package com.opentrust.spi.pdf; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Transparency; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; import org.bouncycastle.ocsp.OCSPResp; import org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampResponse; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex; import; import; import; import; import com.opentrust.spi.cms.CMSForPAdESBasicGenerator; import com.opentrust.spi.cms.CMSForPAdESEnhancedGenerator; import com.opentrust.spi.cms.CMSGenerator; import com.opentrust.spi.cms.CMSSignedDataWrapper; import com.opentrust.spi.cms.helpers.OCSPResponse; import com.opentrust.spi.crypto.CRLHelper; import com.opentrust.spi.crypto.CertificateHelper; import com.opentrust.spi.crypto.CryptoConstants.AlgorithmID; import com.opentrust.spi.crypto.DigestHelper; import com.opentrust.spi.crypto.ExceptionHandler; import com.opentrust.spi.logger.Channel; import com.opentrust.spi.logger.SPILogger; import com.opentrust.spi.pdf.PdfSignParameters.OCSPParameters; import com.opentrust.spi.pdf.PdfSignParameters.PAdESParameters; import com.opentrust.spi.pdf.PdfSignParameters.SignatureLayoutParameters; import com.opentrust.spi.pdf.PdfSignParameters.TimestampingParameters; import com.opentrust.spi.tsp.TimestampToken; import com.spilowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.spilowagie.text.Font; import com.spilowagie.text.FontFactory; import com.spilowagie.text.Image; import com.spilowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.AcroFields; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfArray; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfDate; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfDeveloperExtension; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfDictionary; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfIndirectReference; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfName; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfNumber; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfObject; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfSignatureAppearance; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfStream; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfString; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.spilowagie.text.pdf.RandomAccessFileOrArray; //TODO : check if there is a fileID in the document to sign. If no fileID -> no fileID in outgoing file. If fileID, use it, along with signDate, to build the new fileID public class PDFSign { public final static boolean enablePositionCheck = false; public static String PRODUCED_BY = "OpenTrust SPI"; public static void setPRODUCED_BY(String pRODUCED_BY) { PRODUCED_BY = pRODUCED_BY; } private static SPILogger log = SPILogger.getLogger("PDFSIGN"); private static int CONTENT_SIZE = 0x2502; private static int TIMESTAMP_SIZE = 0x2502; //private static OCSPResponderManager ocspResponderManager = OCSPResponderManager.getInstance(); protected IOCSPClient ocspClient; protected ITspClient tspClient; /* static IOCSPClient defaultOCSPClient; static ITspClient defaultTspClient; */ private static PdfName DOCTIMESTAMP= new PdfName("DocTimeStamp"); static PdfName DSS= new PdfName("DSS"); static PdfName CERTS= new PdfName("Certs"); static PdfName CRLS= new PdfName("CRLs"); static PdfName OCSPS= new PdfName("OCSPs"); static PdfName VRI= new PdfName("VRI"); static PdfName CRL= new PdfName("CRL"); static PdfName OCSP= new PdfName("OCSP"); static { FontFactory.register("/fonts/DejaVuSerif.ttf"); FontFactory.register("/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf"); FontFactory.register("/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf"); //TODO : not using -Bold and -Oblique fonts, this apparently not being necessary //TODO : use something like ClassHelper.getClassesForPackage() to retrieve all ttf resource files in /fonts } /****************** BEGIN SIGN METHODS ************************/ public static SignReturn sign(String provider, PdfReader reader, OutputStream out, File tmpFile, PrivateKey priv, Certificate[] certificateChain, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { Certificate signerCert = null; if (certificateChain != null & certificateChain.length != 0) signerCert = certificateChain[0]; PdfStamper stp = prepareSign(reader, out, tmpFile, signerCert, parameters); PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance(); SignResult signResult = cms_sign(provider, sap.getRangeStream(), priv, certificateChain, parameters, crls, ocspResponseEncoded); return signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(sap, signResult.getEncodedPkcs7(), parameters, signResult.getTimestampToken()); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } public static SignReturn sign(String provider, PdfReader reader, OutputStream out, File tmpFile, String keyStoreFileName, String password, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { PKCS12File p12 = new PKCS12File(keyStoreFileName, password); /* KeyStore keyStore = KeyStoreHelper.load(keyStoreFileName, password); String alias = KeyStoreHelper.getDefaultAlias(keyStore); Certificate[] chain = (Certificate[]) keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias); PrivateKey priv = (PrivateKey) (keyStore.getKey(alias, password.toCharArray())); */ Certificate[] chain = p12.getChain(); PrivateKey priv = p12.mPrivateKey; return sign(provider, reader, out, tmpFile, priv, chain, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } public static SignReturn sign(String provider, InputStream original_pdf, OutputStream out, PrivateKey priv, Certificate[] certificateChain, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing document using parameters %1$s", parameters); try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(original_pdf); return sign(provider, reader, out, null, priv, certificateChain, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } // Use for large Files public static SignReturn sign(String provider, String original_pdf_name, OutputStream out, File tmpFile, PrivateKey priv, Certificate[] certificateChain, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing document using parameters %1$s", parameters); try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(original_pdf_name), null); return sign(provider, reader, out, tmpFile, priv, certificateChain, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } public static SignReturn sign(String provider, File original_pdf, OutputStream out, PrivateKey priv, Certificate[] certificateChain, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { return sign(provider, new FileInputStream(original_pdf), out, priv, certificateChain, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } public static SignReturn sign(String provider, File original_pdf, OutputStream out, String keyStoreFileName, String password, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing document retrieving certificate from keystore '%1$s' and using parameters %2$s", keyStoreFileName, parameters); try { return sign(provider, new FileInputStream(original_pdf), out, keyStoreFileName, password, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } public static SignReturn sign(String provider, InputStream original_pdf, OutputStream out, String keyStoreFileName, String password, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing document retrieving certificate from keystore '%1$s' and using parameters %2$s", keyStoreFileName, parameters); try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(original_pdf); return sign(provider, reader, out, null, keyStoreFileName, password, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } // Use for large Files public static SignReturn sign(String provider, String original_pdf_name, OutputStream out, File tmpFile, String keyStoreFileName, String password, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing