package sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.utilities; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.Format; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static java.lang.Math.max; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Arrays.sort; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; public final class SmartStringBuilder implements Appendable, CharSequence, Serializable { // TODO rename appendln // TODO add append(Class) use class.getCanonicalName instead of toString -> add strategy for that? // TODO add support for custom converters of specific types? (Class.toString vs Class.getCanonicalName) // TODO add list(data, transform-function) // TODO add list(data, filter, transform-function) // TODO add documentation // TODO move to its own repo on github, include as submodule here + unit tests private static final long serialVersionUID = -3806860593962543491L; final StringBuilder builder; final Options options; private int indent; private boolean line; public SmartStringBuilder() { this(new Options()); } public SmartStringBuilder(int capacity) { this(new Options().initialCapacity(capacity)); } public SmartStringBuilder(@Nullable CharSequence sequence) { this(new Options().initialValue(sequence)); } public SmartStringBuilder(@Nullable String string) { this(new Options().initialValue(string)); } public SmartStringBuilder(Options options) { this(options.builder(), options); } SmartStringBuilder(StringBuilder builder, Options options) { this.builder = checkNotNull(builder); this.options = checkNotNull(options); this.indent = 0; this.line = true; } public static SmartStringBuilder builder() { return new SmartStringBuilder(); } public static SmartStringBuilder builder(int capacity) { return new SmartStringBuilder(capacity); } public static SmartStringBuilder builder(@Nullable CharSequence sequence) { return new SmartStringBuilder(sequence); } public static SmartStringBuilder builder(@Nullable String string) { return new SmartStringBuilder(string); } public static SmartStringBuilder builder(Options options) { return new SmartStringBuilder(options); } public static final class Options implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5687392398758259419L; int initialCapacity = 16; CharSequence initialValue = ""; String emptyValue = ""; String entrySeparator = ": "; String lineSeparator = System.lineSeparator(); String lineRegex = "\r?\n|\r"; String listSeparator = ", "; String nullValue = "null"; int sizePrecision = 2; String sizeSeparator = " "; CharSequence tab = " "; String valueFormat = "%.2f %s"; Options() {} StringBuilder builder() { return new StringBuilder(this.initialCapacity).append(this.initialValue); } public static Options of(SmartStringBuilder builder) { return builder.options; } public static Options of(Map<String, ?> map) { return new Options().from(map); } public Options from(Map<String, ?> map) { for (Entry<String, ?> entry: map.entrySet()) { OptionsAccess.put(this, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return this; } public Map<String, Object> asMap() { return new OptionsMap(this); } public Map<String, Object> toMap() { return this.toMap(new HashMap<String, Object>()); } public Map<String, Object> toMap(Map<String, Object> map) { for (String name: OptionsAccess.names()) { map.put(name, OptionsAccess.get(this, name)); } return map; } @Override public String toString() { return this.toMap().toString(); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { in.defaultReadObject(); this.from(Map.class.cast(in.readObject())); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws { out.defaultWriteObject(); out.writeObject(this.toMap()); } public Options initialCapacity(int value) { this.initialCapacity = max(value, this.initialValue.length()); return this; } public Options initialValue(@Nullable CharSequence value) { value = Objects.toString(value, this.nullValue); this.initialCapacity = max(this.initialCapacity, value.length()); this.initialValue = value; return this; } public Options emptyValue(String value) { this.emptyValue = checkNotNull(value); return this; } public Options entrySeparator(String value) { this.entrySeparator = checkNotNull(value); return this; } public Options lineSeparator(String value) { checkArgument(!value.isEmpty()); this.lineSeparator = value; return this; } public Options lineRegex(String value) { checkArgument(!value.isEmpty()); this.lineRegex = value; return this; } public Options listSeparator(String value) { this.listSeparator = checkNotNull(value); return this; } public Options nullValue(String value) { this.nullValue = checkNotNull(value); return this; } public Options sizePrecision(int value) { this.sizePrecision = value; return this; } public Options sizeSeparator(String value) { this.sizeSeparator = checkNotNull(value); return this; } public Options tab(CharSequence value) { = checkNotNull(value); return this; } public Options valueFormat(String value) { checkArgument(!value.isEmpty()); this.valueFormat = value; return this; } public int initialCapacity() { return this.initialCapacity; } public CharSequence initialValue() { return this.initialValue; } public String emptyValue() { return this.emptyValue; } public String entrySeparator() { return this.entrySeparator; } public String lineSeparator() { return this.lineSeparator; } public String lineRegex() { return this.lineRegex; } public String listSeparator() { return this.listSeparator; } public String nullValue() { return this.nullValue; } public int sizePrecision() { return this.sizePrecision; } public String sizeSeparator() { return this.sizeSeparator; } public CharSequence tab() { return; } public String valueFormat() { return this.valueFormat; } } // TODO consider reflection effectiveness private static final class OptionsAccess { private static Map<String, Field> readers; private static Map<String, Method> writers; static { Class<?> type = Options.class; Set<String> names = resolveNames(type); readers = resolveReaders(type, names); writers = resolveWriters(type, names); assert readers.keySet().equals(writers.keySet()); } private static Set<String> resolveNames(Class<?> type) { ImmutableSet.Builder<String> keys = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (Field field: type.getDeclaredFields()) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { keys.add(field.getName()); } } return; } private static Map<String, Field> resolveReaders(Class<?> type, Set<String> names) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Field> readers = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Field field: type.getDeclaredFields()) { String name = field.getName(); if (names.contains(name)) { readers.put(name, field); } } return; } private static Map<String, Method> resolveWriters(Class<?