package com.opentrust.spi.pdf; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.bouncycastle.jce.X509Principal; import com.opentrust.spi.crypto.CertificateHelper; import com.opentrust.spi.helpers.DateHelper; import com.opentrust.spi.helpers.StringHelper; import com.opentrust.spi.logger.Channel; import com.opentrust.spi.logger.SPILogger; public class PDFSignaturesHelper { private final static SPILogger logger = SPILogger.getLogger("PDFSIGN"); // BEGIN HELPER METHODS // static File getTempPDFFile() { // try { // File localRoot = getTempPDFFolder(); // File tempFile = File.createTempFile("tmp_spipdf_", ".pdf", localRoot); // return tempFile; // } catch(Exception e) { // ExceptionHandler.handleNoThrow(e,"Could not create tmp pdf file"); // } // return null; // } // static File getTempPDFFolder() { // try { // String localRootPath = Config.getConfig().getStringProperty(CommonProperties.COM_LOCAL_TMPDIR); // File localRoot = new File(localRootPath+File.separatorChar+"pdf"); // if (localRoot.exists()) // FileHelper.canUseDirectory(localRoot.getAbsolutePath(), // "rw"); // else // localRoot.mkdirs(); // return localRoot; // } catch(Exception e) { // ExceptionHandler.handleNoThrow(e,"Could not create tmp pdf folder"); // } // return null; // } public static String buildSignatureAppearanceDescription(String descriptionTemplate, X509Certificate signerCertificate, Calendar signingTime, String location, String reason, String contact) throws SPIIllegalArgumentException { String result = descriptionTemplate; // First deal with potential variable replacements in description if (descriptionTemplate != null && descriptionTemplate.contains("$")) { logger.debug(Channel.TECH, "Building PDF appearance description, template is %1$s", descriptionTemplate); // Variable syntax is: $variable_name or $variable_name[custom_param1;custom_param2;...] Map<String,String> tokens = new HashMap<String,String>(); // List of supported variable names in description final String VARNAME_SIGNER_DN = "signer_dn"; final String VARNAME_SIGNER_NAME = "signer_name"; final String VARNAME_SIGNING_TIME = "signing_time"; final String VARNAME_LOCATION = "location"; final String VARNAME_REASON = "reason"; final String VARNAME_CONTACT = "contact"; // Fill variable values to be used for replacement if(signingTime!=null) { String signingTimeStr = DateHelper.toSimpleLongString(signingTime.getTime()); tokens.put(VARNAME_SIGNING_TIME, signingTimeStr); } else { tokens.put(VARNAME_SIGNING_TIME, null); // so that when signing_time variable is used without signing time provided, an exception is thrown } if(signerCertificate!=null) { X500Principal signer = signerCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal(); String signerName = signer.getName(); tokens.put(VARNAME_SIGNER_DN, signerName); tokens.put(VARNAME_SIGNER_NAME, getCNOrDefaultForPrincipal(signer)); } else { tokens.put(VARNAME_SIGNER_DN,null); // so that when signer_dn variable is used without input certificate, an exception is thrown tokens.put(VARNAME_SIGNER_NAME, null); // so that when signer_name variable is used without input certificate, an exception is thrown } tokens.put(VARNAME_LOCATION, location); tokens.put(VARNAME_REASON, reason); tokens.put(VARNAME_CONTACT, contact); //Iterate over variables found in description to perform replacement Pattern variablePattern = Pattern.compile("\\$("+StringHelper.join(tokens.keySet().iterator(), "|") +")(\\[([^\\]]*)\\])?"); Matcher variableMatcher = variablePattern.matcher(descriptionTemplate); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while(variableMatcher.find()) { String variableName =; String replacement = tokens.get(variableName); String variableOptionalParams =; if (variableOptionalParams != null) { if (VARNAME_SIGNING_TIME.equals(variableName) && signingTime != null ) { // Use custom-formatted signing_time instead of toSimpleLongString signing_time try { String[] params = variableOptionalParams.split(";"); String customDateFormat = params[0]; String customTimezone = params.length > 1 ? params[1].trim() : null; String customLocale = params.length > 2 ? params[2].trim() : null; SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = customLocale != null ? new SimpleDateFormat(customDateFormat, new Locale(customLocale)) : new SimpleDateFormat(customDateFormat); if (customTimezone != null) dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(customTimezone.trim())); replacement = dateFormat.format(signingTime.getTime()); } catch(Throwable e) { throw new SPIIllegalArgumentException(e, "Could not recognize valid signing time date format '%1$s' in description parameter: %2$s", variableOptionalParams, e.toString()); } } } if(replacement==null) { if (VARNAME_SIGNER_DN.equals(variableName) || VARNAME_SIGNER_NAME.equals(variableName)) throw new SPIIllegalArgumentException("Attempt to use certificate-related variable in signature description without providing the signer certificate"); else if (VARNAME_SIGNING_TIME.equals(variableName)) throw new SPIIllegalArgumentException("Attempt to use signing time variable in signature description without provided signing time value"); else throw new SPIIllegalArgumentException("Attempt to use %1$s variable in signature description without providing the corresponding value", variableName); } else { //We need to escape $ character in replacement string, otherwise appendReplacement will fail replacement = replacement.replaceAll("\\$", "\\\\\\$"); } variableMatcher.appendReplacement(sb, replacement); } variableMatcher.appendTail(sb); result = sb.toString(); logger.debug(Channel.TECH, "Final PDF appearance description value is %1$s", result); } else { logger.debug(Channel.TECH, "Building PDF appearance description, no variable replacement needed in appearance description"); } return result; } // copied from admin-web, ACBean class. TODO : put this in a helper package private static String getCNOrDefaultForPrincipal(X500Principal principal) { String name = null; try { name = CertificateHelper.getCNFromDN(principal.getName()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {} if(name == null || name.length() == 0) { try { X509Principal p=new X509Principal(principal.getEncoded()); name = (String)p.getValues().lastElement(); } catch(Exception e) { name = ""; } } return name; } // END HELPER METHODS }