package org.jumpmind.db.platform.postgresql; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.Map; import javax.sql.DataSource; import javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jumpmind.db.model.Column; import org.jumpmind.db.platform.AbstractJdbcDatabasePlatform; import org.jumpmind.db.platform.DatabaseNamesConstants; import org.jumpmind.db.sql.SqlTemplateSettings; import org.jumpmind.db.sql.SymmetricLobHandler; import org.jumpmind.db.util.BinaryEncoding; /* * The platform implementation for PostgresSql. */ public class PostgreSqlDatabasePlatform extends AbstractJdbcDatabasePlatform { /* The standard PostgreSQL jdbc driver. */ public static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "org.postgresql.Driver"; /* The subprotocol used by the standard PostgreSQL driver. */ public static final String JDBC_SUBPROTOCOL = "postgresql"; /* * Creates a new platform instance. */ public PostgreSqlDatabasePlatform(DataSource dataSource, SqlTemplateSettings settings) { super(dataSource, overrideSettings(settings)); } protected static SqlTemplateSettings overrideSettings(SqlTemplateSettings settings) { if (settings == null) { settings = new SqlTemplateSettings(); } // Query timeout needs to be zero for postrgres because the jdbc driver does // not support a timeout setting of of other than zero. settings.setQueryTimeout(0); return settings; } protected static boolean isBlobStoredByReference(String jdbcTypeName) { if ("OID".equalsIgnoreCase(jdbcTypeName) || "LO".equalsIgnoreCase(jdbcTypeName)) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override protected PostgreSqlDdlBuilder createDdlBuilder() { return new PostgreSqlDdlBuilder(); } @Override protected PostgreSqlDdlReader createDdlReader() { return new PostgreSqlDdlReader(this); } @Override protected PostgreSqlJdbcSqlTemplate createSqlTemplate() { SymmetricLobHandler lobHandler = new PostgresLobHandler(); return new PostgreSqlJdbcSqlTemplate(dataSource, settings, lobHandler, getDatabaseInfo()); } public String getName() { return DatabaseNamesConstants.POSTGRESQL; } public String getDefaultSchema() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(defaultSchema)) { defaultSchema = (String) getSqlTemplate().queryForObject("select current_schema()", String.class); } return defaultSchema; } public String getDefaultCatalog() { return null; } @Override protected Array createArray(Column column, final String value) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { String jdbcTypeName = column.getJdbcTypeName(); if (jdbcTypeName.startsWith("_")) { jdbcTypeName = jdbcTypeName.substring(1); } int jdbcBaseType = Types.VARCHAR; if (jdbcTypeName.toLowerCase().contains("int")) { jdbcBaseType = Types.INTEGER; } final String baseTypeName = jdbcTypeName; final int baseType = jdbcBaseType; return new Array() { public String getBaseTypeName() { return baseTypeName; } public void free() throws SQLException { } public int getBaseType() { return baseType; } public Object getArray() { return null; } public Object getArray(Map<String, Class<?>> map) { return null; } public Object getArray(long index, int count) { return null; } public Object getArray(long index, int count, Map<String, Class<?>> map) { return null; } public ResultSet getResultSet() { return null; } public ResultSet getResultSet(Map<String, Class<?>> map) { return null; } public ResultSet getResultSet(long index, int count) { return null; } public ResultSet getResultSet(long index, int count, Map<String, Class<?>> map) { return null; } public String toString() { return value; } }; } else { return null; } } @Override protected String cleanTextForTextBasedColumns(String text) { return text.replace("\0", ""); } @Override public Object[] getObjectValues(BinaryEncoding encoding, String[] values, Column[] orderedMetaData, boolean useVariableDates, boolean fitToColumn) { Object[] objectValues = super.getObjectValues(encoding, values, orderedMetaData, useVariableDates, fitToColumn); for (int i = 0; i < orderedMetaData.length; i++) { if (orderedMetaData[i] != null && orderedMetaData[i].getMappedTypeCode() == Types.BLOB && objectValues[i] != null) { try { objectValues[i] = new SerialBlob((byte[]) objectValues[i]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } return objectValues; } }