/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.matthewmitchell.peercoinj.protocols.channels; import com.matthewmitchell.peercoinj.core.*; import com.matthewmitchell.peercoinj.protocols.channels.PaymentChannelCloseException.CloseReason; import com.matthewmitchell.peercoinj.utils.Threading; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture; import com.google.protobuf.ByteString; import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy; import com.matthewmitchell.peercoinj.paymentchannel.Protos; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; /** * <p>A class which handles most of the complexity of creating a payment channel connection by providing a * simple in/out interface which is provided with protobufs from the server and which generates protobufs which should * be sent to the server.</p> * * <p>Does all required verification of server messages and properly stores state objects in the wallet-attached * {@link StoredPaymentChannelClientStates} so that they are automatically closed when necessary and refund * transactions are not lost if the application crashes before it unlocks.</p> * * <p>Though this interface is largely designed with stateful protocols (eg simple TCP connections) in mind, it is also * possible to use it with stateless protocols (eg sending protobufs when required over HTTP headers). In this case, the * "connection" translates roughly into the server-client relationship. See the javadocs for specific functions for more * details.</p> */ public class PaymentChannelClient implements IPaymentChannelClient { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PaymentChannelClient.class); private static final int CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; public final int CLIENT_MINOR_VERSION = 0; private static final int SERVER_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; protected final ReentrantLock lock = Threading.lock("channelclient"); @GuardedBy("lock") private final ClientConnection conn; // Used to keep track of whether or not the "socket" ie connection is open and we can generate messages @VisibleForTesting @GuardedBy("lock") boolean connectionOpen = false; // The state object used to step through initialization and pay the server @GuardedBy("lock") private PaymentChannelClientState state; public static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"); // The step we are at in initialization, this is partially duplicated in the state object private enum InitStep { WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION_OPEN, WAITING_FOR_VERSION_NEGOTIATION, WAITING_FOR_INITIATE, WAITING_FOR_REFUND_RETURN, WAITING_FOR_CHANNEL_OPEN, CHANNEL_OPEN, WAITING_FOR_CHANNEL_CLOSE, CHANNEL_CLOSED, } @GuardedBy("lock") private InitStep step = InitStep.WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION_OPEN; // Will either hold the StoredClientChannel of this channel or null after connectionOpen private StoredClientChannel storedChannel; // An arbitrary hash which identifies this channel (specified by the API user) private final Sha256Hash serverId; // The wallet associated with this channel private final Wallet wallet; // Information used during channel initialization to send to the server or check what the server sends to us private final ECKey myKey; private final Coin maxValue; private Coin missing; private final long timeWindow; @GuardedBy("lock") private long minPayment; @GuardedBy("lock") SettableFuture<PaymentIncrementAck> increasePaymentFuture; @GuardedBy("lock") Coin lastPaymentActualAmount; /** * <p>The default maximum amount of time for which we will accept the server locking up our funds for the multisig * contract.</p> * * <p>24 hours less a minute is the default as it is expected that clients limit risk exposure by limiting channel size instead of * limiting lock time when dealing with potentially malicious servers.</p> */ public static final long DEFAULT_TIME_WINDOW = 24*60*60-60; /** * Constructs a new channel manager which waits for {@link PaymentChannelClient#connectionOpen()} before acting. * A default time window of {@link #DEFAULT_TIME_WINDOW} will be used. * * @param wallet The wallet which will be paid from, and where completed transactions will be committed. * Must already have a {@link StoredPaymentChannelClientStates} object in its extensions set. * @param myKey A freshly generated keypair used for the multisig contract and refund output. * @param maxValue The maximum value the server is allowed to request that we lock into this channel until the * refund transaction unlocks. Note that if there is a previously open channel, the refund * transaction used in this channel may be larger than maxValue. Thus, maxValue is not a method for * limiting the amount payable through this channel. * @param serverId An arbitrary hash representing this channel. This must uniquely identify the server. If an * existing stored channel exists in the wallet's {@link StoredPaymentChannelClientStates}, then an * attempt will be made to resume that channel. * @param