/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://license.openmrs.org * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.web.taglib; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Date; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openmrs.Concept; import org.openmrs.Encounter; import org.openmrs.EncounterType; import org.openmrs.Location; import org.openmrs.LocationTag; import org.openmrs.Obs; import org.openmrs.OpenmrsMetadata; import org.openmrs.Person; import org.openmrs.Program; import org.openmrs.User; import org.openmrs.Visit; import org.openmrs.VisitType; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import org.springframework.web.util.JavaScriptUtils; /** * <pre> * Prints out a pretty-formatted versions of an OpenMRS object * TODO: add the other openmrs domain objects * TODO: add a size=compact|NORMAL|full|? option * </pre> */ public class FormatTag extends TagSupport { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private String var; private Integer conceptId; private Concept concept; private Obs obsValue; private Integer userId; private User user; private Integer personId; private Person person; private Integer encounterId; private Encounter encounter; private Integer encounterTypeId; private EncounterType encounterType; private Integer locationId; private Location location; private Integer locationTagId; private LocationTag locationTag; private Integer programId; private Program program; private Integer visitTypeId; private VisitType visitType; private Integer visitId; private Visit visit; private Boolean javaScriptEscape = Boolean.FALSE; @Override public int doStartTag() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (conceptId != null) concept = Context.getConceptService().getConcept(conceptId); if (concept != null) { printConcept(sb, concept); } if (obsValue != null) sb.append(obsValue.getValueAsString(Context.getLocale())); if (userId != null) user = Context.getUserService().getUser(userId); if (user != null) printUser(sb, user); if (personId != null) person = Context.getPersonService().getPerson(personId); if (person != null) printPerson(sb, person); if (encounterId != null) encounter = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounter(encounterId); if (encounter != null) { printMetadata(sb, encounter.getEncounterType()); sb.append(" @"); printMetadata(sb, encounter.getLocation()); sb.append(" | "); printDate(sb, encounter.getEncounterDatetime()); sb.append(" | "); printPerson(sb, encounter.getProvider()); } if (encounterTypeId != null) encounterType = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounterType(encounterTypeId); if (encounterType != null) { printMetadata(sb, encounterType); } if (visitTypeId != null) visitType = Context.getVisitService().getVisitType(visitTypeId); if (visitType != null) { printMetadata(sb, visitType); } if (visitId != null) visit = Context.getVisitService().getVisit(visitId); if (visit != null) { printMetadata(sb, visit.getVisitType()); sb.append(" @"); printMetadata(sb, visit.getLocation()); sb.append(" | "); printDate(sb, visit.getStartDatetime()); } if (locationId != null) location = Context.getLocationService().getLocation(locationId); if (location != null) { printMetadata(sb, location); } if (locationTagId != null) locationTag = Context.getLocationService().getLocationTag(locationTagId); if (locationTag != null) { printMetadata(sb, locationTag); } if (programId != null) program = Context.getProgramWorkflowService().getProgram(programId); if (program != null) { if (StringUtils.hasText(program.getName())) { printMetadata(sb, program); } else if (program.getConcept() != null) { printConcept(sb, program.getConcept()); } } if (StringUtils.hasText(var)) { if (javaScriptEscape) pageContext.setAttribute(var, JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(sb.toString())); else pageContext.setAttribute(var, sb.toString()); } else { try { if (javaScriptEscape) pageContext.getOut().write(JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(sb.toString())); else pageContext.getOut().write(sb.