package org.mindswap.swoop.utils.owlapi; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.XSSimpleType; import org.mindswap.pellet.datatypes.Datatype; import org.mindswap.pellet.datatypes.XSDDecimal; import org.mindswap.pellet.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException; import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.ATermUtils; import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.AlphaNumericComparator; import org.mindswap.swoop.utils.owlapi.CorrectedRDFRenderer; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLClass; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDataFactory; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDescription; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDisjointClassesAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLEntity; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLException; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLObjectProperty; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLProperty; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLSubClassAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddClassAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddDomain; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddEntity; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddEquivalentClass; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddInverse; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddObjectPropertyRange; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddSuperClass; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddSuperProperty; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.ChangeVisitor; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.OntologyChange; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.SetFunctional; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.SetInverseFunctional; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.SetSymmetric; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.SetTransitive; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.helper.OWLBuilder; import aterm.ATermAppl; /** * Parse and test the cases from DL benchmark suite. This class provides parsing * for KRSS files. * * @author Evren Sirin */ public class KRSSConverter { public static boolean DEBUG = false; public static String base = ""; public static boolean FORCE_UPPERCASE = false; public final int CLASS= 1; public final int DATA_PROP = 2; public final int OBJECT_PROP = 3; public final int INDIVIDUAL = 4; public final int FUNC= 5; public final int INV_FUNC = 6; public final int SYMM = 7; public final int TRANS = 8; public final int SUB_CLASS = 9; public final int SUB_DPROP = 10; public final int SUB_OPROP = 11; public final int DATA_DOMAIN= 12; public final int OBJ_DOMAIN= 13; public final int DATA_RANGE= 14; public final int OBJ_RANGE= 15; public final int INV_PROP= 16; public final int SAME_CLASS = 17; public final int DISJ_CLASS = 18; private ArrayList terms; public void assertTrue(boolean b) { if(!b) throw new RuntimeException("assert error"); } public void parseToken(StreamTokenizer in, int token) throws Exception { assertTrue(token == in.nextToken()); } public void parseToken(StreamTokenizer in, String token) throws Exception { in.nextToken(); assertTrue(token.equals(in.sval)); } public void skipToken(StreamTokenizer in) throws Exception { in.nextToken(); } public boolean peekToken(StreamTokenizer in, int token) throws Exception { int next = in.nextToken(); in.pushBack(); return (token == next); } public String getToken(StreamTokenizer in) throws Exception { in.nextToken(); return in.sval; } public int getInt(StreamTokenizer in) throws Exception { in.nextToken(); return (int) in.nval; } public double getNumber(StreamTokenizer in) throws Exception { in.nextToken(); return in.nval; } public ATermAppl getTerm(StreamTokenizer in) throws Exception { String token = getToken(in); if(FORCE_UPPERCASE) token = token.toUpperCase(); return ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( token ); } public ATermAppl term(String str) throws Exception { return ATermUtils.makeTermAppl(str); } public StreamTokenizer initTokenizer(String file) throws Exception { StreamTokenizer in = new StreamTokenizer(new FileReader(file)); in.lowerCaseMode(false); in.commentChar(';'); in.wordChars('/', '/'); in.wordChars('_', '_'); in.wordChars('*', '*'); in.wordChars('?', '?'); in.wordChars('%', '%'); in.wordChars('>', '>'); in.wordChars('<', '<'); in.wordChars('=', '='); in.quoteChar('|'); return in; } // public KnowledgeBase initKB(long timeout) { // KnowledgeBase kb = new KnowledgeBase(); // // kb = new KnowledgeBase(); // kb.setTimeout(timeout * 1000); // // return kb; // } OWLProperty getProperty(StreamTokenizer in, OWLOntology ontology, int type) { OWLProperty prop = null; try { if (peekToken(in, '(')) { skipToken(in); parseToken(in, "INV"); ATermAppl r = getTerm(in); prop = ontology.getObjectProperty(new URI(r.getName())); if (((OWLObjectProperty) prop).getInverses(ontology).size()>0) { return (OWLObjectProperty) ((OWLObjectProperty) prop).getInverses(ontology).iterator().next(); } else { // create new property q to be inverse of prop and return q OWLObjectProperty q = (OWLObjectProperty) this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(r.getName()+"_INVERSE"), OBJECT_PROP); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(prop); args.add(q); this.addAxiom(ontology, INV_PROP, args); return q; } } else { // simply return property ATermAppl r = getTerm(in); if (type == OBJECT_PROP) prop = ontology.getObjectProperty(new URI(r.getName())); else prop = ontology.getDataProperty(new URI(r.getName())); if( prop == null ) { if (type == OBJECT_PROP) prop = (OWLObjectProperty) this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), OBJECT_PROP); else prop = (OWLObjectProperty) this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), DATA_PROP); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return prop; } List parseExprList(StreamTokenizer in, OWLOntology ontology) throws Exception { int count = 0; while(peekToken(in, '(')) { skipToken(in); count++; } List terms = new ArrayList(); while(true) { if(peekToken(in, ')')) { if(count == 0) break; skipToken(in); count--; if(count == 0) break; } else if(peekToken(in, '(')) { skipToken(in); count++; } else terms.add(parseExpr(in, ontology)); } // for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) // parseToken(in, ')'); return (terms); } OWLDescription parseExpr(StreamTokenizer in, OWLOntology ontology) throws Exception { OWLDescription a = null; int token = in.nextToken(); String s = in.sval; if(token == '(') { token = in.nextToken(); assertTrue(token == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD); s = in.sval; if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("NOT")) { OWLDescription c = parseExpr(in, ontology); a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLNot(c); if(c instanceof OWLClass) this.addEntity(ontology, ((OWLClass) c).getURI(), CLASS); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("AND")) { Set list = new HashSet(); while(!peekToken(in, ')')) { OWLDescription c = parseExpr(in, ontology); if(c instanceof OWLClass) this.addEntity(ontology, ((OWLClass) c).getURI(), CLASS); list.add(c); } a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLAnd(list); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("OR")) { Set list = new HashSet(); while(!peekToken(in, ')')) { OWLDescription c = parseExpr(in, ontology); if(c instanceof OWLClass) this.addEntity(ontology, ((OWLClass) c).getURI(), CLASS); list.add(c); } a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLOr(list); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) { OWLObjectProperty prop = (OWLObjectProperty) getProperty(in, ontology, OBJECT_PROP); // kb.addObjectProperty(r); ATermUtils.assertTrue( prop != null ); OWLDescription c = parseExpr(in, ontology); if(c instanceof OWLClass) this.addEntity(ontology, ((OWLClass) c).getURI(), CLASS); a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectAllRestriction(prop, c); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("SOME")) { OWLObjectProperty prop = (OWLObjectProperty) getProperty(in, ontology, OBJECT_PROP); ATermUtils.assertTrue( prop != null ); OWLDescription c = parseExpr(in, ontology); if(c instanceof OWLClass) this.addEntity(ontology, ((OWLClass) c).getURI(), CLASS); a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectSomeRestriction(prop, c); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("AT-LEAST")) { int n = getInt(in); OWLObjectProperty prop = (OWLObjectProperty) getProperty(in, ontology, OBJECT_PROP); a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectCardinalityAtLeastRestriction(prop, n); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("AT-MOST")) { int n = getInt(in); OWLObjectProperty prop = (OWLObjectProperty) getProperty(in, ontology, OBJECT_PROP); a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectCardinalityAtMostRestriction(prop, n); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("A")) { OWLObjectProperty prop = (OWLObjectProperty) getProperty(in, ontology, OBJECT_PROP); // TODO what does term 'A' stand for // kb.addProperty(r); // kb.addFunctionalProperty(r); this.setPropAttribute(ontology, prop.getURI(), OBJECT_PROP, FUNC, true); // a = ATermUtils.makeMin(r, 1); a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectCardinalityAtLeastRestriction(prop, 1); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("MIN") || s.equals(">=")) { ATermAppl r = getTerm(in); // kb.addDatatypeProperty(r); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), DATA_PROP); String