package org.qi4j.index.rdf; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.qi4j.api.common.Visibility; import org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityBuilder; import org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityComposite; import; import org.qi4j.api.query.Query; import org.qi4j.api.query.QueryBuilder; import org.qi4j.api.query.QueryExpressions; import org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork; import org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilder; import org.qi4j.api.value.ValueBuilderFactory; import org.qi4j.api.value.ValueComposite; import org.qi4j.bootstrap.AssemblyException; import org.qi4j.bootstrap.ModuleAssembly; import org.qi4j.functional.Iterables; import org.qi4j.index.rdf.assembly.RdfNativeSesameStoreAssembler; import org.qi4j.library.fileconfig.FileConfigurationService; import org.qi4j.library.rdf.repository.NativeConfiguration; import org.qi4j.test.AbstractQi4jTest; import org.qi4j.test.EntityTestAssembler; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; // A test to verify that containsAll QueryExpression works properly. public class ContainsAllTest extends AbstractQi4jTest { public static final String TEST_STRING_1 = "TestString1"; public static final String TEST_STRING_2 = "Some\\Weird\"$String/[]"; public static final String TEST_STRING_3 = "TestString3"; public static final String TEST_STRING_4 = "TestSTring4"; public interface ExampleValue2 extends ValueComposite { Property<String> stringProperty(); } public interface ExampleValue extends ValueComposite { Property<ExampleValue2> valueProperty(); } public interface ExampleEntity extends EntityComposite { Property<Set<String>> strings(); Property<Set<ExampleValue>> complexValue(); } // This test creates a one-layer, two-module application, with one module // being testing module, and another for retrieving configuration for // services from preferences. This test assumes that those configurations // already exist in preference ES. public void assemble( ModuleAssembly module ) throws AssemblyException { FileConfigurationService.class ); ModuleAssembly prefModule = module.layer().module( "PrefModule" ); prefModule.entities( NativeConfiguration.class ).visibleIn( Visibility.application ); new EntityTestAssembler().assemble( prefModule ); module.entities( ExampleEntity.class ); module.values( ExampleValue.class, ExampleValue2.class ); EntityTestAssembler testAss = new EntityTestAssembler(); testAss.assemble( module ); RdfNativeSesameStoreAssembler rdfAssembler = new RdfNativeSesameStoreAssembler(); rdfAssembler.assemble( module ); } public static ExampleEntity createEntityWithStrings( UnitOfWork uow, ValueBuilderFactory vbf, String... strings ) { EntityBuilder<ExampleEntity> builder = uow.newEntityBuilder( ExampleEntity.class ); populateStrings( builder.instance(), strings ); populateComplexValue( builder.instance(), vbf ); return builder.newInstance(); } public static ExampleEntity createEntityWithComplexValues( UnitOfWork uow, ValueBuilderFactory vbf, String... valueStrings ) { EntityBuilder<ExampleEntity> builder = uow.newEntityBuilder( ExampleEntity.class ); populateStrings( builder.instance() ); populateComplexValue( builder.instance(), vbf, valueStrings ); return builder.newInstance(); } private static void populateStrings( ExampleEntity proto, String... strings ) { proto.strings().set( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( strings ) ) ); } private static void populateComplexValue( ExampleEntity proto, ValueBuilderFactory vbf, String... valueStrings ) { Set<ExampleValue> values = new HashSet<ExampleValue>(); for( String value : valueStrings ) { ValueBuilder<ExampleValue2> vBuilder = vbf.newValueBuilder( ExampleValue2.class ); vBuilder.prototype().stringProperty().set( value ); ValueBuilder<ExampleValue> vBuilder2 = vbf.newValueBuilder( ExampleValue.class ); vBuilder2.prototype().valueProperty().set( vBuilder.newInstance() ); values.add( vBuilder2.newInstance() ); } proto.complexValue().set( values ); } @Test public void simpleContainsAllQuerySuccessTest() throws Exception { ExampleEntity result = this.performContainsAllStringsTest( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2, TEST_STRING_3 ) ), new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2 ) ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "The entity must have been found.", result != null ); } @Test public void fullContainsAllQuerySuccessTest() throws Exception { ExampleEntity result = this.performContainsAllStringsTest( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2, TEST_STRING_3 ) ), new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2, TEST_STRING_3 ) ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "The entity must have been found.", result != null ); } @Test public void simpleContainsAllQueryFailTest() throws Exception { ExampleEntity result = this.performContainsAllStringsTest( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2, TEST_STRING_3 ) ), new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2, TEST_STRING_3, TEST_STRING_4 ) ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "The entity must not have been found.", result == null ); } @Test public void simpleContainsAllQueryWithNullsTest() throws Exception { ExampleEntity result = this.performContainsAllStringsTest( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2, TEST_STRING_3 ) ), new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, null, TEST_STRING_2 ) ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "The entity must have been found.", result != null ); } @Test public void emptyContainsAllQueryTest() throws Exception { ExampleEntity result = this.performContainsAllStringsTest( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2 ) ), new HashSet<String>() ); Assert.assertTrue( "The entity must have been found.", result != null ); } @Test public void complexContainsAllSuccessTest() throws Exception { ExampleEntity result = this.performContainsAllStringValueTest( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2 ) ), new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1 ) ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "The entity must have been found.", result != null ); } @Test public void fullComplexContainsAllSuccessTest() throws Exception { ExampleEntity result = this.performContainsAllStringValueTest( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2 ) ), new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2 ) ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "The entity must have been found", result != null ); } @Test public void complexContainsAllFailTest() throws Exception { ExampleEntity result = this.performContainsAllStringValueTest( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2 ) ), new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2, TEST_STRING_3 ) ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "The entity must not have been found.", result == null ); } @Test public void complexEmptyContainsAllTest() throws Exception { ExampleEntity result = this.performContainsAllStringValueTest( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( TEST_STRING_1, TEST_STRING_2 ) ), new HashSet<String>() ); Assert.assertTrue( "The entity must have been found.", result != null ); } private ExampleEntity findEntity( String... strings ) { QueryBuilder<ExampleEntity> builder = this.module.newQueryBuilder( ExampleEntity.class ); builder = builder.where( QueryExpressions.containsAll( QueryExpressions.templateFor( ExampleEntity.class ).strings(), Iterables.iterable( strings ) ) ); return this.module.currentUnitOfWork().newQuery( builder ).find(); } private ExampleEntity findEntityBasedOnValueStrings( String... valueStrings ) { Set<ExampleValue> values = new HashSet<ExampleValue>(); for( String value : valueStrings ) { ValueBuilder<ExampleValue2> vBuilder = this.module.newValueBuilder( ExampleValue2.class ); vBuilder.prototype().stringProperty().set( value ); ValueBuilder<ExampleValue> vBuilder2 = this.module.newValueBuilder( ExampleValue.class ); vBuilder2.prototype().valueProperty().set( vBuilder.newInstance() ); values.add( vBuilder2.newInstance() ); } return this.createComplexQuery( values ).find(); } private Query<ExampleEntity> createComplexQuery( Set<ExampleValue> valuez ) { QueryBuilder<ExampleEntity> builder = this.module.newQueryBuilder( ExampleEntity.class ); builder = builder.where( QueryExpressions.containsAll( QueryExpressions.templateFor( ExampleEntity.class ).complexValue(), valuez ) ); return this.module.currentUnitOfWork().newQuery( builder ); } private ExampleEntity performContainsAllStringsTest( Set<String> entityStrings, Set<String> queryableStrings ) throws Exception { UnitOfWork creatingUOW = this.module.newUnitOfWork(); String[] entityStringsArray = new String[entityStrings.size()]; createEntityWithStrings( creatingUOW, this.module, entityStrings.toArray( entityStringsArray ) ); creatingUOW.complete(); UnitOfWork queryingUOW = this.module.newUnitOfWork(); try { String[] queryableStringsArray = new String[queryableStrings.size()]; ExampleEntity entity = this.findEntity( queryableStrings.toArray( queryableStringsArray ) ); return entity; } finally { queryingUOW.discard(); } } private ExampleEntity performContainsAllStringValueTest( Set<String> entityStrings, Set<String> queryableStrings ) throws Exception { UnitOfWork creatingUOW = this.module.newUnitOfWork(); String[] entityStringsArray = new String[entityStrings.size()]; createEntityWithComplexValues( creatingUOW, this.module, entityStrings.toArray( entityStringsArray ) ); creatingUOW.complete(); UnitOfWork queryingUOW = this.module.newUnitOfWork(); try { String[] queryableStringsArray = new String[queryableStrings.size()]; ExampleEntity entity = this.findEntityBasedOnValueStrings( queryableStrings.toArray( queryableStringsArray ) ); return entity; } finally { queryingUOW.discard(); } } }