/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Codenvy, S.A. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Codenvy, S.A. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.codeassist.select; /* * Parser able to build specific completion parse nodes, given a cursorLocation. * * Cursor location denotes the position of the last character behind which completion * got requested: * -1 means completion at the very beginning of the source * 0 means completion behind the first character * n means completion behind the n-th character */ import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.codeassist.impl.AssistParser; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.JavadocParser; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.RecoveredType; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter; import org.eclipse.che.ide.ext.java.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util; public class SelectionParser extends AssistParser { // OWNER protected static final int SELECTION_PARSER = 1024; protected static final int SELECTION_OR_ASSIST_PARSER = ASSIST_PARSER + SELECTION_PARSER; // KIND : all values known by SelectionParser are between 1025 and 1549 protected static final int K_BETWEEN_CASE_AND_COLON = SELECTION_PARSER + 1; // whether we are inside a block protected static final int K_INSIDE_RETURN_STATEMENT = SELECTION_PARSER + 2; // whether we are between the keyword 'return' and the end of a return statement protected static final int K_CAST_STATEMENT = SELECTION_PARSER + 3; // whether we are between ')' and the end of a cast statement public ASTNode assistNodeParent; // the parent node of assist node /* public fields */ public int selectionStart, selectionEnd; public static final char[] SUPER = "super".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final char[] THIS = "this".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ public SelectionParser(ProblemReporter problemReporter) { super(problemReporter); this.javadocParser.checkDocComment = true; } public char[] assistIdentifier() { return ((SelectionScanner)this.scanner).selectionIdentifier; } protected void attachOrphanCompletionNode() { if (this.isOrphanCompletionNode) { ASTNode orphan = this.assistNode; this.isOrphanCompletionNode = false; /* if in context of a type, then persists the identifier into a fake field return type */ if (this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredType) { RecoveredType recoveredType = (RecoveredType)this.currentElement; /* filter out cases where scanner is still inside type header */ if (recoveredType.foundOpeningBrace) { /* generate a pseudo field with a completion on type reference */ if (orphan instanceof TypeReference) { this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(new SelectionOnFieldType((TypeReference)orphan), 0); return; } } } if (orphan instanceof Expression) { buildMoreCompletionContext((Expression)orphan); } else { Statement statement = (Statement) orphan; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(statement, 0); } this.currentToken = 0; // given we are not on an eof, we do not want side effects caused by looked-ahead token } } private void buildMoreCompletionContext(Expression expression) { ASTNode parentNode = null; int kind = topKnownElementKind(SELECTION_OR_ASSIST_PARSER); if(kind != 0) { int info = topKnownElementInfo(SELECTION_OR_ASSIST_PARSER); nextElement : switch (kind) { case K_BETWEEN_CASE_AND_COLON : if(this.expressionPtr > 0) { SwitchStatement switchStatement = new SwitchStatement(); switchStatement.expression = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr - 1]; if(this.astLengthPtr > -1 && this.astPtr > -1) { int length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr]; int newAstPtr = this.astPtr - length; ASTNode firstNode = this.astStack[newAstPtr + 1]; if(length != 0 && firstNode.sourceStart > switchStatement.expression.sourceEnd) { switchStatement.statements = new Statement[length + 1]; System.arraycopy( this.astStack, newAstPtr + 1, switchStatement.statements, 0, length); } } CaseStatement caseStatement = new CaseStatement(expression, expression.sourceStart, expression.sourceEnd); if(switchStatement.statements == null) { switchStatement.statements = new Statement[]{caseStatement}; } else { switchStatement.statements[switchStatement.statements.length - 1] = caseStatement; } parentNode = switchStatement; this.assistNodeParent = parentNode; } break nextElement; case K_INSIDE_RETURN_STATEMENT : if(info == this.bracketDepth) { ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(expression, expression.sourceStart, expression.sourceEnd); parentNode = returnStatement; this.assistNodeParent = parentNode; } break nextElement; case K_CAST_STATEMENT : Expression castType; if(this.expressionPtr > 0 && ((castType = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr-1]) instanceof TypeReference)) { CastExpression cast = new CastExpression(expression, (TypeReference) castType); cast.sourceStart = castType.sourceStart; cast.sourceEnd= expression.sourceEnd; parentNode = cast; this.assistNodeParent = parentNode; } break nextElement; } } if(parentNode != null) { this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add((Statement)parentNode, 0); } else { this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add((Statement)wrapWithExplicitConstructorCallIfNeeded(expression), 0); if(this.lastCheckPoint < expression.sourceEnd) { this.lastCheckPoint = expression.sourceEnd + 1; } } } private boolean checkRecoveredType() { if (this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredType){ /* check if current awaiting identifier