val = getNumber(in)+""; // DatatypeReasoner dtReasoner = kb.getDatatypeReasoner(); Datatype dt = XSDDecimal.instance.deriveByRestriction( XSSimpleType.FACET_MININCLUSIVE, val ); // String dtName = dtReasoner.defineDatatype(dt); // ATermAppl datatype = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl(dtName); //TODO // a = ATermUtils.makeAllValues(r, datatype); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("MAX") || s.equals("<=")) { ATermAppl r = getTerm(in); // kb.addDatatypeProperty(r); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), DATA_PROP); String val = getNumber(in)+""; // DatatypeReasoner dtReasoner = kb.getDatatypeReasoner(); Datatype dt = XSDDecimal.instance.deriveByRestriction( XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE, val ); // String dtName = dtReasoner.defineDatatype(dt); // ATermAppl datatype = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl(dtName); //TODO // a = ATermUtils.makeAllValues(r, datatype); } else if(s.equals("=")) { ATermAppl r = getTerm(in); // kb.addDatatypeProperty(r); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), DATA_PROP); String val = getNumber(in)+""; // DatatypeReasoner dtReasoner = kb.getDatatypeReasoner(); XSDDecimal dt = (XSDDecimal) XSDDecimal.instance.deriveByRestriction( XSSimpleType.FACET_MININCLUSIVE, val ); dt = (XSDDecimal) dt.deriveByRestriction( XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE, val ); // String dtName = dtReasoner.defineDatatype(dt); // ATermAppl datatype = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl(dtName); //TODO // a = ATermUtils.makeAllValues(r, datatype); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("EXACTLY")) { int n = getInt(in); OWLObjectProperty prop = (OWLObjectProperty) getProperty(in, ontology, OBJECT_PROP); a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLObjectCardinalityRestriction(prop, n, n); } else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("INV")) { // not needed as it is handled in getProperty } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown expression " + s); } if(in.nextToken() != ')') { if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("AT-LEAST") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("AT-MOST")) throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Qualified cardinality restrictions"); else throw new RuntimeException("Parse exception at term " + s); } } else if(token == '#') { int n = getInt(in); if( peekToken(in, '#') ) { skipToken(in); //TODO // a = (ATermAppl) terms.get( n ); if(a == null) throw new RuntimeException("Parse exception: #" + n + "# is not defined"); } else { parseToken(in, "="); a = parseExpr(in, ontology); while(terms.size() <= n) terms.add(null); // ATermAppl previous = (ATermAppl) terms.set(n, a); // if( previous != null) // System.err.println( // "WARNING: Redfining #" + n + "# as " + a + ", previous was:" + previous); } } else if(token == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) a = null; else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("TOP") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("*TOP*")) a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLThing(); else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("BOTTOM") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("*BOTTOM*")) a = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLNothing(); else { if(FORCE_UPPERCASE) s = s.toUpperCase(); // make a class? // a = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl(s); a = (OWLClass) this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(s), CLASS); } return a; } public OWLOntology readTBox( String file ) throws Exception { StreamTokenizer in = initTokenizer( file ); URI uri = new URI( base ); // create new OWL ontology object OWLBuilder builder = new OWLBuilder(); builder.createOntology(uri, uri); OWLOntology ontology = builder.getOntology(); Map disjoints = new HashMap(); int token = in.nextToken(); while(token != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF && token != ')') { if(token == '#') { in.ordinaryChar('|'); token = in.nextToken(); while(token != '#') token = in.nextToken(); in.quoteChar('|'); token = in.nextToken(); if(token == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) break; } assertTrue(token == '('); String str = getToken(in); //functional propertirs if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-ROLE") || str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-ATTRIBUTE") || str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFPRIMROLE") || str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFPRIMATTRIBUTE")) { ATermAppl r = getTerm(in); // kb.addObjectProperty(r); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), OBJECT_PROP); if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-ATTRIBUTE") || str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFPRIMATTRIBUTE")) { // kb.addFunctionalProperty(r); this.setPropAttribute(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), OBJECT_PROP, FUNC, true); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-ATTRIBUTE " + r); } else if(DEBUG) System.out.println("DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-ROLE " + r); while(!peekToken(in, ')')) { if(peekToken(in, ':')) { parseToken(in, ':'); String cmd = getToken(in); if(cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("parents")) { boolean paren = peekToken(in, '('); if(paren) { parseToken(in, '('); while(!peekToken(in, ')')) { ATermAppl s = getTerm(in); if(!s.getName().equals("NIL")) { // kb.addObjectProperty(s); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(s.getName()), OBJECT_PROP); // kb.addSubProperty(r, s); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(r.getName()); args.add(s.getName()); this.addAxiom(ontology, SUB_OPROP, args); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("PARENT-ROLE " + r + " " + s); } } parseToken(in, ')'); } else { ATermAppl s = getTerm(in); if(!s.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("NIL")) { // kb.addObjectProperty(s); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(s.getName()), OBJECT_PROP); // kb.addSubProperty(r, s); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(r.getName()); args.add(s.getName()); this.addAxiom(ontology, SUB_OPROP, args); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("PARENT-ROLE " + r + " " + s); } } } else if(cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("transitive")) { assertTrue(getToken(in).equalsIgnoreCase("T")); // kb.addTransitiveProperty(r); this.setPropAttribute(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), OBJECT_PROP, TRANS, true); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("TRANSITIVE-ROLE " + r); } else if(cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("range")) { OWLDescription range = parseExpr(in, ontology); // kb.addClass(range); // kb.addRange(r, range); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(r.getName()); args.add(range); this.addAxiom(ontology, OBJ_RANGE, args); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("RANGE " + r + " " + range ); } else if(cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) { OWLDescription domain = parseExpr(in, ontology); // kb.addClass(domain); // kb.addDomain(r, domain); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(r.getName()); args.add(domain); this.addAxiom(ontology, OBJ_DOMAIN, args); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("DOMAIN " + r + " " + domain ); } else if(cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("inverse")) { ATermAppl inv = getTerm(in); // kb.addInverseProperty(r, inv); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(inv.getName()), OBJECT_PROP); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(r.getName()); args.add(inv.getName()); this.addAxiom(ontology, INV_PROP, args); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("INVERSE " + r + " " + inv ); } else throw new RuntimeException("Invalid role spec " + cmd); } else if(peekToken(in, '(')) { parseToken(in, '('); String cmd = getToken(in); if(cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("domain-range")) { ATermAppl domain = getTerm(in); ATermAppl range = getTerm(in); // add atomic domain and range List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(r); args.add(ontology.getClass(new URI(domain.getName()))); // kb.addDomain(r, domain); this.addAxiom(ontology, OBJ_DOMAIN, args); args.remove(1); args.add(ontology.getClass(new URI(range.getName()))); // kb.addRange(r, range); this.addAxiom(ontology, OBJ_RANGE, args); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("DOMAIN-RANGE " + r + " " + domain + " " + range); } else throw new RuntimeException("Invalid role spec"); parseToken(in, ')'); } } } else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-CONCEPT") || str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFPRIMCONCEPT")) { ATermAppl c = getTerm(in); // kb.addClass(c); OWLClass cls = (OWLClass) this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(c.getName()), CLASS); if(!peekToken(in, ')')) { OWLDescription desc = parseExpr(in, ontology); if(desc!=null) { // kb.addClass(expr); // kb.addSubClass(c, expr); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(cls); args.add(desc); this.addAxiom(ontology, SUB_CLASS, args); } if(DEBUG) System.out.println("DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-CONCEPT " + c + " " + desc); } } else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFINE-DISJOINT-PRIMITIVE-CONCEPT")) { ATermAppl c = getTerm(in); // kb.addClass(c); OWLClass cls = (OWLClass) this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(c.getName()), CLASS); parseToken(in, '('); while(!peekToken(in, ')')) { OWLDescription desc = parseExpr(in, ontology); List prevDefinitions = (List) disjoints.get( desc ); if( prevDefinitions == null ) prevDefinitions = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator i = prevDefinitions.