package sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.core.plugin; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.ui.IStartup; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.core.ListenerRegistrationException; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.core.Listeners; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.core.ResourceRegistrationException; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.core.listeners.WorkbenchListener; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.eclipse.core.runtime.ExtendedPlugin; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.eclipse.core.runtime.PluginConsole; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.eclipse.swt.widgets.DisplayExecutor; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.osgi.framework.BundleNotFoundException; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.osgi.framework.Bundles; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.utilities.concurrent.TimeValue; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.utilities.reflect.resolver.ClassResolver; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.utilities.reflect.resolver.ClassResolvers; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog.openError; import static sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.eclipse.ui.Workbenches.waitForWorkbench; /** * The <code>Activator</code> class controls the plug-in life cycle. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> Users should not explicitly instantiate this class. * * @author Pavol Zbell */ public final class Activator extends ExtendedPlugin { /** * The plug-in identifier. */ public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.core"; /** * The shared instance. */ private static volatile Activator plugin; /** * Indicates whether core plug-in extensions are processed or not. */ private volatile boolean loaded; /** * The constructor. */ public Activator() {} /** * Gets the shared instance. * @return the shared instance or {@code null} */ public static Activator defaultInstance() { return plugin; } /** * Gets the shared console. * @return the shared console or {@code null} */ public static PluginConsole defaultConsole() { Activator plugin = defaultInstance(); return plugin != null ? plugin.getConsole() : null; } /** * Returns a set of extension contributors to this plug-in. */ public static Set<String> extensionContributors() { Set<String> contributors = newHashSet(); for (String point: ExtensionPoints.all) { for (IConfigurationElement element: Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getConfigurationElementsFor(point)) { contributors.add(element.getContributor().getName()); } } return contributors; } /** * Returns a list of bundles contributing extensions to this plug-in. */ public static List<Bundle> contributingBundles() { try { return Bundles.forNames(extensionContributors()); } catch (BundleNotFoundException e) { throw propagate(e); } } /** * Returns primary {@link ClassResolver} utility to resolve unknown classes. */ public static ClassResolver classResolver() { List<ClassResolver> resolvers = newArrayList(); resolvers.add(Bundles.newClassResolver(defaultInstance().getBundle())); resolvers.addAll(Bundles.newClassResolvers(contributingBundles())); return ClassResolvers.compose(resolvers); } /** * Processes supplied extensions, loads and starts core services. * @param action executed after services load prior to start, not {@code null} * @param timeout the maximum time to load * @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument * @throws RuntimeException if an error occurred * @throws TimeoutException if the load timed out */ public static void loadServices(final Runnable hook, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException { Activator plugin = defaultInstance(); checkNotNull(plugin, "Default instance not available"); synchronized (plugin) { if (plugin.loaded) { throw new IllegalStateException("Core services already loaded"); } try { new ServicesLoader().load(hook, timeout, unit); plugin.loaded = true; } catch (TimeoutException failure) { throw failure; } catch (Throwable failure) { propagate(failure); } } } public static void loadServices(final Runnable hook, final TimeValue timeout) throws TimeoutException { loadServices(hook, timeout.duration(), timeout.unit()); } /** * Processes supplied extensions, stops and unloads core services. * @param action executed after services stop prior to unload, not {@code null} * @param timeout the maximum time to unload * @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument * @throws RuntimeException if an error occurred * @throws TimeoutException if the unload timed out */ public static void unloadServices(final Runnable hook, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException { Activator plugin = defaultInstance(); checkNotNull(plugin, "Default instance not available"); synchronized (plugin) { if (!plugin.loaded) { throw new IllegalStateException("Core services not loaded yet"); } try { new ServicesLoader().unload(hook, timeout, unit); plugin.loaded = false; } catch (TimeoutException failure) { throw failure; } catch (Throwable failure) { propagate(failure); } } } public static void unloadServices(final Runnable hook, final TimeValue timeout) throws TimeoutException { unloadServices(hook, timeout.duration(), timeout.unit()); } /** * Determines whether all supplied extensions * are processed, core services loaded and started. */ public static boolean loadedServices() { Activator plugin = defaultInstance(); return plugin != null && plugin.loaded; } /** * Waits blocking until all supplied extensions * are processed, core services loaded and started. * @param timeout the maximum time to wait * @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument * @throws TimeoutException if the wait timed out */ public static void awaitServices(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); while (!loadedServices()) { if (stopwatch.elapsed(unit) > timeout) { throw new TimeoutException(); } sleepUninterruptibly(20, MILLISECONDS); } } public static void awaitServices(final TimeValue timeout) throws TimeoutException { awaitServices(timeout.duration(), timeout.unit()); } /** * Plug-in early startup. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> Users should not explicitly instantiate this class. * * @author Pavol Zbell * @since 1.0 */ public static final class Startup implements IStartup { static final TimeValue timeout = TimeValue.of(8, SECONDS); /** * The constructor. */ public Startup() {} /** * Processes supplied extensions and starts core services. */ public void earlyStartup() { try { loadServices(doNothing(), timeout); } catch (ResourceRegistrationException failure) { reportFailure(failure, "Unexpected error during initial registration of resources"); } catch (ListenerRegistrationException failure) { reportFailure(failure, "Unexpected error during initial registration of listeners"); } catch (TimeoutException failure) { reportFailure(failure, "Unexpected timeout while loading services"); } catch (Throwable failure) { reportFailure(failure, "Unexpected error while loading services"); } try { dispatchPostStartup(); } catch (Exception failure) { reportFailure(failure, "Unexpected error during post startup event dispatch"); } } private static void dispatchPostStartup() { DisplayExecutor.defaultAsynchronous().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { List<Throwable> failures = newLinkedList(); IWorkbench workbench = waitForWorkbench(); for (WorkbenchListener listener: Listeners.registered(WorkbenchListener.class)) { try { listener.postStartup(workbench); } catch (Throwable failure) { failures.add(failure); defaultConsole().error(failure, "Unexpected error during post startup event dispatch on %s", listener); } } checkState(failures.isEmpty()); } }); } private static void reportFailure(final Throwable failure, final String description) { DisplayExecutor.defaultAsynchronous().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { String title = "PerConIK Core"; String message = format("%s, core plug-in may not be properly active.", description); openError(Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), title, message + " See error log for more details."); } }); defaultInstance().getConsole().error(failure, description); } } /** * Starts this plug-in. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> Users must never explicitly call this method. */ @Override public void start(final BundleContext context) throws Exception { this.loaded = false; super.start(context); plugin = this; } /** * Stops this plug-in. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> Users must never explicitly call this method. */ @Override public void stop(final BundleContext context) throws Exception { final TimeValue timeout = TimeValue.of(12, SECONDS); synchronized (this) { if (loadedServices()) { try { unloadServices(doNothing(), timeout); } catch (TimeoutException failure) { defaultConsole().error(failure, "Unexpected timeout while unloading services"); } } } plugin = null; super.stop(context); this.loaded = false; } }