package org.swellrt.api; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.swellrt.api.js.generic.AdapterTypeJS; import org.swellrt.model.generic.FileType; import org.swellrt.model.generic.Model; import org.swellrt.model.generic.Type; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Preconditions; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.ParticipantId; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.waveref.WaveRef; import org.waveprotocol.wave.util.escapers.GwtWaverefEncoder; /** * Utility methods for working with JavaScript * * @author * */ public class SwellRTUtils { static final char[] WEB64_ALPHABET = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_" .toCharArray(); public static native JsArray<? extends JavaScriptObject> createTypedJsArray() /*-{ return new Array(); }-*/; public static native JsArray<JavaScriptObject> createJsArray() /*-{ return new Array(); }-*/; public static native JsArrayString createJsArrayString() /*-{ return new Array(); }-*/; public static native void removeJsArrayElement(JsArray<JavaScriptObject> array, int index) /*-{ array.splice(index,1); }-*/; public static native Type getDelegate(JavaScriptObject jso) /*-{ return jso._delegate; }-*/; public static JsArray<JavaScriptObject> typeIterableToJs(Iterable<Type> values) { JsArray<JavaScriptObject> jsArray = SwellRTUtils.createJsArray(); for (Type v : values) { jsArray.push(AdapterTypeJS.adapt(v)); } return jsArray; } public static void addStringToJsArray(JsArray<JavaScriptObject> array, String s) { JsArrayString strArray = array.<JsArrayString> cast(); strArray.push(s); } public static JsArrayString stringIterableToJs(Iterable<String> strings) { JsArrayString array = createJsArrayString(); for (String s : strings) array.push(s); return array; } public static JsArrayString participantIterableToJs(Iterable<ParticipantId> participants) { JsArrayString array = createJsArrayString(); for (ParticipantId p : participants) array.push(p.getAddress()); return array; } @Deprecated public static JsArrayString toJsArray(Iterable<ParticipantId> participants) { JsArrayString array = createJsArrayString(); for (ParticipantId p : participants) array.push(p.getAddress()); return array; } /* * public static JavaScriptObject toJs(String s) { return * JsonUtils.safeEval(s); } */ // public static native void addField(JavaScriptObject object, String name, // Object value) /*-{ // object[name] = value; // }-*/; public static native void addField(JavaScriptObject object, String name, int value) /*-{ object[name] = value; }-*/; public static native void addField(JavaScriptObject object, String name, Long value) /*-{ object[name] = value; }-*/; public static native void addField(JavaScriptObject object, String name, String value) /*-{ object[name] = value; }-*/; public static native void addField(JavaScriptObject object, String name, boolean value) /*-{ object[name] = value; }-*/; public static String nextBase64(int length) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(length); int bits = 0; int bitCount = 0; while (result.length() < length) { if (bitCount < 6) { bits = Random.nextInt(); bitCount = 32; } result.append(WEB64_ALPHABET[bits & 0x3F]); bits >>= 6; bitCount -= 6; } return result.toString(); } /** * Get the URL with only protocol and server parts of the server. The URL * doesn't end with / * * @return the base URL of the SwellRT server */ public static String getBaseUrl() { String u = GWT.getModuleBaseURL(); int last = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { last = u.indexOf("/", last + 1); } if (last != -1) u = u.substring(0, last); return u; } /** * A factory of {@link RequestBuilder} objects tthat performs common * initializations. * * @param method * @param url * @return */ public static RequestBuilder newRequestBuilder(Method method, String url) { RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(method, url); rb.setIncludeCredentials(true); String windowId = BrowserSession.getWindowId(); if (windowId != null) rb.setHeader(BrowserSession.HTTP_HEADER_WINDOW_ID, windowId); return rb; } /** * A utility method to perform common initializations in XMLHttpRequest * objects. Use it after * * @return */ public static native JavaScriptObject addCommonRequestHeaders(JavaScriptObject request) /*-{ var HEADER_WINDOW_ID = @org.swellrt.api.BrowserSession::HTTP_HEADER_WINDOW_ID; var windowId = @org.swellrt.api.BrowserSession::getWindowId()(); request.withCredentials = true; if (windowId != null) request.setRequestHeader(HEADER_WINDOW_ID, windowId); return request; }-*/; public static String buildAttachmentUploadUrl(String simpleAttachmentId) { return getBaseUrl() + "/attachment/" + simpleAttachmentId + BrowserSession.getSessionURLparameter(); } public static String buildAttachmentUrl(FileType file) { Preconditions.checkArgument(file != null, "File can't be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(file.getValue() != null, "File content can't be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(file.getValue().getId() != null, "File id can't be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(file.getModel() != null, "File is not in a model"); return getBaseUrl() + "/attachment/" + file.getValue().getId() + BrowserSession.getSessionURLparameter(); } public static String buildThumbnailUrl(FileType file) { Preconditions.checkArgument(file != null, "File can't be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(file.getValue() != null, "File content can't be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(file.getValue().getId() != null, "File id can't be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(file.getModel() != null, "File is not in a model"); return getBaseUrl() + "/thumbnail/" + file.getValue().getId() + BrowserSession.getSessionURLparameter(); } public static String encodeWaveRefUri(WaveRef waveRef) { return URL.encode(GwtWaverefEncoder.encodeToUriQueryString(waveRef)); } public static String encodeWaveRefUri(Model model) { return encodeWaveRefUri(model.getWaveRef()); } public static String toWebsocketAddress(String httpAddress) { String websocketAddress = httpAddress + "/"; if (websocketAddress.startsWith("http://")) websocketAddress = websocketAddress.replace("http://", "ws://"); else if (websocketAddress.startsWith("https://")) websocketAddress = websocketAddress.replace("https://", "wss://"); return websocketAddress; } public static native void deleteJsObject(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{ delete o; }-*/; }