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { OWLClass other = (OWLClass); addAxiom( ontology, DISJ_CLASS, Arrays.asList(new OWLClass[] {cls,other}) ); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-DISJOINT " + c + " " + other); } prevDefinitions.add( cls ); } parseToken(in, ')'); OWLDescription desc = parseExpr(in, ontology); // kb.addSubClass(c, expr); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(cls); args.add(desc); this.addAxiom(ontology, SUB_CLASS, args); // if(DEBUG) System.out.println("DEFINE-DISJOINT-PRIMITIVE-CONCEPT " + c + " " + expr); } else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFINE-CONCEPT") || str.equalsIgnoreCase("DEFCONCEPT")) { ATermAppl c = getTerm(in); // kb.addClass(c); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(c.getName()), CLASS); OWLDescription desc = parseExpr(in, ontology); // kb.addSameClass(c, expr); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(ontology.getClass(new URI(c.getName()))); args.add(desc); this.addAxiom(ontology, SAME_CLASS, args); // if(DEBUG) System.out.println("DEFINE-CONCEPT " + c + " " + expr); } else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("IMPLIES") || str.equalsIgnoreCase("implies_c")) { OWLDescription c1 = parseExpr(in, ontology); OWLDescription c2 = parseExpr(in, ontology); // kb.addClass(c1); // kb.addClass(c2); // kb.addSubClass(c1, c2); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(c1); args.add(c2); this.addAxiom(ontology, SUB_CLASS, args); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("IMPLIES " + c1 + " " + c2); } else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("equal_c")) { OWLDescription c1 = parseExpr(in, ontology); OWLDescription c2 = parseExpr(in, ontology); // kb.addClass(c1); // kb.addClass(c2); // kb.addSubClass(c1, c2); List args = new ArrayList(); args.add(c1); args.add(c2); this.addAxiom(ontology, SAME_CLASS, args); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("SAME Class " + c1 + " " + c2); } else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("implies_r")) { List args = new ArrayList(); ATermAppl s1 = getTerm(in); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(s1.getName()), OBJECT_PROP); args.add(s1.getName()); ATermAppl s2 = getTerm(in); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(s2.getName()), OBJECT_PROP); args.add(s2.getName()); this.addAxiom(ontology, SUB_OPROP, args); } else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("functional")){ ATermAppl r = getTerm(in); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), OBJECT_PROP); this.setPropAttribute(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), OBJECT_PROP, FUNC, true); } else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("transitive")){ ATermAppl r = getTerm(in); this.addEntity(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), OBJECT_PROP); this.setPropAttribute(ontology, new URI(r.getName()), OBJECT_PROP, TRANS, true); } else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("DISJOINT")) { List args = parseExprList(in, ontology); this.addAxiom(ontology, DISJ_CLASS, args); // for(int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) { // OWLDescription c1 = (OWLDescription) list.get(i); // for(int j = i + 1; j < list.size(); j++) { // OWLDescription c2 = (OWLDescription) list.get(j); //// kb.addClass(c2); //// kb.addDisjointClass(c1, c2); // this.addAxiom(ontology, DISJ_CLASS, args); // if(DEBUG) System.out.println("DISJOINT " + c1 + " " + c2); // } // } } else throw new RuntimeException("Unknown command " + str); parseToken(in, ')'); token = in.nextToken(); } return ontology; } private void setPropAttribute(OWLOntology ontology, URI uri, int type, int attrib, boolean value) { try { OWLProperty prop = null; if (type == DATA_PROP) prop = ontology.getDataProperty(uri); else prop = ontology.getObjectProperty(uri); OntologyChange change = null; switch (attrib) { case FUNC: change = new SetFunctional(ontology, prop, value, null); break; case INV_FUNC: change = new SetInverseFunctional(ontology, (OWLObjectProperty) prop, value, null); break; case SYMM: change = new SetSymmetric(ontology, (OWLObjectProperty) prop, value, null); break; case TRANS: change = new SetTransitive(ontology, (OWLObjectProperty) prop, value, null); break; } change.