> type, Set<String> names) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Method> writers = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Method method: type.getDeclaredMethods()) { String name = method.getName(); if (names.contains(name) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { writers.put(name, method); } } return; } static Set<String> names() { return readers.keySet(); } static void put(Options options, String key, @Nullable Object value) { Method method = writers.get(key); checkArgument(method != null); try { method.invoke(options, value); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw propagate(e); } } static Object get(Options options, String key) { Field field = readers.get(key); checkArgument(field != null); try { return field.get(options); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw propagate(e); } } } private static final class OptionsMap extends AbstractMap<String, Object> { Options options; private Set<Entry<String, Object>> entries; OptionsMap(Options options) { assert options != null; ImmutableSet.Builder<Entry<String, Object>> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (String name: OptionsAccess.names()) { builder.add(new OptionsEntry(name)); } this.options = options; this.entries =; } private final class OptionsEntry implements Entry<String, Object> { private String name; OptionsEntry(String name) { assert !name.isEmpty(); = name; } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) { if (this == object) { return true; } if (!(object instanceof Entry)) { return false; } Entry<?, ?> other = (Entry<?, ?>) object; return equal(, other.getKey()) && equal(this.getValue(), other.getValue()); } @Override public int hashCode() { Object value = this.getValue(); return ^ ((value == null) ? 0 : value.hashCode()); } @Override public String toString() { return this.getKey() + "=" + String.valueOf(this.getValue()); } public Object setValue(Object value) { return OptionsMap.this.put(, value); } public String getKey() { return; } public Object getValue() { return OptionsAccess.get(OptionsMap.this.options,; } } @Override public Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet() { return this.entries; } @Override public Object put(String key, @Nullable Object value) { Object other = OptionsAccess.get(this.options, key); OptionsAccess.put(OptionsMap.this.options, key, value); return other; } } public Options options() { return this.options; } public void ensureCapacity(int minimum) { this.builder.ensureCapacity(minimum); } private void ensureIndent() { if (this.line) { for (int i = 0; i < this.indent; i ++) { this.builder.append(; } this.line = false; } } public int capacity() { return this.builder.capacity(); } public int length() { return this.builder.length(); } public int indent() { return this.indent; } public SmartStringBuilder indent(int value) { this.setIndent(value); return this; } public char charAt(int index) { return this.builder.charAt(index); } public int codePointAt(int index) { return this.builder.codePointAt(index); } public int codePointBefore(int index) { return this.builder.codePointBefore(index); } public int codePointCount(int from, int to) { return this.builder.codePointCount(from, to); } public SmartStringBuilder appendCodePoint(int value) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.appendCodePoint(value); return this; } public int offsetByCodePoints(int index, int offset) { return this.builder.offsetByCodePoints(index, offset); } public int indexOf(String s) { return this.builder.indexOf(s); } public int indexOf(String s, int from) { return this.builder.indexOf(s, from); } public int lastIndexOf(String s) { return this.builder.lastIndexOf(s); } public int lastIndexOf(String s, int from) { return this.builder.lastIndexOf(s, from); } public CharSequence subSequence(int from, int to) { return this.builder.subSequence(from, to); } public String substring(int offset) { return this.builder.substring(offset); } public String substring(int from, int to) { return this.builder.substring(from, to); } public SmartStringBuilder reverse() { this.builder.reverse(); return this; } public void trimToSize() { this.builder.trimToSize(); } public SmartStringBuilder truncate() { this.builder.setLength(0); this.line = true; return this; } public String flush() { String content = this.builder.toString(); this.truncate(); return content; } public void setLength(int value) { this.builder.setLength(value); } public void setIndent(int value) { checkArgument(value >= 0); this.indent = value; } public void setNewLine(boolean value) { this.line = value; } public void setCharAt(int index, char c) { this.builder.setCharAt(index, c); } public void getChars(int from, int to, char[] result, int offset) { this.builder.getChars(from, to, result, offset); } public boolean isEmpty() { return this.builder.length() == 0; } public boolean isNewLine() { return this.line; } public SmartStringBuilder tab() { return; } public SmartStringBuilder tab(int k) { int indent = this.indent + k; checkArgument(indent >= 0); this.indent = indent; return this; } public SmartStringBuilder untab() { return; } public SmartStringBuilder untab(int k) { return; } @Override public String toString() { return this.builder.toString(); } public StringBuilder toStringBuilder() { return new StringBuilder(this.builder); } private String toString(@Nullable Object object) { if (object == null) { return this.options.nullValue; } String value = object.toString(); if (value.isEmpty()) { return this.options.emptyValue; } return value; } private static final class SerializationProxy implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1889347853022112994L; private String content; private Options options; private int indent; private boolean line; SerializationProxy(SmartStringBuilder builder) { this.content = builder.toString(); this.options = builder.options(); this.indent = builder.indent(); this.line = builder.isNewLine(); } private Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException { try { SmartStringBuilder builder = new SmartStringBuilder(new StringBuilder(this.content), this.options); builder.setIndent(this.indent); builder.setNewLine(this.line); return builder; } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new InvalidObjectException("Unknown deserialization error"); } } } @SuppressWarnings({"static-method", "unused"}) private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws InvalidObjectException { throw new InvalidObjectException("Serialization proxy required"); } private Object writeReplace() { return new SerializationProxy(this); } public SmartStringBuilder append(@Nullable Object o) { this.ensureIndent(); return this.append(this.toString(o)); } public SmartStringBuilder append(@Nullable String s) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(this.toString(s)); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder append(@Nullable CharSequence s) { return this.append(this.toString(s)); } public SmartStringBuilder append(@Nullable CharSequence s, int from, int to) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(this.toString(s), from, to); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder append(boolean b) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(b); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder append(char c) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(c); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder append(char[] s) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(s); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder append(char[] s, int offset, int length) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(s, offset, length); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder append(int i) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(i); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder append(long l) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(l); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder append(float f) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(f); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder append(double d) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(d); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder appendln() { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(this.options.lineSeparator); this.line = true; return this; } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(@Nullable Object o) { return this.appendln(this.toString(o)); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(@Nullable String s) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(this.toString(s)); return this.appendln(); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(@Nullable CharSequence s) { return this.appendln(this.toString(s)); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(@Nullable CharSequence s, int from, int to) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(this.toString(s), from, to); return this.appendln(); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(boolean b) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(b); return this.appendln(); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(char c) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(c); return this.appendln(); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(char[] s) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(s); return this.appendln(); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(char[] s, int offset, int length) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(s, offset, length); return this.appendln(); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(int i) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(i); return this.appendln(); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(long l) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(l); return this.appendln(); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(float f) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(f); return this.appendln(); } public SmartStringBuilder appendln(double d) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(d); return this.appendln(); } public <A extends Appendable> A appendTo(A appendable) { try { return this.appendSafelyTo(appendable); } catch (IOException failure) { throw propagate(failure); } } public CharBuffer appendTo(CharBuffer writer) { return writer.append(this.builder); } public StringBuffer appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) { return buffer.append(this.builder); } public StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder builder) { return builder.append(this.builder); } public PrintStream appendTo(PrintStream stream) { return stream.append(this.builder); } public <A extends Appendable> A appendSafelyTo(A appendable) throws IOException { appendable.append(this.builder); return appendable; } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(@Nullable Object o) { return this.insert(0, o); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(@Nullable String s) { return this.insert(0, s); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(@Nullable CharSequence s) { return this.insert(0, s); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(@Nullable CharSequence s, int from, int to) { return this.insert(0, s, from, to); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(boolean b) { return this.insert(0, b); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(char c) { return this.insert(0, c); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(char[] s) { return this.insert(0, s); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(char[] s, int offset, int length) { return this.insert(0, s, offset, length); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(int i) { return this.insert(0, i); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(long l) { return this.insert(0, l); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(float f) { return this.insert(0, f); } public SmartStringBuilder prepend(double d) { return this.insert(0, d); } private SmartStringBuilder prependLine(String s) { this.prepend(s + this.options.lineSeparator); this.line = true; this.ensureIndent(); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder prependln() { return this.prependLine(""); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(@Nullable Object o) { return this.prependLine(this.toString(o)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(@Nullable String s) { return this.prependLine(this.toString(s)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(@Nullable CharSequence s) { return this.prependLine(this.toString(s)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(@Nullable CharSequence s, int from, int to) { return this.prependLine(this.toString(s).substring(from, to)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(boolean b) { return this.prependLine(Boolean.toString(b)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(char c) { return this.prependLine(Character.toString(c)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(char[] s) { return this.prependLine(new String(s)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(char[] s, int offset, int length) { return this.prependLine(new String(s, offset, length)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(int i) { return this.prependLine(Integer.toString(i)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(long l) { return this.prependLine(Long.toString(l)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(float f) { return this.prependLine(Float.toString(f)); } public SmartStringBuilder prependln(double d) { return this.prependLine(Double.toString(d)); } public SmartStringBuilder delete(int from, int to) { this.builder.delete(from, to); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder deleteCharAt(int index) { this.builder.deleteCharAt(index); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, @Nullable Object o) { this.builder.insert(offset, this.toString(o)); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, @Nullable String s) { this.builder.insert(offset, this.toString(s)); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, @Nullable CharSequence s) { s = this.toString(s); this.builder.insert(offset, s, 0, s.length()); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, @Nullable CharSequence s, int from, int to) { this.builder.insert(offset, this.toString(s), from, to); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, boolean b) { this.builder.insert(offset, b); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, char c) { this.builder.insert(offset, c); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, char[] s) { this.builder.insert(offset, s); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int index, char[] s, int offset, int length) { this.builder.insert(index, s, offset, length); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, int i) { this.builder.insert(offset, i); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, long l) { this.builder.insert(offset, l); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, float f) { this.builder.insert(offset, f); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder insert(int offset, double d) { this.builder.insert(offset, d); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder replace(int from, int to, @Nullable String