/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://license.openmrs.org * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.search.annotations.ContainedIn; import org.hibernate.search.annotations.DocumentId; import org.hibernate.search.annotations.Indexed; import org.hibernate.search.annotations.Field; import org.hibernate.search.annotations.IndexedEmbedded; import org.openmrs.api.UserService; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsUtil; import org.simpleframework.xml.Attribute; import org.simpleframework.xml.Element; import org.simpleframework.xml.ElementList; import org.simpleframework.xml.Root; import org.simpleframework.xml.load.Replace; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * A Person in the system. This can be either a small person stub, or indicative of an actual * Patient in the system. This class holds the generic person things that both the stubs and * patients share. Things like birthdate, names, addresses, and attributes are all generified into * the person table (and hence this super class) * * @see org.openmrs.Patient */ @Root(strict = false) @Indexed public class Person extends BaseOpenmrsData implements java.io.Serializable { public static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Person.class); @DocumentId @Field protected Integer personId; private Set<PersonAddress> addresses = null; //@FieldBridge(impl = PersonNameSetBridge.class) @IndexedEmbedded @ContainedIn private Set<PersonName> names = null; private Set<PersonAttribute> attributes = null; @Field private String gender; @Field private Date birthdate; @Field private Boolean birthdateEstimated = false; @Field private Boolean dead = false; @Field private Date deathDate; private Concept causeOfDeath; private User personCreator; @Field private Date personDateCreated; private User personChangedBy; @Field private Date personDateChanged; @Field private Boolean personVoided = false; private User personVoidedBy; private Date personDateVoided; @Field private String personVoidReason; @Field private boolean isPatient; /** * Convenience map from PersonAttributeType.name to PersonAttribute.<br/> * <br/> * This is "cached" for each user upon first load. When an attribute is changed, the cache is * cleared and rebuilt on next access. */ Map<String, PersonAttribute> attributeMap = null; /** * default empty constructor */ public Person() { } /** * This constructor is used to build a new Person object copy from another person object * (usually a patient or a user subobject). All attributes are copied over to the new object. * NOTE! All child collection objects are copied as pointers, each individual element is not * copied. <br/> * * @param person Person to create this person object from */ public Person(Person person) { if (person == null) return; personId = person.getPersonId(); addresses = person.getAddresses(); names = person.getNames(); attributes = person.getAttributes(); gender = person.getGender(); birthdate = person.getBirthdate(); birthdateEstimated = person.getBirthdateEstimated(); dead = person.isDead(); deathDate = person.getDeathDate(); causeOfDeath = person.getCauseOfDeath(); // base creator/voidedBy/changedBy info is not copied here // because that is specific to and will be recreated // by the subobject upon save setPersonCreator(person.getPersonCreator()); setPersonDateCreated(person.getPersonDateCreated()); setPersonChangedBy(person.getPersonChangedBy()); setPersonDateChanged(person.getPersonDateChanged()); setPersonVoided(person.isPersonVoided()); setPersonVoidedBy(person.getPersonVoidedBy()); setPersonDateVoided(person.getPersonDateVoided()); setPersonVoidReason(person.getPersonVoidReason()); } /** * Default constructor taking in the primary key personId value * * @param personId Integer internal id for this person * @should set person id */ public Person(Integer personId) { this.personId = personId; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) * @should equal person with same person id * @should not equal person with different person id * @should not equal on null * @should equal person objects with no person id * @should not equal person objects when one has null person id */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Person) { Person person = (Person) obj; if (getPersonId() != null && person.getPersonId() != null) return personId.equals(person.getPersonId()); } // if personId is null for either object, for equality the // two objects must be the same return this == obj; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() * @should have same hashcode when equal * @should have different hash code when not equal * @should get hash code with null attributes */ public int hashCode() { if (this.getPersonId() == null) return super.hashCode(); return this.getPersonId().hashCode(); } // Property accessors /** * @return Returns