package org.mindswap.swoop.popup; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.ListModel; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import org.mindswap.swoop.SwoopModel; import org.mindswap.swoop.reasoner.SwoopReasoner; import org.mindswap.swoop.renderer.CellRenderer; import org.mindswap.swoop.renderer.ClassExprRenderer; import org.mindswap.swoop.renderer.SwoopCellRenderer; import org.mindswap.swoop.renderer.entity.ConciseFormat; import org.mindswap.swoop.utils.DataValueChecker; import org.mindswap.swoop.utils.change.BooleanElementChange; import org.mindswap.swoop.utils.ui.AddCloseBar; import org.mindswap.swoop.utils.ui.EntityComparator; import org.mindswap.swoop.utils.ui.OntologyComparator; import; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLAnd; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLClass; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDataFactory; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDataProperty; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDataRange; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDataType; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDataValue; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDescription; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDisjointClassesAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLEntity; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLEnumeration; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLException; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLIndividual; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLNot; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLObjectProperty; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOr; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLProperty; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLRestriction; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLSubClassAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddClassAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddDataPropertyRange; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddDomain; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddEquivalentClass; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddForeignEntity; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddIndividualClass; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddObjectPropertyRange; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.AddSuperClass; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.OntologyChange; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.change.RemoveEntity; import org.xngr.browser.editor.XmlEditorPane; /** * @author Aditya This class pops up whenever the user needs to specify an OWL * Class/Restriction in an Ontology Change (For example: adding a * superclass, intersection class, domain/range for a property, or type * for an instance) * */ public class PopupAddClass extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener, ListSelectionListener, KeyListener { /* * Global UI Objects */ SwoopReasoner reasoner; String type, fillType; int typeIntCode; Font tahoma = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 11); Font tahomaB = new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 11); Font tahomaI = new Font("Tahoma", Font.ITALIC, 11); //JButton applyClassBtn, applyResBtn, addClassBtn, addRestrictionBtn, applyCEBtn, addCEBtn, cancelBtn3, // cancelBtn, cancelBtn2; // many cancel btns is bad JButton addCEBtn, cancelBtn3; AddCloseBar classBar, restrictionBar, ceBar; JComboBox simpleClassOntologyCombo, restrPropOntologyCombo, restrClassOntologyCombo, classBox, resClassBox, resDTypeBox, resPropBox, resNameCombo, propTypeBox; JList ontList, classList, dtypeList, propList, valList, ceList; JComboBox ontPropBox, ontValBox, valChooser; JTextField newClassFld, newPropFld, newValFld, dataFld; JButton clearSelBtn1, clearSelBtn2, clearSelBtn3; JTabbedPane mainTab; XmlEditorPane rdfArea; JTextField resDTypeFld; JPanel dTypePanel, resClassPanel; JLabel objResLbl; SwoopModel swoopModel; public List changes; JButton someBtn, allBtn, equBtn, maxBtn, minBtn, intBtn, uniBtn, negBtn, oneBtn; final int SOME = 0; final int ALL = 1; final int EQU = 2; final int MIN = 3; final int MAX = 4; final int INT = 5; final int UNI = 6; final int ONE = 7; final int NEG = 8; OWLDescription currClassExpr = null; List dataTypes = null, dataTypeURIs = null; // list of all XSD datatypes JLabel ceStatusLbl; OWLDescription lhsGCI = null; // LHS class expr. of GCI private static final String ADD_RESTRICTION = "ADDR"; /* * overloading constructor to pass LHS of GCI */ public PopupAddClass(SwoopReasoner reas, String type, SwoopModel swoopModel, OWLDescription lhsGCI) { this.lhsGCI = lhsGCI; this.reasoner = reas; this.type = getFullType(type); this.swoopModel = swoopModel; changes = new ArrayList(); fillType = ""; init(); setupUI(); } // we directly pass the changes so it can be examined here // for deleted stuff and add the new changes directly public PopupAddClass(SwoopReasoner reas, String type, SwoopModel swoopModel) { // setModal(true); this.reasoner = reas; this.type = getFullType(type); this.swoopModel = swoopModel; changes = new ArrayList(); fillType = ""; init(); setupUI(); } private void init() { // create datatypes list String xmls = ""; String[] datatypes = {"anyURI", "base64Binary", "boolean", "byte", "date", "dateTime", "double", "decimal", "float", "gDay", "gMonth", "gMonthDay", "gYear", "gYearMonth", "hexBinary", "int", "integer", "language", "long", "Name", "normalizedString", "NCName", "NMTOKEN", "negativeInteger","nonNegativeInteger", "nonPositiveInteger", "positiveInteger", "short", "string", "time", "token", "unsignedLong", "unsignedInt", "unsignedShort", "unsignedByte"}; dataTypes = new ArrayList(); dataTypeURIs = new ArrayList(); try { for (int i = 0; i < datatypes.length; i++) { String dataURI = xmls + datatypes[i]; OWLDataType dt = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getOWLDataFactory().getOWLConcreteDataType(new URI(dataURI)); dataTypes.add(i, dt); dataTypeURIs.add(i, dataURI); } // finally add RDF XMLLiteral dataTypes.add(datatypes.length, swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getOWLDataFactory().getOWLConcreteDataType(new URI(RDFVocabularyAdapter.RDF + "XMLLiteral"))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Accept a class-related-change type code and return the full type string * * @param type - * abbreviated type * @return */ private String getFullType(String type) { // get full string type from type code if (type.equals("GCI-LEFT")) { typeIntCode = -1; return "GENERAL CONCEPT INCLUSION AXIOM (LHS)"; } else if (type.equals("GCI-RIGHT")) { typeIntCode = -2; return "GENERAL CONCEPT INCLUSION AXIOM (RHS)"; } else if (type.equals("EQU") || type.equals("EQUIVALENT CLASS")) { typeIntCode = 0; return "EQUIVALENT CLASS"; } else if (type.equals("SUB") || type.equals("SUPER-CLASS")) { typeIntCode = 1; return "SUPER-CLASS"; } else if (type.equals("SUP") || type.equals("SUP-CLASS")) { typeIntCode = 2; return "SUB-CLASS"; } else if (type.equals("DIS") || type.equals("DISJOINT CLASS")) { typeIntCode = 3; return "DISJOINT CLASS"; } else if (type.equals("INT") || type.equals("INTERSECTION ELEMENT")) { typeIntCode = 4; return "INTERSECTION ELEMENT"; } else if (type.equals("UNI") || type.equals("UNION ELEMENT")) { typeIntCode = 5; return "UNION ELEMENT"; } else if (type.equals("HASDOM") || type.equals("DOMAIN CLASS")) { typeIntCode = 6; return "DOMAIN CLASS"; } else if (type.equals("HASRAN") || type.equals("RANGE CLASS")) { typeIntCode = 7; return "RANGE CLASS"; } else if (type.equals("TYP") || type.equals("INSTANCE TYPE")) { typeIntCode = 8; return "INSTANCE TYPE"; } else // added later if (type.equals("NOT") || type.equals("COMPLEMENT CLASS")) { typeIntCode = 9; return "COMPLEMENT CLASS"; } return ""; } /* * Setup UI for Popup - add Class, Restriction and CE tabs */ private void setupUI() { // create tabbedpane mainTab = new JTabbedPane(); mainTab.setFont(tahoma); // tab1 - defined classes JPanel tab1 = new JPanel(); tab1.