/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.ode.scheduler.simple; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import javax.transaction.Status; import javax.transaction.Synchronization; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import javax.transaction.Transaction; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.log4j.helpers.AbsoluteTimeDateFormat; import org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.ClusterAware; import org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.ContextException; import org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.Scheduler; import org.apache.ode.dao.scheduler.DatabaseException; import org.apache.ode.dao.scheduler.JobDAO; import org.apache.ode.dao.scheduler.SchedulerDAOConnection; import org.apache.ode.dao.scheduler.SchedulerDAOConnectionFactory; import org.apache.ode.dao.scheduler.Task; /** * A reliable and relatively simple scheduler that uses a database to persist information about * scheduled tasks. * * The challenge is to achieve high performance in a small memory footprint without loss of reliability * while supporting distributed/clustered configurations. * * The design is based around three time horizons: "immediate", "near future", and "everything else". * Immediate jobs (i.e. jobs that are about to be up) are written to the database and kept in * an in-memory priority queue. When they execute, they are removed from the database. Near future * jobs are placed in the database and assigned to the current node, however they are not stored in * memory. Periodically jobs are "upgraded" from near-future to immediate status, at which point they * get loaded into memory. Jobs that are further out in time, are placed in the database without a * node identifer; when they are ready to be "upgraded" to near-future jobs they are assigned to one * of the known live nodes. Recovery is rather straighforward, with stale node identifiers being * reassigned to known good nodes. * * @author Maciej Szefler ( m s z e f l e r @ g m a i l . c o m ) * */ public class SimpleScheduler implements Scheduler, TaskRunner, ClusterAware { private static final Log __log = LogFactory.getLog(SimpleScheduler.class); /** * Jobs scheduled with a time that is between [now, now+immediateInterval] will be assigned to the current node, and placed * directly on the todo queue. */ long _immediateInterval = 30000; /** * Jobs scheduled with a time that is between (now+immediateInterval,now+nearFutureInterval) will be assigned to the current * node, but will not be placed on the todo queue (the promoter will pick them up). */ long _nearFutureInterval = 10 * 60 * 1000; /** 10s of no communication and you are deemed dead. */ long _staleInterval = 10000; /** Duration used to log a warning if a job scheduled at a date D is queued at D'>D+_warningDelay */ long _warningDelay = 5*60*1000; /** * Estimated sustained transaction per second capacity of the system. * e.g. 100 means the system can process 100 jobs per seconds, on average * This number is used to determine how many jobs to load from the database at once. */ int _tps = 100; TransactionManager _txm; ExecutorService _exec; String _nodeId; /** Maximum number of jobs in the "near future" / todo queue. */ int _todoLimit = 10000; /** The object that actually handles the jobs. */ volatile JobProcessor _jobProcessor; volatile JobProcessor _polledRunnableProcessor; private SchedulerThread _todo; private SchedulerDAOConnectionFactory _dbcf; /** Set of outstanding jobs, i.e., jobs that have been enqueued but not dequeued or dispatched yet. Used to avoid cases where a job would be dispatched twice if the server is under high load and does not fully process a job before it is reloaded from the database. */ private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> _outstandingJobs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>(); /** Set of Jobs processed since the last LoadImmediate task. This prevents a race condition where a job is processed twice. This could happen if a LoadImediate tasks loads a job from the db before the job is processed but puts it in the _outstandingJobs map after the job was processed . In such a case the job is no longer in the _outstandingJobs map, and so it's queued again. */ private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> _processedSinceLastLoadTask = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>(); /** * Set of jobs that needed to be retried. */ private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean> _retryJobList = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(); private boolean _running; /** Time for next upgrade. */ private AtomicLong _nextUpgrade = new AtomicLong(); private Random _random = new Random(); private long _pollIntervalForPolledRunnable = Long.getLong("org.apache.ode.polledRunnable.pollInterval", 10 * 60 * 1000); /** Number of immediate retries when the transaction fails **/ private int _immediateTransactionRetryLimit = 3; /** Interval between immediate retries when the transaction fails **/ private long _immediateTransactionRetryInterval = 1000; private List<String> _defaultNodeList = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> _nodeList = new ArrayList<String>(); public SimpleScheduler(String nodeId, SchedulerDAOConnectionFactory dbcf, TransactionManager txm, Properties conf) { _nodeId = nodeId; _dbcf = dbcf; _txm = txm; _todoLimit = getIntProperty(conf, "ode.scheduler.queueLength", _todoLimit); _immediateInterval = getLongProperty(conf, "ode.scheduler.immediateInterval", _immediateInterval); _nearFutureInterval = getLongProperty(conf, "ode.scheduler.nearFutureInterval", _nearFutureInterval); _staleInterval = getLongProperty(conf, "ode.scheduler.staleInterval", _staleInterval); _tps = getIntProperty(conf, "ode.scheduler.transactionsPerSecond", _tps); _warningDelay = getLongProperty(conf, "ode.scheduler.warningDelay", _warningDelay); _immediateTransactionRetryLimit = getIntProperty(conf, "ode.scheduler.immediateTransactionRetryLimit", _immediateTransactionRetryLimit); _immediateTransactionRetryInterval = getLongProperty(conf, "ode.scheduler.immediateTransactionRetryInterval", _immediateTransactionRetryInterval); _todo = new SchedulerThread(this); _defaultNodeList.add(nodeId); } public void setPollIntervalForPolledRunnable(long pollIntervalForPolledRunnable) { _pollIntervalForPolledRunnable = pollIntervalForPolledRunnable; } private int getIntProperty(Properties props, String propName, int defaultValue) { String s = props.getProperty(propName); if (s != null) return Integer.parseInt(s); else return defaultValue; } private long getLongProperty(Properties props, String propName, long defaultValue) { String s = props.getProperty(propName); if (s != null) return Long.parseLong(s); else return defaultValue; } public void setNodeId(String nodeId) { _nodeId = nodeId; } public void setStaleInterval(long staleInterval) { _staleInterval = staleInterval; } public void setImmediateInterval(long immediateInterval) { _immediateInterval = immediateInterval; } public void setNearFutureInterval(long nearFutureInterval) { _nearFutureInterval = nearFutureInterval; } public void setTransactionsPerSecond(int tps) { _tps = tps; } public void setTransactionManager(TransactionManager txm) { _txm = txm; } public void setSchedulerDAOConnectionFactory(SchedulerDAOConnectionFactory dbcf) { _dbcf = dbcf; } public void setExecutorService(ExecutorService executorService) { _exec = executorService; } public void setPolledRunnableProcesser(JobProcessor polledRunnableProcessor) { _polledRunnableProcessor = polledRunnableProcessor; } public void cancelJob(String jobId) throws ContextException { _todo.dequeue(new JobDAOTask(jobId)); _outstandingJobs.remove(jobId); SchedulerDAOConnection conn = _dbcf.getConnection(); try { conn.deleteJob(jobId, _nodeId); } catch (DatabaseException e) { __log.debug("Job removal failed.", e); throw new ContextException("Job removal failed.", e); } } public <T> Future<T> execIsolatedTransaction(final Callable<T> transaction) throws Exception, ContextException { return _exec.submit(new Callable<T>() { public T call() throws Exception { try { return execTransaction(transaction); } catch (Exception e) { __log.error("An exception occured while executing an isolated transaction, " + "the transaction is going to be abandoned.", e); return null; } } }); } public <T> T execTransaction(Callable<T> transaction) throws Exception, ContextException { return execTransaction(transaction, 0); } public <T> T execTransaction(Callable<T> transaction, int timeout) throws Exception, ContextException { if( _txm == null ) { throw new ContextException("Cannot locate the transaction manager; the server might be shutting down."); } // The value of the timeout is in seconds. If the value is zero, the transaction service restores the default value. if (timeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout must be positive, received: "+timeout); } boolean existingTransaction = false; try { existingTransaction = ( _txm.getTransaction() != null ); } catch (Exception ex) { String errmsg = "Internal Error, could not get current transaction."; throw new ContextException(errmsg, ex); } // already in transaction, execute and return directly if (existingTransaction) { return transaction.call(); } // run in new transaction Exception ex = null; int immediateRetryCount = _immediateTransactionRetryLimit; _txm.setTransactionTimeout(timeout); if(__log.isDebugEnabled() && timeout!