document retrieving certificate from keystore '%1$s' and using parameters %2$s", keyStoreFileName, parameters); try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(original_pdf_name), null); return sign(provider, reader, out, tmpFile, keyStoreFileName, password, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e, "reading file " + original_pdf_name); } return null; } /****************** END SIGN METHODS ************************/ /****************** BEGIN PRESIGN METHODS ************************/ /** * preSign * Usage : call preSign + build and sign CMS using returned data as data to sign + send CMS-encoded bytes as encodedPkcs7 parameter to method signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7 */ public static PresignReturn preSign(InputStream original_pdf, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { return preSign(original_pdf, null, null, null, parameters); } //For large PDF public static PresignReturn preSign(String original_pdf_name, File tmpFile, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { return preSign(original_pdf_name, tmpFile, null, null, null, parameters); } protected static PresignReturn preSign(PdfReader original_pdf, OutputStream output_pdf, File tmpFile, Certificate signerCert, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Presigning document using parameters %1$s", parameters); PresignReturn retour = null; try { PdfStamper stp = prepareSign(original_pdf, output_pdf, tmpFile, signerCert, parameters); PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance(); retour = new PresignReturn(sap.getRangeStream(), sap.getFieldName(), sap); String dataHashAlgo = parameters.getDataHashAlgorithm(); if(dataHashAlgo!=null) { // TODO : raise a wrong usage exception when dataHashAlgo==null && tmpFile!=null retour.setHashToSign(DigestHelper.getDigest(retour.getDataToSign(), parameters.getDataHashAlgorithm())); log.debug(Channel.TECH, "presign returning hash : %1$s", retour.getHashToSign()); } // dataToSign stream is about to be closed, we set it to null if(tmpFile!=null) retour.dataToSign = null; sap.closeStreams(); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return retour; } public static PresignReturn preSign(InputStream original_pdf, Certificate signerCert, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { return preSign(original_pdf, null, signerCert, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } //Use for large PDF public static PresignReturn preSign(String original_pdf_name, File tmpFile, Certificate signerCert, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { return preSign(original_pdf_name, null, tmpFile, signerCert, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } public static PresignReturn preSign(InputStream original_pdf, OutputStream output_pdf, Certificate signerCert, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "preSign for normal size pdf"); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(original_pdf); return preSign(reader, output_pdf, null, signerCert, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } //Use for large PDF public static PresignReturn preSign(String original_pdf_name, OutputStream output_pdf, File tmpFile, Certificate signerCert, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "preSign for large size pdf"); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(original_pdf_name), null); return preSign(reader, output_pdf, tmpFile, signerCert, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } /****************** END PRESIGN METHODS ************************/ /****************** BEGIN PRESIGNFORRAWSIGNATURE METHODS ************************/ /** * preSignForRawSignature * Usage : call preSignForRawSignature + sign returned data + * - either send raw signature bytes as rawSignature parameter to method signAfterPresignWithRawSignature, along with returned encoded PKCS#7 * - or insert raw signature in returned PKCS#7, and send it as encodedPkcs7 parameter to signAfterPresignWithEncodedPkcs7 */ protected static PresignReturnForRawSignature preSignForRawSignature(PdfReader original_pdf, File tmpFile, Certificate[] certs, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Presigning document before raw signature using parameters %1$s", parameters); PresignReturnForRawSignature retour = null; try { PdfStamper stp = prepareSign(original_pdf, null, tmpFile, certs[0], parameters); PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance(); String dataHashAlgo = parameters.getDataHashAlgorithm(); if(dataHashAlgo==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("digestAlgo required for preSignForRawSignature"); // Computing data to sign hash MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(dataHashAlgo); DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream(sap.getRangeStream(),messageDigest); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; while (, 0, buf.length) != -1); sap.closeStreams(); // Building CMS // FIXME : use PadesBasicCMS class or Pades....etc PDFEnvelopedSignature otp7 = new PDFEnvelopedSignature(dis.getMessageDigest().digest(), certs, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters.getDataHashAlgorithm(), BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME, "dummy".getBytes(), null, "RSA", parameters.getSigningTime()!=null?parameters.getSigningTime().getTime():null); byte[] encodedP7 = otp7.getEncodedPKCS7(null, null); retour = new PresignReturnForRawSignature(otp7.getSignedAttrs(), encodedP7, sap.getFieldName()); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return retour; } public static PresignReturnForRawSignature preSignForRawSignature(InputStream original_pdf, Certificate[] certs, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "PresignReturnForRawSignature for normal size pdf"); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(original_pdf); return preSignForRawSignature(reader, null, certs, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } //Use for large PDF public static PresignReturnForRawSignature preSignForRawSignature(String original_pdf_name, File tmpFile, Certificate[] certs, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "PresignReturnForRawSignature for large size pdf"); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(original_pdf_name), null); return preSignForRawSignature(reader, tmpFile, certs, crls, ocspResponseEncoded, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } /****************** END PRESIGNFORRAWSIGNATURE METHODS ************************/ /****************** BEGIN signAfterPresignWithRawSignature METHODS ************************/ /** * signAfterPresignWithRawSignature * Usage : call preSignForRawSignature + sign returned data + send raw signature bytes as rawSignature parameter to method signAfterPresignWithRawSignature, along with returned encoded PKCS#7 */ public static SignReturn signAfterPresignWithRawSignature(InputStream original_pdf, OutputStream out, byte[] rawSignature, byte[] encodedUnsignedPkcs7, Certificate signerCert, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { return signAfterPresignWithRawSignature(new PdfReader(original_pdf), out, null, rawSignature, encodedUnsignedPkcs7, signerCert, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } protected static SignReturn signAfterPresignWithRawSignature(PdfReader original_pdf, OutputStream out, File tmpFile, byte[] rawSignature, byte[] encodedUnsignedPkcs7, Certificate signerCert, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing document with incoming raw signature, using parameters %1$s", parameters); // TODO : see if we can use something like // CMSSignedData.replaceSigners instead, to start from the unsigned // p7 and only change its signaturevalue CMSSignedDataWrapper unsignedCmsSignature = new CMSSignedDataWrapper(encodedUnsignedPkcs7); CRL[] crlList = null; if (unsignedCmsSignature.getCRLs() != null) crlList = unsignedCmsSignature.getCRLs().toArray(new CRL[] {}); OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded = unsignedCmsSignature.getOCSPResponses().toArray(new OCSPResponse[] {}); String dataDigestAlgorithm = unsignedCmsSignature.getDataDigestAlgorithm(); try { DERObjectIdentifier oid = new DERObjectIdentifier(dataDigestAlgorithm); dataDigestAlgorithm = OIDUtils.getName(oid); } catch(Exception e) {} PDFEnvelopedSignature signedotp7 = new PDFEnvelopedSignature(unsignedCmsSignature.getDigestAttribute(), unsignedCmsSignature.getSignatureCertificateInfo().toArray(new Certificate[] {}), crlList, ocspResponseEncoded, dataDigestAlgorithm, BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME, rawSignature, null, unsignedCmsSignature.getSignatureAlgorithm(), unsignedCmsSignature.getSigningTime()); byte[] p7 = signedotp7.getEncodedPKCS7(); TimestampingParameters tsParams = parameters.getTimeStampParams(); if (tsParams != null) { // fetch timestamp and add it to p7 CMSSignedDataWrapper cmsSignature = new CMSSignedDataWrapper(p7); PDFEnvelopedSignature.addTSToCMS(cmsSignature, tsParams.getTimeStampDigestAlgo(), tsParams.getTspClient()); p7 = cmsSignature.getEncoded(); } return signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(original_pdf, out, tmpFile, p7, signerCert, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } //Use for large PDF public static SignReturn signAfterPresignWithRawSignature(String original_pdf_name, OutputStream out, File tmpFile, byte[] rawSignature, byte[] encodedUnsignedPkcs7, Certificate signerCert, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { return signAfterPresignWithRawSignature(new PdfReader(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(original_pdf_name), null), out, tmpFile, rawSignature, encodedUnsignedPkcs7, signerCert, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } /****************** END signAfterPresignWithRawSignature METHODS ************************/ /****************** BEGIN signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7 METHODS ************************/ /** * signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7 * Usage : call preSign + build and sign CMS using returned data as data to sign + send CMS-encoded bytes as encodedPkcs7 parameter to method signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7 * * tspToken, when provided, is already inside encodedPkcs7 and results from using parameters.getTimeStampParams() */ protected static SignReturn signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(PdfSignatureAppearance sap, byte[] encodedPkcs7, PdfSignParameters parameters, TimestampToken tspToken) throws SPIException { SignReturn retour = null; log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing document with incoming CMS-encoded signature, using parameters %1$s", parameters); try { PdfDictionary dic2 = new PdfDictionary(); // We re-compute the size that was allocated in the original pdf to // receive the PKCS#7, and compare it with actual pkcs#7 data size // TODO adapt to CRL size int content_size = CONTENT_SIZE; if (parameters != null) { if (parameters.getSignatureContainerSize() > 0) content_size = parameters.getSignatureContainerSize(); int ts_size = TIMESTAMP_SIZE; if (parameters.getTimeStampContainerSize() > 0) ts_size = parameters.getTimeStampContainerSize(); if (parameters.isAllocateTimeStampContainer() || parameters.getTimeStampParams() != null) { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "adding %1$s to content_size(%2$s) because of timestamping", ts_size, content_size); content_size += ts_size; } } byte out[] = new byte[content_size]; log.debug(Channel.TECH, "adding P7 in PDF. Size in bytes is %1$s and signblock size is %2$s", encodedPkcs7.length, out.length); if (encodedPkcs7.length > out.length) throw new SPIException( "Signature size (%1$s) is bigger than expected (%2$s). Please change input estimated size or configuration default signblock size.", encodedPkcs7.length, out.length); System.arraycopy(encodedPkcs7, 0, out, 0, encodedPkcs7.length); dic2.put(PdfName.CONTENTS, new PdfString(out).setHexWriting(true)); sap.close(dic2); CMSSignedDataWrapper p7 = new CMSSignedDataWrapper(encodedPkcs7); retour = new SignReturn(sap.getFieldName(), p7.getSignatureValue(), tspToken); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return retour; } protected static SignReturn signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(PdfReader original_pdf, OutputStream out, File tmpFile, byte[] encodedPkcs7, Certificate certs, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { return signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(original_pdf, out, tmpFile, encodedPkcs7, certs, parameters, null); } protected static SignReturn signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(PdfReader original_pdf, OutputStream out, File tmpFile, byte[] encodedPkcs7, Certificate signerCert, PdfSignParameters parameters, TimestampToken tspToken) throws SPIException { SignReturn retour = null; log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing document with incoming CMS-encoded signature, using parameters %1$s", parameters); try { //Parsing incoming encodedPkcs7 CMSSignedDataWrapper p7 = new CMSSignedDataWrapper(encodedPkcs7); if(p7.getSigningTime()!=null) { Calendar cmsSigningTime = Calendar.getInstance(); cmsSigningTime.setTime(p7.getSigningTime()); log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing time found in CMS : %1$s", cmsSigningTime); if(parameters.getSigningTime()!=null) { if(!parameters.getSigningTime().equals(cmsSigningTime)) { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing time found in CMS (%1$s) is different from signing time given as input parameter (%2$s). Input parameter will be used.", cmsSigningTime, parameters.getSigningTime()); } else { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Signing time found in CMS (%1$s) is identical to signing time given as input parameter (%2$s).", cmsSigningTime, parameters.getSigningTime()); } } else { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Using signing time found in CMS : %1$s", cmsSigningTime); parameters.setSigningTime(cmsSigningTime); } } PdfStamper stp = prepareSign(original_pdf, out, tmpFile, signerCert, parameters); PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance(); retour = signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(sap, encodedPkcs7, parameters, tspToken); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return retour; } public static SignReturn signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(InputStream original_pdf, OutputStream out, byte[] encodedPkcs7, Certificate signerCert, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(original_pdf); return signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(reader, out, null, encodedPkcs7, signerCert, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } // Use for large PDF public static SignReturn signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(String original_pdf_name, OutputStream out, File tmpFile, byte[] encodedPkcs7, Certificate signerCert, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(original_pdf_name), null); return signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(reader, out, tmpFile, encodedPkcs7, signerCert, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } public static SignReturn signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(PdfSignatureAppearance sap, byte[] encodedPkcs7, Certificate signerCert, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws SPIException { try { return signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(sap, encodedPkcs7, parameters, null); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } /****************** END signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7 