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); simpleClassOntologyCombo = new JComboBox(); simpleClassOntologyCombo.addItemListener(this); simpleClassOntologyCombo.setFont(tahoma); ontList = new JList(); ontList.setFont(tahoma); ontList.setCellRenderer(new CellRenderer()); classBox = new JComboBox(); classBox.setFont(tahoma); classBox.setEditable(true); classBox.setRenderer(new CellRenderer()); classList = new JList(); classList.setFont(tahoma); classList.addKeyListener(this); classList.setCellRenderer(new SwoopCellRenderer(swoopModel)); //classList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); classBar = new AddCloseBar(); classBar.addActionListener(this); tab1.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel ontLbl = new JLabel("Select Ontology:"); ontLbl.setFont(tahoma); JLabel classLbl = new JLabel("Select Class:"); classLbl.setFont(tahoma); JPanel tab1W = new JPanel(); tab1W.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); tab1W.add(ontLbl, "North"); tab1W.add(new JScrollPane(ontList), "Center"); JPanel tab1E = new JPanel(); tab1E.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); tab1E.add(classLbl, "North"); tab1E.add(new JScrollPane(classList), "Center"); JSplitPane tab1Split = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); tab1Split.setOneTouchExpandable(true); tab1Split.setLeftComponent(tab1W); tab1Split.setRightComponent(tab1E); newClassFld = new JTextField(); newClassFld.setFont(tahoma); newClassFld.addKeyListener(this); JPanel newPanel = new JPanel(); newPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel newLbl = new JLabel("OR Specify New Term/URI: "); newLbl.setFont(tahoma); newPanel.add(newLbl, "West"); newPanel.add(newClassFld, "Center"); JPanel tab1C = new JPanel(); tab1C.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); tab1C.add(tab1Split, "Center"); tab1C.add(newPanel, "South"); tab1.add(tab1C, "Center"); tab1.add(classBar, "South"); if (this.typeIntCode>=0) mainTab.addTab("Defined", tab1); // draw restriction panel JPanel restPanel = new JPanel(); restPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); restrPropOntologyCombo = new JComboBox(); restrPropOntologyCombo.addItemListener(this); restrPropOntologyCombo.setFont(tahoma); //Ontology source of the restriction JPanel ontPanel2 = createRowPanel("Select Ontology", restrPropOntologyCombo); resPropBox = new JComboBox(); resPropBox.setFont(tahoma); resPropBox.setEditable(true); resPropBox.setRenderer(new SwoopCellRenderer(swoopModel)); // create restriction property panel propTypeBox = new JComboBox(); propTypeBox.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 12)); propTypeBox.addItem("[D]"); propTypeBox.addItem("[O]"); propTypeBox.setVisible(false); propTypeBox.addItemListener(this); JPanel resPropLeft = createRowPanel("Select Property", propTypeBox); JPanel resPropPanel = new JPanel(); resPropPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); resPropPanel.add(resPropLeft, "West"); resPropPanel.add(resPropBox, "Center"); // create restriction type panel resNameCombo = new JComboBox(); resNameCombo.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 10)); resNameCombo.addItem("cardinality"); resNameCombo.addItem("MIN cardinality"); resNameCombo.addItem("MAX cardinality"); resNameCombo.addItem("has-value"); resNameCombo.addItem("some-values-from"); resNameCombo.addItem("all-values-from"); resNameCombo.addItemListener(this); JPanel resTypePanel = createRowPanel("Select Restriction Type", resNameCombo, "BOLD"); restrClassOntologyCombo = new JComboBox(); restrClassOntologyCombo.addItemListener(this); restrClassOntologyCombo.setFont(tahoma); JPanel ontPanel3 = createRowPanel("Select Ontology", restrClassOntologyCombo); resClassBox = new JComboBox(); resClassBox.setFont(tahoma); resClassBox.setEditable(true); resClassBox.setRenderer(new SwoopCellRenderer(swoopModel)); // add datatype value fields resDTypeBox = new JComboBox(); resDTypeBox.setFont(tahoma); resDTypeBox.setEditable(true); // resDTypeBox.setRenderer(new SwoopCellRenderer(swoopModel)); resDTypeFld = new JTextField(); resDTypeFld.setFont(tahoma); dTypePanel = new JPanel(); dTypePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Box dTypeBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); dTypeBox.add(resDTypeBox); dTypeBox.add(resDTypeFld); JLabel dTypeLbl = new JLabel("Enter Datatype Value:"); dTypeLbl.setFont(tahoma); dTypePanel.add(dTypeLbl, "West"); dTypePanel.add(dTypeBox, "Center"); for (int i = 0; i < dataTypeURIs.size(); i++) { String dt = dataTypeURIs.get(i).toString(); resDTypeBox.addItem(dt); } resDTypeBox.setRenderer(new CellRenderer()); objResLbl = new JLabel("Select Class: "); objResLbl.setFont(tahoma); resClassPanel = new JPanel(); resClassPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); resClassPanel.add(objResLbl, "West"); resClassPanel.add(resClassBox, "Center"); JPanel restPanelN = new JPanel(); restPanelN.setLayout(new GridLayout(10, 1)); JLabel propLbl = new JLabel("Subject of Restriction (Property)"); propLbl.setFont(tahomaB); restPanelN.add(propLbl); restPanelN.add(ontPanel2); restPanelN.add(resPropPanel); restPanelN.add(resTypePanel); JLabel claLbl = new JLabel( "Object of Restriction (Integer/Class/Value)"); claLbl.setFont(tahomaB); restPanelN.add(claLbl); restPanelN.add(ontPanel3); restPanelN.add(resClassPanel); restPanelN.add(dTypePanel); restrictionBar = new AddCloseBar(); restrictionBar.addActionListener(this); restPanelN.add(restrictionBar); restPanel.add(restPanelN, "Center"); simpleClassOntologyCombo.setRenderer(new CellRenderer()); restrPropOntologyCombo.setRenderer(new CellRenderer()); restrClassOntologyCombo.setRenderer(new CellRenderer()); if (this.typeIntCode>=0) mainTab.addTab("Restriction", restPanel); // create class expression panel JPanel cePanel = new JPanel(); cePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel propBar = new JPanel(); propBar.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,5)); someBtn = new JButton("<html>"+ConciseFormat.EXISTS+"</html>"); someBtn.setToolTipText("<html>Used to create: <br> - someValuesFrom(OBJECT_PROP, CLASS) <br> - hasValue(OBJECT_PROP, INDIVIDUAL) <br> - someValuesFrom(DATA_PROP, DATATYPE) <br> - hasValue(DATA_PROP, DATA_VALUE)</html>"); allBtn = new JButton("<html>"+ConciseFormat.FORALL+"</html>"); allBtn.setToolTipText("<html>Used to create: <br> - allValuesFrom(OBJECT_PROP, CLASS) <br> - allValuesFrom(DATA_PROP, DATATYPE)</html>"); equBtn = new JButton("<html>"+ConciseFormat.EQU+"</html>"); equBtn.setToolTipText("<html>Used to create: <br> - cardinality(OBJECT_PROP, INTEGER) <br> - cardinality(DATA_PROP, INTEGER)</html>"); maxBtn = new JButton("<html>"+ConciseFormat.LESSEQU+"</html>"); maxBtn.setToolTipText("<html>Used to create: <br> - maxCardinality(OBJECT_PROP, INTEGER) <br> - maxCardinality(DATA_PROP, INTEGER)</html>"); minBtn = new JButton("<html>"+ConciseFormat.GREATEQU+"</html>"); minBtn.setToolTipText("<html>Used to create: <br> - minCardinality(OBJECT_PROP, INTEGER) <br> - minCardinality(DATA_PROP, INTEGER)</html>"); oneBtn = new JButton("{}"); oneBtn.setToolTipText("<html>Used to create: <br> - oneOf(IND_1, IND_2...,IND_n)</html>"); intBtn = new JButton("<html>"+ConciseFormat.INTERSECTION+"</html>"); intBtn.setToolTipText("<html>Used to create: <br> - intersection(CLASS_1, CLASS_2...,CLASS_n)</html>"); uniBtn = new JButton("<html>"+ConciseFormat.UNION+"</html>"); uniBtn.setToolTipText("<html>Used to create: <br> - union(CLASS_1, CLASS_2...,CLASS_n)</html>"); negBtn = new JButton("<html>"+ConciseFormat.COMPLEMENT+"</html>"); negBtn.setToolTipText("<html>Used to create: <br> - complement(CLASS)</html>"); ontPropBox = new JComboBox(); ontPropBox.setRenderer(new CellRenderer()); ontValBox = new JComboBox(); ontValBox.setRenderer(new CellRenderer()); propBar.add(someBtn); propBar.add(allBtn); propBar.add(equBtn); propBar.add(maxBtn); propBar.add(minBtn); JPanel valBar = new JPanel(); valBar.