s) { this.builder.replace(from, to, this.toString(s)); return this; } public void replaceAt(int index, int length, @Nullable String replacement) { this.builder.replace(index, index + length, this.toString(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replace(String source, @Nullable Object replacement) { return this.replace(source, this.toString(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replace(String source, @Nullable String replacement) { int index; replacement = this.toString(replacement); while ((index = this.builder.indexOf(source)) != -1) { this.replace(index, index + source.length(), replacement); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder replace(String source, @Nullable CharSequence replacement) { return this.replace(source, this.toString(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replace(String source, boolean replacement) { return this.replace(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replace(String source, char replacement) { return this.replace(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replace(String source, int replacement) { return this.replace(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replace(String source, long replacement) { return this.replace(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replace(String source, float replacement) { return this.replace(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replace(String source, double replacement) { return this.replace(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceFirst(String source, @Nullable Object replacement) { return this.replaceFirst(source, this.toString(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceFirst(String source, @Nullable String replacement) { int index = this.builder.indexOf(source); if (index != -1) { this.replaceAt(index, source.length(), this.toString(replacement)); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder replaceFirst(String source, @Nullable CharSequence replacement) { return this.replaceFirst(source, this.toString(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceFirst(String source, boolean replacement) { return this.replaceFirst(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceFirst(String source, char replacement) { return this.replaceFirst(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceFirst(String source, int replacement) { return this.replaceFirst(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceFirst(String source, long replacement) { return this.replaceFirst(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceFirst(String source, float replacement) { return this.replaceFirst(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceFirst(String source, double replacement) { return this.replaceFirst(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceLast(String source, @Nullable Object replacement) { return this.replaceLast(source, this.toString(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceLast(String source, @Nullable String replacement) { int index = this.builder.lastIndexOf(source); if (index != -1) { this.replaceAt(index, source.length(), this.toString(replacement)); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder replaceLast(String source, @Nullable CharSequence replacement) { return this.replaceLast(source, this.toString(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceLast(String source, boolean replacement) { return this.replaceLast(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceLast(String source, char replacement) { return this.replaceLast(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceLast(String source, int replacement) { return this.replaceLast(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceLast(String source, long replacement) { return this.replaceLast(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceLast(String source, float replacement) { return this.replaceLast(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder replaceLast(String source, double replacement) { return this.replaceLast(source, String.valueOf(replacement)); } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, @Nullable Object o) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(this.toString(o)); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, @Nullable String s) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(this.toString(s)); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, @Nullable CharSequence s) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(this.toString(s)); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, @Nullable CharSequence s, int from, int to) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(this.toString(s), from, to); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, boolean b) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(b); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, char c) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(c); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, int i) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(i); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, long l) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(l); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, float f) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(f); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, double d) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (n > 0) { this.ensureIndent(); } while ((n --) > 0) { this.builder.append(d); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder repeat(int n, String format, Object ... args) { this.repeat(n, String.format(format, args)); return this; } private static FieldPosition insignificantPosition = new FieldPosition(0); public SmartStringBuilder format(String format, Object ... args) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(String.format(format, args)); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder format(String format, Iterable<Object> args) { return this.format(format, Iterables.toArray(args, Object.class)); } public SmartStringBuilder format(String format, Iterator<Object> args) { return this.format(format, Iterators.toArray(args, Object.class)); } public SmartStringBuilder format(Format format, @Nullable Object value) { return this.format(format, value, insignificantPosition); } public SmartStringBuilder format(Format format, @Nullable Object value, FieldPosition position) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(format.format(value, new StringBuffer(), position)); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder format(CaseFormat from, CaseFormat to, Object value) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(, this.toString(value))); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder format(CaseFormat from, CaseFormat to, String value) { return this.format(from, to, (Object) value); } public SmartStringBuilder format(CaseFormat from, CaseFormat to, CharSequence value) { return this.format(from, to, (Object) value); } public SmartStringBuilder format(DateFormat format, Date value) { return this.format(format, value, insignificantPosition); } public SmartStringBuilder format(DateFormat format, Date value, FieldPosition position) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(format.format(value, new StringBuffer(), position)); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder format(MessageFormat format, Object[] args) { return this.format(format, args, insignificantPosition); } public SmartStringBuilder format(MessageFormat format, Object[] args, FieldPosition position) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(format.format(args, new StringBuffer(), position)); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder format(MessageFormat format, Iterable<Object> args) { return this.format(format, args, insignificantPosition); } public SmartStringBuilder format(MessageFormat format, Iterable<Object> args, FieldPosition position) { return this.format(format, Iterables.toArray(args, Object.class), position); } public SmartStringBuilder format(MessageFormat format, Iterator<Object> args) { return this.format(format, args, insignificantPosition); } public SmartStringBuilder format(MessageFormat format, Iterator<Object> args, FieldPosition position) { return this.format(format, Iterators.toArray(args, Object.class), position); } public SmartStringBuilder format(NumberFormat format, long value) { return this.format(format, value, insignificantPosition); } public SmartStringBuilder format(NumberFormat format, long value, FieldPosition position) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(format.format(value, new StringBuffer(), position)); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder format(NumberFormat format, double value) { return this.format(format, value, insignificantPosition); } public SmartStringBuilder format(NumberFormat format, double value, FieldPosition position) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(format.format(value, new StringBuffer(), position)); return this; } @SafeVarargs private static <T> T[] asArray(@Nullable T first, @Nullable T second, T ... rest) { T[] values = ObjectArrays.newArray(rest, rest.length + 2); values[0] = first; values[1] = second; System.arraycopy(rest, 0, values, 2, rest.length); return values; } public SmartStringBuilder list(@Nullable Object first, @Nullable Object second, Object ... rest) { return this.list(asList(first, second, rest)); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Object[] values) { return this.list(asList(values)); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterable<?> values) { return this.list(values.iterator()); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterator<?> values) { return this.list(values, this.options.listSeparator); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Object[] values, String separator) { return this.list(asList(values), separator); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterable<?> values, String separator) { return this.list(values.iterator(), separator); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterator<?> values, String separator) { checkNotNull(separator); if (values.hasNext()) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(this.toString(; while (values.hasNext()) { this.builder.append(separator); this.builder.append(this.toString(; } } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder list(Joiner joiner, @Nullable Object first, @Nullable Object second, Object ... rest) { return this.append(joiner.join(first, second, rest)); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Object[] values, Joiner joiner) { return this.append(joiner.join(values)); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterable<?> values, Joiner joiner) { return this.append(joiner.join(values)); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterator<?> values, Joiner joiner) { return this.append(joiner.join(values)); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Map<?, ?> values, String listSeparator, String entrySeparator) { return this.list(values.entrySet(), listSeparator, entrySeparator); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Properties values, String listSeparator, String entrySeparator) { return this.list(Maps.fromProperties(values), listSeparator, entrySeparator); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterable<? extends Entry<?, ?>> values, String listSeparator, String entrySeparator) { return this.list(values.iterator(), listSeparator, entrySeparator); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterator<? extends Entry<?, ?>> values, String listSeparator, String entrySeparator) { checkNotNull(listSeparator); checkNotNull(entrySeparator); if (values.hasNext()) { Entry<?, ?> entry =; this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(this.toString(entry.getKey())); this.builder.append(entrySeparator); this.builder.append(this.toString(entry.getValue())); while (values.hasNext()) { this.builder.append(listSeparator); Entry<?, ?> other =; this.builder.append(this.toString(other.getKey())); this.builder.append(entrySeparator); this.builder.append(this.toString(other.getValue())); } } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder list(Map<?, ?> values, MapJoiner joiner) { return this.append(joiner.join(values)); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Properties values, MapJoiner joiner) { return this.list(Maps.fromProperties(values), joiner); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterable<? extends Entry<?, ?>> values, MapJoiner joiner) { return this.append(joiner.join(values)); } public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterator<? extends Entry<?, ?>> values, MapJoiner joiner) { return this.append(joiner.join(values)); } // TODO rename public SmartStringBuilder listValues(boolean ... values) { return this.list(this.options.listSeparator, values); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(char ... values) { return this.list(this.options.listSeparator, values); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(int ... values) { return this.list(this.options.listSeparator, values); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(long ... values) { return this.list(this.options.listSeparator, values); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(float ... values) { return this.list(this.options.listSeparator, values); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(double ... values) { return this.list(this.options.listSeparator, values); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(String separator, boolean ... values) { return this.list(Booleans.asList(values), separator); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(String separator, char ... values) { return this.list(Chars.asList(values), separator); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(String separator, int ... values) { return this.list(Ints.asList(values), separator); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(String separator, long ... values) { return this.list(Longs.asList(values), separator); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(String separator, float ... values) { return this.list(Floats.asList(values), separator); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(String separator, double ... values) { return this.list(Doubles.asList(values), separator); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(Joiner joiner, boolean ... values) { return this.append(joiner.join(Booleans.asList(values))); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(Joiner joiner, char ... values) { return this.append(joiner.join(Chars.asList(values))); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(Joiner joiner, int ... values) { return this.append(joiner.join(Ints.asList(values))); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(Joiner joiner, long ... values) { return this.append(joiner.join(Longs.asList(values))); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(Joiner joiner, float ... values) { return this.append(joiner.join(Floats.asList(values))); } public SmartStringBuilder listValues(Joiner joiner, double ... values) { return this.append(joiner.join(Doubles.asList(values))); } private enum NotEmptyPredicate implements Predicate<CharSequence> { INSTANCE; public boolean apply(@Nullable CharSequence s) { return s != null && s.length() != 0; } } // TODO add listNonNull, listNonEmpty, filteredList, sortedList with separators & joiners // public SmartStringBuilder list(@Nullable Object first, @Nullable Object second, Object ... rest) // public SmartStringBuilder list(Object[] values) // public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterable<?