=0) __log.debug("Custom transaction timeout: "+timeout); try { do { try { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("Beginning a new transaction"); _txm.begin(); } catch (Exception e) { String errmsg = "Internal Error, could not begin transaction."; throw new ContextException(errmsg, e); } try { ex = null; return transaction.call(); } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } finally { if (ex == null) { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) { __log.debug("Commiting on " + _txm + "..."); } try { _txm.commit(); if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) { __log.debug("committed on " + _txm + " successfully."); } } catch( Exception e2 ) { ex = e2; __log.error("error in commiting transaction", e2); } } else { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) { __log.debug("Rollbacking on " + _txm + "..."); } _txm.rollback(); } if( ex != null && immediateRetryCount > 0 ) { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("Will retry the transaction in " + _immediateTransactionRetryInterval + " msecs on " + _txm + " for error: ", ex); Thread.sleep(_immediateTransactionRetryInterval); } } } while( immediateRetryCount-- > 0 ); } finally { // 0 restores the default value if (_txm != null) { _txm.setTransactionTimeout(0); } } throw ex; } public void setRollbackOnly() throws Exception { TransactionManager txm = _txm; if( txm == null ) { throw new ContextException("Cannot locate the transaction manager; the server might be shutting down."); } txm.setRollbackOnly(); } public void registerSynchronizer(final Synchronizer synch) throws ContextException { TransactionManager txm = _txm; if( txm == null ) { throw new ContextException("Cannot locate the transaction manager; the server might be shutting down."); } try { txm.getTransaction().registerSynchronization(new Synchronization() { public void beforeCompletion() { synch.beforeCompletion(); } public void afterCompletion(int status) { synch.afterCompletion(status == Status.STATUS_COMMITTED); } }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ContextException("Unable to register synchronizer.", e); } } public String schedulePersistedJob(final JobDetails jobDetail, Date when) throws ContextException { long ctime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (when == null) when = new Date(ctime); if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("scheduling " + jobDetail + " for " + when); return schedulePersistedJob(jobDetail, true, when, ctime); } public String scheduleMapSerializableRunnable(MapSerializableRunnable runnable, Date when) throws ContextException { long ctime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (when == null) when = new Date(ctime); JobDetails jobDetails = new JobDetails(); jobDetails.getDetailsExt().put("runnable", runnable); runnable.storeToDetails(jobDetails); if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("scheduling " + jobDetails + " for " + when); return schedulePersistedJob(jobDetails, true, when, ctime); } private String schedulePersistedJob(JobDetails jobDetails, boolean transacted, Date when, long ctime) throws ContextException { boolean immediate = when.getTime() <= ctime + _immediateInterval; boolean nearfuture = !immediate && ( when.getTime() <= ctime + _nearFutureInterval ); JobDAO job; try { if (immediate) { // If we have too many jobs in the queue, we don't allow any new ones if (_outstandingJobs.size() > _todoLimit) { __log.error("The execution queue is backed up, the engine can't keep up with the load. Either " + "increase the queue size or regulate the flow."); return null; } job = insertJob(transacted, jobDetails, when.getTime(), _nodeId, true, true); __log.debug("scheduled immediate job: " + job.getJobId()); } else if (nearfuture) { // Near future, assign the job to ourselves (why? -- this makes it very unlikely that we // would get two nodes trying to process the same instance, which causes unsightly rollbacks). job = insertJob(transacted, jobDetails, when.getTime(), _nodeId, false, false); __log.debug("scheduled near-future job: " + job.getJobId()); } else /* far future */ { // Not the near future, we don't assign a node-id, we'll assign it later. job = insertJob(transacted, jobDetails, when.getTime(), null, false, false); __log.debug("scheduled far-future job: " + job.getJobId()); } } catch (DatabaseException dbe) { __log.error("Database error.", dbe); throw new ContextException("Database error.", dbe); } return job.getJobId(); } private JobDAO insertJob(final boolean transacted, final JobDetails jobDetails, final long scheduledDate, final String nodeID, final boolean loaded, final boolean enqueue) throws ContextException, DatabaseException { SchedulerDAOConnection conn = _dbcf.getConnection(); final JobDAO job = conn.createJob(transacted, jobDetails, true, scheduledDate); if (!conn.insertJob(job, nodeID, loaded)) { String msg = String.format("Database insert failed. jobId %s nodeId %s", job.getJobId(), nodeID); __log.error(msg); throw new ContextException(msg); } if (enqueue) { addTodoOnCommit(job); } return job; } public String scheduleVolatileJob(boolean transacted, JobDetails jobDetail) throws ContextException { return scheduleVolatileJob(transacted, jobDetail, null); } public String scheduleVolatileJob(boolean transacted, JobDetails jobDetail, Date when) throws ContextException { long ctime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (when == null) { when = new Date(ctime); } SchedulerDAOConnection conn = _dbcf.getConnection(); JobDAO job = conn.createJob(transacted, jobDetail, false, when.getTime()); addTodoOnCommit(job); return job.toString(); } public void setJobProcessor(JobProcessor processor) throws ContextException { _jobProcessor = processor; } public List<String> getNodeList() { if (this._nodeList == null || this._nodeList.size() == 0) { return _defaultNodeList; } return _nodeList; } public void setNodeList(List<String> nodeList) { this._nodeList = nodeList; } public void shutdown() { stop(); _jobProcessor = null; _txm = null; _todo = null; } public synchronized void start() { if (_running) return; if (_exec == null) { _exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); } _todo.clearTasks(UpgradeJobsTask.class); _todo.clearTasks(LoadImmediateTask.class); _processedSinceLastLoadTask.clear(); _outstandingJobs.clear(); _retryJobList.clear(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // schedule immediate job loading for now! _todo.enqueue(new LoadImmediateTask(now)); // do the upgrade sometime (random) in the immediate interval. _todo.enqueue(new UpgradeJobsTask(now + randomMean(_immediateInterval))); _todo.start(); _running = true; } private long randomMean(long mean) { return (long) _random.nextDouble() * mean + (mean/2); } public synchronized void stop() { if (!_running) return; _todo.stop(); _todo.clearTasks(UpgradeJobsTask.class); _todo.clearTasks(LoadImmediateTask.class); _processedSinceLastLoadTask.clear(); _outstandingJobs.clear(); _retryJobList.clear(); // disable because this is not the right way to do it // will be fixed by ODE-595 // graceful shutdown; any new submits will throw RejectedExecutionExceptions // _exec.shutdown(); _running = false; } /** * This is the class for delegating job to jobProcessor, also introduced retry mechanism here. * @author jeffyu * */ private class RunJobCallable implements Callable<Void> { final JobProcessor processor; final JobDAO job; RunJobCallable(JobDAO jobDao, JobProcessor processor) { this.job = jobDao; this.processor = processor; } public Void call() throws Exception { try { final Scheduler.JobInfo jobInfo = new Scheduler.JobInfo(job.getJobId(), job.getDetails(), job.getDetails().getRetryCount()); if (job.isTransacted()) { processInTransactionContext(jobInfo); } else { processor.onScheduledJob(jobInfo); } return null; } finally { // the order of these 2 actions is crucial to avoid a race condition. // if the transaction failed, and has retry mechanism, we will not put it to avoid being ignore. if (_retryJobList.get(job.getJobId()) == null ) { _processedSinceLastLoadTask.put(job.getJobId(), job.getScheduledDate()); } else { _retryJobList.remove(job.getJobId()); } _outstandingJobs.remove(job.getJobId()); } } private void processInTransactionContext(final Scheduler.JobInfo jobInfo) throws Exception { final boolean[] needRetry = new boolean[]{true}; try { execTransaction(new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() throws ContextException, Exception { SchedulerDAOConnection conn = _dbcf.getConnection(); if (job.isPersisted()) { if (!conn.deleteJob(job.getJobId(), _nodeId)) { throw new JobNoLongerInDbException(job.getJobId(), _nodeId); } } try { processor.onScheduledJob(jobInfo); // If the job is a "runnable" job, schedule the next job occurence if (job.getDetails().getDetailsExt().get("runnable") != null && !"COMPLETED".equals(String.valueOf(jobInfo.jobDetail.getDetailsExt().get("runnable_status")))) { // the runnable is still in progress, schedule checker to 10 mins later if (_pollIntervalForPolledRunnable < 0) { if (__log.isWarnEnabled()) __log.warn("The poll interval for polled runnables is negative; setting it to 1000ms"); _pollIntervalForPolledRunnable = 1000; } long schedDate = System.currentTimeMillis() + _pollIntervalForPolledRunnable; job.setScheduledDate(schedDate); conn.insertJob(job, _nodeId, false); } } catch (JobProcessorException jpe) { if (!jpe.retry) { needRetry[0] = false; } // Let execTransaction know that shit happened. throw jpe; } return null; } }); } catch (JobNoLongerInDbException jde) { // This may happen if two node try to do the same job... we try to avoid // it the synchronization is a best-effort but not perfect. __log.debug("job