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,4)); valBar.add(intBtn); valBar.add(uniBtn); valBar.add(oneBtn); valBar.add(negBtn); propList = new JList(); propList.setFont(tahoma); propList.addKeyListener(this); propList.setCellRenderer(new SwoopCellRenderer(swoopModel)); valList = new JList(); valList.setFont(tahoma); valList.setCellRenderer(new SwoopCellRenderer(swoopModel)); ceList = new JList(); ceList.setCellRenderer(new ClassExprRenderer(swoopModel)); ceList.addKeyListener(this); valChooser = new JComboBox(); valChooser.setFont(tahoma); valChooser.addItem("Show Classes"); valChooser.addItem("Show Individuals"); valChooser.addItem("Show Datatypes"); valChooser.addItemListener(this); JSplitPane ceSplit = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); JPanel leftPanel = new JPanel(); leftPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel propNorth = new JPanel(); propNorth.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); propNorth.add(propBar, "North"); propNorth.add(ontPropBox, "Center"); leftPanel.add(propNorth, "North"); JPanel propListPanel = new JPanel(); propListPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel propListNorth = new JPanel(); propListNorth.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); clearSelBtn1 = new JButton("Clear Sel"); clearSelBtn1.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 9)); propListNorth.add(clearSelBtn1, "East"); propListPanel.add(propListNorth, "North"); propListPanel.add(new JScrollPane(propList), "Center"); dataFld = new JTextField(); propListPanel.add(this.createRowPanel("Data", dataFld), "South"); leftPanel.add(propListPanel, "Center"); ceSplit.add(leftPanel, JSplitPane.LEFT); JSplitPane valSplit = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); JPanel valPanel = new JPanel(); valPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); valPanel.add(valChooser, BorderLayout.NORTH); valPanel.add(new JScrollPane(valList), BorderLayout.CENTER); valSplit.add(valPanel, JSplitPane.TOP); JPanel ceListPanel = new JPanel(); ceListPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel ceListNorth = new JPanel(); ceListNorth.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); clearSelBtn3 = new JButton("Clear Sel"); clearSelBtn3.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 9)); ceListNorth.add(clearSelBtn3, "East"); ceListPanel.add(ceListNorth, "North"); ceListPanel.add(new JScrollPane(ceList), "Center"); valSplit.add(ceListPanel, JSplitPane.BOTTOM); JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel(); rightPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel valNorth = new JPanel(); valNorth.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); valNorth.add(valBar, "North"); valNorth.add(ontValBox, "Center"); JPanel valSelPanel = new JPanel(); valSelPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); clearSelBtn2 = new JButton("Clear Sel"); clearSelBtn2.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 9)); valSelPanel.add(clearSelBtn2, "East"); valNorth.add(valSelPanel, "South"); rightPanel.add(valNorth, "North"); rightPanel.add(valSplit, "Center"); ceSplit.add(rightPanel, JSplitPane.RIGHT); cePanel.add(ceSplit, "Center"); JPanel southPanel = new JPanel(); southPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1)); ceStatusLbl = new JLabel(); southPanel.add(this.createRowPanel("Status", ceStatusLbl, "BOLD")); if (this.typeIntCode >= 0) { ceBar = new AddCloseBar(); ceBar.addActionListener(this); southPanel.add(ceBar); } else { addCEBtn = new JButton("Add"); if (this.typeIntCode == -1) addCEBtn.setText("Specify LHS of GCI and Proceed.."); else if (this.typeIntCode == -2) addCEBtn.setText("Specify RHS of GCI & Add GCI"); addCEBtn.setFont(tahoma); cancelBtn3 = new JButton("Cancel"); cancelBtn3.setFont(tahoma); JPanel ceBtnPanel = new JPanel(); ceBtnPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 3)); ceBtnPanel.add(addCEBtn); ceBtnPanel.add(cancelBtn3); southPanel.add(ceBtnPanel); addCEBtn.addActionListener(this); cancelBtn3.addActionListener(this); } cePanel.add(southPanel, "South"); mainTab.addTab("Class Expression", cePanel); // setup action listeners for CE panel someBtn.addActionListener(this); allBtn.addActionListener(this); equBtn.addActionListener(this); maxBtn.addActionListener(this); minBtn.addActionListener(this); oneBtn.addActionListener(this); intBtn.addActionListener(this); uniBtn.addActionListener(this); negBtn.addActionListener(this); clearSelBtn1.addActionListener(this); clearSelBtn2.addActionListener(this); clearSelBtn3.addActionListener(this); fillValues(); // fill values for UI in cePanel this.fillPropList(); this.fillValList(); resNameCombo.setSelectedIndex(5); // add tabbed pane to frame container Container content = getContentPane(); content.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel typeLbl = new JLabel("[ ADDING " + type + ".. ]"); typeLbl.setFont(tahoma); content.add(typeLbl, "North"); if (swoopModel.getSelectedEntity() instanceof OWLDataProperty && type.equals("RANGE CLASS")) { // special case: adding range for datatype property JPanel dtypePanel = new JPanel(); dtypePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // add list of datatypes dtypeList = new JList(); dtypeList.setCellRenderer(new SwoopCellRenderer(swoopModel)); dtypeList.setListData(dataTypes.toArray()); dtypeList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent arg0) { try { newClassFld.setText(((OWLDataType) dtypeList.getSelectedValue()).getURI().toString()); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); dtypePanel.add(new JScrollPane(dtypeList), "Center"); dtypePanel.add(classBar, "South"); content.add(dtypePanel); } else { content.add(mainTab, "Center"); } pack(); setTitle("Specify Class"); setSize(450, 410); setResizable(true); tab1Split.setDividerLocation(140); valSplit.setDividerLocation(140); } private JPanel createRowPanel(String lblStr, Component comp) { return createRowPanel(lblStr, comp, "PLAIN"); } private JPanel createRowPanel(String lblStr, Component comp, String font) { JLabel lbl = new JLabel(lblStr + ": "); if (font.equals("PLAIN")) lbl.setFont(tahoma); else if (font.equals("BOLD")) lbl.setFont(tahomaB); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(lbl, "West"); panel.add(comp, "Center"); return panel; } /* * Fill values in Ontology Combo Boxes (i.e populate it with ontologies * from SwoopModel) */ public void fillValues() { // get swoopModel ontology list // fill ontCombos with ontology list // turn off listeners simpleClassOntologyCombo.removeItemListener(this); restrPropOntologyCombo.removeItemListener(this); restrClassOntologyCombo.removeItemListener(this); ontList.removeListSelectionListener(this); ontPropBox.removeItemListener(this); ontValBox.removeItemListener(this); // fill starting entries in ontCombo boxes simpleClassOntologyCombo.addItem("/New term or URI"); restrPropOntologyCombo.addItem("/New term or URI"); restrClassOntologyCombo.addItem("/New term or URI"); Set sortedOntSet = new TreeSet(OntologyComparator.INSTANCE); sortedOntSet.addAll(swoopModel.getOntologyURIs()); ontList.setListData(sortedOntSet.toArray()); Iterator