/* * Copyright 2015-2017 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.data.convert; import static org.threeten.bp.DateTimeUtils.*; import static org.threeten.bp.Instant.*; import static org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime.*; import static org.threeten.bp.ZoneId.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter; import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils; import org.threeten.bp.Instant; import org.threeten.bp.LocalDate; import org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime; import org.threeten.bp.LocalTime; import org.threeten.bp.ZoneId; /** * Helper class to register {@link Converter} implementations for the ThreeTen Backport project in case it's present on * the classpath. * * @author Oliver Gierke * @author Christoph Strobl * @see <a href="http://www.threeten.org/threetenbp">http://www.threeten.org/threetenbp</a> * @since 1.10 */ public abstract class ThreeTenBackPortConverters { private static final boolean THREE_TEN_BACK_PORT_IS_PRESENT = ClassUtils.isPresent("org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime", ThreeTenBackPortConverters.class.getClassLoader()); /** * Returns the converters to be registered. Will only return converters in case we're running on Java 8. * * @return */ public static Collection<Converter<?, ?>> getConvertersToRegister() { if (!THREE_TEN_BACK_PORT_IS_PRESENT) { return Collections.emptySet(); } List<Converter<?, ?>> converters = new ArrayList<>(); converters.add(DateToLocalDateTimeConverter.INSTANCE); converters.add(LocalDateTimeToDateConverter.INSTANCE); converters.add(DateToLocalDateConverter.INSTANCE); converters.add(LocalDateToDateConverter.INSTANCE); converters.add(DateToLocalTimeConverter.INSTANCE); converters.add(LocalTimeToDateConverter.INSTANCE); converters.add(DateToInstantConverter.INSTANCE); converters.add(InstantToDateConverter.INSTANCE); converters.add(ZoneIdToStringConverter.INSTANCE); converters.add(StringToZoneIdConverter.INSTANCE); return converters; } public static boolean supports(Class<?> type) { if (!THREE_TEN_BACK_PORT_IS_PRESENT) { return false; } return Arrays.<Class<?>> asList(LocalDateTime.class, LocalDate.class, LocalTime.class, Instant.class) .contains(type); } public static enum DateToLocalDateTimeConverter implements Converter<Date, LocalDateTime> { INSTANCE; @Override public LocalDateTime convert(Date source) { return source == null ? null : ofInstant(toInstant(source), systemDefault()); } } public static enum LocalDateTimeToDateConverter implements Converter<LocalDateTime, Date> { INSTANCE; @Override public Date convert(LocalDateTime source) { return source == null ? null : toDate(source.atZone(systemDefault()).toInstant()); } } public static enum DateToLocalDateConverter implements Converter<Date, LocalDate> { INSTANCE; @Override public LocalDate convert(Date source) { return source == null ? null : ofInstant(ofEpochMilli(source.getTime()), systemDefault()).toLocalDate(); } } public static enum LocalDateToDateConverter implements Converter<LocalDate, Date> { INSTANCE; @Override public Date convert(LocalDate source) { return source == null ? null : toDate(source.atStartOfDay(systemDefault()).toInstant()); } } public static enum DateToLocalTimeConverter implements Converter<Date, LocalTime> { INSTANCE; @Override public LocalTime convert(Date source) { return source == null ? null : ofInstant(ofEpochMilli(source.getTime()), systemDefault()).toLocalTime(); } } public static enum LocalTimeToDateConverter implements Converter<LocalTime, Date> { INSTANCE; @Override public Date convert(LocalTime source) { return source == null ? null : toDate(source.atDate(LocalDate.now()).atZone(systemDefault()).toInstant()); } } public static enum DateToInstantConverter implements Converter<Date, Instant> { INSTANCE; @Override public Instant convert(Date source) { return source == null ? null : toInstant(source); } } public static enum InstantToDateConverter implements Converter<Instant, Date> { INSTANCE; @Override public Date convert(Instant source) { return source == null ? null : toDate(source.atZone(systemDefault()).toInstant()); } } @WritingConverter public static enum ZoneIdToStringConverter implements Converter<ZoneId, String> { INSTANCE; @Override public String convert(ZoneId source) { return source.toString(); } } @ReadingConverter public static enum StringToZoneIdConverter implements Converter<String, ZoneId> { INSTANCE; @Override public ZoneId convert(String source) { return ZoneId.of(source); } } }