package kmeans; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; /** * */ public class KMeansAPGAS { // Statics used to hold place-local data needed by asyncs private static float[] points; private static int[] clusterCounts; private static int[] closestCluster; private static float[] incomingClusterPoints; private static int[] incomingClusterCounts; private static int myK; private static int numPoints; private static int numDimensions; // per iteration timing data private static int iteration; private static long[] kernelNanos; private static long[] kernel2Nanos; private static long[] allToAllNanos; private static long[] localReduceNanos; /** * Initialize data structures needed for the kMeans computation */ public static void initialize(int _myK, int numIterations, int _numPoints, int _numDimensions, float[] _points) { points = _points; myK = _myK; numPoints = _numPoints; numDimensions = _numDimensions; clusterCounts = new int[myK]; closestCluster = new int[numPoints]; kernelNanos = new long[numIterations]; kernel2Nanos = new long[numIterations]; allToAllNanos = new long[numIterations]; localReduceNanos = new long[numIterations]; } private static native void nativeInit(int myK, int numPoints, int numDimensions, float[] points); /** * Given the current cluster, compute a new cluster */ public static void computeNewLocalClusters(float[] clusterPoints) { kernelNanos[iteration] = - System.nanoTime(); for (int pointNumber = 0; pointNumber<numPoints; pointNumber++) { int closest = -1; float closestDist = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (int k=0; k<myK; k++) { float dist = 0; for (int dim=0; dim<numDimensions; dim++) { float tmp = clusterPoints[k*numDimensions + dim] - points[pointNumber*numDimensions + dim]; dist += tmp*tmp; } if (dist < closestDist) { closestDist = dist; closest = k; } } closestCluster[pointNumber] = closest; } long now = System.nanoTime(); kernelNanos[iteration] += now; kernel2Nanos[iteration] = -now; // Now that we know the closest cluster for each point, compute the new cluster centers Arrays.fill(clusterCounts, 0); Arrays.fill(clusterPoints, 0.0f); for (int pointNumber=0; pointNumber<numPoints; pointNumber++) { int closest = closestCluster[pointNumber]; for (int dim=0; dim<numDimensions; dim++) { clusterPoints[closest*numDimensions + dim] += points[pointNumber*numDimensions + dim]; } clusterCounts[closest]++; } now = System.nanoTime(); kernel2Nanos[iteration] += now; allToAllNanos[iteration] = -now; // This really should be an all-to-all collective using Teams, but instead we // will do a point-to-point send to place 0, which will receive the // data, accumulate it, reduce it, then scatter it back as the argument // to an async to start the next iteration. final float[] outgoingClusterPoints = clusterPoints; final int[] outgoingClusterCounts = clusterCounts; Pool.runAsync(0, new Task(){ public void body() { synchronized(incomingClusterPoints) { for (int i=0; i<outgoingClusterPoints.length; i++) { incomingClusterPoints[i] += outgoingClusterPoints[i]; } } synchronized(incomingClusterCounts) { for (int i=0; i<outgoingClusterCounts.length; i++) { incomingClusterCounts[i] += outgoingClusterCounts[i]; } } }}); now = System.nanoTime(); allToAllNanos[iteration] += now; iteration += 1; } private static double toMillis(long nanoTime) { return ((double)nanoTime)/1e6; } public static void main (final String[] args) { Pool p = new Pool(new Task() { public void body() { String fileName = "points.dat"; int K = 4; int iterations = 50; int argIndex = 0; while (argIndex < args.length) { String arg = args[argIndex++]; if (arg.equals("-k")) { K = Integer.parseInt(args[argIndex++]); } else if (arg.equals("-i")) { iterations = Integer.parseInt(args[argIndex++]); } else { fileName = arg; } } final KMeansDataSet data = KMeansDataSet.readPointsFromFile(fileName); final float[] currentCluster = new float[K*data.numDimensions]; System.arraycopy(data.points, 0, currentCluster, 0, currentCluster.length); // Only place zero needs these arrays (incoming buffers for "collective") incomingClusterCounts = new int[K]; incomingClusterPoints = new float[K*data.numDimensions]; // Initialize all places, evenly splitting data.points between them final int pointsPerPlace = data.numPoints/Pool.numPlaces(); final int capturedK = K; final int capturedIterations = iterations; Pool.runFinish(new Task(){ public void body() { for (int i = 0; i<Pool.numPlaces(); i++) { final int start = i * pointsPerPlace; final int stop = Math.min(start+pointsPerPlace-1, data.points.length); final int numPoints = stop-start+1; final float[] points = new float[numPoints*data.numDimensions]; System.arraycopy(data.points, start, points, 0, points.length); System.out.println("Sending points "+start+"..."+stop+" to place "+i); Pool.runAsync(i, new Task(){ public void body() { initialize(capturedK, capturedIterations, numPoints, data.numDimensions, points); }}); } }}); // Do the requested number of iterations. long start = System.nanoTime(); for (int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) { Pool.atEach(new Task(){ public void body() { computeNewLocalClusters(currentCluster); }}); // local reduction to get the new clusters // Adjust cluster coordinates by dividing each point value // by the number of points in the cluster localReduceNanos[iter] = -System.nanoTime(); for (int k=0; k<K; k++) { float tmp = (float)incomingClusterCounts[k]; for (int dim=0; dim<numDimensions; dim++) { incomingClusterPoints[k*numDimensions+dim] /= tmp; } } System.arraycopy(incomingClusterPoints, 0, currentCluster, 0, currentCluster.length); Arrays.fill(incomingClusterCounts, 0); Arrays.fill(incomingClusterPoints, 0.0f); localReduceNanos[iter] += System.nanoTime(); } long stop = System.nanoTime(); // All done. Print the results for (int k=0; k<K; k++) { for (int j=0; j<data.numDimensions; j++) { if (j>0) System.out.print(" "); System.out.print(currentCluster[k*data.numDimensions+j]); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); long totalKernelNanos = 0; long totalKernel2Nanos = 0; long totalAllToAllNanos = 0; long totalLocalReduceNanos = 0; System.out.println("Per iteration phase timings (kernel1, kernel2, collective, localReduce)"); for (int i=0; i<iterations; i++) { System.out.printf("%3.5f %3.5f %3.5f %3.5f\n",toMillis(kernelNanos[i]), toMillis(kernel2Nanos[i]), toMillis(allToAllNanos[i]), toMillis(localReduceNanos[i])); totalKernelNanos += kernelNanos[i]; totalKernel2Nanos += kernel2Nanos[i]; totalAllToAllNanos += allToAllNanos[i]; totalLocalReduceNanos += localReduceNanos[i]; } System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.printf("%3.5f %3.5f %3.5f %3.5f\n", toMillis(totalKernelNanos), toMillis(totalKernel2Nanos), toMillis(totalAllToAllNanos), toMillis(totalLocalReduceNanos)); System.out.println("Total time (seconds)"+((double)(stop-start)/1e9)); } }); p.start(); } }