package com.orientechnologies.orient.graph.sql; import com.orientechnologies.common.profiler.OProfiler; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.Orient; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.OIdentifiable; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OCommandExecutionException; import; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchemaProxy; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.query.OSQLSynchQuery; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class OMatchStatementExecutionTest { private static String DB_STORAGE = "memory"; private static String DB_NAME = "OMatchStatementExecutionTest"; static ODatabaseDocumentTx db; @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { db = new ODatabaseDocumentTx(DB_STORAGE + ":" + DB_NAME); db.create(); getProfilerInstance().startRecording(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class Person extends V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class Friend extends E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX Person set name = 'n1'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX Person set name = 'n2'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX Person set name = 'n3'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX Person set name = 'n4'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX Person set name = 'n5'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX Person set name = 'n6'")).execute(); String[][] friendList = new String[][] { { "n1", "n2" }, { "n1", "n3" }, { "n2", "n4" }, { "n4", "n5" }, { "n4", "n6" } }; for (String[] pair : friendList) { db.command( new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE Friend from (select from Person where name = ?) to (select from Person where name = ?)")) .execute(pair[0], pair[1]); } db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class MathOp extends V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX MathOp set a = 1, b = 3, c = 2")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX MathOp set a = 5, b = 3, c = 2")).execute(); initOrgChart(); initTriangleTest(); initEdgeIndexTest(); initDiamondTest(); } private static void initEdgeIndexTest() { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class IndexedVertex extends V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE property IndexedVertex.uid INTEGER")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE index IndexedVertex_uid on IndexedVertex (uid) NOTUNIQUE")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class IndexedEdge extends E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE property IndexedEdge.out LINK")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE property LINK")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE index IndexedEdge_out_in on IndexedEdge (out, in) NOTUNIQUE")).execute(); int nodes = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++) { ODocument doc = new ODocument("IndexedVertex"); doc.field("uid", i);; } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE IndexedEDGE FROM (SELECT FROM IndexedVertex WHERE uid = 0) TO (SELECT FROM IndexedVertex WHERE uid > " + ( i * nodes / 100) + " and uid <" + ((i + 1) * nodes / 100) + ")")).execute(); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE IndexedEDGE FROM (SELECT FROM IndexedVertex WHERE uid > " + ((i * nodes / 100) + 1) + " and uid < " + ( ((i + 1) * nodes / 100) + 1) + ") TO (SELECT FROM IndexedVertex WHERE uid = 1)")).execute(); } } private static void initOrgChart() { // ______ [manager] department _______ // _____ (employees in department)____ // ___________________________________ // ___________________________________ // ____________[a]0___________________ // _____________(p1)__________________ // _____________/___\_________________ // ____________/_____\________________ // ___________/_______\_______________ // _______[b]1_________2[d]___________ // ______(p2, p3)_____(p4, p5)________ // _________/_\_________/_\___________ // ________3___4_______5___6__________ // ______(p6)_(p7)___(p8)__(p9)_______ // ______/__\_________________________ // __[c]7_____8_______________________ // __(p10)___(p11)____________________ // ___/_______________________________ // __9________________________________ // (p12, p13)_________________________ // // short description: // Department 0 is the company itself, "a" is the CEO // p10 works at department 7, his manager is "c" // p12 works at department 9, this department has no direct manager, so p12's manager is c (the upper manager) db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class Employee extends V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class Department extends V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class ParentDepartment extends E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class WorksAt extends E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class ManagerOf extends E")).execute(); int[][] deptHierarchy = new int[10][]; deptHierarchy[0] = new int[] { 1, 2 }; deptHierarchy[1] = new int[] { 3, 4 }; deptHierarchy[2] = new int[] { 5, 6 }; deptHierarchy[3] = new int[] { 7, 8 }; deptHierarchy[4] = new int[] {}; deptHierarchy[5] = new int[] {}; deptHierarchy[6] = new int[] {}; deptHierarchy[7] = new int[] { 9 }; deptHierarchy[8] = new int[] {}; deptHierarchy[9] = new int[] {}; String[] deptManagers = { "a", "b", "d", null, null, null, null, "c", null, null }; String[][] employees = new String[10][]; employees[0] = new String[] { "p1" }; employees[1] = new String[] { "p2", "p3" }; employees[2] = new String[] { "p4", "p5" }; employees[3] = new String[] { "p6" }; employees[4] = new String[] { "p7" }; employees[5] = new String[] { "p8" }; employees[6] = new String[] { "p9" }; employees[7] = new String[] { "p10" }; employees[8] = new String[] { "p11" }; employees[9] = new String[] { "p12", "p13" }; for (int i = 0; i < deptHierarchy.length; i++) { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX Department set name = 'department" + i + "' ")).execute(); } for (int parent = 0; parent < deptHierarchy.length; parent++) { int[] children = deptHierarchy[parent]; for (int child : children) { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE ParentDepartment from (select from Department where name = 'department" + child + "') to (select from Department where name = 'department" + parent + "') ")).execute(); } } for (int dept = 0; dept < deptManagers.length; dept++) { String manager = deptManagers[dept]; if (manager != null) { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE Vertex Employee set name = '" + manager + "' ")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE ManagerOf from (select from Employee where name = '" + manager + "" + "') to (select from Department where name = 'department" + dept + "') ")).execute(); } } for (int dept = 0; dept < employees.length; dept++) { String[] employeesForDept = employees[dept]; for (String employee : employeesForDept) { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE Vertex Employee set name = '" + employee + "' ")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE WorksAt from (select from Employee where name = '" + employee + "" + "') to (select from Department where name = 'department" + dept + "') ")).execute(); } } } private static void initTriangleTest() { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class TriangleV extends V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE property TriangleV.uid INTEGER")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE index TriangleV_uid on TriangleV (uid) UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class TriangleE extends E")).execute(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX TriangleV set uid = ?")).execute(i); } int[][] edges = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 4 }, { 3, 4 }, { 3, 5 }, { 4, 0 }, { 4, 7 }, { 6, 7 }, { 7, 8 }, { 7, 9 }, { 8, 9 }, { 9, 1 }, { 8, 3 }, { 8, 4 } }; for (int[] edge : edges) { db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE TriangleE from (select from TriangleV where uid = ?) to (select from TriangleV where uid = ?)")) .execute(edge[0], edge[1]); } } private static void initDiamondTest() { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class DiamondV extends V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE class DiamondE extends E")).execute(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX DiamondV set uid = ?")).execute(i); } int[][] edges = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } }; for (int[] edge : edges) { db.command( new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE DiamondE from (select from DiamondV where uid = ?) to (select from DiamondV where uid = ?)")) .execute(edge[0], edge[1]); } } @AfterClass public static void afterClass() throws Exception { if (db.isClosed()) {"admin", "admin"); } // db.command(new OCommandSQL("drop class foo")).execute(); // db.getMetadata().getSchema().reload(); db.close(); } @Test public void testSimple() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL("match {class:Person, as: person} return person")).execute(); assertEquals(6, qResult.size()); for (ODocument doc : qResult) { assertTrue(doc.fieldNames().length == 1); OIdentifiable personId = doc.field("person"); ODocument person = personId.getRecord(); String name = person.field("name"); assertTrue(name.startsWith("n")); } } @Test public void testSimpleWhere() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("match {class:Person, as: person, where: (name = 'n1' or name = 'n2')} return person")).execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); for (ODocument doc : qResult) { assertTrue(doc.fieldNames().length == 1); OIdentifiable personId = doc.field("person"); ODocument person = personId.getRecord(); String name = person.field("name"); assertTrue(name.equals("n1") || name.equals("n2")); } } @Test public void testSimpleLimit() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("match {class:Person, as: person, where: (name = 'n1' or name = 'n2')} return person limit 1")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testSimpleLimit2() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("match {class:Person, as: person, where: (name = 'n1' or name = 'n2')} return person limit -1")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testSimpleLimit3() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("match {class:Person, as: person, where: (name = 'n1' or name = 'n2')} return person limit 3")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testSimpleUnnamedParams() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("match {class:Person, as: person, where: (name = ? or name = ?)} return person")) .execute("n1", "n2"); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); for (ODocument doc : qResult) { assertTrue(doc.fieldNames().length == 1); OIdentifiable personId = doc.field("person"); ODocument person = personId.getRecord(); String name = person.field("name"); assertTrue(name.equals("n1") || name.equals("n2")); } } @Test public void testCommonFriends() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.both('Friend'){as:friend}.both('Friend'){class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return $matches)")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testCommonFriendsArrows() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend-{as:friend}-Friend-{class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return $matches)")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testCommonFriends2() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.both('Friend'){as:friend}.both('Friend'){class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return as name")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testCommonFriends2Arrows() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend-{as:friend}-Friend-{class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return as name")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testReturnMethod() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.both('Friend'){as:friend}.both('Friend'){class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return as name")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("N2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testReturnMethodArrows() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend-{as:friend}-Friend-{class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return as name")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("N2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testReturnExpression() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.both('Friend'){as:friend}.both('Friend'){class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return + ' ' as name")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2 n2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testReturnExpressionArrows() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend-{as:friend}-Friend-{class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return + ' ' as name")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2 n2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testReturnDefaultAlias() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.both('Friend'){as:friend}.both('Friend'){class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2", qResult.get(0).field("friend_name")); } @Test public void testReturnDefaultAliasArrows() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend-{as:friend}-Friend-{class: Person, where:(name = 'n4')} return")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2", qResult.get(0).field("friend_name")); } @Test public void testFriendsOfFriends() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend').out('Friend'){as:friend} return $matches)")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n4", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testFriendsOfFriendsArrows() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend->{}-Friend->{as:friend} return $matches)")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n4", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testFriendsOfFriends2() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1'), as: me}.both('Friend').both('Friend'){as:friend, where: ($ != $currentMatch)} return $matches)")) .execute(); for (ODocument doc : qResult) { assertNotEquals(doc.field("name"), "n1"); } } @Test public void testFriendsOfFriends2Arrows() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1'), as: me}-Friend-{}-Friend-{as:friend, where: ($ != $currentMatch)} return $matches)")) .execute(); for (ODocument doc : qResult) { assertNotEquals(doc.field("name"), "n1"); } } @Test public void testFriendsWithName() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1' and 1 + 1 = 2)}.out('Friend'){as:friend, where:(name = 'n2' and 1 + 1 = 2)} return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testFriendsWithNameArrows() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1' and 1 + 1 = 2)}-Friend->{as:friend, where:(name = 'n2' and 1 + 1 = 2)} return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testWhile() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, while: ($depth < 1)} return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(3, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, while: ($depth < 2), where: ($depth=1) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, while: ($depth < 4), where: ($depth=1) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, while: (true) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(6, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, while: (true) } return friend limit 3)")) .execute(); assertEquals(3, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, while: (true) } return friend) limit 3")) .execute(); assertEquals(3, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testWhileArrows() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend->{as:friend, while: ($depth < 1)} return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(3, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend->{as:friend, while: ($depth < 2), where: ($depth=1) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend->{as:friend, while: ($depth < 4), where: ($depth=1) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend->{as:friend, while: (true) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(6, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testMaxDepth() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, maxDepth: 1, where: ($depth=1) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, maxDepth: 1 } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(3, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, maxDepth: 0 } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}.out('Friend'){as:friend, maxDepth: 1, where: ($depth > 0) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testMaxDepthArrow() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend->{as:friend, maxDepth: 1, where: ($depth=1) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend->{as:friend, maxDepth: 1 } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(3, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend->{as:friend, maxDepth: 0 } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "select as name from (match {class:Person, where:(name = 'n1')}-Friend->{as:friend, maxDepth: 1, where: ($depth > 0) } return friend)")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testManager() { // the manager of a person is the manager of the department that person belongs to. // if that department does not have a direct manager, climb up the hierarchy until you find one assertEquals("c", getManager("p10").field("name")); assertEquals("c", getManager("p12").field("name")); assertEquals("b", getManager("p6").field("name")); assertEquals("b", getManager("p11").field("name")); assertEquals("c", getManagerArrows("p10").field("name")); assertEquals("c", getManagerArrows("p12").field("name")); assertEquals("b", getManagerArrows("p6").field("name")); assertEquals("b", getManagerArrows("p11").field("name")); } private ODocument getManager(String personName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select expand(manager) from ("); query.append(" match {class:Employee, where: (name = '" + personName + "')}"); query.append(" .out('WorksAt')"); query.append(" .out('ParentDepartment'){"); query.append(" while: (in('ManagerOf').size() == 0),"); query.append(" where: (in('ManagerOf').size() > 0)"); query.append(" }"); query.append(" .in('ManagerOf'){as: manager}"); query.append(" return manager"); query.append(")"); List<OIdentifiable> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); return qResult.get(0).getRecord(); } private ODocument getManagerArrows(String personName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select expand(manager) from ("); query.append(" match {class:Employee, where: (name = '" + personName + "')}"); query.append(" -WorksAt->{}-ParentDepartment->{"); query.append(" while: (in('ManagerOf').size() == 0),"); query.append(" where: (in('ManagerOf').size() > 0)"); query.append(" }<-ManagerOf-{as: manager}"); query.append(" return manager"); query.append(")"); List<OIdentifiable> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); return qResult.get(0).getRecord(); } @Test public void testManager2() { // the manager of a person is the manager of the department that person belongs to. // if that department does not have a direct manager, climb up the hierarchy until you find one assertEquals("c", getManager2("p10").field("name")); assertEquals("c", getManager2("p12").field("name")); assertEquals("b", getManager2("p6").field("name")); assertEquals("b", getManager2("p11").field("name")); assertEquals("c", getManager2Arrows("p10").field("name")); assertEquals("c", getManager2Arrows("p12").field("name")); assertEquals("b", getManager2Arrows("p6").field("name")); assertEquals("b", getManager2Arrows("p11").field("name")); } private ODocument getManager2(String personName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select expand(manager) from ("); query.append(" match {class:Employee, where: (name = '" + personName + "')}"); query.append(" .( out('WorksAt')"); query.append(" .out('ParentDepartment'){"); query.append(" while: (in('ManagerOf').size() == 0),"); query.append(" where: (in('ManagerOf').size() > 0)"); query.append(" }"); query.append(" )"); query.append(" .in('ManagerOf'){as: manager}"); query.append(" return manager"); query.append(")"); List<OIdentifiable> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); return qResult.get(0).getRecord(); } private ODocument getManager2Arrows(String personName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select expand(manager) from ("); query.append(" match {class:Employee, where: (name = '" + personName + "')}"); query.append(" .( -WorksAt->{}-ParentDepartment->{"); query.append(" while: (in('ManagerOf').size() == 0),"); query.append(" where: (in('ManagerOf').size() > 0)"); query.append(" }"); query.append(" )<-ManagerOf-{as: manager}"); query.append(" return manager"); query.append(")"); List<OIdentifiable> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); return qResult.get(0).getRecord(); } @Test public void testManaged() { // people managed by a manager are people who belong to his department or people who belong to sub-departments without a manager List<OIdentifiable> managedByA = getManagedBy("a"); assertEquals(1, managedByA.size()); assertEquals("p1", ((ODocument) managedByA.get(0).getRecord()).field("name")); List<OIdentifiable> managedByB = getManagedBy("b"); assertEquals(5, managedByB.size()); Set<String> expectedNames = new HashSet<String>(); expectedNames.add("p2"); expectedNames.add("p3"); expectedNames.add("p6"); expectedNames.add("p7"); expectedNames.add("p11"); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (OIdentifiable id : managedByB) { ODocument doc = id.getRecord(); String name = doc.field("name"); names.add(name); } assertEquals(expectedNames, names); } private List<OIdentifiable> getManagedBy(String managerName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select expand(managed) from ("); query.append(" match {class:Employee, where: (name = '" + managerName + "')}"); query.append(" .out('ManagerOf')"); query.append(" .in('ParentDepartment'){"); query.append(" while: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0),"); query.append(" where: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0)"); query.append(" }"); query.append(" .in('WorksAt'){as: managed}"); query.append(" return managed"); query.append(")"); return db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); } @Test public void testManagedArrows() { // people managed by a manager are people who belong to his department or people who belong to sub-departments without a manager List<OIdentifiable> managedByA = getManagedByArrows("a"); assertEquals(1, managedByA.size()); assertEquals("p1", ((ODocument) managedByA.get(0).getRecord()).field("name")); List<OIdentifiable> managedByB = getManagedByArrows("b"); assertEquals(5, managedByB.size()); Set<String> expectedNames = new HashSet<String>(); expectedNames.add("p2"); expectedNames.add("p3"); expectedNames.add("p6"); expectedNames.add("p7"); expectedNames.add("p11"); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (OIdentifiable id : managedByB) { ODocument doc = id.getRecord(); String name = doc.field("name"); names.add(name); } assertEquals(expectedNames, names); } private List<OIdentifiable> getManagedByArrows(String managerName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select expand(managed) from ("); query.append(" match {class:Employee, where: (name = '" + managerName + "')}"); query.append(" -ManagerOf->{}<-ParentDepartment-{"); query.append(" while: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0),"); query.append(" where: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0)"); query.append(" }<-WorksAt-{as: managed}"); query.append(" return managed"); query.append(")"); return db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); } @Test public void testManaged2() { // people managed by a manager are people who belong to his department or people who belong to sub-departments without a manager List<OIdentifiable> managedByA = getManagedBy2("a"); assertEquals(1, managedByA.size()); assertEquals("p1", ((ODocument) managedByA.get(0).getRecord()).field("name")); List<OIdentifiable> managedByB = getManagedBy2("b"); assertEquals(5, managedByB.size()); Set<String> expectedNames = new HashSet<String>(); expectedNames.add("p2"); expectedNames.add("p3"); expectedNames.add("p6"); expectedNames.add("p7"); expectedNames.add("p11"); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (OIdentifiable id : managedByB) { ODocument doc = id.getRecord(); String name = doc.field("name"); names.add(name); } assertEquals(expectedNames, names); } private List<OIdentifiable> getManagedBy2(String managerName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select expand(managed) from ("); query.append(" match {class:Employee, where: (name = '" + managerName + "')}"); query.append(" .out('ManagerOf')"); query.append(" .(inE('ParentDepartment').outV()){"); query.append(" while: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0),"); query.append(" where: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0)"); query.append(" }"); query.append(" .in('WorksAt'){as: managed}"); query.append(" return managed"); query.append(")"); return db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); } @Test public void testManaged2Arrows() { // people managed by a manager are people who belong to his department or people who belong to sub-departments without a manager List<OIdentifiable> managedByA = getManagedBy2Arrows("a"); assertEquals(1, managedByA.size()); assertEquals("p1", ((ODocument) managedByA.get(0).getRecord()).field("name")); List<OIdentifiable> managedByB = getManagedBy2Arrows("b"); assertEquals(5, managedByB.size()); Set<String> expectedNames = new HashSet<String>(); expectedNames.add("p2"); expectedNames.add("p3"); expectedNames.add("p6"); expectedNames.add("p7"); expectedNames.add("p11"); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (OIdentifiable id : managedByB) { ODocument doc = id.getRecord(); String name = doc.field("name"); names.add(name); } assertEquals(expectedNames, names); } private List<OIdentifiable> getManagedBy2Arrows(String managerName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select expand(managed) from ("); query.append(" match {class:Employee, where: (name = '" + managerName + "')}"); query.append(" -ManagerOf->{}"); query.append(" .(inE('ParentDepartment').outV()){"); query.append(" while: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0),"); query.append(" where: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0)"); query.append(" }<-WorksAt-{as: managed}"); query.append(" return managed"); query.append(")"); return db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); } @Test public void testTriangle1() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where: (uid = 0)}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend2}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend3},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend3}"); query.append("return $matches"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testTriangle1Arrows() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where: (uid = 0)} -TriangleE-> {as: friend2} -TriangleE-> {as: friend3},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1} -TriangleE-> {as: friend3}"); query.append("return $matches"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testTriangle2Old() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){class:TriangleV, as: friend2, where: (uid = 1)}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend3},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend3}"); query.append("return $matches"); List<ODocument> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc = result.get(0); ODocument friend1 = ((OIdentifiable) doc.field("friend1")).getRecord(); ODocument friend2 = ((OIdentifiable) doc.field("friend2")).getRecord(); ODocument friend3 = ((OIdentifiable) doc.field("friend3")).getRecord(); assertEquals(0, friend1.field("uid")); assertEquals(1, friend2.field("uid")); assertEquals(2, friend3.field("uid")); } @Test public void testTriangle2() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){class:TriangleV, as: friend2, where: (uid = 1)}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend3},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend3}"); query.append("return $patterns"); List<ODocument> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc = result.get(0); ODocument friend1 = ((OIdentifiable) doc.field("friend1")).getRecord(); ODocument friend2 = ((OIdentifiable) doc.field("friend2")).getRecord(); ODocument friend3 = ((OIdentifiable) doc.field("friend3")).getRecord(); assertEquals(0, friend1.field("uid")); assertEquals(1, friend2.field("uid")); assertEquals(2, friend3.field("uid")); } @Test public void testTriangle2Arrows() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" -TriangleE->{class:TriangleV, as: friend2, where: (uid = 1)}"); query.append(" -TriangleE->{as: friend3},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" -TriangleE->{as: friend3}"); query.append("return $matches"); List<ODocument> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc = result.get(0); ODocument friend1 = ((OIdentifiable) doc.field("friend1")).getRecord(); ODocument friend2 = ((OIdentifiable) doc.field("friend2")).getRecord(); ODocument friend3 = ((OIdentifiable) doc.field("friend3")).getRecord(); assertEquals(0, friend1.field("uid")); assertEquals(1, friend2.field("uid")); assertEquals(2, friend3.field("uid")); } @Test public void testTriangle3() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" -TriangleE->{as: friend2}"); query.append(" -TriangleE->{as: friend3, where: (uid = 2)},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" -TriangleE->{as: friend3}"); query.append("return $matches"); List<ODocument> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testTriangle4() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend2, where: (uid = 1)}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend3},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" .out('TriangleE'){as: friend3}"); query.append("return $matches"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testTriangle4Arrows() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" -TriangleE->{as: friend2, where: (uid = 1)}"); query.append(" -TriangleE->{as: friend3},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" -TriangleE->{as: friend3}"); query.append("return $matches"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testTriangleWithEdges4() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" .outE('TriangleE').inV(){as: friend2, where: (uid = 1)}"); query.append(" .outE('TriangleE').inV(){as: friend3},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1}"); query.append(" .outE('TriangleE').inV(){as: friend3}"); query.append("return $matches"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testCartesianProduct() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where:(uid = 1)},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend2, where:(uid = 2 or uid = 3)}"); query.append("return $matches"); List<OIdentifiable> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(2, result.size()); for (OIdentifiable d : result) { assertEquals(((ODocument) ((ODocument) d.getRecord()).field("friend1")).field("uid"), 1); } } @Test public void testCartesianProductLimit() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where:(uid = 1)},"); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend2, where:(uid = 2 or uid = 3)}"); query.append("return $matches LIMIT 1"); List<OIdentifiable> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); for (OIdentifiable d : result) { assertEquals(((ODocument) ((ODocument) d.getRecord()).field("friend1")).field("uid"), 1); } } @Test public void testArrayNumber() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where: (uid = 0)}"); query.append("return friend1.out('TriangleE')[0] as foo"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc = (ODocument) result.get(0); Object foo = doc.field("foo"); assertNotNull(foo); assertTrue(foo instanceof Vertex); } @Test public void testArraySingleSelectors2() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where: (uid = 0)}"); query.append("return friend1.out('TriangleE')[0,1] as foo"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc = (ODocument) result.get(0); Object foo = doc.field("foo"); assertNotNull(foo); assertTrue(foo instanceof List); assertEquals(2, ((List) foo).size()); } @Test public void testArrayRangeSelectors1() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where: (uid = 0)}"); query.append("return friend1.out('TriangleE')[0-1] as foo"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc = (ODocument) result.get(0); Object foo = doc.field("foo"); assertNotNull(foo); assertTrue(foo instanceof List); assertEquals(1, ((List) foo).size()); } @Test public void testArrayRange2() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where: (uid = 0)}"); query.append("return friend1.out('TriangleE')[0-2] as foo"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc = (ODocument) result.get(0); Object foo = doc.field("foo"); assertNotNull(foo); assertTrue(foo instanceof List); assertEquals(2, ((List) foo).size()); } @Test public void testArrayRange3() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where: (uid = 0)}"); query.append("return friend1.out('TriangleE')[0-3] as foo"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc = (ODocument) result.get(0); Object foo = doc.field("foo"); assertNotNull(foo); assertTrue(foo instanceof List); assertEquals(2, ((List) foo).size()); } @Test public void testConditionInSquareBrackets() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:TriangleV, as: friend1, where: (uid = 0)}"); query.append("return friend1.out('TriangleE')[uid = 2] as foo"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc = (ODocument) result.get(0); Object foo = doc.field("foo"); assertNotNull(foo); assertTrue(foo instanceof List); assertEquals(1, ((List) foo).size()); Vertex resultVertex = (Vertex) ((List) foo).get(0); assertEquals(2, resultVertex.getProperty("uid")); } @Test public void testIndexedEdge() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:IndexedVertex, as: one, where: (uid = 0)}"); query.append(".out('IndexedEdge'){class:IndexedVertex, as: two, where: (uid = 1)}"); query.append("return one, two"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testIndexedEdgeArrows() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:IndexedVertex, as: one, where: (uid = 0)}"); query.append("-IndexedEdge->{class:IndexedVertex, as: two, where: (uid = 1)}"); query.append("return one, two"); List<?> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testJson() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:IndexedVertex, as: one, where: (uid = 0)} "); query.append("return {'name':'foo', 'uuid':one.uid}"); List<ODocument> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); // ODocument doc = result.get(0); // assertEquals("foo", doc.field("name")); // assertEquals(0, doc.field("uuid")); } @Test public void testJson2() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:IndexedVertex, as: one, where: (uid = 0)} "); query.append("return {'name':'foo', 'sub': {'uuid':one.uid}}"); List<ODocument> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); // ODocument doc = result.get(0); // assertEquals("foo", doc.field("name")); // assertEquals(0, doc.field("sub.uuid")); } @Test public void testJson3() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:IndexedVertex, as: one, where: (uid = 0)} "); query.append("return {'name':'foo', 'sub': [{'uuid':one.uid}]}"); List<ODocument> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); // ODocument doc = result.get(0); // assertEquals("foo", doc.field("name")); // assertEquals(0, doc.field("sub[0].uuid")); } @Test public void testUnique() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:DiamondV, as: one, where: (uid = 0)}.out('DiamondE').out('DiamondE'){as: two} "); query.append("return one, two"); List<ODocument> result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("match "); query.append("{class:DiamondV, as: one, where: (uid = 0)}.out('DiamondE').out('DiamondE'){as: two} "); query.append("return one.uid, two.uid"); result = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); assertEquals(1, result.size()); // ODocument doc = result.get(0); // assertEquals("foo", doc.field("name")); // assertEquals(0, doc.field("sub[0].uuid")); } @Test public void testManagedElements() { List<OIdentifiable> managedByB = getManagedElements("b"); assertEquals(6, managedByB.size()); Set<String> expectedNames = new HashSet<String>(); expectedNames.add("b"); expectedNames.add("p2"); expectedNames.add("p3"); expectedNames.add("p6"); expectedNames.add("p7"); expectedNames.add("p11"); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (OIdentifiable id : managedByB) { ODocument doc = id.getRecord(); String name = doc.field("name"); names.add(name); } assertEquals(expectedNames, names); } private List<OIdentifiable> getManagedElements(String managerName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append(" match {class:Employee, as:boss, where: (name = '" + managerName + "')}"); query.append(" -ManagerOf->{}<-ParentDepartment-{"); query.append(" while: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0),"); query.append(" where: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0)"); query.append(" }<-WorksAt-{as: managed}"); query.append(" return $elements"); return db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); } @Test public void testManagedPathElements() { List<OIdentifiable> managedByB = getManagedPathElements("b"); assertEquals(10, managedByB.size()); Set<String> expectedNames = new HashSet<String>(); expectedNames.add("department1"); expectedNames.add("department3"); expectedNames.add("department4"); expectedNames.add("department8"); expectedNames.add("b"); expectedNames.add("p2"); expectedNames.add("p3"); expectedNames.add("p6"); expectedNames.add("p7"); expectedNames.add("p11"); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (OIdentifiable id : managedByB) { ODocument doc = id.getRecord(); String name = doc.field("name"); names.add(name); } assertEquals(expectedNames, names); } @Test public void testOptional() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("match {class:Person, as: person} -NonExistingEdge-> {as:b, optional:true} return person,")) .execute(); assertEquals(6, qResult.size()); for (ODocument doc : qResult) { assertTrue(doc.fieldNames().length == 2); OIdentifiable personId = doc.field("person"); ODocument person = personId.getRecord(); String name = person.field("name"); assertTrue(name.startsWith("n")); } } @Test public void testOptional2() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "match {class:Person, as: person} --> {as:b, optional:true, where:(nonExisting = 12)} return person,")).execute(); assertEquals(6, qResult.size()); for (ODocument doc : qResult) { assertTrue(doc.fieldNames().length == 2); OIdentifiable personId = doc.field("person"); ODocument person = personId.getRecord(); String name = person.field("name"); assertTrue(name.startsWith("n")); } } @Test public void testOptional3() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL("select as name from (" + "match {class:Person, as:a, where:(name = 'n1' and 1 + 1 = 2)}.out('Friend'){as:friend, where:(name = 'n2' and 1 + 1 = 