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void addAxiom(OWLOntology ontology, int type, List args) { OntologyChange oc = null; try { switch (type) { case SAME_CLASS: OWLDescription desc1 = (OWLDescription) args.get(0); OWLDescription desc2 = (OWLDescription) args.get(1); if( desc1 instanceof OWLClass ) { oc = new AddEquivalentClass( ontology, (OWLClass) desc1, desc2, null ); } else { OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom equ = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(new HashSet(args)); oc = new AddClassAxiom(ontology, equ, null); } oc.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); break; case DISJ_CLASS: OWLDisjointClassesAxiom disj = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom(new HashSet(args)); oc = new AddClassAxiom(ontology, disj, null); oc.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); break; case SUB_CLASS: OWLDescription sub = (OWLDescription) args.get(0); OWLDescription sup = (OWLDescription) args.get(1); if( sub instanceof OWLClass ) { oc = new AddSuperClass( ontology, (OWLClass) sub, sup, null ); } else { OWLSubClassAxiom ax = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLSubClassAxiom(sub, sup); oc = new AddClassAxiom(ontology, ax, null); } oc.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); break; case SUB_OPROP: OWLObjectProperty p = ontology.getObjectProperty(new URI(args.get(0).toString())); OWLObjectProperty q = ontology.getObjectProperty(new URI(args.get(1).toString())); AddSuperProperty as = new AddSuperProperty(ontology, p, q, null); as.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); break; case OBJ_RANGE: p = ontology.getObjectProperty(new URI(args.get(0).toString())); OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) args.get(1); AddObjectPropertyRange aopr = new AddObjectPropertyRange(ontology, p, desc, null); aopr.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); break; case OBJ_DOMAIN: p = ontology.getObjectProperty(new URI(args.get(0).toString())); desc = (OWLDescription) args.get(1); AddDomain ad = new AddDomain(ontology, p, desc, null); ad.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); break; case INV_PROP: p = ontology.getObjectProperty(new URI(args.get(0).toString())); q = ontology.getObjectProperty(new URI(args.get(1).toString())); AddInverse ai = new AddInverse(ontology, p, q, null); ai.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); try { oc.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); } catch( OWLException e ) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } private OWLEntity addEntity(OWLOntology ontology, URI uri, int type) { OWLEntity newEntity = null; try { OWLDataFactory df = ontology.getOWLDataFactory(); switch (type) { case CLASS: newEntity = df.getOWLClass(uri); break; case DATA_PROP: newEntity = df.getOWLDataProperty(uri); break; case OBJECT_PROP: newEntity = df.getOWLObjectProperty(uri); break; case INDIVIDUAL: newEntity = df.getOWLIndividual(uri); break; } AddEntity ae = new AddEntity(ontology, newEntity, null); ae.accept((ChangeVisitor) ontology); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return newEntity; } // public void readABox(StreamTokenizer in) throws Exception { // int token = in.nextToken(); // while(token != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF && token != ')') { // assertTrue(token == '('); // // String str = getToken(in); // if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("INSTANCE")) { // ATermAppl x = getTerm(in); // ATermAppl c = parseExpr(in); // // kb.addIndividual(x); // kb.addType(x, c); // if(DEBUG) System.out.println("INSTANCE " + x + " " + c); // } // else if(str.equalsIgnoreCase("RELATED")) { // ATermAppl x = getTerm(in); // ATermAppl y = getTerm(in); // ATermAppl r = getTerm(in); // // kb.addIndividual(x); // kb.addIndividual(y); // kb.addPropertyValue(r, x, y); // // if(DEBUG) System.out.println("RELATED " + x + " - " + r + " -> " + y); // } // else // throw new RuntimeException("Unknown command " + str); // // parseToken(in, ')'); // // token = in.nextToken(); // } // } public final static void main(String[] args)throws Exception { String loc = "C:/Documents and Settings/UMD/My Documents/Semantic Web/Pellet-Main/test_data/dl-benchmark/tbox/"; File dir = new File( loc ); File[] files = dir.listFiles( new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return dir != null && name.endsWith(".tkb") && name.indexOf( "-roles" ) == -1 && name.indexOf( "-cd" ) == -1 && name.indexOf("people") == -1 && name.indexOf("veda-all") == -1 && name.indexOf("pdwq") == -1; } }); Arrays.sort( files, AlphaNumericComparator.CASE_INSENSITIVE ); for( int i = 0; i < files.length; i++ ) { File file = files[i]; String outFile = file.getAbsolutePath() + ".owl"; System.out.println( "Converting " + file.getName() ); KRSSConverter converter = new KRSSConverter(); OWLOntology ont = converter.readTBox( file.getAbsolutePath() ); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter( outFile ); CorrectedRDFRenderer rdfRender = new CorrectedRDFRenderer(); rdfRender.renderOntology(ont, writer); writer.close(); } } }