package x10.wala.translator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import polyglot.types.ClassDef; import polyglot.types.ClassType; import polyglot.types.CodeInstance; import polyglot.types.ConstructorInstance; import polyglot.types.FieldInstance; import polyglot.types.InitializerInstance; import polyglot.types.JavaArrayType; import polyglot.types.JavaPrimitiveType; import polyglot.types.MemberDef; import polyglot.types.MethodDef; import polyglot.types.QName; import x10.types.MethodInstance; import polyglot.types.ProcedureInstance; import polyglot.types.Type; import polyglot.types.TypeSystem; import polyglot.util.Position; import x10.types.ClosureInstance; import x10.types.ConstrainedType; import x10.types.MacroType; import x10.types.ParameterType; import x10.types.VoidType; import x10.types.X10ClassType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Class responsible for mapping Polyglot type system objects representing types, * methods and fields to the corresponding WALA TypeReferences, MethodReferences * and FieldReferences. Used during translation and by clients to help correlate * WALA analysis results to the various AST nodes. * @author rfuhrer * Maps front-end-specific representations into WALA references of the appropriate kind. * @author rfuhrer * * @param <T> The front-end-specific representation of a type (e.g., for Polyglot, a Type) * @param <M> The front-end-specific representation of a procedure/method (e.g., for Polyglot, a CodeInstance) * @param <F> The front-end-specific representation of a field (e.g., for Polyglot, a FieldInstance) */ class X10IdentityMapper { private final Map<Type, TypeReference> fTypeMap = HashMapFactory.make(); private final Map<FieldInstance, FieldReference> fFieldMap = HashMapFactory.make(); private final Map<CodeInstance, MethodReference> fMethodMap = HashMapFactory.make(); /** * Map from Polyglot local ClassTypes to their enclosing methods. Used by localTypeToTypeID().<br> * Needed since Polyglot doesn't provide this information. (It doesn't need to, since it * doesn't need to generate unambiguous names for such entities -- it hands the source * off to javac to generate bytecode. It probably also wouldn't want to, since that would * create back-pointers from Type objects in the TypeSystem to AST's.) */ protected Map<ClassType, CodeInstance> fLocalTypeMap = new LinkedHashMap<ClassType, CodeInstance>(); protected final ClassLoaderReference fClassLoaderRef; public X10IdentityMapper(ClassLoaderReference clr) { fClassLoaderRef= clr; } public FieldReference getFieldRef(FieldInstance field) { if (!fFieldMap.containsKey(field)) { FieldReference ref= referenceForField(field); fFieldMap.put(field, ref); return ref; } return fFieldMap.get(field); } public TypeReference getTypeRef(Type type) { if (!fTypeMap.containsKey(type)) { TypeReference ref= referenceForType(type); fTypeMap.put(type, ref); return ref; } return fTypeMap.get(type); } public MethodReference getMethodRef(CodeInstance method) { if (!fMethodMap.containsKey(method)) { MethodReference sel= referenceForMethod(method); fMethodMap.put(method, sel); return sel; } return fMethodMap.get(method); } public void mapLocalAnonTypeToMethod(ClassType anonLocalType, CodeInstance owningProc) { fLocalTypeMap.put(anonLocalType, owningProc); } /** * Create a FieldReference for the given Polyglot FieldInstance.<br> * N.B.: This method <b>does not canonicalize</b> the FieldReferences, * but rather creates a new one for each call. * You more likely want to call getFieldRef(). This method is exposed * so that multiple Polyglot instances can use the translation services * without having FieldInstances collide (producing the dreaded "we are * TypeSystem_c but type Foo is from TypeSystem_c" exception). */ public FieldReference referenceForField(FieldInstance field) { Type targetType= field.container(); Type fieldType= field.type(); TypeReference targetTypeRef= TypeReference.findOrCreate(fClassLoaderRef, typeToTypeID(targetType)); TypeReference fieldTypeRef= TypeReference.findOrCreate(fClassLoaderRef, typeToTypeID(fieldType)); Atom fieldName= Atom.findOrCreateUnicodeAtom(; FieldReference fieldRef= FieldReference.findOrCreate(targetTypeRef, fieldName, fieldTypeRef); return fieldRef; } /** * Create a TypeReference for the given Polyglot Type.