no longer in db forced rollback: "+job); } catch (final Exception ex) { __log.error("Error while processing a "+(job.isPersisted()?"":"non-")+"persisted job"+(needRetry[0] && job.isPersisted()?": ":", no retry: ")+job, ex); // We only get here if the above execTransaction fails, so that transaction got // rollbacked already if (job.isPersisted()) { try { execTransaction(new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() throws Exception { retryJob(needRetry); return null; } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private void retryJob(final boolean[] needRetry) throws DatabaseException { SchedulerDAOConnection conn = _dbcf.getConnection(); int retry = job.getDetails().getRetryCount() + 1; if (!needRetry[0] || retry > 10) { conn.deleteJob(job.getJobId(), _nodeId); if (retry > 10) { __log.error("Error while processing job after 10 retries, no more retries:" + job); } } else { job.getDetails().setRetryCount(retry); long delay = (long)(Math.pow(5, retry)); long scheddate = System.currentTimeMillis() + delay*1000; job.setScheduled(false); job.setScheduledDate(scheddate); conn.updateJob(job); _retryJobList.put(job.getJobId(), new Boolean(true)); __log.error("Error while processing job, retrying in " + delay + "s, the job is " + job); } } } /** * Run a job in the current thread. **/ protected void runJob(final JobDAO jobDao) { _exec.submit(new RunJobCallable(jobDao, _jobProcessor)); } /** * Run a job from a polled runnable thread. The runnable is not persistent, * however, the poller is persistent and wakes up every given interval to * check the status of the runnable. * <ul> * <li>1. The runnable is being scheduled; the poller persistent job dispatches * the runnable to a runnable delegate thread and schedules itself to a later time.</li> * <li>2. The runnable is running; the poller job re-schedules itself every time it * sees the runnable is not completed.</li> * <li>3. The runnable failed; the poller job passes the exception thrown on the runnable * down, and the standard scheduler retries happen.</li> * <li>4. The runnable completes; the poller persistent does not re-schedule itself.</li> * <li>5. System powered off and restarts; the poller job does not know what the status * of the runnable. This is handled just like the case #1.</li> * </ul> * <p/> * There is at least one re-scheduling of the poller job. Since, the runnable's state is * not persisted, and the same runnable may be tried again after system failure, * the runnable that's used with this polling should be repeatable. * */ protected void runPolledRunnable(final JobDAO jobDao) { _exec.submit(new RunJobCallable(jobDao, _polledRunnableProcessor)); } private void addTodoOnCommit(final JobDAO job) { registerSynchronizer(new Synchronizer() { public void afterCompletion(boolean success) { if (success) { enqueue(job); } } public void beforeCompletion() { } }); } public boolean isTransacted() { TransactionManager txm = _txm; if( txm == null ) { throw new ContextException("Cannot locate the transaction manager; the server might be shutting down."); } try { Transaction tx = txm.getTransaction(); return (tx != null && tx.getStatus() != Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION); } catch (SystemException e) { throw new ContextException("Internal Error: Could not obtain transaction status."); } } public void runTask(final Task task) { if (task instanceof JobDAOTask) { JobDAOTask job = (JobDAOTask)task; if( job.getJobDAO().getDetails().getDetailsExt().get("runnable") != null ) { runPolledRunnable(job.getJobDAO()); } else { runJob(job.getJobDAO()); } } else if (task instanceof SchedulerTask) { _exec.submit(new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() throws Exception { try { ((SchedulerTask) task).run(); } catch (Exception ex) { __log.error("Error during SchedulerTask execution", ex); } return null; } }); } } boolean doLoadImmediate() { __log.debug("LOAD IMMEDIATE started"); // don't load anything if we're already half-full; we've got plenty to do already if (_outstandingJobs.size() > _todoLimit/2) { return true; } List<JobDAO> jobs; try { // don't load more than we can chew final int batch = Math.min((int) (_immediateInterval * _tps / 1000), _todoLimit-_outstandingJobs.size()); // jobs might have been enqueued by #addTodoOnCommit meanwhile if (batch<=0) { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("Max capacity reached: "+_outstandingJobs.size()+" jobs dispacthed i.e. queued or being executed"); return true; } if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("loading "+batch+" jobs from db"); jobs = execTransaction(new Callable<List<JobDAO>>() { public List<JobDAO> call() throws ContextException, DatabaseException { SchedulerDAOConnection conn = _dbcf.getConnection(); return