2)}," + "{as:a}.out(){as:b, where:(nonExisting = 12), optional:true}," + "{as:friend}.out(){as:b, optional:true}" + " return friend)")).execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertEquals("n2", qResult.get(0).field("name")); } @Test public void testAliasesWithSubquery() throws Exception { List<ODocument> qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("select from ( match {class:Person, as:A} return as namexx ) limit 1")).execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); assertNotNull(qResult.get(0).field("namexx")); assertTrue(qResult.get(0).field("namexx").toString().startsWith("n")); } @Test public void testEvalInReturn() { //issue #6606 db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testEvalInReturn EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE PROPERTY String")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testEvalInReturn SET name = 'foo'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testEvalInReturn SET name = 'bar'")).execute(); List<ODocument> qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("MATCH {class: testEvalInReturn, as: p} RETURN if(eval(\" = 'foo'\"), 1, 2) AS b")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); int sum = 0; for (ODocument doc : qResult) { sum += ((Number) doc.field("b")).intValue(); } assertEquals(3, sum); //check that it still removes duplicates (standard behavior for MATCH) qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("MATCH {class: testEvalInReturn, as: p} RETURN if(eval(\" = 'foo'\"), 'foo', 'foo') AS b")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testCheckClassAsCondition() { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCheckClassAsCondition EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCheckClassAsCondition1 EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCheckClassAsCondition2 EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCheckClassAsCondition SET name = 'foo'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCheckClassAsCondition1 SET name = 'bar'")).execute(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCheckClassAsCondition2 SET name = 'baz'")).execute(); } db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (select from testCheckClassAsCondition where name = 'foo') to (select from testCheckClassAsCondition1)")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (select from testCheckClassAsCondition where name = 'foo') to (select from testCheckClassAsCondition2)")) .execute(); List<ODocument> qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "MATCH {class: testCheckClassAsCondition, as: p} -E- {class: testCheckClassAsCondition1, as: q} RETURN $elements")) .execute(); assertEquals(2, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testInstanceof() { List<ODocument> qResult = db.command( new OCommandSQL("MATCH {class: Person, as: p, where: ($currentMatch instanceof 'Person')} return $elements limit 1")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); qResult = db .command(new OCommandSQL("MATCH {class: Person, as: p, where: ($currentMatch instanceof 'V')} return $elements limit 1")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command( new OCommandSQL("MATCH {class: Person, as: p, where: (not ($currentMatch instanceof 'Person'))} return $elements limit 1")) .execute(); assertEquals(0, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "MATCH {class: Person, where: (name = 'n1')}.out(){as:p, where: ($currentMatch instanceof 'Person')} return $elements limit 1")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "MATCH {class: Person, where: (name = 'n1')}.out(){as:p, where: ($currentMatch instanceof 'Person' and '$currentMatch' <> '@this')} return $elements limit 1")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); qResult = db.command(new OCommandSQL( "MATCH {class: Person, where: (name = 'n1')}.out(){as:p, where: ( not ($currentMatch instanceof 'Person'))} return $elements limit 1")) .execute(); assertEquals(0, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testBigEntryPoint() { //issue #6890 OSchemaProxy schema = db.getMetadata().getSchema(); schema.createClass("testBigEntryPoint1"); schema.createClass("testBigEntryPoint2"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { ODocument doc = db.newInstance("testBigEntryPoint1"); doc.field("a", i);; } ODocument doc = db.newInstance("testBigEntryPoint2"); doc.field("b", "b");; List<ODocument> qResult = db.command( new OCommandSQL("MATCH {class: testBigEntryPoint1, as: a}, {class: testBigEntryPoint2, as: b} return $elements limit 1")) .execute(); assertEquals(1, qResult.size()); } @Test public void testMatched1() { //issue #6931 db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testMatched1_Foo EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testMatched1_Bar EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testMatched1_Baz EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testMatched1_Far EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testMatched1_Foo_Bar EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testMatched1_Bar_Baz EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testMatched1_Foo_Far EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testMatched1_Foo SET name = 'foo'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testMatched1_Bar SET name = 'bar'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testMatched1_Baz SET name = 'baz'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testMatched1_Far SET name = 'far'")).execute(); db.command( new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testMatched1_Foo_Bar FROM (SELECT FROM testMatched1_Foo) TO (SELECT FROM testMatched1_Bar)")) .execute(); db.command( new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testMatched1_Bar_Baz FROM (SELECT FROM testMatched1_Bar) TO (SELECT FROM testMatched1_Baz)")) .execute(); db.command( new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testMatched1_Foo_Far FROM (SELECT FROM testMatched1_Foo) TO (SELECT FROM testMatched1_Far)")) .execute(); List result = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery( "MATCH \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo, as: foo}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Bar') {as: bar}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Bar,as: bar}.out('testMatched1_Bar_Baz') {as: baz}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo,as: foo}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Far') {where: ($matched.baz IS null),as: far}\n" + "RETURN $matches")); assertTrue(result.isEmpty()); result = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery("MATCH \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo, as: foo}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Bar') {as: bar}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Bar,as: bar}.out('testMatched1_Bar_Baz') {as: baz}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo,as: foo}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Far') {where: ($matched.baz IS not null),as: far}\n" + "RETURN $matches")); assertEquals(1, result.size()); result = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery("MATCH \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo, as: foo}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Bar') {as: bar}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Bar,as: bar}.out('testMatched1_Bar_Baz') {as: baz}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo,as: foo}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Far') {where: (name != '$matched.baz'),as: far}\n" + "RETURN $matches")); assertEquals(1, result.size()); //test that "$matched" in a string does not affect the optimization and execution planning result = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery("MATCH \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo, as: foo, where: (name != '$matched.baz')}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Bar') {as: bar, where: (name != '$')}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Bar,as: bar}.out('testMatched1_Bar_Baz') {as: baz, where: (name != '$matched.far')}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo,as: foo}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Far') {where: (name != '$matched.baz'),as: far}\n" + "RETURN $matches")); assertEquals(1, result.size()); //test that cyclic $matched conditions throw an execution exception (not supported in current executor, it will be in 3.0 probably) try { result = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery("MATCH \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo, as: foo, where: (name != $}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Bar') {as: bar, where: (name != $}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Bar,as: bar}.out('testMatched1_Bar_Baz') {as: baz, where: (name != $}, \n" + "{class: testMatched1_Foo,as: foo}.out('testMatched1_Foo_Far') {where: (name != $,as: far}\n" + "RETURN $matches")); fail(); } catch (OCommandExecutionException x) { } } @Test public void testDependencyOrdering1() { //issue #6931 db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testDependencyOrdering1_Foo EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testDependencyOrdering1_Bar EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testDependencyOrdering1_Baz EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testDependencyOrdering1_Far EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testDependencyOrdering1_Foo_Bar EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testDependencyOrdering1_Bar_Baz EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testDependencyOrdering1_Foo_Far EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testDependencyOrdering1_Foo SET name = 'foo'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testDependencyOrdering1_Bar SET name = 'bar'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testDependencyOrdering1_Baz SET name = 'baz'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testDependencyOrdering1_Far SET name = 'far'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testDependencyOrdering1_Foo_Bar FROM (" + "SELECT FROM testDependencyOrdering1_Foo) TO (SELECT FROM testDependencyOrdering1_Bar)")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testDependencyOrdering1_Bar_Baz FROM (" + "SELECT FROM testDependencyOrdering1_Bar) TO (SELECT FROM testDependencyOrdering1_Baz)")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testDependencyOrdering1_Foo_Far FROM (" + "SELECT FROM testDependencyOrdering1_Foo) TO (SELECT FROM testDependencyOrdering1_Far)")).execute(); // The correct but non-obvious execution order here is: // foo, bar, far, baz // This is a test to ensure that the query scheduler resolves dependencies correctly, // even if they are unusual or contrived. List result = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery( "MATCH {\n" + " class: testDependencyOrdering1_Foo,\n" + " as: foo\n" + "}.out('testDependencyOrdering1_Foo_Far') {\n" + " optional: true,\n" + " where: ($ IS NOT null),\n" + " as: far\n" + "}, {\n" + " as: foo\n" + "}.out('testDependencyOrdering1_Foo_Bar') {\n" + " where: ($ IS NOT null),\n" + " as: bar\n" + "}.out('testDependencyOrdering1_Bar_Baz') {\n" + " where: ($matched.far IS NOT null),\n" + " as: baz\n" + "} RETURN $matches")); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testCircularDependency() { //issue #6931 db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCircularDependency_Foo EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCircularDependency_Bar EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCircularDependency_Baz EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCircularDependency_Far EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCircularDependency_Foo_Bar EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCircularDependency_Bar_Baz EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCircularDependency_Foo_Far EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCircularDependency_Foo SET name = 'foo'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCircularDependency_Bar SET name = 'bar'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCircularDependency_Baz SET name = 'baz'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCircularDependency_Far SET name = 'far'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testCircularDependency_Foo_Bar FROM (" + "SELECT FROM testCircularDependency_Foo) TO (SELECT FROM testCircularDependency_Bar)")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testCircularDependency_Bar_Baz FROM (" + "SELECT FROM testCircularDependency_Bar) TO (SELECT FROM testCircularDependency_Baz)")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testCircularDependency_Foo_Far FROM (" + "SELECT FROM testCircularDependency_Foo) TO (SELECT FROM testCircularDependency_Far)")).execute(); // The circular dependency here is: // - far depends on baz // - baz depends on bar // - bar depends on far OSQLSynchQuery query = new OSQLSynchQuery( "MATCH {\n" + " class: testCircularDependency_Foo,\n" + " as: foo\n" + "}.out('testCircularDependency_Foo_Far') {\n" + " where: ($matched.baz IS NOT null),\n" + " as: far\n" + "}, {\n" + " as: foo\n" + "}.out('testCircularDependency_Foo_Bar') {\n" + " where: ($matched.far IS NOT null),\n" + " as: bar\n" + "}.out('testCircularDependency_Bar_Baz') {\n" + " where: ($ IS NOT null),\n" + " as: baz\n" + "} RETURN $matches"); try { db.query(query); fail(); } catch (OCommandExecutionException x) { // passed the test } } @Test public void testUndefinedAliasDependency() { //issue #6931 db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testUndefinedAliasDependency_Foo EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testUndefinedAliasDependency_Bar EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testUndefinedAliasDependency_Foo_Bar EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testUndefinedAliasDependency_Foo SET name = 'foo'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testUndefinedAliasDependency_Bar SET name = 'bar'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testUndefinedAliasDependency_Foo_Bar FROM (" + "SELECT FROM testUndefinedAliasDependency_Foo) TO (SELECT FROM testUndefinedAliasDependency_Bar)")).execute(); // "bar" in the following query declares a dependency on the alias "baz", which doesn't exist. OSQLSynchQuery query = new OSQLSynchQuery("MATCH {\n" + " class: testUndefinedAliasDependency_Foo,\n" + " as: foo\n" + "}.out('testUndefinedAliasDependency_Foo_Bar') {\n" + " where: ($matched.baz IS NOT null),\n" + " as: bar\n" + "} RETURN $matches"); try { db.query(query); fail(); } catch (OCommandExecutionException x) { // passed the test } } @Test public void testCyclicDeepTraversal() { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCyclicDeepTraversalV EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testCyclicDeepTraversalE EXTENDS E")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCyclicDeepTraversalV SET name = 'a'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCyclicDeepTraversalV SET name = 'b'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCyclicDeepTraversalV SET name = 'c'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testCyclicDeepTraversalV SET name = 'z'")).execute(); // a -> b -> z // z -> c -> a db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testCyclicDeepTraversalE from" + "(select from testCyclicDeepTraversalV where name = 'a') to (select from testCyclicDeepTraversalV where name = 'b')")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testCyclicDeepTraversalE from" + "(select from testCyclicDeepTraversalV where name = 'b') to (select from testCyclicDeepTraversalV where name = 'z')")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testCyclicDeepTraversalE from" + "(select from testCyclicDeepTraversalV where name = 'z') to (select from testCyclicDeepTraversalV where name = 'c')")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE EDGE testCyclicDeepTraversalE from" + "(select from testCyclicDeepTraversalV where name = 'c') to (select from testCyclicDeepTraversalV where name = 'a')")) .execute(); OSQLSynchQuery query = new OSQLSynchQuery( "MATCH {\n" + " class: testCyclicDeepTraversalV,\n" + " as: foo,\n" + " where: (name = 'a')\n" + "}.out() {\n" + " while: ($depth < 2),\n" + " where: (name = 'z'),\n" + " as: bar\n" + "}, {\n" + " as: bar\n" + "}.out() {\n" + " while: ($depth < 2),\n" + " as: foo\n" + "} RETURN $patterns"); List<?