> values) // public SmartStringBuilder list(Iterator<?> values) public SmartStringBuilder listNonNull(Object first, Object second, Object ... rest) { return this.listNonNull(asList(first, second, rest)); } public SmartStringBuilder listNonNull(Object[] values) { return this.listNonNull(asList(values)); } public SmartStringBuilder listNonNull(Iterable<?> values) { return this.listNonNull(values.iterator()); } public SmartStringBuilder listNonNull(Iterator<?> values) { return this.filteredList(values, notNull()); } public SmartStringBuilder listNonEmpty(@Nullable CharSequence first, @Nullable CharSequence second, CharSequence ... rest) { return this.listNonEmpty(asList(first, second, rest)); } public SmartStringBuilder listNonEmpty(CharSequence[] values) { return this.listNonEmpty(asList(values)); } public SmartStringBuilder listNonEmpty(Iterable<? extends CharSequence> values) { return this.listNonEmpty(values.iterator()); } public SmartStringBuilder listNonEmpty(Iterator<? extends CharSequence> values) { return this.filteredList(values, NotEmptyPredicate.INSTANCE); } @SafeVarargs public final <T> SmartStringBuilder filteredList(Predicate<? super T> filter, @Nullable T first, @Nullable T second, T ... rest) { return this.filteredList(asList(first, second, rest), filter); } public final <T> SmartStringBuilder filteredList(T[] values, Predicate<? super T> filter) { return this.filteredList(asList(values), filter); } public final <T> SmartStringBuilder filteredList(Iterable<T> values, Predicate<? super T> filter) { return this.filteredList(values.iterator(), filter); } public final <T> SmartStringBuilder filteredList(Iterator<T> values, Predicate<? super T> filter) { return this.list(Iterators.filter(values, filter)); } private SmartStringBuilder sortAndList(Object[] values) { sort(values); this.list(values); return this; } @SafeVarargs public final <T extends Comparable<? super T>> SmartStringBuilder sortedList(@Nullable T first, @Nullable T second, T ... rest) { return this.sortedList(asArray(first, second, rest)); } public final <T extends Comparable<? super T>> SmartStringBuilder sortedList(T[] values) { return this.sortAndList(values); } public final <T extends Comparable<? super T>> SmartStringBuilder sortedList(Iterable<T> values) { return this.sortAndList(Iterables.toArray(values, Object.class)); } public final <T extends Comparable<? super T>> SmartStringBuilder sortedList(Iterator<T> values) { return this.sortAndList(Iterators.toArray(values, Object.class)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> SmartStringBuilder sortAndList(Object[] values, Comparator<?> comparator) { sort(values, (Comparator<Object>) comparator); this.list(values); return this; } @SafeVarargs public final <T> SmartStringBuilder sortedList(Comparator<? super T> comparator, @Nullable T first, @Nullable T second, T ... rest) { return this.list(asArray(first, second, rest), comparator); } public final <T> SmartStringBuilder sortedList(T[] values, Comparator<? super T> comparator) { return this.sortAndList((Object[]) values, comparator); } public final <T> SmartStringBuilder sortedList(Iterable<T> values, Comparator<? super T> comparator) { return this.sortAndList(Iterables.toArray(values, Object.class), comparator); } public final <T> SmartStringBuilder sortedList(Iterator<T> values, Comparator<? super T> comparator) { return this.sortAndList(Iterators.toArray(values, Object.class), comparator); } // TODO review public SmartStringBuilder splitList(Object value, Splitter splitter, Joiner joiner) { return this.splitList(this.toString(value), splitter, joiner); } public SmartStringBuilder splitList(String value, Splitter splitter, Joiner joiner) { return this.splitList((CharSequence) value, splitter, joiner); } public SmartStringBuilder splitList(CharSequence value, Splitter splitter, Joiner joiner) { return this.append(joiner.join(splitter.splitToList(value))); } public SmartStringBuilder splitList(Object value, MapSplitter splitter, MapJoiner joiner) { return this.splitList(this.toString(value), splitter, joiner); } public SmartStringBuilder splitList(String value, MapSplitter splitter, MapJoiner joiner) { return this.splitList((CharSequence) value, splitter, joiner); } public SmartStringBuilder splitList(CharSequence value, MapSplitter splitter, MapJoiner joiner) { return this.append(joiner.join(splitter.split(value))); } public SmartStringBuilder lines(@Nullable Object o) { return this.lines(this.toString(o)); } public SmartStringBuilder lines(@Nullable String s) { String content = this.toString(s); String[] lines = content.split(this.options.lineRegex); int last = lines.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < last; i ++) { this.appendln(lines[i]); } if (content.endsWith("\r") || content.endsWith("\n")) { this.appendln(lines[last]); } else { this.append(lines[last]); } return this; } public SmartStringBuilder lines(@Nullable CharSequence s) { return this.lines(this.toString(s)); } public SmartStringBuilder signed(byte i) { return this.append(Integer.toString(i)); } public SmartStringBuilder signed(byte i, int radix) { return this.append(Integer.toString(i, radix)); } public SmartStringBuilder signed(short i) { return this.append(Integer.toString(i)); } public SmartStringBuilder signed(short i, int radix) { return this.append(Integer.toString(i, radix)); } public SmartStringBuilder signed(int i) { return this.append(Integer.toString(i)); } public SmartStringBuilder signed(int i, int radix) { return this.append(Integer.toString(i, radix)); } public SmartStringBuilder signed(long i) { return this.append(Long.toString(i)); } public SmartStringBuilder signed(long i, int radix) { return this.append(Long.toString(i, radix)); } public SmartStringBuilder unsigned(byte i) { return this.append(UnsignedBytes.toString(i)); } public SmartStringBuilder unsigned(byte i, int radix) { return this.append(UnsignedBytes.toString(i, radix)); } public SmartStringBuilder unsigned(short i) { return this.append(UnsignedInts.toString(i)); } public SmartStringBuilder unsigned(short i, int radix) { return this.append(UnsignedInts.toString(i, radix)); } public SmartStringBuilder unsigned(int i) { return this.append(UnsignedInts.toString(i)); } public SmartStringBuilder unsigned(int i, int radix) { return this.append(UnsignedInts.toString(i, radix)); } public SmartStringBuilder unsigned(long i) { return this.append(UnsignedLongs.toString(i)); } public SmartStringBuilder unsigned(long i, int radix) { return this.append(UnsignedLongs.toString(i, radix)); } private SmartStringBuilder appendValue(String format, long value, int base, Object[] symbols, int exponent) { assert symbols != null; if (value < 0 || base <= 0 || exponent >= symbols.