package com.opentrust.spi.pdf; /** * The ExceptionConverter changes a checked exception into an unchecked exception. */ public class ExceptionConverter extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8657630363395849399L; /** we keep a handle to the wrapped exception */ private Exception ex; /** prefix for the exception */ private String prefix; /** * Construct a RuntimeException based on another Exception * * @param ex * the exception that has to be turned into a RuntimeException */ public ExceptionConverter(Exception ex) { this.ex = ex; prefix = (ex instanceof RuntimeException) ? "" : "ExceptionConverter: "; } /** * and allow the user of ExceptionConverter to get a handle to it. * * @return the original exception */ public Exception getException() { return ex; } /** * We print the message of the checked exception * * @return message of the original exception */ public String getMessage() { return ex.getMessage(); } /** * and make sure we also produce a localized version * * @return localized version of the message */ public String getLocalizedMessage() { return ex.getLocalizedMessage(); } /** * The toString() is changed to be prefixed with ExceptionConverter * * @return Stringversion of the exception */ public String toString() { return prefix + ex; } /** we have to override this as well */ public void printStackTrace() { printStackTrace(System.err); } /** * here we prefix, with s.print(), not s.println(), the stack trace with "ExceptionConverter:" * * @param s */ public void printStackTrace( s) { synchronized (s) { s.print(prefix); ex.printStackTrace(s); } } /** * Again, we prefix the stack trace with "ExceptionConverter:" * * @param s */ public void printStackTrace( s) { synchronized (s) { s.print(prefix); ex.printStackTrace(s); } } /** * requests to fill in the stack trace we will have to ignore. We can't throw an exception here, because this method * is called by the constructor of Throwable * * @return a Throwable */ public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } }