package org.qi4j.functional; import java.util.Iterator; /** * When using Iterables with map() and filter() the code often reads "in reverse", with the first item last in the code. * Example:,Iterables.filter(specification, iterable)) * <p/> * This ForEach class reverses that order and makes the code more readable, and allows easy application of visitors on iterables. * Example: forEach(iterable).filter(specification).map(function).visit(visitor) */ public final class ForEach<T> implements Iterable<T> { public static <T> ForEach<T> forEach( Iterable<T> iterable ) { return new ForEach<T>( iterable ); } private Iterable<T> iterable; public ForEach( Iterable<T> iterable ) { this.iterable = iterable; } @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return iterable.iterator(); } public ForEach<T> filter( Specification<? super T> specification ) { return new ForEach<T>( Iterables.filter( specification, iterable ) ); } public <TO> ForEach<TO> map( Function<? /* super T */, TO> function ) { return new ForEach<TO>( function, iterable ) ); } public <TO> ForEach<TO> flatten() { Iterable<Iterable<TO>> original = iterable(); Iterable<TO> iterable1 = Iterables.flattenIterables( original ); return new ForEach<TO>( iterable1 ); } private <TO> Iterable<Iterable<TO>> iterable() { return (Iterable<Iterable<TO>>) iterable; } public T last() { T lastItem = null; for( T item : iterable ) { lastItem = item; } return lastItem; } public <ThrowableType extends Throwable> boolean visit( final Visitor<T, ThrowableType> visitor ) throws ThrowableType { for( T item : iterable ) { if( !visitor.visit( item ) ) { return false; } } return true; } }