package; import com.orientechnologies.common.directmemory.OByteBufferPool; import com.orientechnologies.common.exception.OException; import; import com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager; import com.orientechnologies.common.serialization.types.OByteSerializer; import com.orientechnologies.common.serialization.types.OIntegerSerializer; import com.orientechnologies.common.serialization.types.OLongSerializer; import com.orientechnologies.common.util.OPair; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.config.OGlobalConfiguration; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException; import; import; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; final class OLogSegment implements Comparable<OLogSegment> { private ODiskWriteAheadLog writeAheadLog; /** * File which contains WAL segment data. * It is <code>null</code> by default and initialized on request. * <p> * When file is requested and if this file is not file of active WAL segment * then timer which will close file if it is not accessed any more in {@link #fileTTL} seconds will * be started. * <p> * This field is not supposed to be accessed directly please use {@link #getRndFile()} instead. * * @see #closer * @see #fileTTL */ private RandomAccessFile rndFile; /** * Lock which protects {@link #rndFile} access. Any time you call {@link #getRndFile()} you should also * acquire this lock. */ private final Lock fileLock = new ReentrantLock(); /** * Flag which indicates if auto close timer is started. * This flag is used to guarantee that one and only one instance of auto close timer is active at any moment. * * @see #rndFile */ private final AtomicBoolean autoCloseInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(); /** * Flag which when is set will prevent auto close timer to close of file. But timer itself * will not be stopped. * * @see #rndFile */ private volatile boolean preventAutoClose = false; private final File file; /** * Flag which indicates that file was accessed inside of {@link #fileTTL} which means that file will not be accessed * at least inside of next {@link #fileTTL} interval. */ private volatile boolean closeNextTime; /** * If {@link #rndFile} will not be accessed inside of this interval (in seconds) it will be closed by timer. * * @see #rndFile */ private final int fileTTL; /** * Scheduler which will be used to start timer which will close file if last one will not be accessed inside of * {@link #fileTTL} in seconds. * * @see #rndFile */ private final ScheduledExecutorService closer; private final long order; private final int maxPagesCacheSize; private final OPerformanceStatisticManager performanceStatisticManager; protected final Lock cacheLock = new ReentrantLock(); private volatile List<OLogRecord> logCache = new ArrayList<OLogRecord>(); private final ScheduledExecutorService commitExecutor; private volatile long filledUpTo; private volatile long writtenUpTo; private boolean closed; private OLogSequenceNumber last = null; private volatile boolean flushNewData = true; private WeakReference<OPair<OLogSequenceNumber, byte[]>> lastReadRecord = new WeakReference<OPair<OLogSequenceNumber, byte[]>>( null); private final class FlushTask implements Runnable { private ThreadLocal<ByteBuffer> pageBuffer = new ThreadLocal<ByteBuffer>() { @Override protected ByteBuffer initialValue() { return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); } }; private FlushTask() { } @Override public void run() { try { try { commitLog(); } catch (Throwable e) { OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Error during WAL background flush", e); } } finally { writeAheadLog.checkFreeSpace(); } } private void commitLog() throws IOException { if (!flushNewData) return; final OSessionStoragePerformanceStatistic statistic = performanceStatisticManager.getSessionPerformanceStatistic(); if (statistic != null) statistic.startWALFlushTimer(); try { flushNewData = false; List<OLogRecord> toFlush; try { cacheLock.lock(); if (logCache.isEmpty()) return; toFlush = logCache; logCache = new ArrayList<OLogRecord>(); } finally { cacheLock.unlock(); } if (toFlush.isEmpty()) return; ByteBuffer pageContent = pageBuffer.get(); pageContent.position(0); OLogRecord first = toFlush.get(0); int curIndex = (int) (first.writeFrom / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); fileLock.lock(); try { final RandomAccessFile rndFile = getRndFile(); long pagesCount = rndFile.length() / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE; if (pagesCount > curIndex) { final FileChannel channel = rndFile.getChannel();, curIndex * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); } } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } OLogSequenceNumber lsn = null; int pageIndex = 0; int pos; boolean lastToFlush = false; long lastPos = 0; for (OLogRecord log : toFlush) { lsn = new OLogSequenceNumber(order, log.writeFrom); pos = (int) (log.writeFrom % OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); pageIndex = (int) (log.writeFrom / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); int written = 0; while (written < log.record.length) { lastToFlush = true; int pageFreeSpace = OWALPage.calculateRecordSize(OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - pos); int contentLength = Math.min(pageFreeSpace, (log.record.length - written)); int fromRecord = written; written += contentLength; pos = writeContentInPage(pageContent, pos, log.record, written == log.record.length, fromRecord, contentLength); if (OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - pos < OWALPage.MIN_RECORD_SIZE) { fileLock.lock(); try { final RandomAccessFile rndFile = getRndFile(); final FileChannel channel = rndFile.getChannel(); channel.position(pageIndex * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); flushPage(pageContent, channel); } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } writtenUpTo = (pageIndex + 1) * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - 1; lastToFlush = false; pageIndex++; pos = OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; } } lastPos = log.writeTo; } if (lastToFlush) { fileLock.lock(); try { RandomAccessFile rndFile = getRndFile(); final FileChannel channel = rndFile.getChannel(); channel.position(pageIndex * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); flushPage(pageContent, channel); } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } writtenUpTo = lastPos; } if (OGlobalConfiguration.WAL_SYNC_ON_PAGE_FLUSH.getValueAsBoolean()) { fileLock.lock(); try { final RandomAccessFile rndFile = getRndFile(); rndFile.getFD().sync(); } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } } writeAheadLog.setFlushedLsn(lsn); } finally { if (statistic != null) statistic.stopWALFlushTimer(); } } } /** * Write the content in the page and return the new page cursor position. * * @param pageContent buffer of the page to be filled * @param posInPage position in the page where to write * @param log content to write to the page * @param isLast flag to mark if is last portion of the record * @param fromRecord the start of the portion of the record to write in this page * @param contentLength the length of the portion of the record to write in this page * * @return the new page cursor position after this write. */ private int writeContentInPage(ByteBuffer pageContent, int posInPage, byte[] log, boolean isLast, int fromRecord, int contentLength) { pageContent.put(posInPage, !isLast ? (byte) 1 : 0); pageContent.put(posInPage + 1, isLast ? (byte) 1 : 0); pageContent.putInt(posInPage + 2, contentLength); pageContent.position(posInPage + OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE + 2); pageContent.put(log, fromRecord, contentLength); posInPage += OWALPage.calculateSerializedSize(contentLength); pageContent.putInt(OWALPage.FREE_SPACE_OFFSET, OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - posInPage); return posInPage; } private void flushPage(ByteBuffer content, FileChannel channel) throws IOException { content.putLong(OWALPage.MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET, OWALPage.MAGIC_NUMBER); CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32(); byte[] data = new byte[OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE]; content.position(OWALPage.MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET); content.get(data, 0, data.length); crc32.update(data); content.putInt(0, (int) crc32.getValue()); content.position(0); channel.write(content); } OLogSegment(ODiskWriteAheadLog writeAheadLog, File file, int fileTTL, int maxPagesCacheSize, OPerformanceStatisticManager performanceStatisticManager, ScheduledExecutorService closer, ScheduledExecutorService commitExecutor) throws IOException { this.writeAheadLog = writeAheadLog; this.file = file; this.fileTTL = fileTTL; this.maxPagesCacheSize = maxPagesCacheSize; this.performanceStatisticManager = performanceStatisticManager; this.closer = closer; this.commitExecutor = commitExecutor; order = extractOrder(file.getName()); closed = false; } public void startFlush() { if (writeAheadLog.getCommitDelay() > 0) { commitExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new FlushTask(), writeAheadLog.getCommitDelay(), writeAheadLog.getCommitDelay(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); //if WAL segment is active (all content is written in this segment) we should not try to close it after TTL. preventAutoClose = true; } } public void stopFlush(boolean flush) { if (flush) flush(); if (!commitExecutor.isShutdown()) { commitExecutor.shutdown(); try { if (!commitExecutor.awaitTermination(OGlobalConfiguration.WAL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT.getValueAsInteger(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) throw new OStorageException("WAL flush task for '" + getPath() + "' segment cannot be stopped"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Cannot shutdown background WAL commit thread"); } } //segment is not active any more we should start file auto close preventAutoClose = false; } /** * Returns active instance of file which is associated with given WAL segment * Call of this method should always be protected by {@link #fileLock}. * * @return Active instance of file which is associated with given WAL segment */ private RandomAccessFile getRndFile() throws IOException { if (rndFile == null) { rndFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); scheduleFileAutoClose(); } else { closeNextTime = false; } return rndFile; } /** * Start timer thread which will auto close file if it is not accesses during {@link #fileTTL} seconds. * If file is already closed timer thread will be terminate itself till it will not be started again by * {@link #getRndFile()} call. */ private void scheduleFileAutoClose() { if (!autoCloseInProgress.get() && autoCloseInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) { closeNextTime = true; final FileCloser task = new FileCloser(); task.self = closer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(task, fileTTL, fileTTL, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } public long getOrder() { return order; } public void init(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { selfCheck(); initPageCache(buffer); last = new OLogSequenceNumber(order, filledUpTo - 1); } @Override public int compareTo(OLogSegment other) { final long otherOrder = other.order; if (order > otherOrder) return 1; else if (order < otherOrder) return -1; return 0; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; OLogSegment that = (OLogSegment) o; return order == that.order; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) (order ^ (order >>> 32)); } public long filledUpTo() throws IOException { return filledUpTo; } public OLogSequenceNumber begin() throws IOException { if (!logCache.isEmpty()) return new OLogSequenceNumber(order, OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET); fileLock.lock(); try { final RandomAccessFile rndFile = getRndFile(); if (rndFile.length() > 0) return new OLogSequenceNumber(order, OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET); } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } return null; } public OLogSequenceNumber end() { return last; } public void delete(boolean flush) throws IOException { close(flush); boolean deleted = OFileUtils.delete(file); int retryCount = 0; while (!deleted) { deleted = OFileUtils.delete(file); retryCount++; if (retryCount > 10) throw new IOException("Cannot delete file. Retry limit exceeded. (" + retryCount + ")"); } } public String getPath() { return file.getAbsolutePath(); } public static class OLogRecord { public final byte[] record; public final long writeFrom; public final long writeTo; public OLogRecord(byte[] record, long writeFrom, long writeTo) { this.record = record; this.writeFrom = writeFrom; this.writeTo = writeTo; } } public static OLogRecord generateLogRecord(final long starting, final byte[] record) { long from = starting; long length = record.length; long resultSize; int freePageSpace = OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - (int) Math.max(starting % OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE, OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET); int inPage = OWALPage.calculateRecordSize(freePageSpace); //the record fit in the current page if (inPage >= length) { resultSize = OWALPage.calculateSerializedSize((int) length); if (from % OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE == 0) from += OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; return new OLogRecord(record, from, from + resultSize); } else { if (inPage > 0) { //space left in the current page, take it length -= inPage; resultSize = freePageSpace; if (from % OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE == 0) from += OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; } else { //no space left, start from a new one. from = starting + freePageSpace + OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; resultSize = -OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; } //calculate spare page //add all the full pages resultSize += length / OWALPage.calculateRecordSize(OWALPage.MAX_ENTRY_SIZE) * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE; int leftSize = (int) length % OWALPage.calculateRecordSize(OWALPage.MAX_ENTRY_SIZE); if (leftSize > 0) { //add the spare bytes at the last page resultSize += OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET + OWALPage.calculateSerializedSize(leftSize); } return new OLogRecord(record, from, from + resultSize); } } public OLogSequenceNumber logRecord(byte[] record) throws IOException { flushNewData = true; OLogRecord rec = generateLogRecord(filledUpTo, record); filledUpTo = rec.writeTo; last = new OLogSequenceNumber(order, rec.writeFrom); try { cacheLock.lock(); logCache.add(rec); } finally { cacheLock.unlock(); } long pagesInCache = (filledUpTo - writtenUpTo) / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE; if (pagesInCache > maxPagesCacheSize) { OLogManager.instance() .info(this, "Max cache limit is reached (%d vs. %d), sync flush is performed", maxPagesCacheSize, pagesInCache); writeAheadLog.incrementCacheOverflowCount(); flush(); } return last; } @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "PZLA_PREFER_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAYS") public byte[] readRecord(OLogSequenceNumber lsn, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws IOException { final OPair<OLogSequenceNumber, byte[]> lastRecord = lastReadRecord.get(); if (lastRecord != null && lastRecord.getKey().equals(lsn)) return lastRecord.getValue(); assert lsn.getSegment() == order; if (lsn.getPosition() >= filledUpTo) return null; if (!logCache.isEmpty()) flush(); long pageIndex = lsn.getPosition() / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE; byte[] record = null; int pageOffset = (int) (lsn.getPosition() % OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); long pageCount = (filledUpTo + OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - 1) / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE; while (pageIndex < pageCount) { fileLock.lock(); try { final RandomAccessFile rndFile = getRndFile(); final FileChannel channel = rndFile.getChannel(); byteBuffer.position(0);, pageIndex * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } if (!checkPageIntegrity(byteBuffer)) throw new OWALPageBrokenException("WAL page with index " + pageIndex + " is broken"); OWALPage page = new OWALPage(byteBuffer, false); byte[] content = page.getRecord(pageOffset); if (record == null) record = content; else { byte[] oldRecord = record; record = new byte[record.length + content.length]; System.arraycopy(oldRecord, 0, record, 0, oldRecord.length); System.arraycopy(content, 0, record, oldRecord.length, record.length - oldRecord.length); } if (page.mergeWithNextPage(pageOffset)) { pageOffset = OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; pageIndex++; if (pageIndex >= pageCount) throw new OWALPageBrokenException("WAL page with index " + pageIndex + " is broken"); } else { if (page.getFreeSpace() >= OWALPage.MIN_RECORD_SIZE && pageIndex < pageCount - 1) throw new OWALPageBrokenException("WAL page with index " + pageIndex + " is broken"); break; } } lastReadRecord = new WeakReference<OPair<OLogSequenceNumber, byte[]>>(new OPair<OLogSequenceNumber, byte[]>(lsn, record)); return record; } public OLogSequenceNumber getNextLSN(OLogSequenceNumber lsn, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { final byte[] record = readRecord(lsn, buffer); if (record == null) return null; long pos = lsn.getPosition(); long pageIndex = pos / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE; int pageOffset = (int) (pos - pageIndex * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); int restOfRecord = record.length; while (restOfRecord > 0) { int entrySize = OWALPage.calculateSerializedSize(restOfRecord); if (entrySize + pageOffset < OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE) { if (entrySize + pageOffset <= OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - OWALPage.MIN_RECORD_SIZE) pos += entrySize; else pos += OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - pageOffset + OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; break; } else if (entrySize + pageOffset == OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE) { pos += entrySize + OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; break; } else { long chunkSize = OWALPage.calculateRecordSize(OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - pageOffset); restOfRecord -= chunkSize; pos += OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - pageOffset + OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; pageOffset = OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; } } if (pos >= filledUpTo) return null; return new OLogSequenceNumber(order, pos); } public void close(boolean flush) throws IOException { if (!closed) { lastReadRecord.clear(); stopFlush(flush); if (!closer.isShutdown()) { closer.shutdown(); try { if (!closer.awaitTermination(OGlobalConfiguration.WAL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT.getValueAsInteger(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) throw new OStorageException("WAL file auto close task '" + getPath() + "' cannot be stopped"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Shutdown of file auto close thread was interrupted"); } } fileLock.lock(); try { if (rndFile != null) { rndFile.close(); rndFile = null; } } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } closed = true; } } public OLogSequenceNumber readFlushedLSN() throws IOException { fileLock.lock(); try { final RandomAccessFile rndFile = getRndFile(); long pages = rndFile.length() / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE; if (pages == 0) return null; } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } return new OLogSequenceNumber(order, filledUpTo - 1); } public void flush() { if (!commitExecutor.isShutdown()) { try { commitExecutor.submit(new FlushTask()).get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.interrupted(); throw OException.wrapException(new OStorageException("Thread was interrupted during flush"), e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw OException.wrapException(new OStorageException("Error during WAL segment '" + getPath() + "' flush"), e); } } else { new FlushTask().run(); } } private void initPageCache(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { fileLock.lock(); try { final RandomAccessFile rndFile = getRndFile(); long pagesCount = rndFile.length() / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE; if (pagesCount == 0) return; FileChannel channel = rndFile.getChannel(); buffer.position(0);, (pagesCount - 1) * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE); if (checkPageIntegrity(buffer)) { int freeSpace = buffer.getInt(OWALPage.FREE_SPACE_OFFSET); filledUpTo = (pagesCount - 1) * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE + (OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - freeSpace); } else { filledUpTo = pagesCount * OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE + OWALPage.RECORDS_OFFSET; } } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } } private long extractOrder(String name) { final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^.*\\.(\\d+)\\.wal$").matcher(name); final boolean matches = matcher.find(); assert matches; final String order =; try { return Long.parseLong(order); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // never happen throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } private boolean checkPageIntegrity(ByteBuffer content) { final long magicNumber = content.getLong(OWALPage.MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET); if (magicNumber != OWALPage.MAGIC_NUMBER) return false; byte[] data = new byte[OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE - OIntegerSerializer.INT_SIZE]; content.position(OWALPage.MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET); content.get(data, 0, data.length); final CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32(); crc32.update(data); return ((int) crc32.getValue()) == content.getInt(0); } private void selfCheck() throws IOException { if (!logCache.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("WAL cache is not empty, we cannot verify WAL after it was started to be used"); fileLock.lock(); try { final RandomAccessFile rndFile = getRndFile(); long pagesCount = rndFile.length() / OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE; if (rndFile.length() % OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE > 0) { OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Last WAL page was written partially, auto fix"); rndFile.setLength(OWALPage.PAGE_SIZE * pagesCount); } } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } } public long getFilledUpTo() { return filledUpTo; } /** * Timer task which is used to close file if it is not accessed during {@link #fileTTL} interval. */ class FileCloser implements Runnable { private boolean stopped = false; private volatile ScheduledFuture<?> self = null; @Override public void run() { if (stopped) { //this task is finished we should stop its execution if (self != null) { self.cancel(false); } return; } if (preventAutoClose) { return; } fileLock.lock(); try { if (closeNextTime) { try { if (rndFile != null) { rndFile.close(); rndFile = null; } } catch (IOException e) { OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Can not auto close file in WAL", e); } autoCloseInProgress.set(false); stopped = true; if (self != null) self.cancel(false); } else { //reschedule himself closeNextTime = true; } } finally { fileLock.unlock(); } } } }