conn A callback listener which represents the connection to the server (forwards messages we generate to * the server) */ public PaymentChannelClient(Wallet wallet, ECKey myKey, Coin maxValue, Sha256Hash serverId, ClientConnection conn) { this(wallet,myKey,maxValue,serverId, DEFAULT_TIME_WINDOW, conn); } /** * Constructs a new channel manager which waits for {@link PaymentChannelClient#connectionOpen()} before acting. * * @param wallet The wallet which will be paid from, and where completed transactions will be committed. * Must already have a {@link StoredPaymentChannelClientStates} object in its extensions set. * @param myKey A freshly generated keypair used for the multisig contract and refund output. * @param maxValue The maximum value the server is allowed to request that we lock into this channel until the * refund transaction unlocks. Note that if there is a previously open channel, the refund * transaction used in this channel may be larger than maxValue. Thus, maxValue is not a method for * limiting the amount payable through this channel. * @param serverId An arbitrary hash representing this channel. This must uniquely identify the server. If an * existing stored channel exists in the wallet's {@link StoredPaymentChannelClientStates}, then an * attempt will be made to resume that channel. * @param timeWindow The time in seconds, relative to now, on how long this channel should be kept open. Note that is is * a proposal to the server. The server may in turn propose something different. * See {@link com.matthewmitchell.peercoinj.protocols.channels.IPaymentChannelClient.ClientConnection#acceptExpireTime(long)} * @param conn A callback listener which represents the connection to the server (forwards messages we generate to * the server) */ public PaymentChannelClient(Wallet wallet, ECKey myKey, Coin maxValue, Sha256Hash serverId, long timeWindow, ClientConnection conn) { this.wallet = checkNotNull(wallet); this.myKey = checkNotNull(myKey); this.maxValue = checkNotNull(maxValue); this.serverId = checkNotNull(serverId); checkState(timeWindow >= 0); this.timeWindow = timeWindow; this.conn = checkNotNull(conn); } /** * <p>Returns the amount of satoshis missing when a server requests too much value.</p> * * <p>When InsufficientMoneyException is thrown due to the server requesting too much value, an instance of * PaymentChannelClient needs access to how many satoshis are missing.</p> */ public Coin getMissing() { return missing; } @Nullable @GuardedBy("lock") private CloseReason receiveInitiate(Protos.Initiate initiate, Coin contractValue, Protos.Error.Builder errorBuilder) throws VerificationException, InsufficientMoneyException { log.info("Got INITIATE message:\n{}", initiate.toString()); final long expireTime = initiate.getExpireTimeSecs(); checkState( expireTime >= 0 && initiate.getMinAcceptedChannelSize() >= 0); if (! conn.acceptExpireTime(expireTime)) { log.error("Server suggested expire time was out of our allowed bounds: {} ({} s)", dateFormat.format(new Date(expireTime * 1000)), expireTime); errorBuilder.setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.TIME_WINDOW_UNACCEPTABLE); return CloseReason.TIME_WINDOW_UNACCEPTABLE; } Coin minChannelSize = Coin.valueOf(initiate.getMinAcceptedChannelSize()); if (contractValue.compareTo(minChannelSize) < 0) { log.error("Server requested too much value"); errorBuilder.setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.CHANNEL_VALUE_TOO_LARGE); missing = minChannelSize.subtract(contractValue); return CloseReason.SERVER_REQUESTED_TOO_MUCH_VALUE; } // For now we require a hard-coded value. In future this will have to get more complex and dynamic as the fees // start to float. final long MIN_PAYMENT = Transaction.REFERENCE_DEFAULT_MIN_TX_FEE.value; if (initiate.getMinPayment() != MIN_PAYMENT) { log.error("Server requested a min payment of {} but we expected {}", initiate.getMinPayment(), MIN_PAYMENT); errorBuilder.setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.MIN_PAYMENT_TOO_LARGE); errorBuilder.setExpectedValue(MIN_PAYMENT); missing = Coin.valueOf(initiate.getMinPayment() - MIN_PAYMENT); return CloseReason.SERVER_REQUESTED_TOO_MUCH_VALUE; } final byte[] pubKeyBytes = initiate.getMultisigKey().toByteArray(); if (!ECKey.isPubKeyCanonical(pubKeyBytes)) throw new VerificationException("Server gave us a non-canonical public key, protocol error."); state = new PaymentChannelClientState(wallet, myKey, ECKey.fromPublicOnly(pubKeyBytes), contractValue, expireTime); try { state.initiate(); } catch (ValueOutOfRangeException e) { log.error("Value out of range when trying to initiate", e); errorBuilder.setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.CHANNEL_VALUE_TOO_LARGE); return CloseReason.SERVER_REQUESTED_TOO_MUCH_VALUE; } minPayment = initiate.getMinPayment(); step = InitStep.WAITING_FOR_REFUND_RETURN; Protos.ProvideRefund.Builder provideRefundBuilder = Protos.ProvideRefund.newBuilder() .setMultisigKey(ByteString.copyFrom(myKey.getPubKey())) .setTx(ByteString.copyFrom(state.getIncompleteRefundTransaction().peercoinSerialize())); conn.sendToServer(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setProvideRefund(provideRefundBuilder) .