iter = sortedOntSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String uri =; simpleClassOntologyCombo.addItem(uri); restrClassOntologyCombo.addItem(uri); restrPropOntologyCombo.addItem(uri); ontPropBox.addItem(uri); ontValBox.addItem(uri); } // turn on listeners simpleClassOntologyCombo.addItemListener(this); restrPropOntologyCombo.addItemListener(this); restrClassOntologyCombo.addItemListener(this); ontList.addListSelectionListener(this); ontPropBox.addItemListener(this); ontValBox.addItemListener(this); // select current displayed ontology try { String currOntURI = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getURI() .toString(); simpleClassOntologyCombo.setSelectedItem(currOntURI); restrPropOntologyCombo.setSelectedItem(currOntURI); restrClassOntologyCombo.setSelectedItem(currOntURI); ontList.setSelectedValue(swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getURI(), true); ontPropBox.setSelectedItem(currOntURI); ontValBox.setSelectedItem(currOntURI); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Create the appropriate Ontology Change (class-level) depending on the * type-code Default parameters of the change are current selected ontology * and class * * @param newDesc - * new OWL description component of change * @throws OWLException */ private void makeChange(OWLDescription newDesc) throws OWLException { // create the ontology change object OWLOntology dispOnt = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology(); OWLEntity dispEntity = swoopModel.getSelectedEntity(); OntologyChange change = null; switch (typeIntCode) { case 0 : // add equivalent-class change = new AddEquivalentClass(dispOnt, (OWLClass) dispEntity, newDesc, null); changes.add(change); break; case 9 : // add complement class addBooleanSet(dispOnt, (OWLClass) dispEntity, newDesc, "COM"); break; case 1 : // add super-class change = new AddSuperClass(dispOnt, (OWLClass) dispEntity, newDesc, null); changes.add(change); break; case 2 : // add sub-class OWLSubClassAxiom axiom = dispOnt.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLSubClassAxiom(newDesc, (OWLClass) dispEntity); change = new AddClassAxiom(dispOnt, axiom, null); changes.add(change); break; case 3 : // add disjoint-class OWLDataFactory df = dispOnt.getOWLDataFactory(); Set disSet = new HashSet(); disSet.add(newDesc); disSet.add(dispEntity); OWLDisjointClassesAxiom disAxiom = df .getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom(disSet); change = new AddClassAxiom(dispOnt, disAxiom, null); changes.add(change); break; case 4 : // add element to intersection-set addBooleanSet(dispOnt, (OWLClass) dispEntity, newDesc, "INT"); break; case 5 : // add element to union-set addBooleanSet(dispOnt, (OWLClass) dispEntity, newDesc, "UNI"); break; case 6 : // add domain class change = new AddDomain(dispOnt, (OWLProperty) dispEntity, newDesc, null); changes.add(change); break; case 7 : // add range class OWLProperty prop = (OWLProperty) dispEntity; if (prop instanceof OWLDataProperty) { String dTypeURIStr = newClassFld.getText(); if (isURI(dTypeURIStr)) { URI uri = null; try { uri = new URI(dTypeURIStr); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } OWLDataType dType = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology() .getOWLDataFactory() .getOWLConcreteDataType(uri); change = new AddDataPropertyRange(dispOnt, (OWLDataProperty) prop, dType, null); changes.add(change); } } else { // ************************************ //added for Econnections //***************************************** if (!((OWLObjectProperty) prop).isLink()) { change = new AddObjectPropertyRange(dispOnt, (OWLObjectProperty) prop, newDesc, null); changes.add(change); } else { if (newDesc instanceof OWLClass) { change = new AddObjectPropertyRange(dispOnt, (OWLObjectProperty) prop, newDesc, null); changes.add(change); OntologyChange change2 = new AddForeignEntity( dispOnt, (OWLClass) newDesc, ((OWLObjectProperty) prop).getLinkTarget(), null); changes.add(change2); OntologyChange change3 = new RemoveEntity(dispOnt, (OWLClass) newDesc, null); changes.add(change3); } } } break; case 8 : // add instance type OWLIndividual ind = (OWLIndividual) dispEntity; change = new AddIndividualClass(dispOnt, ind, newDesc, null); changes.add(change); break; } } /** * Create and return an ADD boolean element change i.e. ADD intersection or * union element on a particular class * * @param dispOnt - * displayed ontology * @param dispClass - * displayed class * @param newDesc - * OWL description of boolean element * @param type - * INT or UNI or COM * @throws OWLException */ private void addBooleanSet(OWLOntology dispOnt, OWLClass dispClass, OWLDescription newDesc, String type) throws OWLException { /** * need to change when more than one boolean set present currently adds * 'newDesc' to first boolean set */ Class typeC = null; if (type.equals("INT")) typeC = OWLAnd.class; else if (type.equals("UNI")) typeC = OWLOr.class; else typeC = OWLNot.class; BooleanElementChange change = new BooleanElementChange(typeC, "Add", dispOnt, dispClass, newDesc, null); changes.add(change); } /** * Method called when the 'Add' class button is pressed in the Class Expression Pane. * It gets the OWL CE created by the user and passes it to makeChange(..) to create the * appropriate class change (e.g. AddSuperClass etc) * */ private void addCEChange() { currClassExpr = (OWLDescription) ceList.getSelectedValue(); if (currClassExpr!=null) { try { this.makeChange(currClassExpr); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } swoopModel.addUncommittedChanges(changes); changes = new ArrayList(); // reset it after changes have been added } else ceStatusLbl.setText("No Class Expression selected!"); } /** * Method called when the 'Add' class button is pressed It gets the OWL * class selected by the user and passes it to makeChange(..) to create the * appropriate class change (e.g. AddSuperClass etc) * */ private void addClassChange() { try { // get selected OWLClass element OWLClass selCla = null; if ((newClassFld.getText() != null) && (!newClassFld.getText().trim().equals(""))) { // user-specified class name/uri String claStr = newClassFld.getText(); claStr = claStr.replaceAll(" ","_"); if (!isURI(claStr)) claStr = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getLogicalURI() + "#" + claStr; URI claURI = new URI(claStr); selCla = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getOWLDataFactory() .getOWLClass(claURI); makeChange(selCla); } else { // existing class in swoopModel // enable multiple selection in class list Object[] selClas = (Object[]) classList.getSelectedValues(); for (int i = 0; i < selClas.length; i++) { if (selClas[i] instanceof OWLClass) makeChange((OWLClass) selClas[i]); } } swoopModel.addUncommittedChanges(changes); changes = new ArrayList(); // reset it after changes have been // added // dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean isURI(String str) { try { new URI(str); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { } return false; } /** * Method called when the user clicks on the Add Restriction button Creates * the OWL Restriction based on user selections and values and passes it to * the makeChange(..) method to create the corresponding class change */ private void addRestrictionChange() { try { // get appropriate OWL restriction // get property OWLProperty prop = null; URI userPropURI = null; //********************************************** //Added for Econnections //*********************************************** Set foreignEnt = new HashSet(); //*********************************************** String propType = ""; if (restrPropOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() != 0) { prop = (OWLProperty) resPropBox.getSelectedItem(); if (prop instanceof OWLDataProperty) propType = "Data"; else { //******************************************** //Changed for Econnections //******************************************* if (!