/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.indexed.Locator; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.Attributes; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.DocInitialization; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.DocOp; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.Nindo; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.Nindo.Builder; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.algorithm.AnnotationsNormalizer; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.algorithm.Composer; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.AttributesImpl; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.DocOpBuffer; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.impl.UncheckedDocOpBuffer; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.parser.XmlParseException; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.parser.XmlParserFactory; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.parser.XmlPullParser; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.AnnotationBuilder; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.Annotations; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.DomOperationUtil; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.Point; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.PointRange; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.Range; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.XmlStringBuilder; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.OperationException; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.OperationSequencer; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.CollectionUtils; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Preconditions; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.ReadableStringMap; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.ReadableStringMap.ProcV; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.ReadableStringSet; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.ReadableStringSet.Proc; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Implementation of the MutableDocument interface. * * TODO(danilatos): Change the implementation to act directly on the WaveDoc, * and sourcing ops. This is more efficient than converting points to locators, * which will just be wastefully converted back again internally in the WaveDoc. * There's a lot of innefficiencies now, which we can clear up, but ok for now * because they'll exercise our new code. * */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class MutableDocumentImpl<N, E extends N, T extends N> implements MutableDocument<N,E,T> { protected final OperationSequencer<Nindo> sequencer; private final ReadableWDocument<N, E, T> doc; /** * @param sequencer * @param document */ public MutableDocumentImpl(OperationSequencer<Nindo> sequencer, ReadableWDocument<N, E, T> document) { this.sequencer = sequencer; this.doc = document; } protected void begin() { sequencer.begin(); } protected void end() { sequencer.end(); } private void consume(Builder builder) { sequencer.consume(builder.build()); } private void consume(Nindo op) { sequencer.consume(op); } /** * Deletes a content element. Executes the delete in this document, and * places the caret in the deleted element's spot. Finally triggers * a single operation event matching the executed delete. * * @param element the element to delete */ public void deleteNode(E element) { try { begin(); consume(deleteElement(element, at(Locator.before(doc, element)))); } finally { end(); } } /** * Deletes all children of a content element. Executes the delete in * this document, and places the caret in the emptied element. Finally * triggers a single operation event matching the executed delete. * * @param element the element to delete */ public void emptyElement(E element) { try { begin(); // Construct and apply delete operation consume(emptyElement(element, at(Locator.start(doc, element)))); } finally { end(); } } @Override public void insertText(int location, String text) { Preconditions.checkPositionIndex(location, size()); // TODO(danilatos): Get the schema constraints from the document // and use the corresponding permitted characters from there. // text = getPermittedCharactersForPoint(point).convertString(text); try { begin(); consume(insertText(text, at(location))); } finally { end(); } } /** * Inserts text at the given point. Triggers a single operation event matching the * executed insertion. * * @param point Point at which to insert text * @param text Text to insert */ public void insertText(Point<N> point, String text) { Point.checkPoint(this, point, "MutableDocumentImpl.insertText"); insertText(doc.getLocation(point), text); } @Override public E appendXml(XmlStringBuilder xml) { return insertXml(Point.<N>end(doc.getDocumentElement()), xml); } /** * Parses the xml and appends it to an existing builder. * * NOTE(user): Find a better place for this utility method. Where's the * lowest level intersection of XmlStringBuilder and Nindo.Builder? * * @param xml * @param builder */ public static void appendXmlToBuilder(XmlStringBuilder xml, Builder builder) { String xmlString = xml.getXmlString(); try { XmlPullParser parser = XmlParserFactory.unbuffered(xmlString); while (parser.hasNext()) { parser.next(); switch (parser.getCurrentType()) { case TEXT: builder.characters(parser.getText()); break; case START_ELEMENT: builder.elementStart(parser.getTagName(), new AttributesImpl(CollectionUtils .newJavaMap(parser.getAttributes()))); break; case END_ELEMENT: builder.elementEnd(); break; } } } catch (XmlParseException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ill-formed xml: " + xmlString, e); } } @Override public E insertXml(Point<N> point, XmlStringBuilder xml) { Point.checkPoint(this, point, "MutableDocumentImpl.insertXml"); try { begin(); int where = doc.getLocation(point); Builder builder = at(where); appendXmlToBuilder(xml, builder); consume(builder); return Point.elementAfter(this, doc.locate(where)); } finally { end(); } } @Override public Range deleteRange(int start, int end) { Preconditions.checkPositionIndexes(start, end, size()); // TODO(davidbyttow/danilatos): Handle this more efficiently. PointRange<N> range = deleteRange(doc.locate(start), doc.locate(end)); return new Range(doc.getLocation(range.getFirst()), doc.getLocation(range.getSecond())); } /** * Deletes a content range. Executes the delete in this document, and * places the caret in the deleted element's spot. Finally triggers * a single operation event matching the executed delete. * * @param start * @param end * @return The point where it would place the cursor */ public PointRange<N> deleteRange(Point<N> start, Point<N> end) { Point.checkPoint(this, start, "MutableDocumentImpl.deleteRange start point"); Point.checkPoint(this, end, "MutableDocumentImpl.deleteRange end point"); int startLocation = doc.getLocation(start); int endLocation = doc.getLocation(end); if (startLocation > endLocation) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("MutableDocumentImpl.deleteRange: start is after end"); } if (startLocation == endLocation) { return new PointRange<N>(start, end); } try { begin(); // TODO(danilatos): Re-implement by traversing through and building just // one large mutation, including joins where appropriate. // TODO(danilatos): Add some "find common parent" functionality to the // lookup tree, where it can be implemented more efficiently than here. // The start point we want to return will always be dependent on // the original start location int value. // The end point, however, might change, so store it here. Point<N> newEndPoint = null; if (doc.isSameNode( Point.enclosingElement(this, start.getContainer()), Point.enclosingElement(this, end.getContainer()))) { // simple case, the two points are in the same element consume(deleteRangeInternal(startLocation, endLocation)); // in this case, the end point == start point newEndPoint = doc.locate(startLocation); } else { // complicated case, the two points cross element boundaries E startEl = Point.enclosingElement(doc, start.getContainer()); E endEl = Point.enclosingElement(doc, end.getContainer()); // TODO(danilatos): Check if GWT's LinkedHashSet works and use that // instead of an array. This should be ok for now, I don't expect the // list to grow more than about size 3 in practice, so contains // should be fast. List<E> startAncestors = new ArrayList<E>(); for (E el = startEl; el != null; el = doc.getParentElement(el)) { startAncestors.add(el); } // traverse up, to the midpoint, deleting content on the left of the end point E rightEl, prevRightEl; // this is our index into the left-side ancestors where we will start deletions on // that side. it's minus-one because the last one is the common ancestor, which is // handled in this right-side-handling loop. int commonAncestorIndexMinusOne = -2; boolean needToDoLeftmostDeleteSeparately = true; for (rightEl = endEl, prevRightEl = endEl; ; rightEl = doc.getParentElement(rightEl)) { boolean atCommonAncestor = startAncestors.contains(rightEl); int s; // start of this deletion section if (atCommonAncestor) { // If at common ancestor of start