/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.text.correction.proposals; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.Images; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.code.CompilationUnitChange; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.corext.util.Strings; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.refactoring.Change; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.refactoring.DocumentChange; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.refactoring.TextChange; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.Document; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.edits.CopyTargetEdit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.edits.DeleteEdit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.edits.InsertEdit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.edits.MoveSourceEdit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.edits.MoveTargetEdit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.edits.MultiTextEdit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.edits.ReplaceEdit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.edits.TextEdit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.text.edits.TextEditVisitor; import org.eclipse.che.ide.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.che.ide.api.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.che.ide.api.text.Region; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Image; /** * A proposal for quick fixes and quick assist that work on a single compilation unit. * Either a {@link TextChange text change} is directly passed in the constructor or method * {@link #addEdits(IDocument, TextEdit)} is overridden to provide the text edits that are * applied to the document when the proposal is evaluated. * <p> * The proposal takes care of the preview of the changes as proposal information. * </p> * * @since 3.2 */ public class CUCorrectionProposal extends ChangeCorrectionProposal { // private ICompilationUnit fCompilationUnit; // private LinkedProposalModel fLinkedProposalModel; // private boolean fSwitchedEditor; protected final Document document; /** * Constructs a correction proposal working on a compilation unit with a given text change * * @param name * the name that is displayed in the proposal selection dialog. * @param cu * the compilation unit on that the change works. * @param change * the change that is executed when the proposal is applied or <code>null</code> * if implementors override {@link #addEdits(IDocument, TextEdit)} to provide * the text edits or {@link #createTextChange()} to provide a text change. * @param relevance * the relevance of this proposal. * @param image * the image that is displayed for this proposal or <code>null</code> if no * image is desired. */ public CUCorrectionProposal(String name, TextChange change, int relevance, Document document, Images image) { super(name, change, relevance, image); // if (cu == null) // { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Compilation unit must not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // } // fCompilationUnit = cu; // fLinkedProposalModel = null; this.document = document; } /** * Constructs a correction proposal working on a compilation unit. * <p>Users have to override {@link #addEdits(IDocument, TextEdit)} to provide * the text edits or {@link #createTextChange()} to provide a text change. * </p> * * @param name * The name that is displayed in the proposal selection dialog. * @param cu * The compilation unit on that the change works. * @param relevance * The relevance of this proposal. * @param image * The image that is displayed for this proposal or <code>null</code> if no * image is desired. */ protected CUCorrectionProposal(String name, int relevance, Document document, Images image) { this(name, null, relevance, document, image); } /** * Called when the {@link CompilationUnitChange} is initialized. Subclasses can override to * add text edits to the root edit of the change. Implementors must not access the proposal, * e.g getting the change. * <p>The default implementation does not add any edits</p> * * @param document * content of the underlying compilation unit. To be accessed read only. * @param editRoot * The root edit to add all edits to * @throws CoreException * can be thrown if adding the edits is failing. */ protected void addEdits(Document document, TextEdit editRoot) throws CoreException { } // protected LinkedProposalModel getLinkedProposalModel() // { // if (fLinkedProposalModel == null) // { // fLinkedProposalModel = new LinkedProposalModel(); // } // return fLinkedProposalModel; // } // // public void setLinkedProposalModel(LinkedProposalModel model) // { // fLinkedProposalModel = model; // } @Override public Object getAdditionalInfo() { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); try { final TextChange change = getTextChange(); change.setKeepPreviewEdits(true); final Document previewContent = change.getPreviewDocument(); final TextEdit rootEdit = change.getPreviewEdit(change.getEdit()); class EditAnnotator extends TextEditVisitor { private int fWrittenToPos = 0; public void unchangedUntil(int pos) { if (pos > fWrittenToPos) { appendContent(previewContent, fWrittenToPos, pos, buf, true); fWrittenToPos = pos; } } @Override public boolean visit(MoveTargetEdit edit) { return true; //rangeAdded(edit); } @Override public boolean visit(CopyTargetEdit edit) { return true; //return rangeAdded(edit); } @Override public boolean visit(InsertEdit edit) { return rangeAdded(edit); } @Override public boolean visit(ReplaceEdit edit) { if (edit.getLength() > 0) return rangeAdded(edit); return rangeRemoved(edit); } @Override public boolean visit(MoveSourceEdit edit) { return rangeRemoved(edit); } @Override public boolean visit(DeleteEdit edit) { return rangeRemoved(edit); } private boolean rangeRemoved(TextEdit edit) { unchangedUntil(edit.getOffset()); return false; } private boolean rangeAdded(TextEdit edit) { unchangedUntil(edit.getOffset()); buf.append("<b>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ appendContent(previewContent, edit.getOffset(), edit.getExclusiveEnd(), buf, false); buf.append("</b>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ fWrittenToPos = edit.getExclusiveEnd(); return false; } } EditAnnotator ea = new EditAnnotator(); rootEdit.accept(ea); // Final pre-existing region ea.unchangedUntil(previewContent.getLength()); } catch (CoreException e) { //TODO log error // Log.error(getClass(), e); } return buf.toString(); } private final int surroundLines = 1; private void appendContent(Document text, int startOffset, int endOffset, StringBuffer buf, boolean surroundLinesOnly) { try { int startLine = text.getLineOfOffset(startOffset); int endLine = text.getLineOfOffset(endOffset); boolean dotsAdded = false; if (surroundLinesOnly && startOffset == 0) { // no surround lines for the top no-change range startLine = Math.max(endLine - surroundLines, 0); buf.append("...