package org.timepedia.exporter.client.test; /** * Class used to run assert-equals in Jsni tests. * * This class is packet with gwt-exporter so as we can use it either * in tests and samples modules. * * @author manolo */ public class JsTestUtil { public final String name; public JsTestUtil(Class<?> clz) { = clz.getName().replaceAll("^.+\\.", ""); } private String failed = ""; public boolean isFailed() { return !failed.isEmpty(); } public String getFailed() { return failed; } private native <T> void print(T s) /*-{ if ($wnd.console && $wnd.console.log) { $wnd.console.log(s); } else { $wnd.alert(s); } }-*/; private native <T> String arrToStr(T o) /*-{ var ret = ''; for ( var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) ret += (i > 0 ? "," : "") + String(o[i]); return ret; }-*/; /** * Checks that both parameters have the same string representation. * * In case of arrays, it converts them to a comma separated string. * In case of numbers, it removes .0 part. * In case of classNames it compares just the unqualified name of the class. */ public void assertEquals(Object a, Object b) { String sb = (b != null && b.toString().matches(".*(Array|\\[).*")) ? arrToStr(b) : b == null ? "null" : b.toString(); String ss = ""; while (!ss.equals(sb)) { ss = sb; sb = sb.replaceAll("(^|,)[^,]+[\\$\\.]([A-Z][\\w]+)\\$*(,|$)", "$1$2$3"); } sb = sb.replaceAll("\\.0+([^\\d])", "$1"); if (a == null && b == null || a != null && a.toString().equals(sb.toString())) { print("OK -> " + sb); } else { String btype = (b != null ? b.getClass().getName() : String.valueOf(b)); String amsg = a == null ? "" : ("[" + a.getClass().getName() + "] " + a + " <=> [" + btype + "] "); String msg = "ERROR -> " + amsg + sb; print(msg); failed += (failed.isEmpty() ? "" : "\n") + msg; } } public void assertEqualsNumber(double a, double b) { if (a == b) { print("OK -> " + a); } else { String msg = "ERROR -> " + a + " <=> " + b; failed += (failed.isEmpty() ? "" : "\n") + msg; } } }