and end points commonAncestorIndexMinusOne = startAncestors.indexOf(rightEl) - 1; // If there are ranges on the left of the common ancestor needToDoLeftmostDeleteSeparately = commonAncestorIndexMinusOne >= 0; s = needToDoLeftmostDeleteSeparately // if there are, this is a range in the middle ? Locator.after(doc, startAncestors.get(commonAncestorIndexMinusOne)) // otherwise it's right at the start : startLocation; } else { // If we're not at the common ancestor, it's a lot simpler. s = Locator.start(doc, rightEl); } int e = rightEl == endEl ? endLocation : Locator.before(doc, prevRightEl); consume(deleteRangeInternal(s, e)); // if this is the first iteration, save the new end point after we've deleted // the rightmost sub-range of content if (newEndPoint == null) { newEndPoint = doc.locate(s); } prevRightEl = rightEl; if (atCommonAncestor) { break; } } assert commonAncestorIndexMinusOne != -2; // traverse down, deleting content on the right of the start point. // as well as it being minus-one, we also skip i == 0, because that // needs different logic. for (int i = commonAncestorIndexMinusOne; i > 0; i--) { consume(deleteRangeInternal( Locator.after(doc, startAncestors.get(i - 1)), Locator.end(doc, startAncestors.get(i)))); } // here is said different logic if (needToDoLeftmostDeleteSeparately) { // leftmost delete consume(deleteRangeInternal(startLocation, Locator.end(doc, startEl))); } } // Maybe place caret where delete took place Point<N> startPoint = doc.locate(startLocation); // Our useful return value return new PointRange<N>(startPoint, newEndPoint); } finally { end(); } } @Override public void moveSiblings(Point<N> destination, N from, N toExcl) { assert from != null; // step 0: position calculations: final int removeStart = doc.getLocation(Point.before(doc, from)); int removeEnd = toExcl == null ? doc.getLocation(Point.end((N) doc.getParentElement(from))) : doc.getLocation(Point.before(doc, toExcl)); int removeSize = removeEnd - removeStart; assert removeSize > 0; // comparing to where it's moving to: int addPosition = doc.getLocation(destination); if (addPosition >= removeEnd) { addPosition -= removeSize; // new insert should shift down } int remainder = doc.size() - removeSize - addPosition; // remainder after the insert // step 1: initialise the operations for the DOM and annotations: DocOpBuffer domOp = new DocOpBuffer(); final AnnotationsNormalizer<DocOp> annotOp = new AnnotationsNormalizer<DocOp>(new UncheckedDocOpBuffer()); if (addPosition > 0) { annotOp.retain(addPosition); domOp.retain(addPosition); } // step 2: fill in the DOM operations: for (N at = from; at != toExcl; at = doc.getNextSibling(at)) { DomOperationUtil.buildDomInitializationFromSubtree(doc, at, domOp); } // step 3: form the annotatinos AnnotationInterval<String> last = null; doc.knownKeys().each(new Proc() { // start all the keys @Override public void apply(String key) { annotOp.startAnnotation(key, null, doc.getAnnotation(removeStart, key)); } }); for (AnnotationInterval<String> interval : // update along the way doc.annotationIntervals(removeStart, removeEnd, null)) { interval.diffFromLeft().each(new ProcV<Object>() { @Override public void apply(String key, Object value) { assert value == null || value instanceof String; if (value != null) { annotOp.startAnnotation(key, null, (String) value); } else { annotOp.endAnnotation(key); } } }); annotOp.retain(interval.length()); last = interval; } doc.knownKeys().each(new Proc() { // close all the keys @Override public void apply(String key) { annotOp.endAnnotation(key); } }); // step 4: close them out: if (remainder > 0) { domOp.retain(remainder); annotOp.retain(remainder); } // step 5: remove the entire range deleteRange(removeStart, removeEnd); // step 6: compose then consume the insertion op: DocOp atomicInsert; try { atomicInsert = Composer.compose(domOp.finish(), annotOp.finish()); hackConsume(Nindo.fromDocOp(atomicInsert, true)); } catch (OperationException e) { // should never happen, we constructed composable ops } } @Override public void setElementAttribute(E element, String name, String value) { String currentValue = getAttribute(element, name); if ((value == null && currentValue == null) || (value != null && value.equals(currentValue))) { // Redundant. Do nothing, no operation. return; } try { begin(); consume(setAttribute(name, value, at(Locator.before(doc, element)))); } finally { end(); } } @Override public void setElementAttributes(E element, Attributes attrs) { Preconditions.checkArgument(element != getDocumentElement(), "Cannot touch root element"); try { begin(); consume(setAttributes(attrs, at(Locator.before(doc, element)))); } finally { end(); } } @Override public void updateElementAttributes(E element, Map<String, String> attrs) { Preconditions.checkArgument(element != getDocumentElement(), "Cannot touch root element"); try { begin(); consume(updateAttributes(attrs, at(Locator.before(doc, element)))); } finally { end(); } } @Override public E createChildElement(E parent, String tag, Map<String, String> attrs) { return createElement(Point.