/* * Created on Nov 13, 2005 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ package org.mindswap.swoop.utils.graph.hierarchy.classlist; import javax.swing.ListModel; import org.mindswap.swoop.utils.graph.hierarchy.OntologyWithClassHierarchyGraph; /** * @author Dave Wang * * Represents an abstract list item on the class list seen in MotherShip * */ public abstract class ClassListHistoryItem { protected ListModel myModel = null; protected String myLabel = null; protected OntologyWithClassHierarchyGraph myGraph = null; public ClassListHistoryItem( OntologyWithClassHierarchyGraph graph, ListModel model, String label) { myModel = model; myLabel = label; myGraph = graph; } public String getLabel() { return myLabel; } public ListModel getModel() { return myModel; } abstract public void executeLoadHistory(); }