package x10doc.doc; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import polyglot.ast.Import; import polyglot.types.ClassDef; import polyglot.types.ClassType; import polyglot.types.ConstructorDef; import polyglot.types.FieldDef; import polyglot.types.MethodDef; import polyglot.types.Package; import polyglot.types.Ref; import polyglot.types.Types; import x10.types.ConstrainedType; import x10.types.FunctionType; import x10.types.ParameterType; import x10.types.TypeDef; import x10.types.X10ClassDef; import x10.types.X10ConstructorDef; import x10.types.X10Def; import x10.types.X10FieldDef; import x10.types.X10MethodDef; import x10.types.X10ParsedClassType; import polyglot.types.TypeSystem; import x10.util.CollectionFactory; import x10.util.HierarchyUtils; import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.Doc; import com.sun.javadoc.MemberDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.ProgramElementDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition; import com.sun.javadoc.Type; public class X10RootDoc extends X10Doc implements RootDoc { Map<String, X10ClassDoc> specClasses; // classes specified to x10doc on the command-line Map<String, X10PackageDoc> specPackages; // x10doc does not, at present, handle packages specified on the // command-line; specPackages should be empty Map<String, X10ClassDoc> otherClasses; Map<String, X10PackageDoc> otherPackages; Map<String, X10Type> primitiveTypes; X10ClassDoc[] includedClasses; private String outputDir; private String accessModifier; public static final boolean printSwitch = false; // access modifier filter specified as a command-line option (RootDoc.options()) to the standard doclet; // show only public and protected classes and class members private static X10RootDoc globalRootDoc; public static X10RootDoc getRootDoc(String outputDir, String accessModifier) { if (globalRootDoc != null) { assert (globalRootDoc.outputDir.equals(outputDir)) : "getRootDoc called with a different output directory"; assert (globalRootDoc.accessModifier.equals(accessModifier)) : "getRootDoc called with a different output directory"; } else { globalRootDoc = new X10RootDoc(outputDir, accessModifier); } return globalRootDoc; } public static String getContainingClass(X10Doc holder){ if (holder instanceof ProgramElementDoc) { ClassDoc containingClass = ((ProgramElementDoc) holder).containingClass(); if (containingClass != null) { return containingClass.qualifiedName(); } } return null; } public static X10RootDoc getRootDoc() { assert (globalRootDoc != null) : "getRootDoc: rootDoc not set."; return globalRootDoc; } public X10RootDoc(String outputDir, String accessModifier) { this.specClasses = CollectionFactory.newHashMap(); this.specPackages = CollectionFactory.newHashMap(); this.otherClasses = CollectionFactory.newHashMap(); this.otherPackages = CollectionFactory.newHashMap(); this.primitiveTypes = CollectionFactory.newHashMap(); this.outputDir = outputDir; this.accessModifier = accessModifier; super.processComment(""); } public static String classKey(X10ClassDef cd) { return cd.fullName().toString(); } /** * Returns a ClassDoc object for the given X10ClassDef object. If such an object exists as an unspecified * class, then returns that object after updating fields such as comments if required. Otherwise adds and returns * a new X10ClassDoc object. Note that the class cannot pre-exist as a specified class, because visits to specified * classes that result in this method call, occur exactly once. Specified classes are the ones in source files * specified on the command line or occurring in specified packages. This method is expected to be called from * X10DocGenerator.visit(X10ClassDecl_c). */ public X10ClassDoc getSpecCLass(X10ClassDef classDef, X10ClassDoc containingClass, String comments) { X10ClassDoc cd = null; String className = classKey(classDef); // System.out.println("X10RootDoc.addClass(...): className = " + className); assert(!specClasses.containsKey(className)) : "X10RootDoc.addSpecClass(" + className + ",...): multiple attempts to create specified ClassDoc"; boolean inOther = otherClasses.containsKey(className); if (!inOther) { cd = new X10ClassDoc(classDef, containingClass, comments); specClasses.put(className, cd); cd.initializeRelatedEntities(); // cd is added to specClasses but cd.included may be set to false, if the access // modifier filter is so defined; another alternative would be to simply not add cd // to specClasses depending on the access mod filter cd.setIncluded(); // X10PackageDoc