package com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.guards; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.subgraph.orchid.ConnectionCache; import com.subgraph.orchid.Directory; import com.subgraph.orchid.DirectoryDownloader; import com.subgraph.orchid.GuardEntry; import com.subgraph.orchid.Router; import com.subgraph.orchid.Threading; import com.subgraph.orchid.TorConfig; import com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.path.CircuitNodeChooser; import com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.path.CircuitNodeChooser.WeightRule; import com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.path.RouterFilter; import com.subgraph.orchid.crypto.TorRandom; public class EntryGuards { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EntryGuards.class.getName()); private final static int MIN_USABLE_GUARDS = 2; private final static int NUM_ENTRY_GUARDS = 3; private final TorConfig config; private final TorRandom random; private final CircuitNodeChooser nodeChooser; private final ConnectionCache connectionCache; private final Directory directory; private final Set<GuardEntry> pendingProbes; private final Bridges bridges; private final Object lock; private final Executor executor; public EntryGuards(TorConfig config, ConnectionCache connectionCache, DirectoryDownloader directoryDownloader, Directory directory) { this.config = config; this.random = new TorRandom(); this.nodeChooser = new CircuitNodeChooser(config, directory); this.connectionCache = connectionCache; = directory; this.pendingProbes = new HashSet<GuardEntry>(); this.bridges = new Bridges(config, directoryDownloader); this.lock = new Object(); this.executor = Threading.newPool("EntryGuards worker"); } public boolean isUsingBridges() { return config.getUseBridges(); } public Router chooseRandomGuard(Set<Router> excluded) throws InterruptedException { if(config.getUseBridges()) { return bridges.chooseRandomBridge(excluded); } /* * path-spec 5. * * When choosing the first hop of a circuit, Tor chooses at random from among the first * NumEntryGuards (default 3) usable guards on the list. If there are not at least 2 * usable guards on the list, Tor adds routers until there are, or until there are no * more usable routers to add. */ final List<Router> usableGuards = getMinimumUsableGuards(excluded, MIN_USABLE_GUARDS); final int n = Math.min(usableGuards.size(), NUM_ENTRY_GUARDS); return usableGuards.get(random.nextInt(n)); } private List<Router> getMinimumUsableGuards(Set<Router> excluded, int minSize) throws InterruptedException { synchronized(lock) { testStatusOfAllGuards(); while(true) { List<Router> usableGuards = getUsableGuardRouters(excluded); if(usableGuards.size() >= minSize) { return usableGuards; } else { maybeChooseNew(usableGuards.size(), minSize, getExcludedForChooseNew(excluded, usableGuards)); } lock.wait(5000); } } } void probeConnectionSucceeded(GuardEntry entry) { synchronized (lock) { pendingProbes.remove(entry); if(entry.isAdded()) { retestProbeSucceeded(entry); } else { initialProbeSucceeded(entry); } } } void probeConnectionFailed(GuardEntry entry) { synchronized (lock) { pendingProbes.remove(entry); if(entry.isAdded()) { retestProbeFailed(entry); } lock.notifyAll(); } } /* all methods below called holding 'lock' */ private void retestProbeSucceeded(GuardEntry entry) { entry.clearDownSince(); } private void initialProbeSucceeded(GuardEntry entry) { logger.fine("Probe connection to "+ entry.getRouterForEntry() + " succeeded. Adding it as a new entry guard."); directory.addGuardEntry(entry); retestAllUnreachable(); } private void retestProbeFailed(GuardEntry entry) { entry.markAsDown(); } /* * path-spec 5. * * Additionally, Tor retries unreachable guards the first time it adds a new * guard to the list, since it is possible that the old guards were only marked * as unreachable because the network was unreachable or down. */ private void retestAllUnreachable() { for(GuardEntry e: directory.getGuardEntries()) { if(e.getDownSince() != null) { launchEntryProbe(e); } } } private void testStatusOfAllGuards() { for(GuardEntry entry: directory.getGuardEntries()) { if(isPermanentlyUnlisted(entry) || isExpired(entry)) { directory.removeGuardEntry(entry); } else if(needsUnreachableTest(entry)) { launchEntryProbe(entry); } } } private List<Router> getUsableGuardRouters(Set<Router> excluded) { List<Router> usableRouters = new ArrayList<Router>(); for(GuardEntry entry: directory.getGuardEntries()) { addRouterIfUsableAndNotExcluded(entry, excluded, usableRouters); } return usableRouters; } private void addRouterIfUsableAndNotExcluded(GuardEntry entry, Set<Router> excluded, List<Router> routers) { if(entry.testCurrentlyUsable() && entry.getDownSince() == null) { final Router r = entry.getRouterForEntry(); if(r != null && !excluded.contains(r)) { routers.add(r); } } } private Set<Router> getExcludedForChooseNew(Set<Router> excluded, List<Router> usable) { final Set<Router> set = new HashSet<Router>(); set.addAll(excluded); set.addAll(usable); addPendingInitialConnections(set); return set; } private void addPendingInitialConnections(Set<Router> routerSet) { for(GuardEntry entry: pendingProbes) { if(!entry.isAdded()) { Router r = entry.getRouterForEntry(); if(r != null) { routerSet.add(r); } } } } private void maybeChooseNew(int usableSize, int minSize, Set<Router> excluded) { int sz = usableSize + countPendingInitialProbes(); while(sz < minSize) { Router newGuard = chooseNewGuard(excluded); if(newGuard == null) { logger.warning("Need to add entry guards but no suitable guard routers are available"); return; } logger.fine("Testing "+ newGuard + " as a new guard since we only have "+ usableSize + " usable guards"); final GuardEntry entry = directory.createGuardEntryFor(newGuard); launchEntryProbe(entry); sz += 1; } } private int countPendingInitialProbes() { int count = 0; for(GuardEntry entry: pendingProbes) { if(!entry.isAdded()) { count += 1; } } return count; } private Router chooseNewGuard(final Set<Router> excluded) { return nodeChooser.chooseRandomNode(WeightRule.WEIGHT_FOR_GUARD, new RouterFilter() { public boolean filter(Router router) { return router.isValid() && router.isPossibleGuard() && router.isRunning() && !excluded.contains(router); } }); } private void launchEntryProbe(GuardEntry entry) { if(!entry.testCurrentlyUsable() || pendingProbes.contains(entry)) { return; } pendingProbes.add(entry); executor.execute(new GuardProbeTask(connectionCache, this, entry)); } /* * path-spec 5. * * If the guard is excluded because of its status in the networkstatuses for * over 30 days, Tor removes it from the list entirely, preserving order. */ private boolean isPermanentlyUnlisted(GuardEntry entry) { final Date unlistedSince = entry.getUnlistedSince(); if(unlistedSince == null || pendingProbes.contains(entry)) { return false; } final Date now = new Date(); final long unlistedTime = now.getTime() - unlistedSince.getTime(); return unlistedTime > THIRTY_DAYS; } /* * Expire guards after 60 days since creation time. */ private boolean isExpired(GuardEntry entry) { final Date createdAt = entry.getCreatedTime(); final Date now = new Date(); final long createdAgo = now.getTime() - createdAt.getTime(); return createdAgo > SIXTY_DAYS; } private boolean needsUnreachableTest(GuardEntry entry) { final Date downSince = entry.getDownSince(); if(downSince == null || !entry.testCurrentlyUsable()) { return false; } final Date now = new Date(); final Date lastConnect = entry.getLastConnectAttempt(); final long timeDown = now.getTime() - downSince.getTime(); final long timeSinceLastRetest = (lastConnect == null) ? timeDown : (now.getTime() - lastConnect.getTime()); return timeSinceLastRetest > getRetestInterval(timeDown); } private final static long ONE_HOUR = hoursToMs(1); private final static long FOUR_HOURS = hoursToMs(4); private final static long SIX_HOURS = hoursToMs(6); private final static long EIGHTEEN_HOURS = hoursToMs(18); private final static long THIRTYSIX_HOURS = hoursToMs(36); private final static long THREE_DAYS = daysToMs(3); private final static long SEVEN_DAYS = daysToMs(7); private final static long THIRTY_DAYS = daysToMs(30); private final static long SIXTY_DAYS = daysToMs(60); private static long hoursToMs(long n) { return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(n, TimeUnit.HOURS); } private static long daysToMs(long n) { return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(n, TimeUnit.DAYS); } /* * path-spec 5. * * If Tor fails to connect to an otherwise usable guard, it retries * periodically: every hour for six hours, every 4 hours for 3 days, every * 18 hours for a week, and every 36 hours thereafter. */ private long getRetestInterval(long timeDown) { if(timeDown < SIX_HOURS) { return ONE_HOUR; } else if(timeDown < THREE_DAYS) { return FOUR_HOURS; } else if(timeDown < SEVEN_DAYS) { return EIGHTEEN_HOURS; } else { return THIRTYSIX_HOURS; } } }