(((OWLObjectProperty) prop).isLink())) propType = "Object"; else propType = "Link"; } } else { // user-specified property name/uri String propStr = resPropBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); propStr = propStr.replaceAll(" ","_"); if (!isURI(propStr)) propStr = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getLogicalURI() + "#" + propStr; userPropURI = new URI(propStr); } //--------------------------------------------------- // get restriction type / name and object accordingly OWLClass cla = null; // some/all values object rest OWLDataRange dRan = null; // some/all values data rest OWLIndividual ind = null; // has value object rest OWLDataValue dVal = null; // has value data rest int cardinality = -1; OWLDataFactory ontDF = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getOWLDataFactory(); if (resNameCombo.getSelectedIndex() >= 4) { // get class if (propType.equals("Data")) { // get data range // some/all values for datatype property String dRanStr = resDTypeBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); if ((!isURI(dRanStr)) || (dRanStr.indexOf("XMLSchema#") == -1)) { popupError("Invalid DataType Range - need XML Schema URI"); restrClassOntologyCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); resClassBox.addItem(""); resClassBox.setSelectedItem(""); return; } URI dataURI = new URI(dRanStr); dRan = ontDF.getOWLConcreteDataType(dataURI); } else { // get class if (restrClassOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() != 0) { cla = (OWLClass) resClassBox.getSelectedItem(); //******************************************** //Added for Econn //******************************************** if (propType.equals("Link")) foreignEnt.add(cla); //******************************************** } else { // user-specified class name/uri String claStr = resClassBox.getSelectedItem() .toString(); claStr = claStr.replaceAll(" ","_"); if (!isURI(claStr)) claStr = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology() .getLogicalURI() + "#" + claStr; URI claURI = new URI(claStr); cla = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology() .getOWLDataFactory().getOWLClass(claURI); //******************************************** //Added for Econn //******************************************** if (propType.equals("Link")) foreignEnt.add(cla); //******************************************** } } } else if (resNameCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 3) { if (propType.equals("Data")) { // get data value // has value for datatype property String dtURIStr = resDTypeBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); URI dtURI = new URI(dtURIStr); String dValStr = resDTypeFld.getText(); dVal = ontDF.getOWLConcreteData(dtURI, "EN", dValStr); } else { // get individual if (restrClassOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() != 0) { ind = (OWLIndividual) resClassBox.getSelectedItem(); } else { String indStr = resClassBox.getSelectedItem() .toString(); if (!isURI(indStr)) indStr = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology() .getLogicalURI() + "#" + indStr; URI indURI = new URI(indStr); ind = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology() .getOWLDataFactory().getOWLIndividual(indURI); } //******************************************** //Added for Econn //******************************************** if (propType.equals("Link")) foreignEnt.add(ind); //******************************************** } } else { // get cardinality try { cardinality = Integer.parseInt(resClassBox .getSelectedItem().toString()); if (cardinality < 0) { popupError("Invalid Integer Argument"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { popupError("Invalid Integer Argument"); return; } } //-------------------------------------------- // create restriction based on user selections OWLRestriction res = null; switch (resNameCombo.getSelectedIndex()) { case 0 : // cardinality restriction if (userPropURI != null) { // create new property as Object Property - default prop = ontDF.getOWLObjectProperty(userPropURI); propType = "Object"; } if (propType.equals("Data")) res = ontDF.getOWLDataCardinalityRestriction( (OWLDataProperty) prop, cardinality, cardinality); else res = ontDF.getOWLObjectCardinalityRestriction( (OWLObjectProperty) prop, cardinality, cardinality); break; case 1 : // minCardinality restriction if (userPropURI != null) { // create new property as Object Property - default prop = ontDF.getOWLObjectProperty(userPropURI); propType = "Object"; } if (propType.equals("Data")) res = ontDF.getOWLDataCardinalityAtLeastRestriction( (OWLDataProperty) prop, cardinality); else res = ontDF.getOWLObjectCardinalityAtLeastRestriction( (OWLObjectProperty) prop, cardinality); break; case 2 : // maxCardinality restriction if (userPropURI != null) { // create new property as Object Property - default prop = ontDF.getOWLObjectProperty(userPropURI); propType = "Object"; } if (propType.equals("Data")) res = ontDF.getOWLDataCardinalityAtMostRestriction( (OWLDataProperty) prop, cardinality); else res = ontDF.getOWLObjectCardinalityAtMostRestriction( (OWLObjectProperty) prop, cardinality); break; case 3 : // hasValue restriction if (propType.equals("Data")) { URI uri = new URI(resDTypeBox.getSelectedItem().toString()); if (dVal == null) { popupError("'hasValue' restriction on Datatype property must have range of Data-Value"); return; } boolean flag = DataValueChecker.isValidValue(this, uri, resDTypeFld.getText()); if (!flag) return; res = ontDF.getOWLDataValueRestriction( (OWLDataProperty) prop, dVal); } else { if (ind == null) { popupError("'hasValue' restriction on Object property must have range of Instance"); return; } res = ontDF.getOWLObjectValueRestriction( (OWLObjectProperty) prop, ind); } break; case 4 : // someValuesFrom restriction if (propType.equals("Data")) { if (userPropURI != null) prop = ontDF.getOWLDataProperty(userPropURI); if (dRan == null) { popupError("'someValuesFrom' restriction on Datatype property must have range of Datatype"); return; } res = ontDF.getOWLDataSomeRestriction( (OWLDataProperty) prop, dRan); } else { if (userPropURI != null) prop = ontDF.getOWLObjectProperty(userPropURI); if (cla == null) { popupError("'someValuesFrom' restriction on Object property must have range of Class"); return; } res = ontDF.getOWLObjectSomeRestriction((OWLObjectProperty) prop, cla); } break; case 5 : // allValuesFrom restriction if (propType.equals("Data")) { if (userPropURI != null) prop = ontDF.getOWLDataProperty(userPropURI); if (dRan == null) { popupError("'allValuesFrom' restriction on Datatype property must have range of Datatype"); return; } res = ontDF.getOWLDataAllRestriction( (OWLDataProperty) prop, dRan); } else { if (userPropURI != null) prop = ontDF.getOWLObjectProperty(userPropURI); if (cla == null) { popupError("'allValuesFrom' restriction on Object property must have range of Class"); return; } res = ontDF.getOWLObjectAllRestriction((OWLObjectProperty) prop, cla); } break; } //************************************************ //Added for Econn //************************************************ Iterator iter = foreignEnt.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OWLEntity entit = (OWLEntity); OntologyChange oc = null; if (!(swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getForeignEntities() .containsKey(entit))) oc = new AddForeignEntity(swoopModel.getSelectedOntology(), entit, ((OWLObjectProperty) prop).getLinkTarget(), null); changes.add(oc); } //****************************************** makeChange(res); Iterator j = foreignEnt.