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (exponent < 0) { exponent = (int) (Math.log(value) / Math.log(base)); } if (value < base) { this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(value).append(' ').append(symbols[0]); return this; } this.ensureIndent(); this.builder.append(String.format(format, value / Math.pow(base, exponent), symbols[exponent])); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder value(long value, int base, Object ... units) { return this.appendValue(this.options.valueFormat, value, base, units, -1); } public <U> SmartStringBuilder value(long value, int base, Iterable<U> units) { return this.value(value, base, Iterables.toArray(units, Object.class)); } public SmartStringBuilder value(long value, ValueOptions options) { options.validate(); return this.appendValue(options.format, value, options.base, options.units.toArray(), options.unit); } public static final class ValueOptions { String format; int base; List<?> units; int unit; public ValueOptions() { this.format = "%.2f %s"; this.base = 0; this.unit = -1; this.units = null; } public ValueOptions format(String value) { checkArgument(!value.isEmpty()); this.format = value; return this; } public ValueOptions base(int value) { checkArgument(value > 0); this.base = value; return this; } public ValueOptions units(Object ... values) { checkArgument(values.length > 0); this.units = newArrayList(values); this.unit = -1; return this; } public ValueOptions units(Iterable<?> values) { return this.units(Iterables.toArray(values, Object.class)); } public ValueOptions unit(int value) { checkElementIndex(value, this.units.size()); this.unit = value; return this; } public ValueOptions unit(Object value) { return this.unit(this.units.indexOf(value)); } void validate() { checkState(this.base != 0); checkState(this.units != null); } } public static ValueOptions units(Object ... units) { return new ValueOptions().units(units); } public static ValueOptions units(Iterable<?> units) { return new ValueOptions().units(units); } private static String[] bits = {"B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"}; private static String[] bytes = {"B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"}; public SmartStringBuilder bits(long value) { return this.bits(value, this.options.sizePrecision); } public SmartStringBuilder bits(long value, int precision) { return this.appendValue("%." + precision + "f %s", value, 1000, SmartStringBuilder.bits, -1); } public SmartStringBuilder bytes(long value) { return this.bytes(value, this.options.sizePrecision); } public SmartStringBuilder bytes(long value, int precision) { return this.appendValue("%." + precision + "f %s", value, 1024, SmartStringBuilder.bytes, -1); } private static char[] digits = new char[] {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; private SmartStringBuilder appendBytes(byte[] values, int size, int shift, String separator) { int length = values.length; if (length == 0) { return this; } this.ensureIndent(); this.appendByte(values[0], size, shift); for (int i = 1; i < length; i ++) { this.builder.append(separator); this.appendByte(values[i], size, shift); } return this; } private SmartStringBuilder appendByte(int value, int size, int shift) { char[] buffer = new char[size]; int index = size; int radix = 1 << shift; int mask = radix - 1; while (index != 0) { buffer[-- index] = digits[value & mask]; value >>>= shift; } this.builder.append(buffer); return this; } public SmartStringBuilder bin(byte ... bytes) { return this.bin(this.options.sizeSeparator, bytes); } public SmartStringBuilder bin(String separator, byte ... bytes) { return this.appendBytes(bytes, 8, 1, separator); } public SmartStringBuilder hex(byte ... bytes) { return this.hex(this.options.sizeSeparator, bytes); } public SmartStringBuilder hex(String separator, byte ... bytes) { return this.appendBytes(bytes, 2, 4, separator); } // TODO refactor to return int[] private static byte[] to8(byte a) { return new byte[] {a}; } private static byte[] to8(short a, int shift) { return new byte[] {((byte) ((a >> shift) & 0xff))}; } private static byte[] to8(int a, int shift) { return new byte[] {((byte) ((a >> shift) & 0xff))}; } private static byte[] to8(long a, int shift) { return new byte[] {((byte) ((a >> shift) & 0xff))}; } private static byte[] to16(byte a, byte b) { return new byte[] {a, b}; } private static byte[] to16(short a) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a}; } private static byte[] to16(int a, int shift) { return new byte[] {((byte) ((a >> (shift + 8)) & 0xff)), ((byte) ((a >> (shift)) & 0xff))}; } private static byte[] to16(long a, int shift) { return new byte[] {((byte) ((a >> (shift + 8)) & 0xff)), ((byte) ((a >> (shift)) & 0xff))}; } private static byte[] to32(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d) { return new byte[] {a, b, c, d}; } private static byte[] to32(short a, short b) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a, (byte) (b >> 8), (byte) b}; } private static byte[] to32(int a) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 24), (byte) (a >> 16), (byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a}; } private static byte[] to32(long a, int shift) { return new byte[] {((byte) ((a >> (shift + 24)) & 0xff)), ((byte) ((a >> (shift + 16)) & 0xff)), ((byte) ((a >> (shift + 8)) & 0xff)), ((byte) ((a >> (shift)) & 0xff))}; } private static byte[] to48(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f) { return new byte[] {a, b, c, d, e, f}; } private static byte[] to48(short a, short b, short c) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a, (byte) (b >> 8), (byte) b, (byte) (c >> 8), (byte) c}; } private static byte[] to64(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h) { return new byte[] {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}; } private static byte[] to64(short a, short b, short c, short d) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a, (byte) (b >> 8), (byte) b, (byte) (c >> 8), (byte) c, (byte) (d >> 8), (byte) d}; } private static byte[] to64(int a, int b) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 24), (byte) (a >> 16), (byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a, (byte) (b >> 24), (byte) (b >> 16), (byte) (b >> 8), (byte) b}; } private static byte[] to64(long a) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 56), (byte) (a >> 48), (byte) (a >> 40), (byte) (a >> 32), (byte) (a >> 24), (byte) (a >> 16), (byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a}; } private static byte[] to96(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h, byte i, byte j, byte k, byte l) { return new byte[] {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l}; } private static byte[] to96(short a, short b, short c, short d, short e, short f) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a, (byte) (b >> 8), (byte) b, (byte) (c >> 8), (byte) c, (byte) (d >> 8), (byte) d, (byte) (e >> 8), (byte) e, (byte) (f >> 8), (byte) f}; } private static byte[] to96(int a, int b, int c) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 