is the completion identifier */ if (this.indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) return false; if ((this.lastErrorEndPosition >= this.selectionStart) && (this.lastErrorEndPosition <= this.selectionEnd+1)){ return false; } RecoveredType recoveredType = (RecoveredType)this.currentElement; /* filter out cases where scanner is still inside type header */ if (recoveredType.foundOpeningBrace) { this.assistNode = this.getTypeReference(0); this.lastCheckPoint = this.assistNode.sourceEnd + 1; this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; return true; } } return false; } protected void classInstanceCreation(boolean hasClassBody) { // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' ClassType '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt // ClassBodyopt produces a null item on the astStak if it produces NO class body // An empty class body produces a 0 on the length stack..... if ((this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr] == 1) && (this.astStack[this.astPtr] == null)) { int index; if ((index = this.indexOfAssistIdentifier()) < 0) { super.classInstanceCreation(hasClassBody); return; } else if(this.identifierLengthPtr > -1 && (this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr] - 1) != index) { super.classInstanceCreation(hasClassBody); return; } QualifiedAllocationExpression alloc; this.astPtr--; this.astLengthPtr--; alloc = new SelectionOnQualifiedAllocationExpression(); alloc.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; //the position has been stored explicitly int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, alloc.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } // trick to avoid creating a selection on type reference char [] oldIdent = assistIdentifier(); setAssistIdentifier(null); alloc.type = getTypeReference(0); checkForDiamond(alloc.type); setAssistIdentifier(oldIdent); //the default constructor with the correct number of argument //will be created and added by the TC (see createsInternalConstructorWithBinding) alloc.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnExpressionStack(alloc); this.assistNode = alloc; this.lastCheckPoint = alloc.sourceEnd + 1; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; } else { super.classInstanceCreation(hasClassBody); } } protected void consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithoutInitializer() { // ArrayCreationWithoutArrayInitializer ::= 'new' PrimitiveType DimWithOrWithOutExprs // ArrayCreationWithoutArrayInitializer ::= 'new' ClassOrInterfaceType DimWithOrWithOutExprs super.consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithoutInitializer(); ArrayAllocationExpression alloc = (ArrayAllocationExpression)this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; if (alloc.type == this.assistNode){ if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; } } protected void consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer() { // ArrayCreationWithArrayInitializer ::= 'new' ClassOrInterfaceType DimWithOrWithOutExprs ArrayInitializer super.consumeArrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer(); ArrayAllocationExpression alloc = (ArrayAllocationExpression)this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; if (alloc.type == this.assistNode){ if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; } } protected void consumeCastExpressionLL1() { popElement(K_CAST_STATEMENT); super.consumeCastExpressionLL1(); } protected void consumeCastExpressionWithGenericsArray() { popElement(K_CAST_STATEMENT); super.consumeCastExpressionWithGenericsArray(); } protected void consumeCastExpressionWithNameArray() { popElement(K_CAST_STATEMENT); super.consumeCastExpressionWithNameArray(); } protected void consumeCastExpressionWithPrimitiveType() { popElement(K_CAST_STATEMENT); super.consumeCastExpressionWithPrimitiveType(); } protected void consumeCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenericsArray() { popElement(K_CAST_STATEMENT); super.consumeCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenericsArray(); } protected void consumeCatchFormalParameter() { if (this.indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { super.consumeCatchFormalParameter(); if((!this.diet || this.dietInt != 0) && this.astPtr > -1) { Argument argument = (Argument) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if(argument.type == this.assistNode) { this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } } else { this.identifierLengthPtr--; char[] identifierName = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long namePositions = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.intPtr--; // dimension from the variabledeclaratorid TypeReference type = (TypeReference) this.astStack[this.astPtr--]; int modifierPositions = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.intPtr--; Argument arg = new SelectionOnArgumentName( identifierName, namePositions, type, this.intStack[this.intPtr + 1] & ~ClassFileConstants.AccDeprecated); // modifiers arg.bits &= ~ASTNode.IsArgument; arg.declarationSourceStart = modifierPositions; // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, arg.