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { OWLEntity entit = (OWLEntity); OntologyChange oc = null; oc = new RemoveEntity(swoopModel.getSelectedOntology(), entit, null); swoopModel.getSelectedOntology().getForeignEntities().put( entit, ((OWLObjectProperty) prop).getLinkTarget()); changes.add(oc); } swoopModel.addUncommittedChanges(changes); changes = new ArrayList(); // reset it after changes have been added } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void popupError(String msg) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, msg, "Error creating OWL Description", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == classBar) { if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.ADD)) { addClassChange(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.ADDCLOSE)) { addClassChange(); dispose(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.CLOSE)) { dispose(); } } else if (e.getSource() == restrictionBar) { if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.ADD)) { addRestrictionChange(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.ADDCLOSE)) { addRestrictionChange(); dispose(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.CLOSE)) { dispose(); } } else if (e.getSource() == ceBar) { if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.ADD)) { addCEChange(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.ADDCLOSE)) { addCEChange(); if (currClassExpr!=null) dispose(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.CLOSE)) { dispose(); } } else if (e.getSource() == cancelBtn3) { dispose(); } else if (e.getSource() == addCEBtn) { if (this.typeIntCode == -1) { // just added LHS of GCI this.addLHSGCI(); } else if (this.typeIntCode == -2) { // just added RHS of GCI this.addRHSGCI(); } else { // adding class expression normally addCEChange(); if (currClassExpr!=null) dispose(); } } else if ((e.getSource() instanceof AddCloseBar) && e.getActionCommand().equals(AddCloseBar.CLOSE)) { dispose(); } else if (e.getSource() == someBtn) { this.createCE(SOME); } else if (e.getSource() == allBtn) { this.createCE(ALL); } else if (e.getSource() == equBtn) { this.createCE(EQU); } else if (e.getSource() == maxBtn) { this.createCE(MAX); } else if (e.getSource() == minBtn) { this.createCE(MIN); } else if (e.getSource() == intBtn) { this.createCE(INT); } else if (e.getSource() == uniBtn) { this.createCE(UNI); } else if (e.getSource() == oneBtn) { this.createCE(ONE); } else if (e.getSource() == negBtn) { this.createCE(NEG); } else if (e.getSource() == clearSelBtn1) { propList.clearSelection(); } else if (e.getSource() == clearSelBtn2) { valList.clearSelection(); } else if (e.getSource() == clearSelBtn3) { ceList.clearSelection(); } } /* * Create a CE based on user selection and button pressed * and add it to ceList */ private void createCE(int type) { OWLDescription ce = null; OWLOntology ont = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology(); OWLDataFactory ontDF = null; try { ontDF = ont.getOWLDataFactory(); } catch (OWLException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } String ERROR = ""; switch (type) { case INT: Set descs = new HashSet(); if (valList.getSelectedValue() instanceof OWLDescription) { for (int i = 0; i<valList.getSelectedValues().length; i++) { descs.add(valList.getSelectedValues()[i]); } } if (ceList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) { for (int i = 0; i<ceList.getSelectedValues().length; i++) { descs.add(ceList.getSelectedValues()[i]); } } try { if (descs.size()>0) ce = ontDF.getOWLAnd(descs); else ERROR = "No classes selected for intersection"; } catch (OWLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } break; case UNI: descs = new HashSet(); if (valList.getSelectedValue() instanceof OWLDescription) { for (int i = 0; i<valList.getSelectedValues().length; i++) { descs.add(valList.getSelectedValues()[i]); } } if (ceList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) { for (int i = 0; i<ceList.getSelectedValues().length; i++) { descs.add(ceList.getSelectedValues()[i]); } } try { if (descs.size()>0) ce = ontDF.getOWLOr(descs); else ERROR = "No classes selected for union"; } catch (OWLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } break; case ONE: Set inds = new HashSet(); if (valList.getSelectedValue() instanceof OWLIndividual) { for (int i = 0; i<valList.getSelectedValues().length; i++) { inds.add(valList.getSelectedValues()[i]); } } try { if (inds.size()>0) ce = ontDF.getOWLEnumeration(inds); else ERROR = "No individuals selected for enumeration"; } catch (OWLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } break; case NEG: OWLDescription desc = null; if ((valList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1 && valList.getSelectedValue() instanceof OWLDescription)) desc = (OWLDescription) valList.getSelectedValue(); else if (ceList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) desc = (OWLDescription) ceList.getSelectedValue(); if (desc!=null) { try { ce = ontDF.getOWLNot(desc); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else ERROR = "No class selected for negation"; break; case SOME: OWLProperty prop = null; if (propList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) { prop = (OWLProperty) propList.getSelectedValue(); } else { ERROR = "No property selected for someValues restriction"; break; } if (prop!=null && prop instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { desc = null; if ((valList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1 && valList.getSelectedValue() instanceof OWLDescription)) desc = (OWLDescription) valList.getSelectedValue(); else if (ceList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) desc = (OWLDescription) ceList.getSelectedValue(); if (desc!=null) { try { ce = ontDF.getOWLObjectSomeRestriction((OWLObjectProperty) prop, desc); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (valList.getSelectedValue() instanceof OWLIndividual) { if (valList.getSelectedIndices().length>1) { // someValues on oneOf set of selected inds Object[] selObj = valList.getSelectedValues(); Set oneSet = new HashSet(); for (int i=0; i<selObj.length; i++) oneSet.add(selObj[i]); try { OWLEnumeration one = ontDF.getOWLEnumeration(oneSet); ce = ontDF.getOWLObjectSomeRestriction((OWLObjectProperty) prop, one); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // value restr. on object prop. OWLIndividual ind = (OWLIndividual) valList.getSelectedValue(); try { ce = ontDF.getOWLObjectValueRestriction((OWLObjectProperty) prop, ind); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else ERROR = "No class/individual selected for someValues restriction on OWLObjectProperty"; } else if (prop!=null) { // data property restr. if (valList.getSelectedValue() instanceof OWLDataType) { OWLDataType dt = (OWLDataType) valList.getSelectedValue(); if (dataFld.getText().equals("")) { try { ce = ontDF.getOWLDataSomeRestriction((OWLDataProperty) prop, dt); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // value restr. on data prop. String dVal = dataFld.getText(); try { OWLDataValue data = ontDF.getOWLConcreteData(dt.getURI(), "", dVal); ce = ontDF.getOWLDataValueRestriction((OWLDataProperty) prop, data); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else ERROR = "No datatype selected for someValues restriction on OWLDatatype Property"; } break; case ALL: prop = null; if (propList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) { prop = (OWLProperty) propList.getSelectedValue(); } else { ERROR = "No property selected for allValues restriction"; break; } if (prop!