<N>end(parent), tag, attrs); } @Override public E createElement(Point<N> point, String tagName, Map<String, String> attributes) { // TODO(danilatos): Validate point is in document. indexed doc should throw an exception // when calling getLocation anyway. Preconditions.checkNotNull(tagName, "createElement: tagName must not be null"); Point.checkPoint(this, point, "MutableDocumentImpl.createElement"); try { begin(); int location = doc.getLocation(point); consume(createElement(tagName, new AttributesImpl(attributes), at(location))); Point<N> result = doc.locate(location); return doc.asElement(result.isInTextNode() ? doc.getNextSibling(result.getContainer()) : result.getNodeAfter()); } finally { end(); } } @Override public void setAnnotation(int start, int end, String key, String value) { Annotations.checkPersistentKey(key); Preconditions.checkPositionIndexes(start, end, doc.size()); if (start == end) { return; } try { begin(); consume(Nindo.setAnnotation(start, end, key, value)); } finally { end(); } } @Override public void resetAnnotation(int start, int end, String key, String value) { Annotations.checkPersistentKey(key); Preconditions.checkPositionIndexes(start, end, doc.size()); try { begin(); Builder b = new Builder(); if (start > 0) { b.startAnnotation(key, null); b.skip(start); } if (start != end) { b.startAnnotation(key, value); b.skip(end - start); } if (doc.size() != end) { b.startAnnotation(key, null); b.skip(doc.size() - end); } b.endAnnotation(key); consume(b.build()); } finally { end(); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated @Override public void resetAnnotationsInRange(int rangeStart, int rangeEnd, String key, List<RangedValue<String>> values) { if (rangeStart == rangeEnd) { // Nothing to do return; } Preconditions.checkPositionIndexes(rangeStart, rangeEnd, doc.size()); AnnotationBuilder<N, E, T> ab = new AnnotationBuilder<N, E, T>(doc, rangeStart, rangeEnd, key); for (RangedValue<String> annotation : values) { int start = annotation.start; int end = annotation.end; Preconditions.checkPositionIndexesInRange(ab.getCurrentPos(), start, end, rangeEnd); if (start == end) { // nothing to do continue; } ab.setUpTo(null, start); ab.setUpTo(annotation.value, end); } ab.setUpTo(null, rangeEnd); if (ab.getDirty()) { try { begin(); consume(ab.build()); } finally { end(); } } } // Helper DSL methods for building operations // at() creates a builder with cursor at the given location // Each other method does something convenient and returns the given builder private Builder at(int location) { Builder b = new Builder(); if (location > 0) { b.skip(location); } return b; } private Builder createElement(String tagName, Attributes attributes, Builder builder) { builder.elementStart(tagName, attributes); builder.elementEnd(); return builder; } private Builder insertText(String text, Builder builder) { builder.characters(text); return builder; } private Builder deleteElement(E element, Builder builder) { builder.deleteElementStart(); emptyElement(element, builder); builder.deleteElementEnd(); return builder; } private Builder emptyElement(E element, Builder builder) { for (N node = doc.getFirstChild(element); node != null; node = doc.getNextSibling(node)) { E elChild = doc.asElement(node); if (elChild != null) { deleteElement(elChild, builder); } else { builder.deleteCharacters(doc.getData(doc.asText(node)).length()); } } return builder; } private Builder setAttribute(String name, String value, Builder builder) { builder.updateAttributes(Collections.singletonMap(name, value)); return builder; } private Builder setAttributes(Attributes attrs, Builder builder) { builder.replaceAttributes(attrs); return builder; } private Builder updateAttributes(Map<String, String> attrs, Builder builder) { builder.updateAttributes(attrs); return builder; } private Builder deleteRangeInternal(int startLocation, int endLocation) { // TODO(danilatos): Delete this method when deleting is redone efficiently Builder builder = at(startLocation); Point<N> start = doc.locate(startLocation); Point<N> end = doc.locate(endLocation); assert