containingPackage = getPackage(classDef.package_()); // cd.setPackage(containingPackage); // containingPackage.addClass(cd); // // obtain ClassDoc and Type objects for superclass // Ref<? extends polyglot.types.Type> reft = classDef.superType(); // polyglot.types.Type t = ((reft==null) ? null : reft.get()); // X10ClassDef cdef = (X10ClassDef) ((t == null) ? null : t.toClass().def()); // X10ClassDoc superClass = getUnspecClass(cdef); // Type superType = getType(t); // cd.setSuperclass(superClass); // cd.setSuperclassType(superType); // addInterfaces(classDef, cd); return cd; } else { cd = otherClasses.remove(className); specClasses.put(className, cd); assert(containingClass == cd.containingClass) : "X10RootDoc.addClass(" + className + ",...): mismatch between existing and given containingClass"; String existingCmnt = cd.commentText(); assert(existingCmnt.equals("") || existingCmnt.equals(comments)) : "X10RootDoc.addClass(" + className + ",...): mismatch between existing and given comments"; cd.setIncluded(); // see comment against earlier call to cd.setIncluded() cd.setRawCommentText(comments); // may need to add class invariant, type guard also later return cd; } } public void addInterfaces(X10ClassDef classDef, X10ClassDoc classDoc) { for (Ref<? extends polyglot.types.Type> ref: classDef.interfaces()) { classDoc.addInterface(getUnspecClass((X10ClassDef) ref.get().toClass().def())); } } // RMF Intended to add dummy class used to house top-level typedefs in a given package public void addDummyClass(X10ClassDoc classDoc) { specClasses.put(classDoc.qualifiedName(), classDoc); } public void addPackage(X10PackageDoc pd) { this.specPackages.put(, pd); } public X10PackageDoc createPackage(String pkgName, String path) { X10PackageDoc pd = new X10PackageDoc(pkgName, path); otherPackages.put(pkgName, pd); return pd; } /* public void makePackageIncluded(String pkgName) { assert(otherPackages.containsKey(pkgName)) : "X10RootDoc.includePackage: non-existent package " + pkgName; assert(!specPackages.containsKey(pkgName)) : "X10RootDoc.includePackage: attempting to include specified package " + pkgName; specPackages.put(pkgName, otherPackages.remove(pkgName)); } */ public X10Type getPrimitiveType(polyglot.types.Type t) { String typeName = t.toString(); if (primitiveTypes.containsKey(typeName)) { return primitiveTypes.get(typeName); } X10Type xt = new X10Type(t); primitiveTypes.put(typeName, xt); return xt; } public Type getType(polyglot.types.Type t) { return getType(t, null); } /** * Return a com.sun.javadoc.Type object for the given polyglot.types.Type object. * @param t * @param methodTypeVars Type variables defined by the method or constructor, on behalf of which this call is made to get param and return types. * @return ClassDoc or TypeVariable or ParameterizedType or X10Type (for void) object */ public Type getType(polyglot.types.Type t, X10TypeVariable[] methodTypeVars) { if (t == null) return null; // System.out.println("X10RootDoc.getType(" + t +"): t.getClass() = " + t.getClass()); if (t.isVoid()) { // System.out.println("Primitive X10Type returned."); return getPrimitiveType(t); } TypeSystem ts = (TypeSystem) t.typeSystem(); if (ts.isParameterType(t)) { // TODO: get the constraints ParameterType p = (ParameterType) Types.baseType(t); // class, interface, method, or constructor that defines the type parameter X10Def owner = (X10Def) p.def().get(); if (owner instanceof X10ClassDef) { X10ClassDoc cd = (X10ClassDoc) classNamed(classKey((X10ClassDef) owner)); return cd.getTypeVariable(p); } // else if (owner instanceof X10ConstructorDef) { // X10ConstructorDef cdef = (X10ConstructorDef) owner; // X10ClassDoc cd = (X10ClassDoc) classNamed(classKey((X10ClassDef) cdef.container().get().toClass().def())); // X10ConstructorDoc constrDoc = cd.getConstructor(cdef); // return constrDoc.getTypeVariable(p); // // } else if (owner instanceof X10MethodDef || owner instanceof X10ConstructorDef || owner instanceof TypeDef) { assert(methodTypeVars != null) : "X10RootDoc.getType(" + t + ", null): expects non-null array of type variables defined by method/constructor" + owner; return findTypeVariable(p, methodTypeVars); // X10MethodDef mdef = (X10MethodDef) owner; // X10ClassDoc cd = (X10ClassDoc) classNamed(classKey((X10ClassDef) mdef.container().get().toClass().def())); // MethodDoc[] methods = cd.methods(); // System.out.print("X10RootDoc.getType: cd.methods() = ["); // for (MethodDoc mdoc: methods) { // X10MethodDef mdef2 = ((X10MethodDoc) mdoc).getMethodDef(); // System.out.print(mdef2.signature() + ", "); // } // System.out.println("]"); // for (MethodDoc mdoc: methods) { // X10MethodDef mdef2 = ((X10MethodDoc) mdoc).getMethodDef(); // if (mdef == mdef2) { // System.out.println("X10RootDoc.getType: " + mdef.signature() + " == " + // mdef2.signature()); // } // if (mdef.equals(mdef2)) { // System.out.println("X10RootDoc.getType: " + mdef.signature() + // ".equals(" + mdef2.signature() + ")"); // } // } // X10MethodDoc md = cd.getMethod(mdef); // return md.getTypeVariable(p); } else { assert(false) : "getType(" + t + "): unexpected owner type"; } } // if (t.typeEquals(X10TypeMixin.baseType(t), t.typeSystem().emptyContext())) { // if (classDef.typeParameters().size() == 0) { // System.out.println("X10ClassDoc returned."); // return getUnspecClass(classDef); // } // if (t instanceof ParametrizedType) { // return new X10ParameterizedType((polyglot.types.Type)t); // } X10ClassDef classDef = (X10ClassDef) t.toClass().def(); if (t instanceof X10ParsedClassType) { // a FunctionType is an X10ParsedClassType where the type arguments (params) are // the types of the closure's parameters and the return type of the closure // earlier test: "if (((X10ParsedClassType)t).typeArguments().size() > 0)"; this earlier test // includes all closures except closures with 0 arguments, hence the instanceof test List<polyglot.types.Type> typeArguments = ((X10ParsedClassType)t).typeArguments(); if ((t instanceof FunctionType) || (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.size() > 0)) { return new X10ParameterizedType(t, methodTypeVars, false); // return new X10ParameterizedType((polyglot.types.Type)t, methodTypeVars, false); } return getUnspecClass(classDef); } else if (t instanceof ConstrainedType) { polyglot.types.Type base = Types.baseType(t); if (base instanceof X10ParsedClassType) { List<polyglot.types.Type> typeArguments = ((X10ParsedClassType)base).typeArguments(); if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.size() > 0) { // parameterized type with constraints return new X10ParameterizedType(t, methodTypeVars, true); // return new X10ParameterizedType((polyglot.types.Type)t, methodTypeVars, true); } } // non-parameterized type with constraints return new X10ParameterizedType(t); // return new X10ParameterizedType((polyglot.types.Type)t); } return getUnspecClass(classDef); } public static X10TypeVariable findTypeVariable(ParameterType p, X10TypeVariable[] typeVars) { String name =; for (X10TypeVariable v: typeVars) { if (name.equals(v.typeName())) { return v; } } return null; } /** * Creates a ClassDoc object for the given X10ClassDef object, after recursively creating the * ClassDoc objects for the containing classes. Ensures that no duplicate ClassDoc objects for * the a class. */ public X10ClassDoc getUnspecClass(X10ClassDef classDef) { if (classDef == null) return null; String ckey = classKey(classDef); X10ClassDoc cd = (X10ClassDoc) classNamed(ckey); if (cd != null) return cd; Ref<? extends ClassDef> ref = classDef.outer(); X10ClassDef contClassDef = ((ref==null) ? null : (X10ClassDef) ref.get()); X10ClassDoc containingClass = getUnspecClass(contClassDef); // cd = createUnspecClass(classDef, containingClass); cd = new X10ClassDoc(classDef, containingClass, ""); otherClasses.put(ckey, cd); cd.initializeRelatedEntities(); // X10PackageDoc containingPackage = getPackage(classDef.package_()); // cd.setPackage(containingPackage); // containingPackage.addClass(cd); // // obtain ClassDoc and Type objects for superclass // Ref<? extends polyglot.types.Type> reft = classDef.superType(); // polyglot.types.Type t = ((reft==null) ? null : reft.get()); // X10ClassDef cdef = (X10ClassDef) ((t == null) ? null : t.toClass().def()); // X10ClassDoc superClass = getUnspecClass(cdef); // Type superType = getType(t); // cd.setSuperclass(superClass); // cd.setSuperclassType(superType); // addInterfaces(classDef, cd); for (FieldDef fd: classDef.fields()) { // cd.addField(new X10FieldDoc(((X10FieldDef) fd), cd, "")); cd.updateField((X10FieldDef) fd, ""); } for (ConstructorDef constrDef: classDef.constructors()) { // X10ConstructorDoc doc = new X10ConstructorDoc(((X10ConstructorDef) constrDef), cd, ""); cd.updateConstructor((X10ConstructorDef) constrDef, ""); } for (MethodDef md: classDef.methods()) { // X10MethodDoc doc = new X10MethodDoc(((X10MethodDef) md), cd, ""); // update cd with a MethodDoc object for method md cd.updateMethod(((X10MethodDef) md), ""); } // inner classes may need to be added return