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to write to pageContext.getOut()", e); } } return SKIP_BODY; } /** * Formats a Concept and prints it to sb * * @param sb * @param concept */ protected void printConcept(StringBuilder sb, Concept concept) { sb.append(concept.getDisplayString()); } /** * formats a date and prints it to sb * * @param sb * @param date */ private void printDate(StringBuilder sb, Date date) { sb.append(Context.getDateFormat().format(date)); } /** * formats any OpenmrsMetadata and prints it to sb * * @param sb * @param metadata */ private void printMetadata(StringBuilder sb, OpenmrsMetadata metadata) { if (metadata != null) sb.append(metadata.getName()); } /** * formats a user and prints it to sb * * @param sb * @param u */ private void printUser(StringBuilder sb, User u) { sb.append("<span class=\"user\">"); sb.append("<span class=\"username\">"); sb.append(u.getUsername()); sb.append("</span>"); if (u.getPerson() != null) { sb.append("<span class=\"personName\">"); sb.append(" (").append(u.getPersonName()).append(")"); sb.append("</span>"); } sb.append("</span>"); } /** * formats a person and prints it to sb * * @param sb * @param p */ private void printPerson(StringBuilder sb, Person p) { sb.append(p.getPersonName()); } @Override public int doEndTag() { reset(); return EVAL_PAGE; } private void reset() { var = null; conceptId = null; concept = null; obsValue = null; userId = null; user = null; personId = null; person = null; encounterId = null; encounter = null; encounterTypeId = null; encounterType = null; locationId = null; location = null; locationTagId = null; locationTag = null; visitType = null; visitTypeId = null; visitId = null; visit = null; } public Integer getConceptId() { return conceptId; } public void setConceptId(Integer conceptId) { this.conceptId = conceptId; } public Concept getConcept() { return concept; } public void setConcept(Concept concept) { this.concept = concept; } public Obs getObsValue() { return obsValue; } public void setObsValue(Obs obsValue) { this.obsValue = obsValue; } public Integer getUserId() { return userId; } public void setUserId(Integer userId) { this.userId = userId; } public User getUser() { return user; } public void setUser(User user) { this.user = user; } public Integer getEncounterId() { return encounterId; } public void setEncounterId(Integer encounterId) { this.encounterId = encounterId; } public Encounter getEncounter() { return encounter; } public void setEncounter(Encounter encounter) { this.encounter = encounter; } public Integer getEncounterTypeId() { return encounterTypeId; } public void setEncounterTypeId(Integer encounterTypeId) { this.encounterTypeId = encounterTypeId; } public EncounterType getEncounterType() { return encounterType; } public void setEncounterType(EncounterType encounterType) { this.encounterType = encounterType; } public Integer getLocationId() { return locationId; } public void setLocationId(Integer locationId) { this.locationId = locationId; } public Location getLocation() { return location; } public void setLocation(Location location) { this.location = location; } public Integer getLocationTagId() { return locationTagId; } public void setLocationTagId(Integer locationTagId) { this.locationTagId = locationTagId; } public LocationTag getLocationTag() { return locationTag; } public void setLocationTag(LocationTag locationTag) { this.locationTag = locationTag; } public Integer getProgramId() { return programId; } public void setProgramId(Integer programId) { this.programId = programId; } public Program getProgram() { return program; } public void setProgram(Program program) { this.program = program; } public String getVar() { return var; } public void setVar(String var) { this.var = var; } public Integer getPersonId() { return personId; } public void setPersonId(Integer personId) { this.personId = personId; } public Person getPerson() { return person; } public void setPerson(Person person) { this.person = person; } /** * @return the visitTypeId */ public Integer getVisitTypeId() { return visitTypeId; } /** * @param visitTypeId the visitTypeId to set */ public void setVisitTypeId(Integer visitTypeId) { this.visitTypeId = visitTypeId; } /** * @return the visitType */ public VisitType getVisitType() { return visitType; } /** * @param visitType the visitType to set */ public void setVisitType(VisitType visitType) { this.visitType = visitType; } /** * @return the visitId * @since 1.9 */ public Integer getVisitId() { return visitId; } /** * @param visitId the visitId to set * @since 1.9 */ public void setVisitId(Integer visitId) { this.visitId = visitId; } /** * @return the visit * @since 1.9 */ public Visit getVisit() { return visit; } /** * @param visit the visit to set * @since 1.9 */ public void setVisit(Visit visit) { this.visit = visit; } /** * @return the javaScriptEscape */ public Boolean getJavaScriptEscape() { return javaScriptEscape; } /** * @param javaScriptEscape the javaScriptEscape to set */ public void setJavaScriptEscape(Boolean javaScriptEscape) { this.javaScriptEscape = javaScriptEscape; } }