/** * Licensed to JumpMind Inc under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding * copyright ownership. JumpMind Inc licenses this file * to you under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 (GPLv3) * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License, * version 3.0 (GPLv3) along with this library; if not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.sqlanywhere; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.jumpmind.db.model.Column; import org.jumpmind.db.model.ColumnTypes; import org.jumpmind.db.model.Table; import org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.AbstractTriggerTemplate; import org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.ISymmetricDialect; import org.jumpmind.symmetric.io.data.DataEventType; import org.jumpmind.symmetric.model.Channel; import org.jumpmind.symmetric.model.Trigger; import org.jumpmind.symmetric.model.TriggerHistory; import org.jumpmind.util.FormatUtils; public class SqlAnywhereTriggerTemplate extends AbstractTriggerTemplate { public SqlAnywhereTriggerTemplate(ISymmetricDialect symmetricDialect) { super(symmetricDialect); emptyColumnTemplate = "''" ; stringColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' + replace(replace($(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\",'\\','\\\\'),'\"','\\\"') + '\"' end" ; numberColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else ('\"' + cast($(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" as varchar) + '\"') end" ; datetimeColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else ('\"' + replace(convert(varchar,$(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\",21),'T',' ') + '\"') end" ; clobColumnTemplate = "case when $(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' + replace(replace(cast($(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" as varchar(16384)),'\\','\\\\'),'\"','\\\"') + '\"' end" ; blobColumnTemplate = "case when $(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' + base64_encode($(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\") + '\"' end" ; binaryColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' + base64_encode($(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\") + '\"' end" ; booleanColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" = 1 then '\"1\"' else '\"0\"' end" ; triggerConcatCharacter = "+" ; newTriggerValue = "inserted" ; oldTriggerValue = "deleted" ; oldColumnPrefix = "" ; newColumnPrefix = "" ; sqlTemplates = new HashMap<String,String>(); sqlTemplates.put("insertTriggerTemplate" , "create trigger $(triggerName) on $(schemaName)$(tableName) for insert as " + " begin " + " declare @DataRow varchar(16384) " + " $(declareNewKeyVariables) " + " declare @ChannelId varchar(20) " + " if ($(syncOnIncomingBatchCondition)) begin " + " declare DataCursor cursor for " + " $(if:containsBlobClobColumns) " + " select $(columns) $(newKeyNames), $(channelExpression) from inserted inner join $(schemaName)$(tableName) $(origTableAlias) on $(tableNewPrimaryKeyJoin) where $(syncOnInsertCondition)" + " $(else:containsBlobClobColumns) " + " select $(columns) $(newKeyNames), $(channelExpression) from inserted where $(syncOnInsertCondition) " + " $(end:containsBlobClobColumns) " + " open DataCursor " + " fetch next DataCursor into @DataRow $(newKeyVariables), @ChannelId " + " while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin " + " insert into $(defaultCatalog)$(defaultSchema)$(prefixName)_data (table_name, event_type, trigger_hist_id, row_data, channel_id, transaction_id, source_node_id, external_data, create_time) " + " values('$(targetTableName)','I', $(triggerHistoryId), @DataRow, @ChannelId, $(txIdExpression), $(defaultCatalog)$(defaultSchema)$(prefixName)_node_disabled(0), $(externalSelect), getdate()) " + " fetch next DataCursor into @DataRow $(newKeyVariables), @ChannelId " + " end " + " close DataCursor " + " deallocate DataCursor " + " end " + " $(custom_on_insert_text) " + " end " ); sqlTemplates.put("updateTriggerTemplate" , "create trigger $(triggerName) on $(schemaName)$(tableName) for update as " + " begin " + " declare @DataRow varchar(16384) " + " declare @OldPk varchar(2000) " + " declare @OldDataRow varchar(16384) " + " declare @ChannelId varchar(20) " + " $(declareOldKeyVariables) " + " $(declareNewKeyVariables) " + " if ($(syncOnIncomingBatchCondition)) begin " + " declare DataCursor cursor for " + " $(if:containsBlobClobColumns) " + " select $(columns), $(oldKeys), $(oldColumns) $(oldKeyNames) $(newKeyNames), $(channelExpression) from inserted inner join $(schemaName)$(tableName) $(origTableAlias) on $(tableNewPrimaryKeyJoin) inner join deleted on $(oldNewPrimaryKeyJoin) where $(syncOnUpdateCondition)" + " $(else:containsBlobClobColumns) " + " select $(columns), $(oldKeys), $(oldColumns) $(oldKeyNames) $(newKeyNames), $(channelExpression) from inserted inner join deleted on $(oldNewPrimaryKeyJoin) where $(syncOnUpdateCondition) " + " $(end:containsBlobClobColumns) " + " open DataCursor " + " fetch next DataCursor into @DataRow, @OldPk, @OldDataRow $(oldKeyVariables) $(newKeyVariables), @ChannelId " + " while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin " + " insert into $(defaultCatalog)$(defaultSchema)$(prefixName)_data (table_name, event_type, trigger_hist_id, row_data, pk_data, old_data, channel_id, transaction_id, source_node_id, external_data, create_time) " + " values('$(targetTableName)','U', $(triggerHistoryId), @DataRow, @OldPk, @OldDataRow, @ChannelId, $(txIdExpression), $(defaultCatalog)$(defaultSchema)$(prefixName)_node_disabled(0), $(externalSelect), getdate())" + " fetch next DataCursor into @DataRow, @OldPk, @OldDataRow $(oldKeyVariables) $(newKeyVariables), @ChannelId " + " end " + " close DataCursor " + " deallocate DataCursor " + " end " + " $(custom_on_update_text) " + " end " ); sqlTemplates.put("deleteTriggerTemplate" , "create trigger $(triggerName) on $(schemaName)$(tableName) for delete as " + " begin " + " declare @OldPk varchar(2000) " + " declare @OldDataRow varchar(16384) " + " declare @ChannelId varchar(20) " + " $(declareOldKeyVariables) " + " if ($(syncOnIncomingBatchCondition)) begin " + " declare DataCursor cursor for " + " select $(oldKeys), $(oldColumns) $(oldKeyNames), $(channelExpression) from deleted where $(syncOnDeleteCondition) " + " open DataCursor " + " fetch next DataCursor into @OldPk, @OldDataRow $(oldKeyVariables), @ChannelId " + " while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin " + " insert into $(defaultCatalog)$(defaultSchema)$(prefixName)_data (table_name, event_type, trigger_hist_id, pk_data, old_data, channel_id, transaction_id, source_node_id, external_data, create_time) " + " values('$(targetTableName)','D', $(triggerHistoryId), @OldPk, @OldDataRow, @ChannelId, $(txIdExpression), $(defaultCatalog)$(defaultSchema)$(prefixName)_node_disabled(0), $(externalSelect), getdate())" + " fetch next DataCursor into @OldPk,@OldDataRow $(oldKeyVariables), @ChannelId " + " end " + " close DataCursor " + " deallocate DataCursor " + " end " + " $(custom_on_delete_text) " + " end " ); sqlTemplates.put("initialLoadSqlTemplate" , "select $(columns) from $(schemaName)$(tableName) t where $(whereClause) " ); } @Override protected String replaceTemplateVariables(DataEventType dml, Trigger trigger, TriggerHistory history, Channel channel, String tablePrefix, Table originalTable, Table table, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema, String ddl) { ddl = super.replaceTemplateVariables(dml, trigger, history, channel, tablePrefix, originalTable, table, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema, ddl); Column[] columns = table.getPrimaryKeyColumns(); ddl = FormatUtils.replace("declareOldKeyVariables", buildKeyVariablesDeclare(columns, "old"), ddl); ddl = FormatUtils.replace("declareNewKeyVariables", buildKeyVariablesDeclare(columns, "new"), ddl); return ddl; } @Override protected String buildKeyVariablesDeclare(Column[] columns, String prefix) { String text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { text += "declare @" + prefix + "pk" + i + " "; switch (columns[i].getMappedTypeCode()) { case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SMALLINT: case Types.INTEGER: case Types.BIGINT: text += "bigint\n"; break; case Types.NUMERIC: case Types.DECIMAL: text += "decimal\n"; break; case Types.FLOAT: case Types.REAL: case Types.DOUBLE: text += "float\n"; break; case Types.CHAR: case Types.VARCHAR: case ColumnTypes.NVARCHAR: case ColumnTypes.LONGNVARCHAR: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: text += "varchar(1000)\n"; break; case Types.DATE: text += "date\n"; break; case Types.TIME: text += "time\n"; break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: text += "datetime\n"; break; case Types.BOOLEAN: case Types.BIT: text += "bit\n"; break; case Types.CLOB: text += "varchar(16384)\n"; break; case Types.BLOB: case Types.BINARY: case Types.VARBINARY: case Types.LONGVARBINARY: case -10: // SQL-Server ntext binary type text += "varbinary(16384)\n"; break; case Types.OTHER: text += "varbinary(16384)\n"; break; default: if (columns[i].getJdbcTypeName() != null && columns[i].getJdbcTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase("interval")) { text += "interval"; break; } throw new NotImplementedException(columns[i] + " is of type " + columns[i].getMappedType()); } } return text; } }