=null && prop instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { desc = null; if ((valList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1 && valList.getSelectedValue() instanceof OWLDescription)) desc = (OWLDescription) valList.getSelectedValue(); else if (ceList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) desc = (OWLDescription) ceList.getSelectedValue(); if (desc!=null) { try { ce = ontDF.getOWLObjectAllRestriction((OWLObjectProperty) prop, desc); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else ERROR = "No class selected for allValues restriction on OWLObjectProperty"; } else { // data property restr. if (valList.getSelectedValue() instanceof OWLDataType) { OWLDataType dt = (OWLDataType) valList.getSelectedValue(); try { ce = ontDF.getOWLDataAllRestriction((OWLDataProperty) prop, dt); } catch (OWLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else ERROR = "No datatype selected for allValues restriction on OWLDatatypeProperty"; } break; case EQU: prop = null; if (propList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) { prop = (OWLProperty) propList.getSelectedValue(); } else { ERROR = "No property selected for cardinality restriction"; break; } int n = -1; try { n = Integer.parseInt(dataFld.getText()); } catch (Exception ex) {} if (n<0) { ERROR = "No non-negative integer specified for cardinality restriction"; break; } try { if (prop instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { ce = ontDF.getOWLObjectCardinalityRestriction((OWLObjectProperty) prop, n, n); } else { ce = ontDF.getOWLDataCardinalityRestriction((OWLDataProperty) prop, n, n); } } catch (OWLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } break; case MIN: prop = null; if (propList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) { prop = (OWLProperty) propList.getSelectedValue(); } else { ERROR = "No property selected for minCardinality restriction"; break; } n = -1; try { n = Integer.parseInt(dataFld.getText()); } catch (Exception ex) {} if (n<0) { ERROR = "No non-negative integer specified for minCardinality restriction"; break; } try { if (prop instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { ce = ontDF.getOWLObjectCardinalityAtLeastRestriction((OWLObjectProperty) prop, n); } else { ce = ontDF.getOWLDataCardinalityAtLeastRestriction((OWLDataProperty) prop, n); } } catch (OWLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } break; case MAX: prop = null; if (propList.getSelectedIndex()!=-1) { prop = (OWLProperty) propList.getSelectedValue(); } else { ERROR = "No property selected for maxCardinality restriction"; break; } n = -1; try { n = Integer.parseInt(dataFld.getText()); } catch (Exception ex) {} if (n<0) { ERROR = "No non-negative integer specified for maxCardinality restriction"; break; } try { if (prop instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { ce = ontDF.getOWLObjectCardinalityAtMostRestriction((OWLObjectProperty) prop, n); } else { ce = ontDF.getOWLDataCardinalityAtMostRestriction((OWLDataProperty) prop, n); } } catch (OWLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } break; } // add ce to ceList if (ce!=null) { List currCE = new ArrayList(); currCE.add(ce); ListModel lm = ceList.getModel(); for (int i=0; i<lm.getSize(); i++) currCE.add(lm.getElementAt(i)); ceList.setListData(currCE.toArray()); ceStatusLbl.setText("Class Expression added to list"); } else { ceStatusLbl.setText("<html><font color=\"red\">"+ERROR+"!</font></html>"); // System.out.println(ERROR); } // clear selections propList.clearSelection(); valList.clearSelection(); dataFld.setText(""); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == simpleClassOntologyCombo) { fillClassBox(); } else if (e.getSource() == restrPropOntologyCombo) { if (restrPropOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) propTypeBox.setVisible(true); else propTypeBox.setVisible(false); displayFields(); fillResPropBox(); } else if (e.getSource() == restrClassOntologyCombo) { fillResClassBox(); } else if (e.getSource() == resPropBox || e.getSource() == propTypeBox) { displayFields(); } else if (e.getSource() == resNameCombo) { if (objResLbl == null) return; // UI hasn't been initialized displayFields(); String val = (String) resNameCombo.getSelectedItem(); // if (val.indexOf("values-from") == -1) // mNestedRestrictionButton.setEnabled(false); // else mNestedRestrictionButton.setEnabled(true); } else if (e.getSource() == ontPropBox) { fillPropList(); } else if (e.getSource() == ontValBox) { fillValList(); } else if (e.getSource() == valChooser) { fillValList(); } } /** * Fill the class combo box with OWL classes from the ontology selected in * the ont combo box */ private void fillClassBox() { try { // fill classes in classBox based on selected ontology if (simpleClassOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { classBox.setEditable(true); classBox.removeAllItems(); return; } classBox.setEditable(false); classBox.setFont(new Font(swoopModel.getFontFace(), Font.PLAIN, 11)); String uri = simpleClassOntologyCombo.getSelectedItem().toString(); URI ontURI = new URI(uri); OWLOntology currOnt = swoopModel.getOntology(ontURI); // add classes Set claSet = new TreeSet(EntityComparator.INSTANCE); claSet.addAll(currOnt.getClasses()); classBox.removeAllItems(); Iterator iter = claSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OWLClass cla = (OWLClass); classBox.addItem(cla.getURI().toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void fillClassList() { try { // fill classes in classBox based on selected ontology String uri = ontList.getSelectedValue().toString(); URI ontURI = new URI(uri); OWLOntology currOnt = swoopModel.getOntology(ontURI); // add classes to list Set claSet = new TreeSet(EntityComparator.INSTANCE); claSet.addAll(currOnt.getClasses()); // add owl:Thing and owl:Northing claSet.add(currOnt.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLThing()); claSet.add(currOnt.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLNothing()); classList.setFont(new Font(swoopModel.getFontFace(), Font.PLAIN, 11)); classList.setListData(claSet.toArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /* * Fill value list in CE panel depending on ontology selection box * and type selection box (classes/individuals) */ private void fillValList() { try { valList.removeListSelectionListener(this); valList.setFont(new Font(swoopModel.getFontFace(), Font.PLAIN, 11)); String uri = ontValBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); URI ontURI = new URI(uri); OWLOntology currOnt = swoopModel.getOntology(ontURI); Set valSet = new TreeSet(EntityComparator.INSTANCE); if (valChooser.getSelectedIndex()==0) { valSet.addAll(currOnt.getClasses()); // add owl:Thing and owl:Northing valSet.add(currOnt.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLThing()); valSet.add(currOnt.