // Since we cannot currently use the Blob/Clob interface with // BYTEA, we instead // map them to LONGVARBINARY/LONGVARCHAR if (column.getMappedTypeCode() == Types.BINARY) { column.setMappedTypeCode(Types.LONGVARBINARY); } else if (column.getMappedTypeCode() == Types.VARCHAR) { column.setMappedTypeCode(Types.LONGVARCHAR); } } // fix issue DDLUTILS-165 as postgresql-8.2-504-jdbc3.jar seems to // return Integer.MAX_VALUE // on columns defined as TEXT. else if (column.getSizeAsInt() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { column.setSize(null); if (column.getMappedTypeCode() == Types.VARCHAR) { column.setMappedTypeCode(Types.LONGVARCHAR); } else if (column.getMappedTypeCode() == Types.BINARY) { column.setMappedTypeCode(Types.LONGVARBINARY); } } else if (column.getSizeAsInt() == 131089 && column.getJdbcTypeCode() == Types.NUMERIC) { column.setSizeAndScale(0, 0); column.setMappedTypeCode(Types.DECIMAL); if (platformColumn != null) { platformColumn.setSize(-1); platformColumn.setDecimalDigits(-1); } } } String defaultValue = column.getDefaultValue(); if ((defaultValue != null) && (defaultValue.length() > 0)) { // If the default value looks like // "nextval('ROUNDTRIP_VALUE_seq'::text)" // then it is an auto-increment column if (defaultValue.startsWith("nextval(") || (PostgreSqlDdlBuilder.isUsePseudoSequence() && defaultValue.endsWith("seq()"))) { column.setAutoIncrement(true); defaultValue = null; } else { // PostgreSQL returns default values in the forms // "-9000000000000000000::bigint" or // "'some value'::character varying" or "'2000-01-01'::date" switch (column.getMappedTypeCode()) { case Types.INTEGER: case Types.BIGINT: case Types.DECIMAL: case Types.NUMERIC: defaultValue = extractUndelimitedDefaultValue(defaultValue); break; case Types.CHAR: case Types.VARCHAR: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: case Types.DATE: case Types.TIME: case Types.TIMESTAMP: defaultValue = extractDelimitedDefaultValue(defaultValue); break; } if (TypeMap.isTextType(column.getMappedTypeCode())) { // We assume escaping via double quote (see also the // backslash_quote setting: // defaultValue = unescape(defaultValue, "'", "''"); } } column.setDefaultValue(defaultValue); } return column; } /* * Extractes the default value from a default value spec of the form * "'some value'::character varying" or "'2000-01-01'::date". * * @param defaultValue The default value spec * * @return The default value */ private String extractDelimitedDefaultValue(String defaultValue) { if (defaultValue.startsWith("'")) { int valueEnd = defaultValue.indexOf("'::"); if (valueEnd > 0) { return defaultValue.substring("'".length(), valueEnd); } } return defaultValue; } /* * Extractes the default value from a default value spec of the form * "-9000000000000000000::bigint". * * @param defaultValue The default value spec * * @return The default value */ private String extractUndelimitedDefaultValue(String defaultValue) { int valueEnd = defaultValue.indexOf("::"); if (valueEnd > 0) { defaultValue = defaultValue.substring(0, valueEnd); } else { if (defaultValue.startsWith("(") && defaultValue.endsWith(")")) { defaultValue = defaultValue.substring(1, defaultValue.length() - 1); } } return defaultValue; } @Override protected boolean isInternalForeignKeyIndex(Connection connection, DatabaseMetaDataWrapper metaData, Table table, ForeignKey fk, IIndex index) { // PostgreSQL does not return an index for a foreign key return false; } @Override protected boolean isInternalPrimaryKeyIndex(Connection connection, DatabaseMetaDataWrapper metaData, Table table, IIndex index) { return table.doesIndexContainOnlyPrimaryKeyColumns(index); } }