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); } pushOnAstStack(arg); this.assistNode = arg; this.lastCheckPoint = (int) namePositions; this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } /* if incomplete method header, listLength counter will not have been reset, indicating that some arguments are available on the stack */ this.listLength++; } } protected void consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionQualifiedWithTypeArguments() { // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' TypeArguments SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpressionName 'new' TypeArguments SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt QualifiedAllocationExpression alloc; int length; if (((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr]) == 1) && (this.astStack[this.astPtr] == null)) { if (this.indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { super.consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionQualifiedWithTypeArguments(); return; } //NO ClassBody this.astPtr--; this.astLengthPtr--; alloc = new SelectionOnQualifiedAllocationExpression(); alloc.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; //the position has been stored explicitly if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, alloc.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } // trick to avoid creating a selection on type reference char [] oldIdent = assistIdentifier(); setAssistIdentifier(null); alloc.type = getTypeReference(0); checkForDiamond(alloc.type); setAssistIdentifier(oldIdent); length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, alloc.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); this.intPtr--; // remove the position of the '<' //the default constructor with the correct number of argument //will be created and added by the TC (see createsInternalConstructorWithBinding) alloc.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnExpressionStack(alloc); this.assistNode = alloc; this.lastCheckPoint = alloc.sourceEnd + 1; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; } else { super.consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionQualifiedWithTypeArguments(); } this.expressionLengthPtr--; QualifiedAllocationExpression qae = (QualifiedAllocationExpression) this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; qae.enclosingInstance = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]; this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = qae; qae.sourceStart = qae.enclosingInstance.sourceStart; } protected void consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionWithTypeArguments() { // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' TypeArguments ClassType '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt AllocationExpression alloc; int length; if (((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr]) == 1) && (this.astStack[this.astPtr] == null)) { if (this.indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { super.consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionWithTypeArguments(); return; } //NO ClassBody this.astPtr--; this.astLengthPtr--; alloc = new SelectionOnQualifiedAllocationExpression(); alloc.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; //the position has been stored explicitly if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, alloc.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } // trick to avoid creating a selection on type reference char [] oldIdent = assistIdentifier(); setAssistIdentifier(null); alloc.type = getTypeReference(0); checkForDiamond(alloc.type); setAssistIdentifier(oldIdent); length = this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr--]; this.genericsPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.genericsStack, this.genericsPtr + 1, alloc.typeArguments = new TypeReference[length], 0, length); this.intPtr--; // remove the position of the '<' //the default constructor with the correct number of argument //will be created and added by the TC (see createsInternalConstructorWithBinding) alloc.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnExpressionStack(alloc); this.assistNode = alloc; this.lastCheckPoint = alloc.sourceEnd + 1; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; } else { super.consumeClassInstanceCreationExpressionWithTypeArguments(); } } protected void consumeEnterAnonymousClassBody(boolean qualified) { // EnterAnonymousClassBody ::= $empty if (this.indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { super.consumeEnterAnonymousClassBody(qualified); return; } // trick to avoid creating a selection on type reference char [] oldIdent = assistIdentifier(); setAssistIdentifier(null); TypeReference typeReference = getTypeReference(0); setAssistIdentifier(oldIdent); TypeDeclaration anonymousType = new TypeDeclaration(this.compilationUnit.compilationResult); anonymousType.name = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; anonymousType.bits |= (ASTNode.IsAnonymousType|ASTNode.IsLocalType); QualifiedAllocationExpression alloc = new SelectionOnQualifiedAllocationExpression(anonymousType); markEnclosingMemberWithLocalType(); pushOnAstStack(anonymousType); alloc.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; //the position has been stored explicitly int argumentLength; if ((argumentLength = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= argumentLength; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, alloc.arguments = new Expression[argumentLength], 0, argumentLength); } if (qualified) { this.expressionLengthPtr--; alloc.enclosingInstance = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; } alloc.type = typeReference; anonymousType.sourceEnd = alloc.sourceEnd; //position at the type while it impacts the anonymous declaration anonymousType.sourceStart = anonymousType.declarationSourceStart = alloc.type.sourceStart; alloc.