/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.ode.il.config; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.ode.utils.SystemUtils; /** * Configuration object used for configuring the intergration layer. The propereties are those likely to be common to all layers. * * @author mszefler */ public class OdeConfigProperties { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Log __log = LogFactory.getLog(OdeConfigProperties.class); public static final String PROP_DB_MODE = "db.mode"; public static final String PROP_DB_EXTERNAL_DS = "db.ext.dataSource"; public static final String PROP_DB_EMBEDDED_NAME = "db.emb.name"; public static final String PROP_DB_EMBEDDED_TYPE = "db.emb.type"; public static final String PROP_DB_EMBEDDED_CREATE = "db.emb.create"; public static final String PROP_DB_INTERNAL_URL = "db.int.jdbcurl"; public static final String PROP_DB_INTERNAL_DRIVER = "db.int.driver"; public static final String PROP_DB_INTERNAL_PASSWORD = "db.int.password"; public static final String PROP_DB_INTERNAL_USER = "db.int.username"; public static final String PROP_DB_LOGGING = "db.logging"; public static final String PROP_TX_FACTORY_CLASS = "tx.factory.class"; public static final String PROP_POOL_MAX = "db.pool.max"; public static final String PROP_POOL_MIN = "db.pool.min"; public static final String PROP_DB_POOL_BLOCKING = "db.pool.blocking"; public static final String PROP_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = "threads.pool.size"; public static final String PROP_CONNECTOR_PORT = "jca.port"; public static final String PROP_CONNECTOR_NAME = "jca.name"; public static final String PROP_WORKING_DIR = "working.dir"; public static final String PROP_DEPLOY_DIR = "deploy.dir"; public static final String PROP_EVENT_LISTENERS = "event.listeners"; public static final String PROP_MEX_INTERCEPTORS = "mex.interceptors"; public static final String PROP_MEX_INMEM_TTL = "mex.inmem.ttl"; public static final String PROP_PROCESS_DEHYDRATION = "process.dehydration"; public static final String PROP_PROCESS_DEHYDRATION_MAXIMUM_AGE = "process.dehydration.maximum.age"; public static final String PROP_PROCESS_DEHYDRATION_MAXIMUM_COUNT = "process.dehydration.maximum.count"; public static final String PROP_PROCESS_HYDRATION_LAZY = "process.hydration.lazy"; public static final String PROP_PROCESS_HYDRATION_LAZY_MINIMUM_SIZE = "process.hydration.lazy.minimum.size"; public static final String PROP_PROCESS_HYDRATION_THROTTLED_MAXIMUM_COUNT = "process.hydration.throttled.maximum.count"; public static final String PROP_PROCESS_HYDRATION_THROTTLED_MAXIMUM_SIZE = "process.hydration.throttled.maximum.size"; public static final String PROP_PROCESS_INSTANCE_THROTTLED_MAXIMUM_COUNT = "process.instance.throttled.maximum.count"; public static final String PROP_DAOCF = "dao.factory"; public static final String PROP_DAOCF_STORE = "dao.factory.store"; public static final String PROP_DAOCF_SCHEDULER = "dao.factory.scheduler"; public static final String PROP_CACHE_PROVIDER = "cache.provider"; public static final String PROP_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT = "migration.transaction.timeout"; public static final String PROP_XTS_ENABLE = "xts.enable"; public static final String DEFAULT_TX_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME = "org.apache.ode.il.EmbeddedGeronimoFactory"; public static final String DEFAULT_CACHE_PROVIDER = "org.apache.ode.il.cache.DefaultCacheProvider"; public static final String RIFTSAW_NODE_NAME = "riftsaw.node.name"; public static final String CACHE_NAME_PROPERTY = "cache-name"; public static final String CACHE_CONTAINER_ROOT = "java:jboss/infinispan/container/"; private File _cfgFile; private String _prefix; private Properties _props; /** Default defaults for the database embedded name and dao connection factory class. */ private static String __dbEmbName = "jpadb"; private static String __daoCfClass = "org.apache.ode.dao.jpa.BPELDAOConnectionFactoryImpl"; /** Default defaults for the database embedded name and dao connection factory class. */ public static String DEFAULT_DB_EMB_NAME = "ode-db"; public static String DEFAULT_DB_EMB_TYPE = "h2"; public static String DEFAULT_DAOCF_CLASS = "org.apache.ode.dao.jpa.hibernate.BpelDAOConnectionFactoryImpl"; public static String DEFAULT_DAOCF_STORE_CLASS = "org.apache.ode.dao.jpa.hibernate.ConfStoreDAOConnectionFactoryImpl"; public static String DEFAULT_DAOCF_SCHEDULER_CLASS = "org.apache.ode.scheduler.simple.jdbc.SchedulerDAOConnectionFactoryImpl"; static { String odep = System.getProperty("ode.persistence"); if (odep != null && "hibernate".equalsIgnoreCase(odep)) { __log.debug("Using HIBERNATE due to system property override!"); __dbEmbName = "hibdb"; __daoCfClass = "org.apache.ode.daohib.bpel.BpelDAOConnectionFactoryImpl"; } } /** * Possible database modes. */ public enum DatabaseMode { /** External data-source (managed by app server) */ EXTERNAL, /** Internal data-source (User provides database info, Ode provides connection pool) */ INTERNAL, /** Embedded database (Ode provides default embedded database with connection pool) */ EMBEDDED } /** * Possible database implementation. */ public enum EmbeddedDbType { H2, HSQL } public OdeConfigProperties(File cfgFile, String prefix) { _cfgFile = cfgFile; _prefix = prefix; _props = new Properties(); } public OdeConfigProperties(Properties props, String prefix) { _cfgFile = null; _prefix = prefix; _props = props; } public File getFile() { return _cfgFile; } public void load() throws IOException { if (_cfgFile.exists()) { __log.debug("config file exists: " + _cfgFile); FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(_cfgFile); _props.load(fis); } finally { if (fis != null) try { fis.