package org.swellrt.beta.model.remote; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import org.swellrt.beta.common.SException; import org.swellrt.beta.model.SEvent; import org.swellrt.beta.model.SMap; import org.swellrt.beta.model.SNode; import org.swellrt.beta.model.SPrimitive; import org.swellrt.beta.model.SUtils; import org.swellrt.beta.model.js.HasJsProxy; import org.swellrt.beta.model.js.Proxy; import org.swellrt.beta.model.js.SMapProxyHandler; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.adt.ObservableBasicMap; public class SMapRemote extends SNodeRemoteContainer implements SMap, HasJsProxy, ObservableBasicMap.Listener<String, SNodeRemote> { public static SMapRemote create(SObjectRemote object, SubstrateId substrateId, ObservableBasicMap<String, SNodeRemote> map) { return new SMapRemote(object, substrateId, map); } /** the underlying wave map */ private final ObservableBasicMap<String, SNodeRemote> map; /** cache of SNodeRemote instances in the map */ private final HashMap<String, SNodeRemote> cache; private Proxy proxy; protected SMapRemote(SObjectRemote object, SubstrateId substrateId, ObservableBasicMap<String, SNodeRemote> map) { super(substrateId, object); this.cache = new HashMap<String, SNodeRemote>(); = map;; } @Override protected void clearCache() { cache.clear(); for (SNodeRemote n: cache.values()) if (n instanceof SNodeRemoteContainer) ((SNodeRemoteContainer) n).clearCache(); } /** * Perform a sanity check. Raise an exception if this node * can't perform the operation or the container object is * in a bad state. * <p> * Don't use it for read operations to avoid client frameworks * (like angular2) receiving exceptions in templates. */ protected void check() throws SException { if (this.getParent() == null) throw new SException(SException.NOT_ATTACHED_NODE); getObject().check(); } @Override public void clear() throws SException { check(); Set<String> keys = map.keySet(); for (String k: keys) { map.remove(k); } cache.clear(); } @Override public boolean has(String key) throws SException { check(); return map.keySet().contains(key); } @Override public SNode getNode(String key) throws SException { // Don't call check here, this is a read operation! if (!map.keySet().contains(key)) return null; SNodeRemote node = null; if (!cache.containsKey(key)) { node = map.get(key); if (node instanceof SPrimitive) { ((SPrimitive) node).setNameKey(key); } // This should be always true! if (node instanceof SNodeRemote) ((SNodeRemote) node).attach(this); // lazily set parent cache.put(key, node); } else { node = cache.get(key); } return node; } @Override public Object get(String key) throws SException { SNode node = getNode(key); getObject().checkReadable(node); if (node == null) return null; if (node instanceof SPrimitive) return ((SPrimitive) node).get(); return node; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return map.keySet().isEmpty(); } @Override public String[] keys() throws SException { check(); return map.keySet().toArray(new String[map.keySet().size()]); } @Override public SMap put(String key, SNode value) throws SException { check(); getObject().checkWritable(getNode(key)); SNodeRemote remoteValue = getObject().transformToRemote(value, this, false); map.put(key, remoteValue); cache.put(key, remoteValue); return this; } @Override public SMap put(String key, Object value) throws SException { SNode node = SUtils.castToSNode(value); return put(key, node); } @Override public void remove(String key) throws SException { check(); getObject().checkWritable(getNode(key)); if (!map.keySet().contains(key)) return; SNodeRemote nr = map.get(key); if (nr instanceof SNodeRemoteContainer) { SNodeRemoteContainer nrc = (SNodeRemoteContainer) nr; nrc.deattach(); } map.remove(key); cache.remove(key); getObject().deleteNode(nr); } @Override public int size() { return map.keySet().size(); } @Override public Object asNative() { if (proxy == null) proxy = new Proxy(this, new SMapProxyHandler()); return proxy; } @Override public void setJsProxy(Proxy proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; } @Override public Proxy getJsProxy() { return this.proxy; } // // Event handling // @Override public void onEntrySet(String key, SNodeRemote oldValue, SNodeRemote newValue) { //System.out.println("Map("+this.toString()+") onEntrySet [key="+key+" oldValue="+(oldValue != null ? oldValue : "null")+ " newValue="+(newValue != null ? newValue : "null")+"]"); try { check(); // Ignore events if state is inconsistent SNode eventValue = null; int eventType = -1; SNode cachedValue = cache.remove(key); // refresh cache in any case // on removed if (newValue == null) { eventType = SEvent.REMOVED_VALUE; if (cachedValue instanceof SNodeRemoteContainer) ((SNodeRemoteContainer) cachedValue).deattach(); eventValue = cachedValue; // on added } else if (oldValue == null) { eventType = SEvent.ADDED_VALUE; // ensure attach the node, set keyname eventValue = getNode(key); // on updated } else { eventType = SEvent.UPDATED_VALUE; // ensure attach the node, set keyname eventValue = getNode(key); } SEvent e = new SEvent(eventType, this, key, eventValue); triggerEvent(e); } catch (SException e) { // Swallow it } } @Override public String toString() { return "SMapRemote ["+getSubstrateId()+"]"; } }