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; pushOnExpressionStack(alloc); this.assistNode = alloc; this.lastCheckPoint = alloc.sourceEnd + 1; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.currentToken = 0; // opening brace already taken into account this.hasReportedError = true; } anonymousType.bodyStart = this.scanner.currentPosition; this.listLength = 0; // will be updated when reading super-interfaces // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = anonymousType.bodyStart; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(anonymousType, 0); this.currentToken = 0; // opening brace already taken into account this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } protected void consumeEnterVariable() { // EnterVariable ::= $empty // do nothing by default super.consumeEnterVariable(); AbstractVariableDeclaration variable = (AbstractVariableDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if (variable.type == this.assistNode){ if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = false; // already attached inside variable decl } } protected void consumeExitVariableWithInitialization() { super.consumeExitVariableWithInitialization(); // does not keep the initialization if selection is not inside AbstractVariableDeclaration variable = (AbstractVariableDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; int start = variable.initialization.sourceStart; int end = variable.initialization.sourceEnd; if ((this.selectionStart < start) && (this.selectionEnd < start) || (this.selectionStart > end) && (this.selectionEnd > end)) { variable.initialization = null; } } protected void consumeFieldAccess(boolean isSuperAccess) { // FieldAccess ::= Primary '.' 'Identifier' // FieldAccess ::= 'super' '.' 'Identifier' if (this.indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { super.consumeFieldAccess(isSuperAccess); return; } FieldReference fieldReference = new SelectionOnFieldReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); this.identifierLengthPtr--; if (isSuperAccess) { //considerates the fieldReferenceerence beginning at the 'super' .... fieldReference.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; fieldReference.receiver = new SuperReference(fieldReference.sourceStart, this.endPosition); pushOnExpressionStack(fieldReference); } else { //optimize push/pop if ((fieldReference.receiver = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr]).isThis()) { //fieldReferenceerence begins at the this fieldReference.sourceStart = fieldReference.receiver.sourceStart; } this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr] = fieldReference; } this.assistNode = fieldReference; this.lastCheckPoint = fieldReference.sourceEnd + 1; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; } protected void consumeFormalParameter(boolean isVarArgs) { if (this.indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { super.consumeFormalParameter(isVarArgs); if((!this.diet || this.dietInt != 0) && this.astPtr > -1) { Argument argument = (Argument) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if(argument.type == this.assistNode) { this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } } else { this.identifierLengthPtr--; char[] identifierName = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long namePositions = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; int extendedDimensions = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; int endOfEllipsis = 0; if (isVarArgs) { endOfEllipsis = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; } int firstDimensions = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; final int typeDimensions = firstDimensions + extendedDimensions; TypeReference type = getTypeReference(typeDimensions); if (isVarArgs) { type = copyDims(type, typeDimensions + 1); if (extendedDimensions == 0) { type.sourceEnd = endOfEllipsis; } type.bits |= ASTNode.IsVarArgs; // set isVarArgs } int modifierPositions = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.intPtr--; Argument arg = new SelectionOnArgumentName( identifierName, namePositions, type, this.intStack[this.intPtr + 1] & ~ClassFileConstants.AccDeprecated); // modifiers arg.declarationSourceStart = modifierPositions; // consume annotations int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, (this.expressionPtr -= length) + 1, arg.annotations = new Annotation[length], 0, length); RecoveredType currentRecoveryType = this.currentRecoveryType(); if (currentRecoveryType != null) currentRecoveryType.annotationsConsumed(arg.annotations); } pushOnAstStack(arg); this.assistNode = arg; this.lastCheckPoint = (int) namePositions; this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } /* if incomplete method header, listLength counter will not have been reset, indicating that some arguments are available on the stack */ this.listLength++; } } protected void consumeInsideCastExpression() { super.consumeInsideCastExpression(); pushOnElementStack(K_CAST_STATEMENT); } protected void consumeInsideCastExpressionLL1() { super.consumeInsideCastExpressionLL1(); pushOnElementStack(K_CAST_STATEMENT); } protected void consumeInsideCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenerics() { super.consumeInsideCastExpressionWithQualifiedGenerics(); pushOnElementStack(K_CAST_STATEMENT); } protected void consumeInstanceOfExpression() { if (indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { super.consumeInstanceOfExpression(); } else { getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; this.restartRecovery = true; this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } protected void consumeInstanceOfExpressionWithName() { if (indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { super.consumeInstanceOfExpressionWithName(); } else { getTypeReference(this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; this.restartRecovery = true; this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } protected void consumeLocalVariableDeclarationStatement() { super.consumeLocalVariableDeclarationStatement(); // force to restart in recovery mode if the declaration contains the selection if (!this.diet) { LocalDeclaration localDeclaration = (LocalDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; if ((this.selectionStart >= localDeclaration.sourceStart) && (this.selectionEnd <= localDeclaration.sourceEnd)) { this.restartRecovery = true; this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } } } protected void consumeMarkerAnnotation() { int index; if ((index = this.indexOfAssistIdentifier()) < 0) { super.consumeMarkerAnnotation(); return; } MarkerAnnotation markerAnnotation = null; int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; TypeReference typeReference; /* retrieve identifiers subset and whole positions, the assist node positions should include the entire replaced source. */ char[][] subset = identifierSubSet(index); this.identifierLengthPtr--; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); /* build specific assist on type reference */ if (index == 0) { /* assist inside first identifier */ typeReference = createSingleAssistTypeReference( assistIdentifier(), positions[0]); } else { /* assist inside subsequent identifier */ typeReference = createQualifiedAssistTypeReference( subset, assistIdentifier(), positions); } this.assistNode = typeReference; this.lastCheckPoint = typeReference.sourceEnd + 1; markerAnnotation = new MarkerAnnotation(typeReference, this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); markerAnnotation.declarationSourceEnd = markerAnnotation.sourceEnd; pushOnExpressionStack(markerAnnotation); } protected void consumeMemberValuePair() { if (this.indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { super.consumeMemberValuePair(); return; } char[] simpleName = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; long position = this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]; this.identifierLengthPtr--; int end = (int) position; int start = (int) (position >>> 32); Expression value = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; this.expressionLengthPtr--; MemberValuePair memberValuePair = new SelectionOnNameOfMemberValuePair(simpleName, start, end, value); pushOnAstStack(memberValuePair); this.assistNode = memberValuePair; this.lastCheckPoint = memberValuePair.sourceEnd + 1; } protected void consumeMethodInvocationName() { // MethodInvocation ::= Name '(' ArgumentListopt ')' // when the name is only an identifier...we have a message send to "this" (implicit) char[] selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; int accessMode; if(selector == assistIdentifier()) { if(CharOperation.equals(selector, SUPER)) { accessMode = ExplicitConstructorCall.Super; } else if(CharOperation.equals(selector, THIS)) { accessMode = ExplicitConstructorCall.This; } else { super.consumeMethodInvocationName(); return; } } else { super.consumeMethodInvocationName(); return; } final ExplicitConstructorCall constructorCall = new SelectionOnExplicitConstructorCall(accessMode); constructorCall.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; constructorCall.sourceStart = (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr] >>> 32); int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, constructorCall.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } if (!this.diet){ pushOnAstStack(constructorCall); this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } else { pushOnExpressionStack(new Expression(){ public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) { constructorCall.resolve(scope); return null; } public StringBuffer printExpression(int indent, StringBuffer output) { return output; } }); } this.assistNode = constructorCall; this.lastCheckPoint = constructorCall.sourceEnd + 1; this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; } protected void consumeMethodInvocationPrimary() { //optimize the push/pop //MethodInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' char[] selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; int accessMode; if(selector == assistIdentifier()) { if(CharOperation.equals(selector, SUPER)) { accessMode = ExplicitConstructorCall.Super; } else if(CharOperation.equals(selector, THIS)) { accessMode = ExplicitConstructorCall.This; } else { super.consumeMethodInvocationPrimary(); return; } } else { super.consumeMethodInvocationPrimary(); return; } final ExplicitConstructorCall constructorCall = new SelectionOnExplicitConstructorCall(accessMode); constructorCall.sourceEnd = this.rParenPos; int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy(this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, constructorCall.