> result = db.query(query); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testTargetRid() { db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testTargetRid EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("INSERT INTO testTargetRid SET name = 'a'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("INSERT INTO testTargetRid SET name = 'b'")).execute(); List<ODocument> res = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery("SELECT FROM testTargetRid WHERE name = 'a'")); ODocument doc = res.get(0); ORID rid = doc.getIdentity(); OSQLSynchQuery query = new OSQLSynchQuery("MATCH {as:a, rid:" + rid + "} RETURN as name"); List<ODocument> result = db.query(query); assertEquals(1, result.size()); ODocument doc2 = result.get(0); assertEquals("a", doc2.field("name")); } @Test public void testOptionalWithClass() { //issue #7225 db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testOptionalWithClass_Base EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testOptionalWithClass_Foo EXTENDS testOptionalWithClass_Base")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testOptionalWithClass_Bar EXTENDS testOptionalWithClass_Base")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testOptionalWithClass_Foo SET name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Foo1'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testOptionalWithClass_Foo SET name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Foo2'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testOptionalWithClass_Foo SET name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Foo3'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testOptionalWithClass_Bar SET name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Bar1'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testOptionalWithClass_Bar SET name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Bar2'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testOptionalWithClass_Bar SET name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Bar3'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (SELECT FROM testOptionalWithClass_Foo WHERE name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Foo1') TO (SELECT FROM testOptionalWithClass_Bar WHERE name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Bar2')")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (SELECT FROM testOptionalWithClass_Foo WHERE name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Foo2') TO (SELECT FROM testOptionalWithClass_Bar WHERE name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Bar3')")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (SELECT FROM testOptionalWithClass_Bar WHERE name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Bar1') TO (SELECT FROM testOptionalWithClass_Foo WHERE name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Foo2')")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (SELECT FROM testOptionalWithClass_Bar WHERE name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Bar2') TO (SELECT FROM testOptionalWithClass_Foo WHERE name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Foo3')")) .execute(); OSQLSynchQuery query = new OSQLSynchQuery( "MATCH {class: testOptionalWithClass_Foo, where: (name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Foo1'), as: start}.out('E') {where: (name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Bar2'),as: mid}.out('E') " + "{optional: true, where: (@this INSTANCEOF testOptionalWithClass_Bar), as: end} RETURN $matches"); List<ODocument> result = db.query(query); assertEquals(1, result.size()); query = new OSQLSynchQuery( "MATCH {class: testOptionalWithClass_Foo,where: (name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Foo1'),as: start}.out('E') {where: (name = 'testOptionalWithClass_Bar2'),as: mid\n" + "}.out('E') {class: testOptionalWithClass_Bar,optional: true,as: end} RETURN $matches"); result = db.query(query); assertEquals(1, result.size()); } @Test public void testWhileWithClass() { //issue #7225 db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testWhileWithClass_Base EXTENDS V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testWhileWithClass_Foo EXTENDS testWhileWithClass_Base")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE CLASS testWhileWithClass_Bar EXTENDS testWhileWithClass_Base")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testWhileWithClass_Foo SET name = 'testWhileWithClass_Foo1'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testWhileWithClass_Foo SET name = 'testWhileWithClass_Foo2'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testWhileWithClass_Foo SET name = 'testWhileWithClass_Foo3'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testWhileWithClass_Bar SET name = 'testWhileWithClass_Bar1'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testWhileWithClass_Bar SET name = 'testWhileWithClass_Bar2'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("CREATE VERTEX testWhileWithClass_Bar SET name = 'testWhileWithClass_Bar3'")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (SELECT FROM testWhileWithClass_Foo WHERE name = 'testWhileWithClass_Foo1') TO (SELECT FROM testWhileWithClass_Bar WHERE name = 'testWhileWithClass_Bar2')")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (SELECT FROM testWhileWithClass_Foo WHERE name = 'testWhileWithClass_Foo2') TO (SELECT FROM testWhileWithClass_Bar WHERE name = 'testWhileWithClass_Bar3')")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (SELECT FROM testWhileWithClass_Bar WHERE name = 'testWhileWithClass_Bar1') TO (SELECT FROM testWhileWithClass_Foo WHERE name = 'testWhileWithClass_Foo2')")) .execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL( "CREATE EDGE E FROM (SELECT FROM testWhileWithClass_Bar WHERE name = 'testWhileWithClass_Bar2') TO (SELECT FROM testWhileWithClass_Foo WHERE name = 'testWhileWithClass_Foo3')")) .execute(); OSQLSynchQuery query = new OSQLSynchQuery( "MATCH {class: testWhileWithClass_Foo,where: (name = 'testWhileWithClass_Foo1'),as: start}.out('E') {while: ($depth < 4),where: (@this INSTANCEOF testWhileWithClass_Foo),as: mid}\n" + "RETURN $matches"); List<ODocument> result = db.query(query); assertEquals(2, result.size()); query = new OSQLSynchQuery( "MATCH {class: testWhileWithClass_Foo,where: (name = 'testWhileWithClass_Foo1'),as: start}.out('E') {class: testWhileWithClass_Foo,while: ($depth < 4),as: mid}\n" + "RETURN $matches"); result = db.query(query); assertEquals(2, result.size()); } private List<OIdentifiable> getManagedPathElements(String managerName) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append(" match {class:Employee, as:boss, where: (name = '" + managerName + "')}"); query.append(" -ManagerOf->{}<-ParentDepartment-{"); query.append(" while: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0),"); query.append(" where: ($depth = 0 or in('ManagerOf').size() = 0)"); query.append(" }<-WorksAt-{as: managed}"); query.append(" return $pathElements"); return db.command(new OCommandSQL(query.toString())).execute(); } private long indexUsages(ODatabaseDocumentTx db) { final long oldIndexUsage; try { oldIndexUsage = getProfilerInstance().getCounter("db." + DB_NAME + ".query.indexUsed"); return oldIndexUsage == -1 ? 0 : oldIndexUsage; } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } return -1l; } private static OProfiler getProfilerInstance() throws Exception { return Orient.instance().getProfiler(); } }