METHODS ************************/ /****************** BEGIN cms_sign METHODS ************************/ /** * cms_sign : * adbe.pkcs7.detached signing for PDF, by providing data or digestData (=data digested with parameters.dataHashAlgorithm) */ public static SignResult cms_sign(byte[] digestData, PrivateKey priv, Certificate[] certChain, PdfSignParameters parameters, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded) throws Exception { return cms_sign(null, null, digestData, priv, certChain, parameters, crls, ocspResponseEncoded); } public static SignResult cms_sign(byte[] digestData, String keyStoreFileName, String password, PdfSignParameters parameters, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded) throws Exception { return cms_sign(null, digestData, keyStoreFileName, password, parameters, crls, ocspResponseEncoded); } public static SignResult cms_sign(String provider, InputStream data, PrivateKey priv, Certificate[] certChain, PdfSignParameters parameters, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded) throws Exception { return cms_sign(provider, data, null, priv, certChain, parameters, crls, ocspResponseEncoded); } public static SignResult cms_sign(InputStream data, String keyStoreFileName, String password, PdfSignParameters parameters, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded) throws Exception { return cms_sign(data, null, keyStoreFileName, password, parameters, crls, ocspResponseEncoded); } private static SignResult cms_sign(InputStream data, byte[] digestData, String keyStoreFileName, String password, PdfSignParameters parameters, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded) throws Exception { KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs12"); ks.load(new FileInputStream(keyStoreFileName), password.toCharArray()); String ALIAS = ks.aliases().nextElement();[] certChain = ks.getCertificateChain(ALIAS); PrivateKey priv = (PrivateKey) (ks.getKey(ALIAS, password.toCharArray())); return cms_sign(null, data, digestData, priv, certChain, parameters, crls, ocspResponseEncoded); } private static SignResult cms_sign(String provider, InputStream data, byte[] digestData, PrivateKey priv, Certificate[] certChain, PdfSignParameters parameters, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded) throws Exception { IOCSPClient ocspClient = parameters.ocspClient; TimestampingParameters timeStampParams = parameters.getTimeStampParams(); ITspClient tspClient = timeStampParams != null ? timeStampParams.getTspClient() : null; Collection<OCSPResponse> ocspResponses = new ArrayList<OCSPResponse>(); List<OCSPParameters> ocspParamsList = parameters.getOCSPParams(); if (ocspResponseEncoded != null) ocspResponses = Arrays.asList(ocspResponseEncoded); else if (ocspParamsList != null) { for (OCSPParameters ocspParams : ocspParamsList) { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Requests a new OCSP Response"); OCSPResp status = parameters.ocspClient.getRawStatus((X509Certificate) ocspParams.getTargetCertificate(), (X509Certificate) ocspParams.getIssuerCertificate()); ocspResponses.add(new OCSPResponse(status.getEncoded())); /* OCSPResponder ocspResponder = ocspResponderManager.getOCSPResponder (ocspParams.getOcspResponderId()); OCSPResponse ocspResponseFresh = ocspResponder.getOCSPResponse(ocspParams.getTargetCertificate (), ocspParams.getIssuerCertificate()); ocspResponses.add(ocspResponseFresh); */ } } String dataHashAlgorithm = parameters.getDataHashAlgorithm(); String digestAlgOID = AlgorithmID.valueOfTag(dataHashAlgorithm).getOID(); byte[] encodedPkcs7 = null; PAdESParameters padesParameters = parameters.getPadesParameters(); boolean isPAdesEnhancedLevel = padesParameters != null ? padesParameters.isPadesEnhancedLevel() : false; CMSGenerator generator = null; Certificate signatureCertificate = certChain[0]; List<Certificate> certStore = certChain != null ? Arrays.asList(certChain) : null; List<> signedCrls = crls != null ? Arrays.asList(crls) : null; if (isPAdesEnhancedLevel) { generator = new CMSForPAdESEnhancedGenerator(provider, signatureCertificate, priv, certStore, digestAlgOID, signedCrls, ocspResponses); CMSForPAdESEnhancedGenerator padesGenerator = (CMSForPAdESEnhancedGenerator) generator; padesGenerator.setPolicyIdentifierParams(padesParameters.getPolicyIdentifierParams()); padesGenerator.setClaimedAttribute(padesParameters.getClaimedAttributesOID(), padesParameters.getClaimedAttributes()); if (padesParameters.getCertifiedAttribute() != null) padesGenerator.setCertifiedAttribute(padesParameters.getCertifiedAttribute().getEncoded()); // FIXME : if commitment-type and no signature-policy-identifier, // implicitly set commitment-type in reason entry ? if (padesParameters.getCommitmentTypeId() != null) padesGenerator.setCommitmentTypeId(padesParameters.getCommitmentTypeId()); TimestampingParameters contentTimeStampParams = padesParameters.getContentTimeStampParams(); if (contentTimeStampParams != null) { if (data != null) { byte[] digest = DigestHelper.getDigest(data, dataHashAlgorithm); ITspClient tspClient2 = contentTimeStampParams.tspClient; byte[] tsp = tspClient2.getRawTsp(digest, dataHashAlgorithm); TimeStampResponse response = new TimeStampResponse(tsp); padesGenerator.setContentTimeStamp(response.getTimeStampToken().getEncoded()); digestData = digest; data = null; } // FIXME : implement else } } else { Date signingTime = parameters.getSigningTime().getTime(); generator = new CMSForPAdESBasicGenerator(provider, signatureCertificate, priv, certStore, signingTime, digestAlgOID, signedCrls, ocspResponses); } if (data != null) { encodedPkcs7 = generator.signContent(data, false); } else { encodedPkcs7 = generator.signReference(digestData); } if (tspClient == null) return new SignResult(encodedPkcs7, null); TimestampingParameters tsParams = timeStampParams; CMSSignedDataWrapper cmsSignature = new CMSSignedDataWrapper(encodedPkcs7); TimestampToken timeStampToken = PDFEnvelopedSignature.addTSToCMS(cmsSignature, tsParams.getTimeStampDigestAlgo(), tspClient); return new SignResult(cmsSignature.getEncoded(), timeStampToken); } /****************** END cms_sign METHODS ************************/ public static CMSSignedDataWrapper cms_sign(String digestAlgo, byte[] digest, PrivateKey priv, Certificate[] certChain, PdfSignParameters parameters, CRL[] crls, OCSPResponse[] ocspResponseEncoded) throws Exception { IOCSPClient ocspClient = parameters.ocspClient; TimestampingParameters timeStampParams = parameters.getTimeStampParams(); ITspClient tspClient = timeStampParams != null ? timeStampParams.getTspClient() : null; Collection<OCSPResponse> ocspResponses = new ArrayList<OCSPResponse>(); List<OCSPParameters> ocspParamsList = parameters.getOCSPParams(); if (ocspResponseEncoded != null) ocspResponses = Arrays.asList(ocspResponseEncoded); else if (ocspParamsList != null) { for (OCSPParameters ocspParams : ocspParamsList) { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Requests a new OCSP Response"); OCSPResp status = parameters.ocspClient.getRawStatus( (X509Certificate) ocspParams.getTargetCertificate(), (X509Certificate) ocspParams.getIssuerCertificate()); ocspResponses.add(new OCSPResponse(status.getEncoded())); } } String dataHashAlgorithm = parameters.getDataHashAlgorithm(); String digestAlgOID = AlgorithmID.valueOfTag(dataHashAlgorithm).getOID(); byte[] encodedPkcs7 = null; PAdESParameters padesParameters = parameters.getPadesParameters(); boolean isPAdesEnhancedLevel = padesParameters != null ? padesParameters.isPadesEnhancedLevel() : false; CMSGenerator generator = null; Certificate signatureCertificate = certChain[0]; List<Certificate> certStore = certChain != null ? Arrays.asList(certChain) : null; List<> signedCrls = crls != null ? Arrays.asList(crls) : null; if (isPAdesEnhancedLevel) { generator = new