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLNothing()); valList.setListData(valSet.toArray()); } else if (valChooser.getSelectedIndex()==1) { valSet.addAll(currOnt.getIndividuals()); valList.setListData(valSet.toArray()); } else valList.setListData(dataTypes.toArray()); valList.addListSelectionListener(this); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /* * Fill Property List in CE Panel when ontology selection changes */ private void fillPropList() { try { propList.removeListSelectionListener(this); propList.setFont(new Font(swoopModel.getFontFace(), Font.PLAIN, 11)); String uri = ontPropBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); URI ontURI = new URI(uri); OWLOntology currOnt = swoopModel.getOntology(ontURI); Set propSet = new TreeSet(EntityComparator.INSTANCE); propSet.addAll(currOnt.getDataProperties()); propSet.addAll(currOnt.getObjectProperties()); propList.setListData(propSet.toArray()); propList.addListSelectionListener(this); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Fill restriction property box with OWL properties from the ontology * selected in the ont-combo box */ private void fillResPropBox() { try { // fill classes in resPropBox based on selected ontology resPropBox.removeItemListener(this); if (restrPropOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { resPropBox.setEditable(true); resPropBox.removeAllItems(); return; } resPropBox.setFont(new Font(swoopModel.getFontFace(), Font.PLAIN, 11)); resPropBox.setEditable(false); String uri = restrPropOntologyCombo.getSelectedItem().toString(); URI ontURI = new URI(uri); OWLOntology currOnt = swoopModel.getOntology(ontURI); Set propSet = new TreeSet(EntityComparator.INSTANCE); propSet.addAll(currOnt.getDataProperties()); propSet.addAll(currOnt.getObjectProperties()); resPropBox.removeAllItems(); Iterator iter = propSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OWLProperty prop = (OWLProperty); resPropBox.addItem(prop); } resPropBox.addItemListener(this); displayFields(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Key function that re-renders fields of the UI depending on changes in * user selection for certain restriction parameters e.g. when cardinalty * restriction is selected --> display field for integer; or when object * property and hasValue restriction selected --> display field for * instances */ private void displayFields() { if (resNameCombo.getSelectedIndex() < 3) { // cardinality restriction of some sort restrClassOntologyCombo.setEnabled(false); resClassBox.removeAllItems(); resClassBox.setEditable(true); objResLbl.setText("Specify Integer: "); resClassPanel.setVisible(true); dTypePanel.setVisible(false); return; } restrClassOntologyCombo.setEnabled(true); if (resNameCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 3) { // has-value restriction: show datatype/value fields if ((restrPropOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0 && propTypeBox .getSelectedIndex() == 1) || (restrPropOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() != 0 && resPropBox .getSelectedItem() instanceof OWLObjectProperty)) { objResLbl.setText("Select Individual:"); fillType = "Instances"; fillResClassBox(); } else { dTypePanel.setVisible(true); resDTypeFld.setVisible(true); repaint(); } } else { // some/all values restriction if ((restrPropOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0 && propTypeBox .getSelectedIndex() == 1) || (restrPropOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() != 0 && resPropBox .getSelectedItem() instanceof OWLObjectProperty)) { objResLbl.setText("Select Class:"); fillType = "Classes"; fillResClassBox(); } else { resDTypeFld.setVisible(false); repaint(); } } // determine property type - Data or Object int propType = -1; if (restrPropOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { propType = propTypeBox.getSelectedIndex(); } //else if (resPropBox.getSelectedItem()==null) return; else if (resPropBox.getSelectedItem() instanceof OWLProperty) { OWLProperty resProp = (OWLProperty) resPropBox.getSelectedItem(); if (resProp instanceof OWLDataProperty) { propType = 0; } else if (resProp instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { propType = 1; } } if (propType == 0) { // hide class/instance value box dTypePanel.setVisible(true); resClassPanel.setVisible(false); } else if (propType == 1) { // hide datarange value box dTypePanel.setVisible(false); resClassPanel.setVisible(true); } } /** * Fill restriction class box with OWL Classes whenever ontology selection * changes in corresponding ont-combo box */ private void fillResClassBox() { try { // fill classes in resClassBox based on selected ontology if (restrClassOntologyCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { resClassBox.setEditable(true); resClassBox.removeAllItems(); return; } resClassBox.setFont(new Font(swoopModel.getFontFace(), Font.PLAIN, 11)); resClassBox.setEditable(false); //************************************************ //Added for Econnections //************************************************** OWLProperty prop = (OWLProperty) resPropBox.getSelectedItem(); URI ontURI = null; OWLOntology currOnt = null; String uri = null; if (prop instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { if (!(((OWLObjectProperty) prop).isLink())) { uri = restrClassOntologyCombo.getSelectedItem().toString(); } else { uri = ((OWLObjectProperty) prop).getLinkTarget().toString(); restrClassOntologyCombo.setEnabled(false); } ontURI = new URI(uri); if (!(swoopModel.getOntology(ontURI) == null)) { currOnt = swoopModel.getOntology(ontURI); } else { currOnt = swoopModel.loadOntology(ontURI); // currOnt = swoopModel.getOntology(ontURI); } } if (fillType.equals("Classes")) { // add classes Set claSet = new TreeSet(EntityComparator.INSTANCE); claSet.addAll(currOnt.getClasses()); resClassBox.removeAllItems(); Iterator iter = claSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OWLClass cla = (OWLClass); resClassBox.addItem(cla); } // add datatypes String xmls = ""; String[] datatypes = {"int", "nonNegativeInteger", "long", "string", "float", "boolean", "date", "time"}; for (int i = 0; i < datatypes.length; i++) { String dataURI = xmls + datatypes[i]; //resClassBox.addItem(dataURI); } } else if (fillType.equals("Instances")) { // add instances Set indSet = new TreeSet(EntityComparator.INSTANCE); indSet.addAll(currOnt.getIndividuals()); resClassBox.removeAllItems(); Iterator iter = indSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OWLIndividual ind = (OWLIndividual); resClassBox.addItem(ind); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == ontList) { fillClassList(); } } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) { } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == classList) { String alpha = Character.toString(e.getKeyChar()).toLowerCase(); PopupCommon.listSelector(swoopModel, (JList) e.getSource(), alpha); } else if (e.getSource() == newClassFld) { if (e.getKeyCode() == 10) { if (mainTab.getSelectedIndex() == 0) addClassChange(); else if (mainTab.getSelectedIndex() == 1) addRestrictionChange(); } } else if (e.getSource() == ceList) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE) { // delete selected items from list ListModel lm = ceList.getModel(); List newCE = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0; i<lm.getSize(); i++) { boolean add = true; for (int j=0; j<ceList.getSelectedValues().length; j++) { if (lm.getElementAt(i).equals(ceList.getSelectedValues()[j])) add = false; } if (add) newCE.add(lm.getElementAt(i)); } ceList.setListData(newCE.toArray()); ceStatusLbl.setText("Class Expression(s) deleted from list"); } } } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) { } /* * after user specifies LHS of GCI, create a new popup for * allowing user to enter RHS of GCI */ private void addLHSGCI() { currClassExpr = (OWLDescription) ceList.getSelectedValue(); if (currClassExpr!=null) { // create nested popup for RHS of GCI PopupAddClass newDialog = new PopupAddClass(reasoner, "GCI-RIGHT", swoopModel, currClassExpr); newDialog.setLocation(this.getLocation());; dispose(); } else ceStatusLbl.setText("No Class Expression selected!"); } /* * after user specified RHS of GCI, create GCI and add it * to the ontology directly using swoopModel.addGCI which * will also notify listeners and refresh reasoner */ private void addRHSGCI() { currClassExpr = (OWLDescription) ceList.getSelectedValue(); if (currClassExpr!=null) { // if RHS of GCI is selected, make the change here itself // create GCI, make change and dispose OWLOntology ont = swoopModel.getSelectedOntology(); swoopModel.addGCI(ont, lhsGCI, currClassExpr); dispose(); } else ceStatusLbl.setText("No Class Expression selected!"); } }