cd; } /** * Return a ClassDoc for the specified or unspecified class or interface name. */ public ClassDoc classNamed(String arg0) { // System.out.println("RootDoc.classNamed(" + arg0 + ") called."); if (specClasses.containsKey(arg0)) { return specClasses.get(arg0); } if (otherClasses.containsKey(arg0)) { return otherClasses.get(arg0); } return null; } public ClassDoc getClass(X10ClassDef cd) { System.out.println("RootDoc.getClass(X10ClassDef " + cd + ") called."); return classNamed(classKey(cd)); } /** * Return the included classes and interfaces in all packages. */ public ClassDoc[] classes() { // return specClasses.values().toArray(new ClassDoc[0]); // return the set of classes in specClasses that are "included" according to the access modifier filter if (includedClasses != null) { // System.out.println("RootDoc.classes() called."); return includedClasses; } int size = 0; Collection<X10ClassDoc> classes = specClasses.values(); for (ClassDoc cd: classes) { if (cd.isIncluded()) { size++; } } includedClasses = new X10ClassDoc[size]; int i = 0; for (X10ClassDoc cd: classes) { if (cd.isIncluded()) { includedClasses[i++] = cd; } } Comparator<X10ClassDoc> cmp = new Comparator<X10ClassDoc>() { public int compare(X10ClassDoc first, X10ClassDoc second) { return; } public boolean equals(Object other) { return false; } }; Arrays.sort(includedClasses, cmp); // System.out.println("RootDoc.classes() called. result = " + Arrays.toString(includedClasses)); return includedClasses; } /** * Command line options. */ public String[][] options() { // System.out.println("RootDoc.options() called."); String[][] result = new String[][] { { "-d", outputDir }, { accessModifier, ""} }; return result; } public String accessModFilter() { // this method is intended to be called from X10*Doc.isIncluded(), X10ClassDoc.{methods(), fields()} etc. return accessModifier; } /** * Return a PackageDoc for the specified package name. */ public PackageDoc packageNamed(String arg0) { // System.out.println("RootDoc.packageNamed() called."); if (specPackages.containsKey(arg0)) { return specPackages.get(arg0); } return otherPackages.get(arg0); } public X10PackageDoc getPackage(Ref<? extends Package> pkg, String path) { String pkgName = ((pkg == null) ? "unknown" : pkg.toString()); X10PackageDoc pd = (X10PackageDoc) packageNamed(pkgName); return ((pd == null) ? createPackage(pkgName, path) : pd); } /** * Return the classes and interfaces specified as source file names on the command line. */ public ClassDoc[] specifiedClasses() { // System.out.println("RootDoc.specifiedClasses() called."); // return specClasses.values().toArray(new ClassDoc[0]); // index.html lists classes returned from specifiedClasses; return the set of classes in specClasses that are // included as per access mod filter return classes(); } /** * Return the packages specified on the command line. */ public PackageDoc[] specifiedPackages() { // System.out.println("RootDoc.specifiedPackages() called. values = " + specPackages.values()); return specPackages.values().toArray(new PackageDoc[0]); // return new PackageDoc[0]; } public void printError(String arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void printError(SourcePosition arg0, String arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void printNotice(String arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void printNotice(SourcePosition arg0, String arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void printWarning(String arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void printWarning(SourcePosition arg0, String arg1) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public String stringDocObjNames(Collection<? extends Doc> c) { int n = c.size(); if (n == 0) return "[]"; if (n == 1) return "[" + c.iterator().next().name() + "]"; Iterator<? extends Doc> iterator = c.iterator(); String result = "[" +; while (iterator.hasNext()){ result += ", " +; } result += "];"; return result; } public void printStats() { System.out.println("X10RootDoc details:"); System.out.println(specClasses.size() + " specified classes: " + stringDocObjNames(specClasses.values())); System.out.println(otherClasses.size() + " other classes: " + stringDocObjNames(otherClasses.values())); System.out.println(specPackages.size() + " specified packages: " + stringDocObjNames(specPackages.values())); System.out.println(otherPackages.size() + " other packages: " + stringDocObjNames(otherPackages.values())); } // /** // * Adds a basic X10ClassDoc object corresponding