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.PROVIDE_REFUND) .build()); return null; } @GuardedBy("lock") private void receiveRefund(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage refundMsg) throws VerificationException { checkState(step == InitStep.WAITING_FOR_REFUND_RETURN && refundMsg.hasReturnRefund()); log.info("Got RETURN_REFUND message, providing signed contract"); Protos.ReturnRefund returnedRefund = refundMsg.getReturnRefund(); state.provideRefundSignature(returnedRefund.getSignature().toByteArray()); step = InitStep.WAITING_FOR_CHANNEL_OPEN; // Before we can send the server the contract (ie send it to the network), we must ensure that our refund // transaction is safely in the wallet - thus we store it (this also keeps it up-to-date when we pay) state.storeChannelInWallet(serverId); Protos.ProvideContract.Builder contractMsg = Protos.ProvideContract.newBuilder() .setTx(ByteString.copyFrom(state.getMultisigContract().peercoinSerialize())); try { // Make an initial payment of the dust limit, and put it into the message as well. The size of the // server-requested dust limit was already sanity checked by this point. PaymentChannelClientState.IncrementedPayment payment = state().incrementPaymentBy(Coin.valueOf(minPayment)); Protos.UpdatePayment.Builder initialMsg = contractMsg.getInitialPaymentBuilder(); initialMsg.setSignature(ByteString.copyFrom(payment.signature.encodeToPeercoin())); initialMsg.setClientChangeValue(state.getValueRefunded().value); } catch (ValueOutOfRangeException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); // This cannot happen. } final Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.Builder msg = Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder(); msg.setProvideContract(contractMsg); msg.setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.PROVIDE_CONTRACT); conn.sendToServer(msg.build()); } @GuardedBy("lock") private void receiveChannelOpen() throws VerificationException { checkState(step == InitStep.WAITING_FOR_CHANNEL_OPEN || (step == InitStep.WAITING_FOR_INITIATE && storedChannel != null), step); log.info("Got CHANNEL_OPEN message, ready to pay"); boolean wasInitiated = true; if (step == InitStep.WAITING_FOR_INITIATE) { // We skipped the initiate step, because a previous channel that's still valid was resumed. wasInitiated = false; state = new PaymentChannelClientState(storedChannel, wallet); } step = InitStep.CHANNEL_OPEN; // channelOpen should disable timeouts, but // TODO accomodate high latency between PROVIDE_CONTRACT and here conn.channelOpen(wasInitiated); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void receiveMessage(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage msg) throws InsufficientMoneyException { lock.lock(); try { checkState(connectionOpen); // If we generate an error, we set errorBuilder and closeReason and break, otherwise we return Protos.Error.Builder errorBuilder; CloseReason closeReason; try { switch (msg.getType()) { case SERVER_VERSION: checkState(step == InitStep.WAITING_FOR_VERSION_NEGOTIATION && msg.hasServerVersion()); // Server might send back a major version lower than our own if they want to fallback to a // lower version. We can't handle that, so we just close the channel. if (msg.getServerVersion().getMajor() != SERVER_MAJOR_VERSION) { errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder() .setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.NO_ACCEPTABLE_VERSION); closeReason = CloseReason.NO_ACCEPTABLE_VERSION; break; } log.info("Got version handshake, awaiting INITIATE or resume CHANNEL_OPEN"); step = InitStep.WAITING_FOR_INITIATE; return; case INITIATE: checkState(step == InitStep.WAITING_FOR_INITIATE && msg.hasInitiate()); Protos.Initiate initiate = msg.getInitiate(); errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder(); closeReason = receiveInitiate(initiate, maxValue, errorBuilder); if (closeReason == null) return; log.error("Initiate failed with error: {}", errorBuilder.build().toString()); break; case RETURN_REFUND: receiveRefund(msg); return; case CHANNEL_OPEN: receiveChannelOpen(); return; case PAYMENT_ACK: receivePaymentAck(msg.getPaymentAck()); return; case CLOSE: receiveClose(msg); return; case ERROR: checkState(msg.hasError()); log.error("Server sent ERROR {} with explanation {}", msg.getError().getCode().name(), msg.getError().hasExplanation() ? msg.getError().getExplanation() : ""); conn.destroyConnection(CloseReason.REMOTE_SENT_ERROR); return; default: log.error("Got unknown message type or type that doesn't apply to clients."); errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder() .setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR); closeReason = CloseReason.REMOTE_SENT_INVALID_MESSAGE; break; } } catch (VerificationException e) { log.error("Caught verification exception handling message from server", e); errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder() .setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.BAD_TRANSACTION) .setExplanation(e.getMessage()); closeReason = CloseReason.REMOTE_SENT_INVALID_MESSAGE; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { log.error("Caught illegal state exception handling message from server", e); errorBuilder = Protos.Error.newBuilder() .setCode(Protos.Error.ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR); closeReason = CloseReason.REMOTE_SENT_INVALID_MESSAGE; } conn.sendToServer(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setError(errorBuilder) .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.ERROR) .build()); conn.destroyConnection(closeReason); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @GuardedBy("lock") private void receiveClose(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage msg) throws VerificationException { checkState(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()); if (msg.hasSettlement()) { Transaction settleTx = new Transaction(wallet.getParams(), msg.getSettlement().getTx().toByteArray()); log.info("CLOSE message received with settlement tx {}", settleTx.getHash()); // TODO: set source if (state != null && state().isSettlementTransaction(settleTx)) { // The wallet has a listener on it that the state object will use to do the right thing at this // point (like watching it for confirmations). The tx has been checked by now for syntactical validity // and that it correctly spends the multisig contract. wallet.receivePending(settleTx, null); } } else { log.info("CLOSE message received without settlement tx"); } if (step == InitStep.WAITING_FOR_CHANNEL_CLOSE) conn.destroyConnection(CloseReason.CLIENT_REQUESTED_CLOSE); else conn.destroyConnection(CloseReason.SERVER_REQUESTED_CLOSE); step = InitStep.CHANNEL_CLOSED; } /** * <p>Called when the connection terminates. Notifies the {@link StoredClientChannel} object that we can attempt to * resume this channel in the future and stops generating messages for the server.</p> * * <p>For stateless protocols, this translates to a client not using the channel for the immediate future, but * intending to reopen the channel later. There is likely little reason to use this in a stateless protocol.</p> * * <p>Note that this <b>MUST</b> still be called even after either * {@link ClientConnection#destroyConnection(com.matthewmitchell.peercoinj.protocols.channels.PaymentChannelCloseException.CloseReason)} or * {@link PaymentChannelClient#settle()} is called, to actually handle the connection close logic.</p> */ @Override public void connectionClosed() { lock.lock(); try { connectionOpen = false; if (state != null) state.disconnectFromChannel(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * <p>Closes the connection, notifying the server it should settle the channel by broadcasting the most recent * payment transaction.</p> * * <p>Note that this only generates a CLOSE message for the server and calls * {@link ClientConnection#destroyConnection(CloseReason)} to settle the connection, it does not * actually handle connection close logic, and {@link PaymentChannelClient#connectionClosed()} must still be called * after the connection fully closes.</p> * * @throws IllegalStateException If the connection is not currently open (ie the CLOSE message cannot be sent) */ @Override public void settle() throws IllegalStateException { lock.lock(); try { checkState(connectionOpen); step = InitStep.WAITING_FOR_CHANNEL_CLOSE; log.info("Sending a CLOSE message to the server and waiting for response indicating successful settlement."); conn.sendToServer(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.CLOSE) .build()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * <p>Called to indicate the connection has been opened and messages can now be generated for the server.</p> * * <p>Attempts to find a channel to resume and generates a CLIENT_VERSION message for the server based on the * result.</p> */ @Override public void connectionOpen() { lock.lock(); try { connectionOpen = true; StoredPaymentChannelClientStates channels = (StoredPaymentChannelClientStates) wallet.getExtensions().get(StoredPaymentChannelClientStates.EXTENSION_ID); if (channels != null) storedChannel = channels.getUsableChannelForServerID(serverId); step = InitStep.WAITING_FOR_VERSION_NEGOTIATION; Protos.ClientVersion.Builder versionNegotiationBuilder = Protos.ClientVersion.newBuilder() .setMajor(CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION) .setMinor(CLIENT_MINOR_VERSION) .setTimeWindowSecs(timeWindow); if (storedChannel != null) { versionNegotiationBuilder.setPreviousChannelContractHash(ByteString.copyFrom(storedChannel.contract.getHash().getBytes())); log.info("Begun version handshake, attempting to reopen channel with contract hash {}", storedChannel.contract.getHash()); } else log.info("Begun version handshake creating new channel"); conn.sendToServer(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.CLIENT_VERSION) .setClientVersion(versionNegotiationBuilder) .build()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * <p>Gets the {@link PaymentChannelClientState} object which stores the current state of the connection with the * server.