24), (byte) (a >> 16), (byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a, (byte) (b >> 24), (byte) (b >> 16), (byte) (b >> 8), (byte) b, (byte) (c >> 24), (byte) (c >> 16), (byte) (c >> 8), (byte) c}; } private static byte[] to128(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h, byte i, byte j, byte k, byte l, byte m, byte n, byte o, byte p) { return new byte[] {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p}; } private static byte[] to128(short a, short b, short c, short d, short e, short f, short g, short h) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a, (byte) (b >> 8), (byte) b, (byte) (c >> 8), (byte) c, (byte) (d >> 8), (byte) d, (byte) (e >> 8), (byte) e, (byte) (f >> 8), (byte) f, (byte) (g >> 8), (byte) g, (byte) (h >> 8), (byte) h}; } private static byte[] to128(int a, int b, int c, int d) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 24), (byte) (a >> 16), (byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a, (byte) (b >> 24), (byte) (b >> 16), (byte) (b >> 8), (byte) b, (byte) (c >> 24), (byte) (c >> 16), (byte) (c >> 8), (byte) c, (byte) (d >> 24), (byte) (d >> 16), (byte) (d >> 8), (byte) d}; } private static byte[] to128(long a, long b) { return new byte[] {(byte) (a >> 56), (byte) (a >> 48), (byte) (a >> 40), (byte) (a >> 32), (byte) (a >> 24), (byte) (a >> 16), (byte) (a >> 8), (byte) a, (byte) (b >> 56), (byte) (b >> 48), (byte) (b >> 40), (byte) (b >> 32), (byte) (b >> 24), (byte) (b >> 16), (byte) (b >> 8), (byte) b}; } public SmartStringBuilder bin8(byte a) { return this.bin(to8(a)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin8(short a, int shift) { return this.bin(to8(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin8(int a, int shift) { return this.bin(to8(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin8(long a, int shift) { return this.bin(to8(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin16(byte a, byte b) { return this.bin(to16(a, b)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin16(short a) { return this.bin(to16(a)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin16(int a, int shift) { return this.bin(to16(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin16(long a, int shift) { return this.bin(to16(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin32(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d) { return this.bin(to32(a, b, c, d)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin32(short a, short b) { return this.bin(to32(a, b)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin32(int a) { return this.bin(to32(a)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin32(long a, int shift) { return this.bin(to32(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin48(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f) { return this.bin(to48(a, b, c, d, e, f)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin48(short a, short b, short c) { return this.bin(to48(a, b, c)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin64(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h) { return this.bin(to64(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin64(short a, short b, short c, short d) { return this.bin(to64(a, b, c, d)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin64(int a, int b) { return this.bin(to64(a, b)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin64(long a) { return this.bin(to64(a)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin96(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h, byte i, byte j, byte k, byte l) { return this.bin(to96(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin96(short a, short b, short c, short d, short e, short f) { return this.bin(to96(a, b, c, d, e, f)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin96(int a, int b, int c) { return this.bin(to96(a, b, c)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin128(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h, byte i, byte j, byte k, byte l, byte m, byte n, byte o, byte p) { return this.bin(to128(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin128(short a, short b, short c, short d, short e, short f, short g, short h) { return this.bin(to128(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin128(int a, int b, int c, int d) { return this.bin(to128(a, b, c, d)); } public SmartStringBuilder bin128(long a, long b) { return this.bin(to128(a, b)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex8(byte a) { return this.hex(to8(a)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex8(short a, int shift) { return this.hex(to8(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex8(int a, int shift) { return this.hex(to8(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex8(long a, int shift) { return this.hex(to8(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex16(byte a, byte b) { return this.hex(to16(a, b)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex16(short a) { return this.hex(to16(a)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex16(int a, int shift) { return this.hex(to16(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex16(long a, int shift) { return this.hex(to16(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex32(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d) { return this.hex(to32(a, b, c, d)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex32(short a, short b) { return this.hex(to32(a, b)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex32(int a) { return this.hex(to32(a)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex32(long a, int shift) { return this.hex(to32(a, shift)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex48(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f) { return this.hex(to48(a, b, c, d, e, f)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex48(short a, short b, short c) { return this.hex(to48(a, b, c)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex64(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h) { return this.hex(to64(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex64(short a, short b, short c, short d) { return this.hex(to64(a, b, c, d)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex64(int a, int b) { return this.hex(to64(a, b)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex64(long a) { return this.hex(to64(a)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex96(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h, byte i, byte j, byte k, byte l) { return this.hex(to96(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex96(short a, short b, short c, short d, short e, short f) { return this.hex(to96(a, b, c, d, e, f)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex96(int a, int b, int c) { return this.hex(to96(a, b, c)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex128(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h, byte i, byte j, byte k, byte l, byte m, byte n, byte o, byte p) { return this.hex(to128(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex128(short a, short b, short c, short d, short e, short f, short g, short h) { return this.hex(to128(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex128(int a, int b, int c, int d) { return this.hex(to128(a, b, c, d)); } public SmartStringBuilder hex128(long a, long b) { return this.hex(to128(a, b)); } }