to the given X10ClassDef object for an unspecified // * class. Details of fields, constructors, methods, etc. are yet to be filled in. // * CAUTION: This method should be called only after checking if an X10ClassDoc exists for the // * class of interest, i.e., after calling classNamed, or calling getUnspecClass instead of // * createUnspecClass // */ // private X10ClassDoc createUnspecClass(X10ClassDef classDef, X10ClassDoc containingClass) { // String className = classKey(classDef); // System.out.println("X10RootDoc.addUnspecClass(...) called for " + className); // // boolean inSpec = specClasses.containsKey(className); // boolean inOther = otherClasses.containsKey(className); // if (!inSpec && !inOther) { // X10ClassDoc cd = new X10ClassDoc(classDef, containingClass, ""); // X10PackageDoc containingPackage = getPackage(classDef.package_()); // cd.setPackage(containingPackage); // containingPackage.addClass(cd); // otherClasses.put(className, cd); // return cd; // } // else { // HashMap<String, X10ClassDoc> targetMap = (inSpec ? specClasses : otherClasses); // X10ClassDoc cd = targetMap.get(className); // assert(cd.containingClass() == containingClass) : ("X10RootDoc.addUnspecClass(" + className + // ",...): mismatch between existing and given containingClass."); // return cd; // } // } public X10ClassDoc findClass(X10Doc holder, String classname) { /* 1. the current class or interface 2. any enclosing classes and interfaces, searching closest first 3. any superclasses and superinterfaces, searching closest first 4. the current package 5. any imported packages, classes and interfaces, searching in the order of the import statement */ X10ClassDoc classDoc = null; // check current class classDoc = findInCurrentClass(holder, classname); if(classDoc != null) { return classDoc; } // check superclasses and superinterfaces classDoc = findInEnclosingAndSuperClasses(holder, classname); if(classDoc != null) { return classDoc; } //check current package classDoc = findInCurrentPackage(holder, classname); if(classDoc != null) { return classDoc; } //check imported classDoc = findInImports(holder, classname); if(classDoc != null) { return classDoc; } return classDoc; } private X10ClassDoc findInCurrentClass(X10Doc holder, String startingName) { X10ClassDoc holderClass = holderClass(holder); String newClassName = startingName; if (holderClass != null) { newClassName = holderClass.classDef.fullName().toString()+ "." + startingName; } X10ClassDoc classDoc = (X10ClassDoc) this.classNamed(newClassName); return classDoc; } private X10ClassDoc findInEnclosingAndSuperClasses(X10Doc holder, String startingName) { X10ClassDoc holderClass = holderClass(holder); if (null == holderClass) return null; ClassType ct = holderClass.classDef.asType(); for(ClassType superType : HierarchyUtils.getSuperTypes(ct)) { String superName = superType.fullName().toString(); X10ClassDoc classDoc = null; if((classDoc = isName(superName, startingName)) != null) { return classDoc; } } return null; } private X10ClassDoc findInCurrentPackage(X10Doc holder, String startingName) { String pack = null; if (holder instanceof X10PackageDoc) { pack =; } else { X10ClassDoc holderClass = holderClass(holder); if (holderClass != null) { pack = holderClass.classDef.package_().toString(); } } String newClassName = (pack != null ? pack + "." : "") + startingName; X10ClassDoc classDoc = (X10ClassDoc) this.classNamed(newClassName); return classDoc; } private X10ClassDoc findInImports(X10Doc holder, String startingName) { X10ClassDoc classDoc = null; X10ClassDoc holderClass = holderClass(holder); if (holderClass != null && holderClass.source != null) { for (Import i : holderClass(holder).source.imports()) { if ((classDoc = isName(, startingName)) != null) { return classDoc; } } } // x10.lang and x10.array are auto-imported. String lang = "x10.lang." + startingName; classDoc = (X10ClassDoc) this.classNamed(lang); if (classDoc == null) { String array = "x10.array." + startingName; classDoc = (X10ClassDoc) this.classNamed(array); } return classDoc; } private X10ClassDoc isName(String fullName, String inputName) { if(fullName.endsWith(inputName)) { X10ClassDoc classDoc = (X10ClassDoc) this.classNamed(fullName); if(classDoc != null) { return classDoc; } } return null; } public X10ClassDoc holderClass(X10Doc holder) { if (holder instanceof X10ClassDoc) { return ((X10ClassDoc) holder); } else if (holder instanceof MemberDoc) { return ((X10ClassDoc) ((MemberDoc) holder).containingClass()); } else { return null; } } }