package; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.List; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.core.Registrables; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.core.persistence.AnnotableRegistration; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.utilities.reflect.annotation.Annotable; /** * An abstract implementation of the {@link AnnotableRegistration} interface. * * @author Pavol Zbell * @since 1.0 */ abstract class AbstractAnnotableRegistration extends AbstractRegistration implements AnnotableRegistration { private transient volatile Annotable annotable; /** * Constructor for use by subclasses. */ protected AbstractAnnotableRegistration() {} private final Annotable annotable() { Annotable annotable = this.annotable; if (annotable == null) { synchronized (this) { annotable = this.annotable; if (annotable == null) { annotable = this.annotable = Registrables.toAnnotable(this.registrable().getClass()); } } } return annotable; } public final boolean hasAnnotation(final Class<? extends Annotation> type) { return this.annotable().hasAnnotation(type); } public final <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(final Class<A> type) { return this.annotable().getAnnotation(type); } public final List<Annotation> getAnnotations() { return this.annotable().getAnnotations(); } }