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else { __log.debug("config file does not exists: " + _cfgFile); throw new FileNotFoundException("" + _cfgFile); } for (Object key : _props.keySet()) { String value = (String) _props.get(key); value = SystemUtils.replaceSystemProperties(value); _props.put(key, value); } } /** * Should the internal database be used, or are the datasources provided? * * @return db mode */ public String getDbEmbeddedName() { return getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_DB_EMBEDDED_NAME, __dbEmbName); } public EmbeddedDbType getDbEmbeddedType() { return EmbeddedDbType.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_DB_EMBEDDED_TYPE, DEFAULT_DB_EMB_TYPE).trim().toUpperCase()); } public boolean isDbEmbeddedCreate() { return Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_DB_EMBEDDED_CREATE, "true")); } public DatabaseMode getDbMode() { return DatabaseMode.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_DB_MODE, DatabaseMode.EMBEDDED.toString()).trim() .toUpperCase()); } public String getDAOConnectionFactory() { return getProperty(PROP_DAOCF, DEFAULT_DAOCF_CLASS); } public String getDAOConfStoreConnectionFactory() { return getProperty(PROP_DAOCF_STORE, DEFAULT_DAOCF_STORE_CLASS); } public String getDAOConfScheduleConnectionFactory() { return getProperty(PROP_DAOCF_SCHEDULER, DEFAULT_DAOCF_SCHEDULER_CLASS); } public String getCacheProvider() { return getProperty(PROP_CACHE_PROVIDER, DEFAULT_CACHE_PROVIDER); } public String getDbDataSource() { return getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_DB_EXTERNAL_DS, "java:comp/env/jdbc/ode-ds"); } public String getDbIntenralJdbcUrl() { return getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_DB_INTERNAL_URL, "jdbc:derby://localhost/ode"); } public String getDbInternalMCFClass() { return getProperty("db.int.mcf"); } public Properties getDbInternalMCFProperties() { String prefix = _prefix + "db.int.mcf."; Properties p = new Properties(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> e : _props.entrySet()) { String s = "" + e.getKey(); if (s.startsWith(prefix)) { p.put(s.substring(prefix.length()), e.getValue()); } } return p; } /** * JDBC driver class (for use in INTERNAL mode). * * @return */ public String getDbInternalJdbcDriverClass() { return getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_DB_INTERNAL_DRIVER, "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"); } public boolean getPoolBlocking() { return Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(PROP_DB_POOL_BLOCKING,"false")); } public int getThreadPoolMaxSize() { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, "0")); } public int getPoolMaxSize() { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_POOL_MAX, "15")); } public int getPoolMinSize() { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_POOL_MIN, "1")); } public int getConnectorPort() { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_CONNECTOR_PORT, "2099")); } public String getConnectorName() { return getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_CONNECTOR_NAME, "ode"); } public String getWorkingDir() { return getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_WORKING_DIR); } public String getDeployDir() { return getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_DEPLOY_DIR); } public String getTxFactoryClass() { return getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_TX_FACTORY_CLASS, DEFAULT_TX_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME); } public String getEventListeners() { return getProperty(PROP_EVENT_LISTENERS); } public String getMessageExchangeInterceptors() { return getProperty(PROP_MEX_INTERCEPTORS); } public long getInMemMexTtl() { return Long.valueOf(getProperty(PROP_MEX_INMEM_TTL, ""+10*60*1000)); } public boolean isDehydrationEnabled() { return Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_PROCESS_DEHYDRATION, "false")); } public long getDehydrationMaximumAge() { return Long.valueOf(getProperty(PROP_PROCESS_DEHYDRATION_MAXIMUM_AGE, ""+20*60*1000)); } public int getDehydrationMaximumCount() { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(PROP_PROCESS_DEHYDRATION_MAXIMUM_COUNT, ""+1000)); } public boolean isHydrationLazy() { return Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_PROCESS_HYDRATION_LAZY, "true")); } public int getHydrationLazyMinimumSize() { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_PROCESS_HYDRATION_LAZY_MINIMUM_SIZE, String.valueOf(0))); } public int getProcessThrottledMaximumCount() { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_PROCESS_HYDRATION_THROTTLED_MAXIMUM_COUNT, String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE))); } public int getInstanceThrottledMaximumCount() { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_PROCESS_INSTANCE_THROTTLED_MAXIMUM_COUNT, String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE))); } public long getProcessThrottledMaximumSize() { return Long.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_PROCESS_HYDRATION_THROTTLED_MAXIMUM_SIZE, String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE))); } public boolean isProcessSizeThrottled() { return getProcessThrottledMaximumSize() == Long.MAX_VALUE; } public boolean isDbLoggingEnabled() { return Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_DB_LOGGING, "false")); } public String getProperty(String pname) { return _props.getProperty(_prefix + pname); } public String getProperty(String key, String dflt) { return _props.getProperty(_prefix + key, dflt); } public Properties getProperties() { return _props; } public String getDbInternalUserName() { return getProperty(PROP_DB_INTERNAL_USER); } public String getDbInternalPassword() { return getProperty(PROP_DB_INTERNAL_PASSWORD); } public int getMigrationTransactionTimeout() { return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(PROP_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(0))); } public boolean isXTSEnable() { return Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(OdeConfigProperties.PROP_XTS_ENABLE, "false")); } }