/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.ode.bpel.elang.xpath20.compiler; import org.apache.ode.utils.Namespaces; /** * XPath-4-BPEL related constants. */ public class Constants { /** * Extension function bpws:getVariableData('variableName', 'partName'?, * 'locationPath'?) */ public static final String EXT_FUNCTION_GETVARIABLEDATA = "getVariableData"; /** * Extension function * bpws:getVariableProperty('variableName','propertyName') */ public static final String EXT_FUNCTION_GETVARIABLEPROPERTY = "getVariableProperty"; /** * Extension function bpws:getLinkStatus('getLinkName') */ public static final String EXT_FUNCTION_GETLINKSTATUS = "getLinkStatus"; /** * Extension function bpws:getLinkStatus('getLinkName') */ public static final String EXT_FUNCTION_DOXSLTRANSFORM = "doXslTransform"; /** * Non standard extension function ode:splitToElements(sourceText, 'separator' 'targetLocalName', 'targetNS'?) */ public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_DEPRECATED_SPLIT_TO_ELEMENTS = "splitToElements"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_DEPRECATED_COMBINE_URL = "combineUrl"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_DEPRECATED_COMPOSE_URL = "composeUrl"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_DEPRECATED_EXPAND_TEMPLATE = "expandTemplate"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_DEPRECATED_DOM_TO_STRING= "domToString"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_SPLIT_TO_ELEMENTS = "split-to-elements"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_COMBINE_URL = "combine-url"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_COMPOSE_URL = "compose-url"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_EXPAND_TEMPLATE = "expand-template"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_DOM_TO_STRING= "dom-to-string"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_INSERT_AFTER = "insert-after"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_INSERT_BEFORE = "insert-before"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_INSERT_AS_FIRST_INTO = "insert-as-first-into"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_INSERT_AS_LAST_INTO = "insert-as-last-into"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_DELETE = "delete"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_RENAME = "rename"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_PROCESS_PROPERTY = "process-property"; /** * Non standard extension functions in the deprecated "xdt" namespace */ public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_DAY_TIME_DURATION = "dayTimeDuration"; public static final String NON_STDRD_FUNCTION_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION = "yearMonthDuration"; public static final String XQUERY_FUNCTION_HANDLER_COMPILER = "org.apache.ode.bpel.elang.xquery10.compiler.XQuery10BpelFunctions"; public static final String XQUERY_FUNCTION_HANDLER_RUNTIME = "org.apache.ode.bpel.elang.xquery10.runtime.XQuery10BpelFunctions"; public static boolean isBpelNamespace(String uri){ return Namespaces.WS_BPEL_20_NS.equals(uri) || Namespaces.WSBPEL2_0_FINAL_EXEC.equals(uri) || Namespaces.BPEL11_NS.equals(uri); } }