package com.subgraph.orchid.circuits; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.subgraph.orchid.Cell; import com.subgraph.orchid.Circuit; import com.subgraph.orchid.CircuitNode; import com.subgraph.orchid.Connection; import com.subgraph.orchid.DirectoryCircuit; import com.subgraph.orchid.ExitCircuit; import com.subgraph.orchid.InternalCircuit; import com.subgraph.orchid.RelayCell; import com.subgraph.orchid.Router; import com.subgraph.orchid.Stream; import com.subgraph.orchid.StreamConnectFailedException; import com.subgraph.orchid.TorException; import com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.path.CircuitPathChooser; import com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.path.PathSelectionFailedException; import com.subgraph.orchid.dashboard.DashboardRenderable; import com.subgraph.orchid.dashboard.DashboardRenderer; /** * This class represents an established circuit through the Tor network. * */ public abstract class CircuitImpl implements Circuit, DashboardRenderable { protected final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CircuitImpl.class.getName()); static ExitCircuit createExitCircuit(CircuitManagerImpl circuitManager, Router exitRouter) { return new ExitCircuitImpl(circuitManager, exitRouter); } static ExitCircuit createExitCircuitTo(CircuitManagerImpl circuitManager, List<Router> prechosenPath) { return new ExitCircuitImpl(circuitManager, prechosenPath); } static DirectoryCircuit createDirectoryCircuit(CircuitManagerImpl circuitManager) { return new DirectoryCircuitImpl(circuitManager, null); } static DirectoryCircuit createDirectoryCircuitTo(CircuitManagerImpl circuitManager, List<Router> prechosenPath) { return new DirectoryCircuitImpl(circuitManager, prechosenPath); } static InternalCircuit createInternalCircuitTo(CircuitManagerImpl circuitManager, List<Router> prechosenPath) { return new InternalCircuitImpl(circuitManager, prechosenPath); } private final CircuitManagerImpl circuitManager; protected final List<Router> prechosenPath; private final List<CircuitNode> nodeList; private final CircuitStatus status; private CircuitIO io; protected CircuitImpl(CircuitManagerImpl circuitManager) { this(circuitManager, null); } protected CircuitImpl(CircuitManagerImpl circuitManager, List<Router> prechosenPath) { nodeList = new ArrayList<CircuitNode>(); this.circuitManager = circuitManager; this.prechosenPath = prechosenPath; status = new CircuitStatus(); } List<Router> choosePath(CircuitPathChooser pathChooser) throws InterruptedException, PathSelectionFailedException { if(prechosenPath != null) { return new ArrayList<Router>(prechosenPath); } else { return choosePathForCircuit(pathChooser); } } protected abstract List<Router> choosePathForCircuit(CircuitPathChooser pathChooser) throws InterruptedException, PathSelectionFailedException; void bindToConnection(Connection connection) { if(io != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Circuit already bound to a connection"); } final int id = connection.bindCircuit(this); io = new CircuitIO(this, connection, id); } public void markForClose() { if(io != null) { io.markForClose(); } } public boolean isMarkedForClose() { if(io == null) { return false; } else { return io.isMarkedForClose(); } } CircuitStatus getStatus() { return status; } public boolean isConnected() { return status.isConnected(); } public boolean isPending() { return status.isBuilding(); } public boolean isClean() { return !status.isDirty(); } public int getSecondsDirty() { return (int) (status.getMillisecondsDirty() / 1000); } void notifyCircuitBuildStart() { if(!status.isUnconnected()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only connect UNCONNECTED circuits"); } status.updateCreatedTimestamp(); status.setStateBuilding(); circuitManager.addActiveCircuit(this); } void notifyCircuitBuildFailed() { status.setStateFailed(); circuitManager.removeActiveCircuit(this); } void notifyCircuitBuildCompleted() { status.setStateOpen(); status.updateCreatedTimestamp(); } public Connection getConnection() { if(!isConnected()) throw new TorException("Circuit is not connected."); return io.getConnection(); } public int getCircuitId() { if(io == null) { return 0; } else { return io.getCircuitId(); } } public void sendRelayCell(RelayCell cell) { io.sendRelayCellTo(cell, cell.getCircuitNode()); } public void sendRelayCellToFinalNode(RelayCell cell) { io.sendRelayCellTo(cell, getFinalCircuitNode()); } public void appendNode(CircuitNode node) { nodeList.add(node); } List<CircuitNode> getNodeList() { return nodeList; } int getCircuitLength() { return nodeList.size(); } public CircuitNode getFinalCircuitNode() { if(nodeList.isEmpty()) throw new TorException("getFinalCircuitNode() called on empty circuit"); return nodeList.get( getCircuitLength() - 1); } public RelayCell createRelayCell(int relayCommand, int streamId, CircuitNode targetNode) { return io.createRelayCell(relayCommand, streamId, targetNode); } public RelayCell receiveRelayCell() { return io.dequeueRelayResponseCell(); } void sendCell(Cell cell) { io.sendCell(cell); } Cell receiveControlCellResponse() { return io.receiveControlCellResponse(); } /* * This is called by the cell reading thread in ConnectionImpl to deliver control cells * associated with this circuit (CREATED or CREATED_FAST). */ public void deliverControlCell(Cell cell) { io.deliverControlCell(cell); } /* This is called by the cell reading thread in ConnectionImpl to deliver RELAY cells. */ public void deliverRelayCell(Cell cell) { io.deliverRelayCell(cell); } protected StreamImpl createNewStream(boolean autoclose) { return io.createNewStream(autoclose); } protected StreamImpl createNewStream() { return createNewStream(false); } void setStateDestroyed() { status.setStateDestroyed(); circuitManager.removeActiveCircuit(this); } public void destroyCircuit() { // We might not have bound this circuit yet if (io != null) { io.destroyCircuit(); } circuitManager.removeActiveCircuit(this); } public void removeStream(StreamImpl stream) { io.removeStream(stream); } protected Stream processStreamOpenException(Exception e) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, StreamConnectFailedException { if(e instanceof InterruptedException) { throw (InterruptedException) e; } else if(e instanceof TimeoutException) { throw(TimeoutException) e; } else if(e instanceof StreamConnectFailedException) { throw(StreamConnectFailedException) e; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } protected abstract String getCircuitTypeLabel(); public String toString() { return " Circuit ("+ getCircuitTypeLabel() + ") id="+ getCircuitId() +" state=" + status.getStateAsString() +" "+ pathToString(); } protected String pathToString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); for(CircuitNode node: nodeList) { if(sb.length() > 1) sb.append(","); sb.append(node.toString()); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public List<Stream> getActiveStreams() { if(io == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else { return io.getActiveStreams(); } } public void dashboardRender(DashboardRenderer renderer, PrintWriter writer, int flags) throws IOException { if(io != null) { writer.println(toString()); renderer.renderComponent(writer, flags, io); } } }