<br> * N.B.: This method <b>does not canonicalize</b> the TypeReferences, * but rather creates a new one for each call. * You more likely want to call getTypeRef(). This method is exposed * so that multiple Polyglot instances can use the translation services * without having Types collide (producing the dreaded "we are * TypeSystem_c but type Foo is from TypeSystem_c" exception). */ public TypeReference referenceForType(Type type) { TypeName typeName= TypeName.string2TypeName(typeToTypeID(type)); TypeReference typeRef= TypeReference.findOrCreate(fClassLoaderRef, typeName); return typeRef; } private Selector selectorForMethod(CodeInstance procInstance) { Atom name= (procInstance instanceof ConstructorInstance) ? MethodReference.initAtom : (procInstance instanceof InitializerInstance) ? MethodReference.clinitName : Atom.findOrCreateUnicodeAtom(((MethodInstance) procInstance).name().toString()); TypeName[] argTypeNames = null; if (! (procInstance instanceof InitializerInstance)) { List formalTypes = ((ProcedureInstance)procInstance).formalTypes(); int numArgs = formalTypes.size(); // Descriptor prefers null to an empty array if (numArgs > 0) { argTypeNames = new TypeName[numArgs]; int i = 0; for(Iterator iter = formalTypes.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { Type argType= (Type); argTypeNames[i]= TypeName.string2TypeName(typeToTypeID(argType)); } } } Type retType= (procInstance instanceof MethodInstance) ? ((MethodInstance) procInstance).returnType() : procInstance.typeSystem().Void(); if (retType.isClass() && retType.toClass().isAnonymous()) { // WALA is not prepared to deal with an anonymous class as a method return type. Fudge it. retType= retType.typeSystem().createFakeClass(QName.make("<anonymous class>"), null); } TypeName retTypeName= TypeName.string2TypeName(typeToTypeID(retType)); Descriptor desc= Descriptor.findOrCreate(argTypeNames, retTypeName); return new Selector(name, desc); } /** * Create a MethodReference for the given Polyglot MethodInstance.<br> * N.B.: This method <b>does not canonicalize</b> the MethodReferences, * but rather creates a new one for each call. * You more likely want to call getMethodRef(). This method is exposed * so that multiple Polyglot instances can use the translation services * without having MethodInstances collide (producing the dreaded "we are * TypeSystem_c but type Foo is from TypeSystem_c" exception). */ public MethodReference referenceForMethod(CodeInstance procInstance) { // Handles both ConstructorInstance's and MethodInstance's while (procInstance instanceof ClosureInstance) { procInstance= ((ClosureInstance) procInstance).methodContainer(); } TypeName ownerType= TypeName.string2TypeName(typeToTypeID(((MemberDef) procInstance.def()).container().get())); TypeReference ownerTypeRef= TypeReference.findOrCreate(fClassLoaderRef, ownerType); MethodReference methodRef= MethodReference.findOrCreate(ownerTypeRef, selectorForMethod(procInstance)); return methodRef; } /** * Translates the given Polyglot type to a name suitable for use in a WALA TypeReference * (i.e. a bytecode-compliant type name). */ public String SUPER_typeToTypeID(Type type) { if (type.isJavaPrimitive()) { JavaPrimitiveType ptype= (JavaPrimitiveType) type; return JavaPrimitiveTypeMap.getShortName(; } else if (type instanceof VoidType) { return JavaPrimitiveTypeMap.VoidType.getName(); } else if (type.isArray()) { JavaArrayType atype= (JavaArrayType) type; return "[" + typeToTypeID(atype.base()); } else if (type.isNull()) { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("typeToTypeID() encountered a null type!"); return null; } Assertions.productionAssertion(type.isClass(), "typeToTypeID() encountered the type " + type + " that is neither primitive, array, nor class!"); ClassType ctype= (ClassType) type; return (ctype.isLocal() || ctype.isAnonymous()) ? anonLocalTypeToTypeID(ctype) : composeWALATypeDescriptor(ctype); } public String anonLocalTypeToTypeID(ClassType ctype) { CodeInstance procInstance= (CodeInstance) fLocalTypeMap.get(ctype); String