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } constructorCall.qualification = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; constructorCall.sourceStart = constructorCall.qualification.sourceStart; if (!this.diet){ pushOnAstStack(constructorCall); this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } else { pushOnExpressionStack(new Expression(){ public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) { constructorCall.resolve(scope); return null; } public StringBuffer printExpression(int indent, StringBuffer output) { return output; } }); } this.assistNode = constructorCall; this.lastCheckPoint = constructorCall.sourceEnd + 1; this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; } protected void consumeNormalAnnotation() { int index; if ((index = this.indexOfAssistIdentifier()) < 0) { super.consumeNormalAnnotation(); return; } NormalAnnotation normalAnnotation = null; int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; TypeReference typeReference; /* retrieve identifiers subset and whole positions, the assist node positions should include the entire replaced source. */ char[][] subset = identifierSubSet(index); this.identifierLengthPtr--; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); /* build specific assist on type reference */ if (index == 0) { /* assist inside first identifier */ typeReference = createSingleAssistTypeReference( assistIdentifier(), positions[0]); } else { /* assist inside subsequent identifier */ typeReference = createQualifiedAssistTypeReference( subset, assistIdentifier(), positions); } this.assistNode = typeReference; this.lastCheckPoint = typeReference.sourceEnd + 1; normalAnnotation = new NormalAnnotation(typeReference, this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); if ((length = this.astLengthStack[this.astLengthPtr--]) != 0) { System.arraycopy( this.astStack, (this.astPtr -= length) + 1, normalAnnotation.memberValuePairs = new MemberValuePair[length], 0, length); } normalAnnotation.declarationSourceEnd = this.rParenPos; pushOnExpressionStack(normalAnnotation); } protected void consumeSingleMemberAnnotation() { int index; if ((index = this.indexOfAssistIdentifier()) < 0) { super.consumeSingleMemberAnnotation(); return; } SingleMemberAnnotation singleMemberAnnotation = null; int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; TypeReference typeReference; /* retrieve identifiers subset and whole positions, the assist node positions should include the entire replaced source. */ char[][] subset = identifierSubSet(index); this.identifierLengthPtr--; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); /* build specific assist on type reference */ if (index == 0) { /* assist inside first identifier */ typeReference = createSingleAssistTypeReference( assistIdentifier(), positions[0]); } else { /* assist inside subsequent identifier */ typeReference = createQualifiedAssistTypeReference( subset, assistIdentifier(), positions); } this.assistNode = typeReference; this.lastCheckPoint = typeReference.sourceEnd + 1; singleMemberAnnotation = new SingleMemberAnnotation(typeReference, this.intStack[this.intPtr--]); singleMemberAnnotation.memberValue = this.expressionStack[this.expressionPtr--]; this.expressionLengthPtr--; singleMemberAnnotation.declarationSourceEnd = this.rParenPos; pushOnExpressionStack(singleMemberAnnotation); } protected void consumeStaticImportOnDemandDeclarationName() { // TypeImportOnDemandDeclarationName ::= 'import' 'static' Name '.' '*' /* push an ImportRef build from the last name stored in the identifier stack. */ int index; /* no need to take action if not inside assist identifiers */ if ((index = indexOfAssistIdentifier()) < 0) { super.consumeStaticImportOnDemandDeclarationName(); return; } /* retrieve identifiers subset and whole positions, the assist node positions should include the entire replaced source. */ int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; char[][] subset = identifierSubSet(index+1); // include the assistIdentifier this.identifierLengthPtr--; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); /* build specific assist node on import statement */ ImportReference reference = createAssistImportReference(subset, positions, ClassFileConstants.AccStatic); reference.bits |= ASTNode.OnDemand; // star end position reference.trailingStarPosition = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.assistNode = reference; this.lastCheckPoint = reference.sourceEnd + 1; pushOnAstStack(reference); if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ reference.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; } else { reference.declarationSourceEnd = (int) positions[length-1]; } //endPosition is just before the ; reference.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // flush annotations defined prior to import statements reference.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(reference.declarationSourceEnd); // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = reference.declarationSourceEnd+1; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(reference, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } protected void consumeToken(int token) { super.consumeToken(token); // if in a method or if in a field initializer if (isInsideMethod() || isInsideFieldInitialization()) { switch (token) { case TokenNamecase : pushOnElementStack(K_BETWEEN_CASE_AND_COLON); break; case TokenNameCOLON: if(topKnownElementKind(SELECTION_OR_ASSIST_PARSER) == K_BETWEEN_CASE_AND_COLON) { popElement(K_BETWEEN_CASE_AND_COLON); } break; case TokenNamereturn: pushOnElementStack(K_INSIDE_RETURN_STATEMENT, this.bracketDepth); break; case TokenNameSEMICOLON: switch(topKnownElementKind(SELECTION_OR_ASSIST_PARSER)) { case K_INSIDE_RETURN_STATEMENT : if(topKnownElementInfo(SELECTION_OR_ASSIST_PARSER) == this.bracketDepth) { popElement(K_INSIDE_RETURN_STATEMENT); } break; } break; } } } protected void consumeTypeImportOnDemandDeclarationName() { // TypeImportOnDemandDeclarationName ::= 'import' Name '.' '*' /* push an ImportRef build from the last name stored in the identifier stack. */ int index; /* no need to take action if not inside assist identifiers */ if ((index = indexOfAssistIdentifier()) < 0) { super.consumeTypeImportOnDemandDeclarationName(); return; } /* retrieve identifiers subset and whole positions, the assist node positions should include the entire replaced