conn.dequeueImmediate(_nodeId, System.currentTimeMillis() + _immediateInterval, batch); } }); if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("loaded "+jobs.size()+" jobs from db"); long delayedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - _warningDelay; int delayedCount = 0; boolean runningLate; AbsoluteTimeDateFormat f = new AbsoluteTimeDateFormat(); for (JobDAO j : jobs) { // jobs might have been enqueued by #addTodoOnCommit meanwhile if (_outstandingJobs.size() >= _todoLimit){ if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("Max capacity reached: "+_outstandingJobs.size()+" jobs dispacthed i.e. queued or being executed"); break; } runningLate = (j.getScheduledDate() <= delayedTime); if (runningLate) { delayedCount++; } if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("todo.enqueue job from db: " + j.getJobId().trim() + " for " + j.getScheduledDate() + "(" + f.format(j.getScheduledDate())+") "+(runningLate?" delayed=true":"")); enqueue(j); } if (delayedCount > 0) { __log.warn("Dispatching jobs with more than "+(_warningDelay/60000)+" minutes delay. Either the server was down for some time or the job load is greater than available capacity"); } // clear only if the batch succeeded _processedSinceLastLoadTask.clear(); _retryJobList.clear(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { __log.error("Error loading immediate jobs from database.", ex); return false; } finally { __log.debug("LOAD IMMEDIATE complete"); } } /** * Put job into _outstandingJobs for immediate execution. * * @param job */ private void enqueue(JobDAO job) { if (_processedSinceLastLoadTask.get(job.getJobId()) == null) { if (_outstandingJobs.putIfAbsent(job.getJobId(), job.getScheduledDate()) == null) { if (job.getScheduledDate() <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { runJob(job); } else { _todo.enqueue(new JobDAOTask(job)); } } else { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("Job "+job.getJobId()+" is being processed (outstanding job)"); } } else { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("Job "+job.getJobId()+" is being processed (processed since last load)"); } } boolean doUpgrade() { __log.debug("UPGRADE started"); // We're going to try to upgrade near future jobs using the db only. // We assume that the distribution of the trailing digits in the // scheduled time are uniformly distributed, and use modular division // of the time by the number of nodes to create the node assignment. // This can be done in a single update statement. final long maxtime = System.currentTimeMillis() + _nearFutureInterval; try { return execTransaction(new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws ContextException, DatabaseException { SchedulerDAOConnection conn = _dbcf.getConnection(); int numNodes = getNodeList().size(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i) { String node = getNodeList().get(i); conn.updateAssignToNode(node, i, numNodes, maxtime); } return true; } }); } catch (Exception ex) { __log.error("Database error upgrading jobs.", ex); return false; } finally { __log.debug("UPGRADE complete"); } } private abstract class SchedulerTask extends Task implements Runnable { SchedulerTask(long schedDate) { super(schedDate); } } private class LoadImmediateTask extends SchedulerTask { LoadImmediateTask(long schedDate) { super(schedDate); } public void run() { boolean success = false; try { success = doLoadImmediate(); } finally { if (success) { _todo.enqueue(new LoadImmediateTask(System.currentTimeMillis() + (long) (_immediateInterval * .90))); } else { _todo.enqueue(new LoadImmediateTask(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000)); } } } } /** * Upgrade jobs from far future to immediate future (basically, assign them to a node). * @author mszefler * */ private class UpgradeJobsTask extends SchedulerTask { UpgradeJobsTask(long schedDate) { super(schedDate); } public void run() { long ctime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long ntime = _nextUpgrade.get(); __log.debug("UPGRADE task for " + getScheduledDate() + " fired at " + ctime); // We could be too early, this can happen if upgrade gets delayed due to another // node if (_nextUpgrade.get() > System.currentTimeMillis()) { __log.debug("UPGRADE skipped -- wait another " + (ntime - ctime) + "ms"); _todo.enqueue(new UpgradeJobsTask(ntime)); return; } boolean success = false; try { success = doUpgrade(); } finally { long future = System.currentTimeMillis() + (success ? (long) (_nearFutureInterval * .50) : 1000); _nextUpgrade.set(future); _todo.enqueue(new UpgradeJobsTask(future)); __log.debug("UPGRADE completed, success = " + success + "; next time in " + (future - ctime) + "ms"); } } } /** * Right now, just assume all of nodes are coordinator for now. * */ public boolean amICoordinator() { return true; } }