outerTypeID= typeToTypeID(ctype.outer()); String shortName= (ctype.isAnonymous()) ? X10toCAstTranslator.anonTypeName(ctype) : ctype.fullName().name().toString(); return outerTypeID + '/' + getMethodRef(procInstance).getSelector() + '/' + shortName; } public String composeWALATypeDescriptor(ClassType ctype) { return "L" + composeWALATypeName(ctype); } public String composeWALATypeName(ClassType ctype) { if (ctype.package_() != null) { String packageName = ctype.package_().fullName().toString(); Assertions.productionAssertion(ctype.fullName().toString().startsWith(packageName)); return packageName.replace('.','/') + "/" + ctype.fullName().toString().substring( packageName.length()+1 ).replace('.','$'); } else { return ctype.fullName().toString().replace('.', '$'); } } /** * Maps the names of certain predefined X10 types onto their Java counterparts. */ private final static Map<String, String> sTypeTranslationMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { // TODO Calculate the following values by reading the @nativeRep annotations from the runtime classes. sTypeTranslationMap.put("x10.lang.Boolean", "boolean"); sTypeTranslationMap.put("x10.lang.Byte", "byte"); sTypeTranslationMap.put("x10.lang.Char", "char"); sTypeTranslationMap.put("x10.lang.Double", "double"); sTypeTranslationMap.put("x10.lang.Float", "float"); sTypeTranslationMap.put("x10.lang.Int", "int"); sTypeTranslationMap.put("x10.lang.Long", "long"); sTypeTranslationMap.put("x10.lang.Short", "short"); sTypeTranslationMap.put("void", "void"); } public static String getJavaPrimitiveTypeFor(String x10PrimitiveName) { return sTypeTranslationMap.get(x10PrimitiveName); } public String typeToTypeID(Type type) { /* * if (type instanceof NullableType) { return "Lnullable<" + typeToTypeID(((NullableType) type).base()) + ">"; } * else if (type instanceof FutureType) { return "Lfuture<" + typeToTypeID(((FutureType) type).base()) + ">"; } * else */ if (type instanceof ConstrainedType) { ConstrainedType constrainedType = (ConstrainedType) type; return typeToTypeID(constrainedType.baseType().get()); } if (type instanceof X10ClassType && ((X10ClassType) type).typeArguments() != null && ((X10ClassType) type).typeArguments().size() > 0) { final X10ClassType classType = (X10ClassType) type; if (classType.isLocal() || classType.isAnonymous()) { final ClassDef classDef = classType.def().outer().get(); final MethodDef enclosingMethod = getEnclosingMethod(classDef, classType.position()); if (enclosingMethod == null) { throw new AssertionError("We could not find the enclosing method for the type " + classType); } mapLocalAnonTypeToMethod(classType, enclosingMethod.asInstance()); } else { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('L').append(classType.fullName().toString().replace('.', '/')); return sb.toString(); } } if (type instanceof ParameterType) { Type bound = type.typeSystem().Any(); // How to get the real bound? return typeToTypeID(bound); } if (type instanceof MacroType) { MacroType macroType = (MacroType) type; return typeToTypeID(macroType.definedType()); } if (type.isJavaPrimitive()) { String className = ((JavaPrimitiveType) type).fullName().toString(); if (sTypeTranslationMap.containsKey(className)) { return JavaPrimitiveTypeMap.getShortName(sTypeTranslationMap.get(className)); } } return SUPER_typeToTypeID(type); } public String getBaseTypeName(ClassType classType) { StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder(); sb.append("L"); sb.append(classType.fullName()); return sb.toString(); } // --- Private code // This is a very hackish way of getting the enclosing method, since it is not provided at this time in Polyglot. // To change soon... private MethodDef getEnclosingMethod(final ClassDef classDef, final Position targetTypePosition) { for (final MethodDef methodDef : classDef.methods()) { final Position methodPos = methodDef.position(); if (targetTypePosition.offset() >= methodPos.offset() && targetTypePosition.offset() <= methodPos.endOffset() && targetTypePosition.endOffset() >= methodPos.offset() && targetTypePosition.endOffset() <= methodPos.endOffset()) { return methodDef; } } return null; } }