<br>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ dotsAdded = true; } for (int i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) { if (surroundLinesOnly) { if ((i - startLine > surroundLines) && (endLine - i > surroundLines)) { if (!dotsAdded) { buf.append("...<br>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ dotsAdded = true; } else if (endOffset == text.getLength()) { return; // no surround lines for the bottom no-change range } continue; } } Region lineInfo = text.getLineInformation(i); int start = lineInfo.getOffset(); int end = start + lineInfo.getLength(); int from = Math.max(start, startOffset); int to = Math.min(end, endOffset); String content = text.get(from, to - from); if (surroundLinesOnly && (from == start) && Strings.containsOnlyWhitespaces(content)) { continue; // ignore empty lines except when range started in the middle of a line } for (int k = 0; k < content.length(); k++) { char ch = content.charAt(k); if (ch == '<') { buf.append("<"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (ch == '>') { buf.append(">"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { buf.append(ch); } } if (to == end && to != endOffset) { // new line when at the end of the line, and not end of range buf.append("<br>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } catch (BadLocationException e) { // ignore } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal#apply(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) */ @Override public void apply(Document document) { try { // ICompilationUnit unit = getCompilationUnit(); // IEditorPart part = null; // if (unit.getResource().exists()) // { // boolean canEdit = performValidateEdit(unit); // if (!canEdit) // { // return; // } // part = EditorUtility.isOpenInEditor(unit); // if (part == null) // { // part = JavaUI.openInEditor(unit); // if (part != null) // { // fSwitchedEditor = true; // document = JavaUI.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(part.getEditorInput()); // } // } // IWorkbenchPage page = JavaPlugin.getActivePage(); // if (page != null && part != null) // { // page.bringToTop(part); // } // if (part != null) // { // part.setFocus(); // } // } performChange(document); } catch (CoreException e) { //TODO log error // Log.error(getClass(), e); } } // private boolean performValidateEdit(ICompilationUnit unit) // { // IStatus status = Resources.makeCommittable(unit.getResource(), JavaPlugin.getActiveWorkbenchShell()); // if (!status.isOK()) // { // String label = CorrectionMessages.CUCorrectionProposal_error_title; // String message = CorrectionMessages.CUCorrectionProposal_error_message; // ErrorDialog.openError(JavaPlugin.getActiveWorkbenchShell(), label, message, status); // return false; // } // return true; // } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.ChangeCorrectionProposal#performChange(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument, * org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart) */ @Override protected void performChange(Document document) throws CoreException { // try // { super.performChange(document); // if (part == null) // { // return; // } // // if (fLinkedProposalModel != null) // { // if (fLinkedProposalModel.hasLinkedPositions() && part instanceof JavaEditor) // { // // enter linked mode // ITextViewer viewer = ((JavaEditor)part).getViewer(); // new LinkedProposalModelPresenter().enterLinkedMode(viewer, part, fSwitchedEditor, fLinkedProposalModel); // } // else if (part instanceof ITextEditor) // { // LinkedProposalPositionGroup.PositionInformation endPosition = fLinkedProposalModel.getEndPosition(); // if (endPosition != null) // { // // select a result // int pos = endPosition.getOffset() + endPosition.getLength(); // ((ITextEditor)part).selectAndReveal(pos, 0); // } // } // } // } // catch (BadLocationException e) // { // throw new CoreException(JavaUIStatus.createError(IStatus.ERROR, e)); // } } /** * Creates the text change for this proposal. * This method is only called once and only when no text change has been passed in * {@link #CUCorrectionProposal(String, ICompilationUnit, TextChange, int, Image)}. * * @return returns the created text change. * @throws CoreException * thrown if the creation of the text change failed. */ protected TextChange createTextChange() throws CoreException { // ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit(); String name = getName(); TextChange change; // if (!cu.getResource().exists()) // { // String source; // try // { // source = cu.getSource(); // } // catch (JavaModelException e) // { // JavaPlugin.log(e); // source = new String(); // empty // } // Document document = new Document(source); // document.setInitialLineDelimiter(StubUtility.getLineDelimiterUsed()); change = new DocumentChange(name, document); // } // else // { // CompilationUnitChange cuChange = new CompilationUnitChange(name, cu); // cuChange.setSaveMode(TextFileChange.LEAVE_DIRTY); // change = cuChange; // } TextEdit rootEdit = new MultiTextEdit(); change.setEdit(rootEdit); // initialize text change Document document = change.getCurrentDocument(); addEdits(document, rootEdit); return change; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.ChangeCorrectionProposal#createChange() */ @Override protected final Change createChange() throws CoreException { return createTextChange(); // make sure that only text changes are allowed here } /** * Gets the text change that is invoked when the change is applied. * * @return returns the text change that is invoked when the change is applied. * @throws CoreException * throws an exception if accessing the change failed */ public final TextChange getTextChange() throws CoreException { return (TextChange)getChange(); } // /** // * The compilation unit on that the change works. // * // * @return the compilation unit on that the change works. // */ // public final ICompilationUnit getCompilationUnit() // { // return fCompilationUnit; // } /** * Creates a preview of the content of the compilation unit after applying the change. * * @return returns the preview of the changed compilation unit. * @throws CoreException * thrown if the creation of the change failed. */ public String getPreviewContent() throws CoreException { return getTextChange().getPreviewContent(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { try { return getPreviewContent(); } catch (CoreException e) { } return super.toString(); } }