CMSForPAdESEnhancedGenerator(null, signatureCertificate, priv, certStore, digestAlgOID, signedCrls, ocspResponses); CMSForPAdESEnhancedGenerator padesGenerator = (CMSForPAdESEnhancedGenerator) generator; padesGenerator.setPolicyIdentifierParams(padesParameters.getPolicyIdentifierParams()); padesGenerator.setClaimedAttribute(padesParameters.getClaimedAttributesOID(), padesParameters.getClaimedAttributes()); if (padesParameters.getCertifiedAttribute() != null) padesGenerator.setCertifiedAttribute(padesParameters.getCertifiedAttribute().getEncoded()); // FIXME : if commitment-type and no signature-policy-identifier, // implicitly set commitment-type in reason entry ? if (padesParameters.getCommitmentTypeId() != null) padesGenerator.setCommitmentTypeId(padesParameters.getCommitmentTypeId()); TimestampingParameters contentTimeStampParams = padesParameters.getContentTimeStampParams(); if (contentTimeStampParams != null) { ITspClient tspClient2 = contentTimeStampParams.tspClient; byte[] tsp = tspClient2.getRawTsp(digest, dataHashAlgorithm); TimeStampResponse response = new TimeStampResponse(tsp); padesGenerator.setContentTimeStamp(response.getTimeStampToken().getEncoded()); } } else { Date signingTime = parameters.getSigningTime().getTime(); generator = new CMSForPAdESBasicGenerator(null, signatureCertificate, priv, certStore, signingTime, digestAlgOID, signedCrls, ocspResponses); } encodedPkcs7 = generator.signReference(digest); CMSSignedDataWrapper cmsSignature = new CMSSignedDataWrapper(encodedPkcs7); if (tspClient == null) return cmsSignature; TimestampingParameters tsParams = timeStampParams; PDFEnvelopedSignature.addTSToCMS(cmsSignature, tsParams.getTimeStampDigestAlgo(), tspClient); return cmsSignature; } /****************** BEGIN LTV Timestamp METHODS ************************/ //FIXME : other addLTVTimestamp methods (as many as sign methods ?) public static SignReturn addLTVTimestamp(InputStream fileInputStream, OutputStream fileOutputStream, TimestampingParameters timestampingParameters) throws SPIException { try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(fileInputStream); PdfStamper stp = prepareDocTimeStamp(reader, fileOutputStream, null, timestampingParameters); PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance(); /* TimeStampProcessor timeStampProcessor = TimeStampProcessorFactory.getInstance(). getTimeStampProcessor(timestampingParameters.getTimeStampServerURL(), timestampingParameters.getTimeStampPolicyOID(), timestampingParameters.getTimeStampDigestAlgo(), true); byte[] tsResponse = timeStampProcessor.timestamp(sap.getRangeStream()); TimestampToken timestampToken = TimestampTokenManagerFactory.getInstance(BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME).getTimeStampToken(tsResponse); */ ITspClient tspClient = timestampingParameters.getTspClient(); String digestAlgo = timestampingParameters.getTimeStampDigestAlgo(); byte [] digest = DigestHelper.getDigest(sap.getRangeStream(), digestAlgo); byte[] tsp = tspClient.getRawTsp(digest, digestAlgo); TimeStampResponse response = new TimeStampResponse(tsp); tsp = response.getTimeStampToken().getEncoded(); return signAfterPresignWithEncodedP7(sap, tsp, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } /****************** END LTV Timestamp METHODS ************************/ /****************** BEGIN LTV DSS METHODS * @throws SPIException ************************/ //Adds a LTV DocumentSecurityStore dictionary public static void addLTVDSS(InputStream fileInputStream, OutputStream fileOutputStream, List<Certificate> certsList, List<CRL> crlsList, List<OCSPResponse> ocspsList) throws SPIException { addLTVDSSWithVRI(fileInputStream, fileOutputStream, certsList, crlsList, ocspsList, null); } // Adds a LTV DocumentSecurityStore dictionary including VRI dictionaries if requested using vriClrs or vriOCSPs lists // All clrs or ocsps in VRI lists will also be added to the main DSS lists // Caller should make sure that provided CRLs or OCSPs are not already in the signatures' P7 data public static void addLTVDSSWithVRI(InputStream fileInputStream, OutputStream fileOutputStream, List<Certificate> certsList, List<CRL> crlsList, List<OCSPResponse> ocspsList, List<VRIData> vriData) throws SPIException { try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(fileInputStream); PdfStamper stp = new PdfStamper(reader, fileOutputStream, '\0', true); PdfWriter writer = stp.getWriter(); AcroFields af = reader.getAcroFields(); PdfDictionary catalog = reader.getCatalog(); stp.markUsed(catalog); PdfDictionary dss = new PdfDictionary(); PdfArray dssCerts = new PdfArray(); PdfArray dssCrls = new PdfArray(); PdfArray dssOcsps = new PdfArray(); if(vriData!=null) { PdfDictionary vrim = new PdfDictionary(); for (VRIData vriDat : vriData) { PdfArray vriCert = new PdfArray(); PdfArray vriCrl = new PdfArray(); PdfArray vriOcsp = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary vri = new PdfDictionary(); if(vriDat.certsList!=null) { for (Certificate certObject : vriDat.certsList) { addIndirectBytesToArrays(writer, ((X509Certificate) certObject).getEncoded(), vriCert, dssCerts); } } if(vriDat.crlsList!=null) { for (CRL crlObject : vriDat.crlsList) { addIndirectBytesToArrays(writer, ((X509CRL) crlObject).getEncoded(), vriCrl, dssCrls); } } if(vriDat.ocspsList!=null) { for (OCSPResponse ocspObject : vriDat.ocspsList) { addIndirectBytesToArrays(writer, ocspObject.getEncoded(), vriOcsp, dssOcsps); } } if (vriCert.size() > 0) vri.put(PdfName.CERT, addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, vriCert)); if (vriCrl.size() > 0) vri.put(CRL, addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, vriCrl)); if (vriOcsp.size() > 0) vri.put(OCSP, addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, vriOcsp)); vrim.put(getVRIKey(af.getSignatureDictionary(vriDat.signatureName)), addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, vri)); // Not TU or TS because "not recommended" by ETSI TS 102 778-4 V1.1.2 } dss.put(VRI, addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, vrim)); } if(certsList!=null) { for (Certificate certObject : certsList) { addIndirectBytesToArrays(writer, ((X509Certificate) certObject).getEncoded(), dssCerts); } } if(crlsList!=null) { for (CRL crlObject : crlsList) { addIndirectBytesToArrays(writer, ((X509CRL) crlObject).getEncoded(), dssCrls); } } if(ocspsList!=null) { for (OCSPResponse ocspObject : ocspsList) { addIndirectBytesToArrays(writer, ocspObject.getEncoded(), dssOcsps); } } if (dssCerts.size() > 0) dss.put(CERTS, addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, dssCerts)); if (dssCrls.size() > 0) dss.put(CRLS, addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, dssCrls)); if (dssOcsps.size() > 0) dss.put(OCSPS, addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, dssOcsps)); catalog.put(DSS, addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, dss)); stp.close(); } catch(Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } } private static void addIndirectBytesToArrays(PdfWriter writer, byte[] bytes, PdfArray... arrays) throws IOException { PdfStream ps = new PdfStream(bytes); ps.flateCompress(); PdfIndirectReference iref = addObjectAsIndirectRef(writer, ps); for(PdfArray array : arrays) { array.add(iref); } } private static PdfIndirectReference addObjectAsIndirectRef(PdfWriter writer, PdfObject object) throws IOException { return writer.addToBody(object, false).getIndirectReference(); } //The key of each entry in [the VRI] dictionary is the base-16-encoded (uppercase) SHA1 digest of the signature to which it applies //For a Time-stamp's signature [the signature to digest] is the bytes of the Time-stamp itself since the Time-stamp token is a signed data object protected static PdfName getVRIKey(PdfDictionary dic) throws SPIException { try { PdfString contents = dic.getAsString(PdfName.CONTENTS); byte[] sigContent = contents.getOriginalBytes(); if (PdfName.ETSI_RFC3161.equals(PdfReader.getPdfObject(dic.get(PdfName.SUBFILTER)))) { sigContent = getSigContentForTS(sigContent); } return getVRIKey(sigContent); } catch(Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } protected static byte[] getSigContentForTS(byte[] sigContent) throws Exception { //FIXME : find which version should be used return sigContent; // ASN1InputStream din = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(sigContent)); // DERObject pkcs = din.readObject(); // return pkcs.getEncoded(); } protected static PdfName getVRIKey(byte[] sigContent) throws SPIException { try { byte[] sigContentDigest = DigestHelper.getDigest(sigContent, "SHA1"); return new PdfName(new String(Hex.encode(sigContentDigest)).toUpperCase()); } catch(Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return null; } public static class VRIData { protected String signatureName; protected List<Certificate> certsList = new ArrayList<Certificate>(); protected List<CRL> crlsList = new ArrayList<CRL>(); protected List<OCSPResponse> ocspsList = new ArrayList<OCSPResponse>(); public VRIData(String signatureName, List<Certificate> certsList, List<CRL> crlsList, List<OCSPResponse> ocspsList) { this.signatureName = signatureName; this.certsList = certsList; this.crlsList = crlsList; this.ocspsList = ocspsList; } public void addCertificate(Certificate cert) { certsList.add(cert); } public void addCRL(CRL crl) { crlsList.add(crl); } public void addOCSP(OCSPResponse ocsp) { ocspsList.add(ocsp); } } public static class VRIValidationData { protected PdfName signatureVRIKey; protected List<CertificateWithRevision> certsList = new ArrayList<CertificateWithRevision>(); protected List<CRLWithRevision> crlsList = new ArrayList<CRLWithRevision>(); protected List<OCSPResponseWithRevision> ocspsList = new ArrayList<OCSPResponseWithRevision>(); protected VRIValidationData(PdfName signatureVRIKey) { this.signatureVRIKey = signatureVRIKey; } public void setCertificates(List<CertificateWithRevision> certsList) { this.certsList = certsList; } protected void setCRLs(List<CRLWithRevision> crlsList) { this.crlsList = crlsList; } protected void setOCSPs(List<OCSPResponseWithRevision> ocspsList) { this.ocspsList = ocspsList; } public List<CertificateWithRevision> getCertsList() { return certsList; } public List<CRLWithRevision> getCrlsList() { return crlsList; } public List<OCSPResponseWithRevision> getOcspsList() { return ocspsList; } } public static class ValidationData { protected List<CertificateWithRevision> certsList = new ArrayList<CertificateWithRevision>(); protected List<CRLWithRevision> crlsList = new ArrayList<CRLWithRevision>(); protected List<OCSPResponseWithRevision> ocspsList = new ArrayList<OCSPResponseWithRevision>(); protected Map<PdfName, VRIValidationData> vriList = new HashMap<PdfName, VRIValidationData>(); protected ValidationData(){} public void setCertificates(List<CertificateWithRevision> certsList) { this.certsList = certsList; } protected void setCRLs(List<CRLWithRevision> crlsList) { this.crlsList = crlsList; } protected void setOCSPs(List<OCSPResponseWithRevision> ocspsList) { this.ocspsList = ocspsList; } protected void addVRI(VRIValidationData vri) { vriList.put(vri.signatureVRIKey, vri); } public List<CertificateWithRevision> getCertsList() { return certsList; } public List<CRLWithRevision> getCrlsList() { return crlsList; } public List<OCSPResponseWithRevision> getOcspsList() { return ocspsList; } public VRIValidationData getVriData(PDFEnvelopedSignature signature) throws SPIException { byte[] sigContent = signature.getCONTENTSContent(); try { if(signature.getDocTimeStampValue()!=null) { sigContent = getSigContentForTS(sigContent); } } catch(Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.handle(e); } return vriList.get(getVRIKey(sigContent)); } } public static interface ObjectWithRevision { public int getRevision(); } public static interface ObjectWithRevisionAbstractFactory<ConcreteObjectWithRevision extends ObjectWithRevision> { public ConcreteObjectWithRevision createObjectWithRevision(byte[] octets, int revision) throws Exception; } public static class CertificateWithRevisionFactory implements ObjectWithRevisionAbstractFactory<CertificateWithRevision> { @Override public CertificateWithRevision createObjectWithRevision(byte[] octets, int revision) throws Exception { Certificate cert = CertificateHelper.getCertificate(octets); log.debug(Channel.TECH, "certificate found in dictionary"); return new CertificateWithRevision(cert, revision); } } public static class CRLWithRevisionFactory implements ObjectWithRevisionAbstractFactory<CRLWithRevision> { @Override public CRLWithRevision createObjectWithRevision(byte[] octets, int revision) throws Exception { CRL crl = CRLHelper.getCRL(octets); log.debug(Channel.TECH, "CRL found in dictionary"); return new CRLWithRevision(crl, revision); } } public static class OCSPResponseWithRevisionFactory implements ObjectWithRevisionAbstractFactory<OCSPResponseWithRevision> { @Override public OCSPResponseWithRevision createObjectWithRevision(byte[] octets, int revision) throws Exception { //OCSPResponse ocsp = OCSPResponseFactory.getInstance().getOCSPResponse(octets); OCSPResponse ocsp = new OCSPResponse(octets); log.debug(Channel.TECH, "OCSP response found in dictionary"); return new OCSPResponseWithRevision(ocsp, revision); } } public static class CertificateWithRevision implements ObjectWithRevision { private final Certificate cert; private final int revision; @Override public int getRevision() { return revision; } public Certificate getCertificate() { return cert; } public CertificateWithRevision(Certificate cert, int revision) { this.cert = cert; this.revision = revision; } } public static class CRLWithRevision implements ObjectWithRevision { private final CRL crl; private final int revision; @Override public int getRevision() { return revision; } public CRL getCRL() { return crl; } public CRLWithRevision(CRL crl, int revision) { this.crl = crl; this.revision = revision; } } public static class OCSPResponseWithRevision implements ObjectWithRevision { private final OCSPResponse ocspR; private final int revision; @Override public int getRevision() { return revision; } public OCSPResponse getOCSPResponse() { return ocspR; } public OCSPResponseWithRevision(OCSPResponse ocspR, int revision) { this.ocspR = ocspR; this.revision = revision; } } /****************** END LTV DSS METHODS ************************/ //FIXME : avoid copies between prepareDocTimeStamp & prepareSign protected static PdfStamper prepareDocTimeStamp(PdfReader reader, OutputStream fout, File tmpFile, TimestampingParameters timestampingParameters) throws Exception { PdfStamper stp = PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, fout, '\0', tmpFile, true); stp.addDeveloperExtension(new PdfDeveloperExtension(new PdfName("ESIC"), PdfWriter.PDF_VERSION_1_7, 1)); PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance(); sap.setCertificationLevel(PdfSignatureAppearance.NOT_CERTIFIED); PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(); dic.put(PdfName.TYPE, DOCTIMESTAMP); dic.put(PdfName.FILTER, PdfSignatureAppearance.WINCER_SIGNED); dic.put(PdfName.SUBFILTER, PdfName.ETSI_RFC3161); PdfDictionary buildDic = new PdfDictionary(); PdfDictionary buildDataDic = new PdfDictionary(); buildDataDic.put(new PdfName("Name"), PdfSignatureAppearance.WINCER_SIGNED); buildDic.put(new PdfName("Filter"), buildDataDic); buildDataDic = new PdfDictionary(); buildDataDic.put(new PdfName("Name"), new PdfName(PRODUCED_BY)); buildDic.put(new PdfName("App"), buildDataDic); dic.put(new PdfName("Prop_Build"), buildDic); sap.setCryptoDictionary(dic); LinkedHashMap exc = new LinkedHashMap(); //TODO implement content size calculation base on CRL size (and OCSP response size) int content_size = CONTENT_SIZE; int hexblock_size = content_size*2+2; log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Prepared signing with content_size=%1$s bytes (%2$s real bytes once hex-encoded)", content_size, hexblock_size); exc.put(PdfName.CONTENTS, new Integer(hexblock_size)); sap.preClose(exc); if(log.isDebugEnabled(Channel.TECH)) { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "PDF Prepared for signature. ByteRange is %1$s", Arrays.toString(sap.getRange())); } return stp; } protected static PdfStamper prepareSign(PdfReader reader, OutputStream fout, File tmpFile, Certificate signerCert, PdfSignParameters parameters) throws Exception { //FIXME : check that this new signature won't break existing certification signatures (with DocMDP transform) Calendar presignDate = parameters.getSigningTime(); // '\0' means we keep the same Acrobat version as the one in incoming // file (Acrobat 7 -> Acrobat 7, Acrobat 8 -> Acrobat 8, etc) // first null is because we're not going to create an output file in // this method // second null means signature will be created in memory, not in a temporary file //TODO : force version to 1.7 when PAdES enhanced or LTV ? Doesn't it break existing signatures ? Adobe Pro X doesn't change PDF version, and produces documents with for instance PdfVersion=1.4 and extension.BaseVersion=1.7 ... PdfStamper stp = PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, fout, '\0', tmpFile, parameters.isCreateNewRevision()); boolean isPadesEnhancedLevel = false; // PAdES v3 : extension dictionary PAdESParameters padesParams = parameters.getPadesParameters(); isPadesEnhancedLevel = padesParams!=null && padesParams.isPadesEnhancedLevel(); if(isPadesEnhancedLevel) stp.addDeveloperExtension(new PdfDeveloperExtension(new PdfName("ESIC"), PdfWriter.PDF_VERSION_1_7, 2)); // Adobe Pro X seems to add <</ADBE<</BaseVersion/1.7/ExtensionLevel 8>>>> PdfSignatureAppearance sap = stp.getSignatureAppearance(); String signatureName = parameters.getSignatureName(); if(signatureName != null && signatureName.length() == 0) signatureName = null; if(signatureName!=null) { if(!parameters.isSignatureAlreadyExists() && reader.getAcroFields().getField(signatureName)!=null) throw new SPIIllegalDataException("A PDF field with the same name (%1$s) already exists in the document", signatureName); sap.setFieldName(signatureName); } if (parameters.isSignatureAlreadyExists()) { //FIXME : check that the new signature conforms to 'seed values' for this field if(signatureName==null) throw new SPIIllegalDataException("Already existing signatures cannot have empty signature names"); AcroFields af = reader.getAcroFields(); AcroFields.Item item = af.getFieldItem(signatureName); if (item == null) throw new SPIIllegalDataException("The field %1$s does not exist.",signatureName); PdfDictionary merged = item.getMerged(0); if(merged.get(PdfName.V)!=null) throw new SPIIllegalDataException("The field %1$s is not empty.",signatureName); sap.setVisibleSignature(signatureName); } sap.setCertificationLevel(parameters.getCertifLevel()); if (parameters.isVisible()) { // This means SignatureLayoutParameters is not null log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Visible signature"); SignatureLayoutParameters signatureLayoutParameters = parameters.getSignatureLayoutParameters(); if (!parameters.isSignatureAlreadyExists()) { // bottom left point float x1 = signatureLayoutParameters.getX1(); float y1 = signatureLayoutParameters.getY1(); // upper right float x2 = signatureLayoutParameters.getX2(); float y2 = signatureLayoutParameters.getY2(); int pageNbr = signatureLayoutParameters.getPageNbr(); if (reader.getNumberOfPages() < pageNbr || pageNbr <= 0) throw new SPIIllegalDataException("Invalid page number: %1$s", pageNbr); // check that the signature rectangle is contained in the page if (enablePositionCheck) checkSignaturePosition(reader, x1, y1, x2, y2, pageNbr); sap.setVisibleSignature(new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2), pageNbr, signatureName); } String description = signatureLayoutParameters.getDescription(); if (description != null) sap.setLayer2Text(description); else if(signerCert==null) throw new SPIIllegalArgumentException("No description and no signer certificate provided. Default description cannot be created."); sap.setRunDirection(signatureLayoutParameters.getRunDirection()); byte[] backgroundImage = signatureLayoutParameters.getBackgroundImage(); if(backgroundImage!=null && backgroundImage.length > 0) { Image itextBackgroundImage; try { itextBackgroundImage = Image.getInstance(backgroundImage); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SPIIllegalDataException("Failed parsing PDF background image: "+e.getMessage(), e); } sap.setImage(itextBackgroundImage); sap.setImageScale(signatureLayoutParameters.getBackgroundImageScale()); } int sigRenderMode = signatureLayoutParameters.getSigRenderMode(); byte[] signatureImage = null; if(sigRenderMode==PdfSignatureAppearance.SignatureRenderGraphicAndDescription) { signatureImage = signatureLayoutParameters.getSignatureImage(); if(signatureImage!=null && signatureImage.length > 0) { Image itextImage; try { itextImage = Image.getInstance(signatureImage); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SPIIllegalDataException("Failed parsing PDF signature image: "+e.getMessage(), e); } sap.setSignatureGraphic(itextImage); } else throw new SPIIllegalDataException("Cannot use graphic+description signature render mode without providing a graphic"); } else if(sigRenderMode==PdfSignatureAppearance.SignatureRenderNameAndDescription) { if(signerCert==null) throw new SPIIllegalArgumentException("Cannot use name+description signature render mode without providing the signer certificate"); } sap.setAcro6Layers(true); sap.setRender(sigRenderMode); int fontFamily = signatureLayoutParameters.getFontFamily(); int fontStyle = signatureLayoutParameters.getFontStyle(); float fontSize= signatureLayoutParameters.getFontSize(); Color fontColor = signatureLayoutParameters.getFontColor(); if(parameters.isKeepPDFACompliance()) { // Test if images with transparency are used, which would break PDF/A compliance if(backgroundImage!=null) { BufferedImage bi = ByteArrayInputStream(backgroundImage)); if(bi.getTransparency()!=Transparency.OPAQUE) throw new SPIIllegalArgumentException("Cannot use background image with transparency when trying to keep PDF/A compliance"); } if(signatureImage!=null) { BufferedImage bi = ByteArrayInputStream(signatureImage)); if(bi.getTransparency()!=Transparency.OPAQUE) throw new SPIIllegalArgumentException("Cannot use signature image with transparency when trying to keep PDF/A compliance"); } // Embed a look-alike font //TODO : see if we could reuse an embedded font instead of a replacement (embedded fully OR with all the characters we need), see PDFFontHelper String replacementFont = "dejavusans"; // fontFamily==Font.HELVETICA if(fontFamily==Font.COURIER) replacementFont = "dejavusansmono"; else if(fontFamily==Font.TIMES_ROMAN) replacementFont = "dejavuserif"; //TODO : no 'SYMBOL' or 'ZAPFDINGBATS' replacement, using 'dejavusans' /*for (String f : (Set<String>)FontFactory.getRegisteredFonts()) { System.out.println("registered font : "+f);; }*/ Font font = FontFactory.getFont(replacementFont, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, fontSize, fontStyle, fontColor); sap.setLayer2Font(font); } else { sap.setLayer2Font(new Font(fontFamily,fontSize,fontStyle, fontColor)); } } else { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Invisible signature"); } // seems only useful for visible signatures when no layer2Text (description) has been set. And in this case only certs is used sap.setCrypto(null, new Certificate[] {signerCert}, null, null); String reason = parameters.getReason(); String location = parameters.getLocation(); String