doc.isSameNode( Point.enclosingElement(doc, start.getContainer()), Point.enclosingElement(doc, end.getContainer())) : "Range must be within a single element"; N node; if (start.isInTextNode()) { if (doc.isSameNode(start.getContainer(), end.getContainer())) { int size = end.getTextOffset() - start.getTextOffset(); if (size > 0) { builder.deleteCharacters(size); } return builder; } else { int size = doc.getLength(doc.asText(start.getContainer())) - start.getTextOffset(); node = doc.getNextSibling(start.getContainer()); if (size > 0) { builder.deleteCharacters(size); } } } else { node = start.getNodeAfter(); } N stop; if (end.isInTextNode()) { stop = end.getContainer(); } else { stop = end.getNodeAfter(); } while (node != stop) { N next = doc.getNextSibling(node); T text = doc.asText(node); if (text != null) { builder.deleteCharacters(doc.getData(text).length()); } else { deleteElement(doc.asElement(node), builder); } node = next; } if (end.isInTextNode()) { int size = end.getTextOffset(); if (size > 0) { builder.deleteCharacters(size); } } return builder; } @Override public void with(Action actionToRunWithDocument) { actionToRunWithDocument.exec(this); } @Override public <V> V with(Method<V> methodToRunWithDocument) { return methodToRunWithDocument.exec(this); } public void hackConsume(Nindo op) { begin(); try { consume(op); } finally { end(); } } // Eclipse-generated delegator methods @Override public int size() { return doc.size(); } @Override public E asElement(N node) { return doc.asElement(node); } @Override public T asText(N node) { return doc.asText(node); } @Override public Map<String, String> getAttributes(E element) { return doc.getAttributes(element); } @Override public String getData(T textNode) { return doc.getData(textNode); } @Override public E getDocumentElement() { return doc.getDocumentElement(); } @Override public N getFirstChild(N node) { return doc.getFirstChild(node); } @Override public N getLastChild(N node) { return doc.getLastChild(node); } @Override public int getLength(T textNode) { return doc.getLength(textNode); } @Override public N getNextSibling(N node) { return doc.getNextSibling(node); } @Override public short getNodeType(N node) { return doc.getNodeType(node); } @Override public E getParentElement(N node) { return doc.getParentElement(node); } @Override public N getPreviousSibling(N node) { return doc.getPreviousSibling(node); } @Override public String getTagName(E element) { return doc.getTagName(element); } @Override public boolean isSameNode(N node, N other) { return doc.isSameNode(node, other); } @Override public String getAttribute(E element, String name) { return doc.getAttribute(element, name); } @Override public int firstAnnotationChange(int start, int end, String key, String fromValue) { return doc.firstAnnotationChange(start, end, key, fromValue); } @Override public int lastAnnotationChange(int start, int end, String key, String fromValue) { return doc.lastAnnotationChange(start, end, key, fromValue); } @Override public String getAnnotation(int start, String key) { return doc.getAnnotation(start, key); } @Override public AnnotationCursor annotationCursor(int start, int end, ReadableStringSet keys) { return doc.annotationCursor(start, end, keys); } @Override public Point<N> locate(int location) { return doc.locate(location); } @Override public int getLocation(N node) { return doc.getLocation(node); } @Override public int getLocation(Point<N> point) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(point, "getLocation: Null point"); return doc.getLocation(point); } @Override public void forEachAnnotationAt(int location, ReadableStringMap.ProcV<String> callback) { doc.forEachAnnotationAt(location, callback); } @Override public Iterable<AnnotationInterval<String>> annotationIntervals(int start, int end, ReadableStringSet keys) { return doc.annotationIntervals(start, end, keys); } @Override public Iterable<RangedAnnotation<String>> rangedAnnotations(int start, int end, ReadableStringSet keys) { return doc.rangedAnnotations(start, end, keys); } @Override public ReadableStringSet knownKeys() { return doc.knownKeys(); } @Override public DocInitialization toInitialization() { return doc.toInitialization(); } @Override public String toXmlString() { return doc.toXmlString(); } @Override public String toDebugString() { return doc.toDebugString(); } @Override public String toString() { return "MutableDI@" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)) + "[" + toDebugString() + "]"; } @Override public void beginMutationGroup() { sequencer.begin(); } @Override public void endMutationGroup() { sequencer.end(); } }