source. */ int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; char[][] subset = identifierSubSet(index+1); // include the assistIdentifier this.identifierLengthPtr--; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); /* build specific assist node on import statement */ ImportReference reference = createAssistImportReference(subset, positions, ClassFileConstants.AccDefault); reference.bits |= ASTNode.OnDemand; // star end position reference.trailingStarPosition = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; this.assistNode = reference; this.lastCheckPoint = reference.sourceEnd + 1; pushOnAstStack(reference); if (this.currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON){ reference.declarationSourceEnd = this.scanner.currentPosition - 1; } else { reference.declarationSourceEnd = (int) positions[length-1]; } //endPosition is just before the ; reference.declarationSourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; // flush comments defined prior to import statements reference.declarationSourceEnd = flushCommentsDefinedPriorTo(reference.declarationSourceEnd); // recovery if (this.currentElement != null){ this.lastCheckPoint = reference.declarationSourceEnd+1; this.currentElement = this.currentElement.add(reference, 0); this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; this.restartRecovery = true; // used to avoid branching back into the regular automaton } } public ImportReference createAssistImportReference(char[][] tokens, long[] positions, int mod){ return new SelectionOnImportReference(tokens, positions, mod); } public ImportReference createAssistPackageReference(char[][] tokens, long[] positions){ return new SelectionOnPackageReference(tokens, positions); } protected JavadocParser createJavadocParser() { return new SelectionJavadocParser(this); } protected LocalDeclaration createLocalDeclaration(char[] assistName,int sourceStart,int sourceEnd) { if (this.indexOfAssistIdentifier() < 0) { return super.createLocalDeclaration(assistName, sourceStart, sourceEnd); } else { SelectionOnLocalName local = new SelectionOnLocalName(assistName, sourceStart, sourceEnd); this.assistNode = local; this.lastCheckPoint = sourceEnd + 1; return local; } } public NameReference createQualifiedAssistNameReference(char[][] previousIdentifiers, char[] assistName, long[] positions){ return new SelectionOnQualifiedNameReference( previousIdentifiers, assistName, positions); } public TypeReference createQualifiedAssistTypeReference(char[][] previousIdentifiers, char[] assistName, long[] positions){ return new SelectionOnQualifiedTypeReference( previousIdentifiers, assistName, positions); } public TypeReference createParameterizedQualifiedAssistTypeReference( char[][] tokens, TypeReference[][] typeArguments, char[] assistname, TypeReference[] assistTypeArguments, long[] positions) { return new SelectionOnParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, assistname, typeArguments, assistTypeArguments, positions); } public NameReference createSingleAssistNameReference(char[] assistName, long position) { return new SelectionOnSingleNameReference(assistName, position); } public TypeReference createSingleAssistTypeReference(char[] assistName, long position) { return new SelectionOnSingleTypeReference(assistName, position); } public TypeReference createParameterizedSingleAssistTypeReference(TypeReference[] typeArguments, char[] assistName, long position) { return new SelectionOnParameterizedSingleTypeReference(assistName, typeArguments, position); } public CompilationUnitDeclaration dietParse(ICompilationUnit sourceUnit, CompilationResult compilationResult, int start, int end) { this.selectionStart = start; this.selectionEnd = end; SelectionScanner selectionScanner = (SelectionScanner)this.scanner; selectionScanner.selectionIdentifier = null; selectionScanner.selectionStart = start; selectionScanner.selectionEnd = end; return this.dietParse(sourceUnit, compilationResult); } protected NameReference getUnspecifiedReference() { /* build a (unspecified) NameReference which may be qualified*/ int completionIndex; /* no need to take action if not inside completed identifiers */ if ((completionIndex = indexOfAssistIdentifier()) < 0) { return super.getUnspecifiedReference(); } int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]; if (CharOperation.equals(assistIdentifier(), SUPER)){ Reference reference; if (completionIndex > 0){ // qualified super // discard 'super' from identifier stacks this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr] = completionIndex; int ptr = this.identifierPtr -= (length - completionIndex); pushOnGenericsLengthStack(0); pushOnGenericsIdentifiersLengthStack(this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr]); reference = new SelectionOnQualifiedSuperReference( getTypeReference(0), (int)(this.identifierPositionStack[ptr+1] >>> 32), (int) this.identifierPositionStack[ptr+1]); } else { // standard super this.identifierPtr -= length; this.identifierLengthPtr--; reference = new SelectionOnSuperReference((int)(this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr+1] >>> 32), (int) this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr+1]); } pushOnAstStack(reference); this.assistNode = reference; this.lastCheckPoint = reference.sourceEnd + 1; if (!this.diet || this.dietInt != 0){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; return new SingleNameReference(CharOperation.NO_CHAR, 0); // dummy reference } NameReference nameReference; /* retrieve identifiers subset and whole positions, the completion node positions should include the entire replaced source. */ char[][] subset = identifierSubSet(completionIndex); this.identifierLengthPtr--; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); /* build specific completion on name reference */ if (completionIndex == 0) { /* completion inside first identifier */ nameReference = createSingleAssistNameReference(assistIdentifier(), positions[0]); } else { /* completion inside subsequent identifier */ nameReference = createQualifiedAssistNameReference(subset, assistIdentifier(), positions); } this.assistNode = nameReference; this.lastCheckPoint = nameReference.sourceEnd + 1; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; return nameReference; } /* * Copy of code from superclass with the following change: * In the case of qualified name reference if the cursor location is on the * qualified name reference, then create a CompletionOnQualifiedNameReference * instead. */ protected NameReference getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized() { int index = indexOfAssistIdentifier(); NameReference reference = super.getUnspecifiedReferenceOptimized(); if (index >= 0){ if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; } return reference; } public void initializeScanner(){ this.scanner = new SelectionScanner(this.options.sourceLevel); } protected MessageSend newMessageSend() { // '(' ArgumentListopt ')' // the arguments are on the expression stack char[] selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; if (selector != assistIdentifier()){ return super.newMessageSend(); } MessageSend messageSend = new SelectionOnMessageSend(); int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, messageSend.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } this.assistNode = messageSend; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; return messageSend; } protected MessageSend newMessageSendWithTypeArguments() { char[] selector = this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr]; if (selector != assistIdentifier()){ return super.newMessageSendWithTypeArguments(); } MessageSend messageSend = new SelectionOnMessageSend(); int length; if ((length = this.expressionLengthStack[this.expressionLengthPtr--]) != 0) { this.expressionPtr -= length; System.arraycopy( this.expressionStack, this.expressionPtr + 1, messageSend.arguments = new Expression[length], 0, length); } this.assistNode = messageSend; if (!this.diet){ this.restartRecovery = true; // force to restart in recovery mode this.lastIgnoredToken = -1; } this.isOrphanCompletionNode = true; return messageSend; } public CompilationUnitDeclaration parse(ICompilationUnit sourceUnit, CompilationResult compilationResult, int start, int end) { if (end == -1) return super.parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, start, end); this.selectionStart = start; this.selectionEnd = end; SelectionScanner selectionScanner = (SelectionScanner)this.scanner; selectionScanner.selectionIdentifier = null; selectionScanner.selectionStart = start; selectionScanner.selectionEnd = end; return super.parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult, -1, -1/*parse without reseting the scanner*/); } /* * Reset context so as to resume to regular parse loop * If unable to reset for resuming, answers false. * * Move checkpoint location, reset internal stacks and * decide which grammar goal is activated. */ protected boolean resumeAfterRecovery() { /* if reached assist node inside method body, but still inside nested type, should continue in diet mode until the end of the method body */ if (this.assistNode != null && !(this.referenceContext instanceof CompilationUnitDeclaration)){ this.currentElement.preserveEnclosingBlocks(); if (this.currentElement.enclosingType() == null) { if(!(this.currentElement instanceof RecoveredType)) { resetStacks(); return false; } RecoveredType recoveredType = (RecoveredType)this.currentElement; if(recoveredType.typeDeclaration != null && recoveredType.typeDeclaration.allocation == this.assistNode){ resetStacks(); return false; } } } return super.resumeAfterRecovery(); } public void selectionIdentifierCheck(){ if (checkRecoveredType()) return; } public void setAssistIdentifier(char[] assistIdent){ ((SelectionScanner)this.scanner).selectionIdentifier = assistIdent; } /* * Update recovery state based on current parser/scanner state */ protected void updateRecoveryState() { /* expose parser state to recovery state */ this.currentElement.updateFromParserState(); /* may be able to retrieve completionNode as an orphan, and then attach it */ selectionIdentifierCheck(); attachOrphanCompletionNode(); // if an assist node has been found and a recovered element exists, // mark enclosing blocks as to be preserved if (this.assistNode != null && this.currentElement != null) { this.currentElement.preserveEnclosingBlocks(); } /* check and update recovered state based on current token, this action is also performed when shifting token after recovery got activated once. */ recoveryTokenCheck(); } public String toString() { String s = Util.EMPTY_STRING; s = s + "elementKindStack : int[] = {"; //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i <= this.elementPtr; i++) { s = s + String.valueOf(this.elementKindStack[i]) + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } s = s + "}\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s = s + "elementInfoStack : int[] = {"; //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i <= this.elementPtr; i++) { s = s + String.valueOf(this.elementInfoStack[i]) + ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ } s = s + "}\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ return s + super.toString(); } }