package com.orientechnologies.orient.server.distributed; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocument; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.OIdentifiable; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientBaseGraph; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientGraphNoTx; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class TestShardingDocsAndEdges extends AbstractServerClusterTest { protected final static int SERVERS = 2; private static final String clusterNodeUSA = "client-type_usa"; private static final String clusterNodeEUR = "client-type_eur"; private static int testNumber = 0; private ODatabaseDocumentTx USA; private ODatabaseDocumentTx EUR; @Test public void test() throws Exception { init(SERVERS); prepare(false); execute(); } @Override protected String getDatabaseName() { return "TestShardingDocsAndEdges"; } @Override protected String getDistributedServerConfiguration(final ServerRun server) { return "sharded-dserver-config-" + server.getServerId() + ".xml"; } @Override protected void onAfterDatabaseCreation(OrientBaseGraph db) { db.command(new OCommandSQL("ALTER DATABASE CUSTOM useLightweightEdges = true")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("ALTER DATABASE MINIMUMCLUSTERS 2")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("create class `Client-Type` extends V")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("create property `Client-Type`.name string")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("alter cluster `Client-Type` name `client-type_usa`")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("alter cluster `client-type_1` name `client-type_eur`")).execute(); db.command(new OCommandSQL("create class Follows extends E")).execute(); } @Override protected void executeTest() throws Exception { EUR = new ODatabaseDocumentTx("plocal:target/server0/databases/" + getDatabaseName()); USA = new ODatabaseDocumentTx("plocal:target/server1/databases/" + getDatabaseName()); Set<String> queryResult; execute(USA, "insert into `cluster:" + clusterNodeUSA + "` set name = 'mike'"); Thread.sleep(1000); // test 0 queryResult = execute(USA, "select from `cluster:" + clusterNodeUSA+"`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike" }); queryResult = execute(USA, "select from `cluster:" + clusterNodeEUR+"`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] {}); queryResult = execute(USA, "select from `Client-Type`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike" }); queryResult = execute(EUR, "select from `cluster:" + clusterNodeUSA+"`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike" }); queryResult = execute(EUR, "select from `cluster:" + clusterNodeEUR+"`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] {}); queryResult = execute(EUR, "select from `Client-Type`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike" }); execute(EUR, "insert into `cluster:" + clusterNodeEUR + "` set name = 'phoebe'"); Thread.sleep(1000); // test 6 queryResult = execute(USA, "select from `cluster:" + clusterNodeUSA+"`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike" }); queryResult = execute(USA, "select from `cluster:" + clusterNodeEUR+"`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "phoebe" }); queryResult = execute(USA, "select from `Client-Type`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike", "phoebe" }); queryResult = execute(EUR, "select from `cluster:" + clusterNodeUSA+"`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike" }); queryResult = execute(EUR, "select from `cluster:" + clusterNodeEUR+"`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "phoebe" }); queryResult = execute(EUR, "select from `Client-Type`"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike", "phoebe" }); /* * verify that 'select from V returns' the same as 'select from Client-Type' on both nodes */ // test 12 queryResult = execute(USA, "select from V"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike", "phoebe" }); // test 13 queryResult = execute(EUR, "select from V"); compare(queryResult, new String[] { "mike", "phoebe" }); // LINE A execute(USA, "create edge Follows from (select from `Client-Type` where name = 'mike') to (select from `Client-Type` where name = 'phoebe')"); } static Set<String> execute(ODatabaseDocument db, String command) throws InterruptedException { System.out.println(command); Set<String> resultSet = new HashSet();"admin", "admin"); // CREATE A GRAPH TO MANIPULATE ELEMENTS final OrientGraphNoTx graph = new OrientGraphNoTx((ODatabaseDocumentTx) db); graph.makeActive(); try { Object o = db.command(new OCommandSQL(command)).execute(); if (o instanceof List) { List<ODocument> resultList = (List) o; for (OIdentifiable d : resultList) { resultSet.add((String) ((ODocument) d.getRecord()).field("name")); } } } finally { db.close(); graph.shutdown(); } return resultSet; } static void compare(Set<String> result, String[] expected) { boolean equal; if (result.size() != expected.length) { equal = false; } else { equal = true; for (String s : expected) { equal &= result.contains(s); } } if (equal) { System.out.println(testNumber + " : ok"); } else { System.out.println(testNumber + " : ko -> result : " + result.toString()); } testNumber++; } }