</p> * * <p>Note that if you call any methods which update state directly the server will not be notified and channel * initialization logic in the connection may fail unexpectedly.</p> */ public PaymentChannelClientState state() { lock.lock(); try { return state; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Increments the total value which we pay the server. Note that the amount of money sent may not be the same as the * amount of money actually requested. It can be larger if the amount left over in the channel would be too small to * be accepted by the Bitcoin network. ValueOutOfRangeException will be thrown, however, if there's not enough money * left in the channel to make the payment at all. Only one payment can be in-flight at once. You have to ensure * you wait for the previous increase payment future to complete before incrementing the payment again. * * @param size How many satoshis to increment the payment by (note: not the new total). * @return a future that completes when the server acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the payment. * @throws ValueOutOfRangeException If the size is negative or would pay more than this channel's total value * ({@link PaymentChannelClientConnection#state()}.getTotalValue()) * @throws IllegalStateException If the channel has been closed or is not yet open * (see {@link PaymentChannelClientConnection#getChannelOpenFuture()} for the second) */ public ListenableFuture<PaymentIncrementAck> incrementPayment(Coin size) throws ValueOutOfRangeException, IllegalStateException { return incrementPayment(size, null); } /** * Increments the total value which we pay the server. Note that the amount of money sent may not be the same as the * amount of money actually requested. It can be larger if the amount left over in the channel would be too small to * be accepted by the Bitcoin network. ValueOutOfRangeException will be thrown, however, if there's not enough money * left in the channel to make the payment at all. Only one payment can be in-flight at once. You have to ensure * you wait for the previous increase payment future to complete before incrementing the payment again. * * @param size How many satoshis to increment the payment by (note: not the new total). * @param info Information about this update, used to extend this protocol. * @return a future that completes when the server acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the payment. * @throws ValueOutOfRangeException If the size is negative or would pay more than this channel's total value * ({@link PaymentChannelClientConnection#state()}.getTotalValue()) * @throws IllegalStateException If the channel has been closed or is not yet open * (see {@link PaymentChannelClientConnection#getChannelOpenFuture()} for the second) */ @Override public ListenableFuture<PaymentIncrementAck> incrementPayment(Coin size, @Nullable ByteString info) throws ValueOutOfRangeException, IllegalStateException { lock.lock(); try { if (state() == null || !connectionOpen || step != InitStep.CHANNEL_OPEN) throw new IllegalStateException("Channel is not fully initialized/has already been closed"); if (increasePaymentFuture != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Already incrementing paying, wait for previous payment to complete."); PaymentChannelClientState.IncrementedPayment payment = state().incrementPaymentBy(size); Protos.UpdatePayment.Builder updatePaymentBuilder = Protos.UpdatePayment.newBuilder() .setSignature(ByteString.copyFrom(payment.signature.encodeToPeercoin())) .setClientChangeValue(state.getValueRefunded().value); if (info != null) updatePaymentBuilder.setInfo(info); increasePaymentFuture = SettableFuture.create(); increasePaymentFuture.addListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { lock.lock(); increasePaymentFuture = null; lock.unlock(); } }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); conn.sendToServer(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.newBuilder() .setUpdatePayment(updatePaymentBuilder) .setType(Protos.TwoWayChannelMessage.MessageType.UPDATE_PAYMENT) .build()); lastPaymentActualAmount = payment.amount; return increasePaymentFuture; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private void receivePaymentAck(Protos.PaymentAck paymentAck) { SettableFuture<PaymentIncrementAck> future; Coin value; lock.lock(); try { if (increasePaymentFuture == null) return; checkNotNull(increasePaymentFuture, "Server sent a PAYMENT_ACK with no outstanding payment"); log.info("Received a PAYMENT_ACK from the server"); future = increasePaymentFuture; value = lastPaymentActualAmount; } finally { lock.unlock(); } // Ensure the future runs without the client lock held. future.set(new PaymentIncrementAck(value, paymentAck.getInfo())); } }