contact = parameters.getContact(); PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(); dic.put(PdfName.FT, PdfName.SIG); dic.put(PdfName.FILTER, parameters.getFilter()); if(isPadesEnhancedLevel) dic.put(PdfName.SUBFILTER, new PdfName(PDFEnvelopedSignature.SF_ETSI_CADES_DETACHED)); else dic.put(PdfName.SUBFILTER, PdfName.ADBE_PKCS7_DETACHED); dic.put(PdfName.M, new PdfDate(presignDate)); // We do not add a dic.put(PdfName.NAME, "XXX")) because it should only // be used when "it is not possible to extract the name from the // signature" (PDF reference), which is not the case here //if (!StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(location)) if (location != null && location.length() > 0) dic.put(PdfName.LOCATION, new PdfString(location, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE)); // sap.setLocation doesn't work if a criptodictionary is specified if (reason != null && reason.length() > 0) dic.put(PdfName.REASON, new PdfString(reason, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE)); // sap.setReason doesn't work if a criptodictionary is specified if (contact != null && contact.length() > 0) dic.put(PdfName.CONTACTINFO, new PdfString(contact, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE)); // sap.setContact doesn't work if a criptodictionary is specified PdfDictionary buildDic = new PdfDictionary(); PdfDictionary buildDataDic = new PdfDictionary(); buildDataDic.put(new PdfName("Name"), parameters.getFilter()); buildDic.put(new PdfName("Filter"), buildDataDic); buildDataDic = new PdfDictionary(); buildDataDic.put(new PdfName("Name"), new PdfName(PRODUCED_BY)); //TODO : see if version can be retrieved from com.opentrust.spi.securityserver.install.ProductInfo //TODO : see if we can also add SPI platform ID //buildDataDic.put(new PdfName("REx"), new PdfString("2.2.1", PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE)); buildDic.put(new PdfName("App"), buildDataDic); dic.put(new PdfName("Prop_Build"), buildDic); if (parameters.getCertifLevel() > 0) { // By changing TRANSFORMMETHOD parameters and the transformparams // dictionary, it is possible to sign parts only of the document. // See TransformMethod = DocMDP, UR, FieldMDP or Identity in PDF reference // we only use DocMDP for now PdfDictionary transformParams = new PdfDictionary(); transformParams.put(PdfName.P, new PdfNumber(parameters.getCertifLevel())); transformParams.put(PdfName.V, new PdfName("1.2")); // 1.2 is the default value for the "DocMDP transform parameters dictionary version". "1.2" is the value to be used for PDF 1.5 and later transformParams.put(PdfName.TYPE, PdfName.TRANSFORMPARAMS); PdfDictionary reference = new PdfDictionary(); reference.put(PdfName.TRANSFORMMETHOD, PdfName.DOCMDP); reference.put(PdfName.TYPE, PdfName.SIGREF); reference.put(PdfName.TRANSFORMPARAMS, transformParams); PdfArray types = new PdfArray(); types.add(reference); dic.put(PdfName.REFERENCE, types); } sap.setCryptoDictionary(dic); sap.setSignDate(presignDate); LinkedHashMap exc = new LinkedHashMap(); //TODO implement content size calculation base on CRL size (and OCSP response size) int content_size = CONTENT_SIZE; if(parameters.getSignatureContainerSize()>0) content_size = parameters.getSignatureContainerSize(); int ts_size = TIMESTAMP_SIZE; if(parameters.getTimeStampContainerSize()>0) ts_size = parameters.getTimeStampContainerSize(); if(parameters.isAllocateTimeStampContainer() || parameters.getTimeStampParams()!=null) { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "adding %1$s to content_size(%2$s) because of timestamping", ts_size, content_size); content_size += ts_size; } int hexblock_size = content_size*2+2; log.debug(Channel.TECH, "Prepared signing with content_size=%1$s bytes (%2$s real bytes once hex-encoded)", content_size, hexblock_size); exc.put(PdfName.CONTENTS, new Integer(hexblock_size)); sap.preClose(exc); if(log.isDebugEnabled(Channel.TECH)) { log.debug(Channel.TECH, "PDF Prepared for signature. ByteRange is %1$s", Arrays.toString(sap.getRange())); } return stp; } private static void checkSignaturePosition(PdfReader reader, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int pageNbr) throws Exception { Rectangle pageRectangle = reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(pageNbr); Rectangle signatureRectangle = new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (!pageRectangle.contains(signatureRectangle)) { SPIIllegalDataException exception = new SPIIllegalDataException( "pikachu was here Given signature rectangle %s doesn't fit into page rectangle: %s", signatureRectangle.getCoordinates(), pageRectangle.getCoordinates()); throw exception; } } public static class SignResult { private final byte[] encodedPkcs7; private final TimestampToken timestampToken; public SignResult(byte[] encodedPkcs7, TimestampToken timestampToken) { this.encodedPkcs7 = encodedPkcs7; this.timestampToken = timestampToken; } public byte[] getEncodedPkcs7() { return encodedPkcs7; } public TimestampToken getTimestampToken() { return timestampToken; } } public static class SignReturn { private final TimestampToken timestampToken; private final byte[] pkcs7SignatureValue; private final String signatureName; public SignReturn(String signatureName, byte[] pkcs7SignatureValue, TimestampToken timestampToken) { super(); this.signatureName = signatureName; this.pkcs7SignatureValue=pkcs7SignatureValue; this.timestampToken=timestampToken; } /** * null if no timestamp was added */ public TimestampToken getTimestampToken() { return timestampToken; } public byte[] getPkcs7SignatureValue() { return pkcs7SignatureValue; } public String getSignatureName() { return signatureName; } } public static class PresignReturn { private InputStream dataToSign; private final String signatureName; private byte[] hashToSign; private final PdfSignatureAppearance pdfSignatureAppearance; public PresignReturn(InputStream dataToSign, String signatureName) { this(dataToSign, signatureName, null); } public PresignReturn(InputStream dataToSign, String signatureName, PdfSignatureAppearance pdfSignatureAppearance) { super(); this.dataToSign = dataToSign; this.signatureName = signatureName; this.pdfSignatureAppearance = pdfSignatureAppearance; } public InputStream getDataToSign() { return dataToSign; } public String getSignatureName() { return signatureName; } public byte[] getHashToSign() { return hashToSign; } public void setHashToSign(byte[] hashToSign) { this.hashToSign = hashToSign; } public PdfSignatureAppearance getPdfSignatureAppearance() { return pdfSignatureAppearance; } } public static class PresignReturnForRawSignature { private final String signatureName; private final byte[] hashToSign; private final byte[] encodedPkcs7WithoutSignature; public PresignReturnForRawSignature(byte[] hashToSign, byte[] encodedPkcs7WithoutSignature, String signatureName) { super(); this.hashToSign = hashToSign; this.encodedPkcs7WithoutSignature = encodedPkcs7WithoutSignature; this.signatureName = signatureName; } public String getSignatureName() { return signatureName; } public byte[] getHashToSign() { return hashToSign; } public byte[] getEncodedPkcs7WithoutSignature() { return encodedPkcs7WithoutSignature; } } /** * Flatten a PDF document (convert cryptographic signature field into flat image). * * @param pdfIs input stream containing the PDF document. The Stream is read to the end but not closed. * @param flattenPdfOs output stream containing the flattened PDF document * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException */ public static void flattenPdf(InputStream pdfIs, OutputStream flattenPdfOs) throws IOException, DocumentException { PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(pdfIs); PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, flattenPdfOs); pdfStamper.setFormFlattening(true); pdfStamper.close(); pdfReader.close(); } }