the personId. */ @Attribute(required = true) public Integer getPersonId() { return personId; } /** * @param personId The personId to set. */ @Attribute(required = true) public void setPersonId(Integer personId) { this.personId = personId; } /** * @return person's gender */ @Attribute(required = false) public String getGender() { return this.gender; } /** * @param gender person's gender */ @Attribute(required = false) public void setGender(String gender) { this.gender = gender; } /** * @return person's date of birth */ @Element(required = false) public Date getBirthdate() { return this.birthdate; } /** * @param birthdate person's date of birth */ @Element(required = false) public void setBirthdate(Date birthdate) { this.birthdate = birthdate; } /** * @return true if person's birthdate is estimated */ public Boolean isBirthdateEstimated() { // if (this.birthdateEstimated == null) { // return new Boolean(false); // } return this.birthdateEstimated; } @Attribute(required = true) public Boolean getBirthdateEstimated() { return isBirthdateEstimated(); } /** * @param birthdateEstimated true if person's birthdate is estimated */ @Attribute(required = true) public void setBirthdateEstimated(Boolean birthdateEstimated) { this.birthdateEstimated = birthdateEstimated; } /** * @return Returns the death status. */ public Boolean isDead() { return dead; } /** * @return Returns the death status. */ @Attribute(required = true) public Boolean getDead() { return isDead(); } /** * @param dead The dead to set. */ @Attribute(required = true) public void setDead(Boolean dead) { this.dead = dead; } /** * @return date of person's death */ @Element(required = false) public Date getDeathDate() { return this.deathDate; } /** * @param deathDate date of person's death */ @Element(required = false) public void setDeathDate(Date deathDate) { this.deathDate = deathDate; } /** * @return cause of person's death */ @Element(required = false) public Concept getCauseOfDeath() { return this.causeOfDeath; } /** * @param causeOfDeath cause of person's death */ @Element(required = false) public void setCauseOfDeath(Concept causeOfDeath) { this.causeOfDeath = causeOfDeath; } /** * @return list of known addresses for person * @see org.openmrs.PersonAddress * @should not get voided addresses * @should not fail with null addresses */ @ElementList(required = false) public Set<PersonAddress> getAddresses() { if (addresses == null) addresses = new TreeSet<PersonAddress>(); return this.addresses; } /** * @param addresses Set<PersonAddress> list of known addresses for person * @see org.openmrs.PersonAddress */ @ElementList(required = false) public void setAddresses(Set<PersonAddress> addresses) { this.addresses = addresses; } /** * @return all known names for person * @see org.openmrs.PersonName * @should not get voided names * @should not fail with null names */ @ElementList public Set<PersonName> getNames() { if (names == null) names = new TreeSet<PersonName>(); return this.names; } /** * @param names update all known names for person * @see org.openmrs.PersonName */ @ElementList public void setNames(Set<PersonName> names) { this.names = names; } /** * @return all known attributes for person * @see org.openmrs.PersonAttribute * @should not get voided attributes * @should not fail with null attributes */ @ElementList public Set<PersonAttribute> getAttributes() { if (attributes == null) attributes = new TreeSet<PersonAttribute>(); return this.attributes; } /** * Returns only the non-voided attributes for this person * * @return list attributes * @should not get voided attributes * @should not fail with null attributes */ public List<PersonAttribute> getActiveAttributes() { List<PersonAttribute> attrs = new Vector<PersonAttribute>(); for (PersonAttribute attr : getAttributes()) { if (!attr.isVoided()) attrs.add(attr); } return attrs; } /** * @param attributes update all known attributes for person * @see org.openmrs.PersonAttribute */ @ElementList public void setAttributes(Set<PersonAttribute> attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; attributeMap = null; } // Convenience methods /** * Convenience method to add the <code>attribute</code> to this person's attribute list if the * attribute doesn't exist already.<br/> * <br/> * Voids any current attribute with type = <code>newAttribute.getAttributeType()</code><br/> * <br/> * NOTE: This effectively limits persons to only one attribute of any given type ** * * @param newAttribute PersonAttribute to add to the Person * @should fail when new attribute exist * @should fail when new atribute are the same type with same value * @should void old attribute when new attribute are the same type with different value * @should remove attribute when old attribute are temporary * @should not save an attribute with a null value * @should not save an attribute with a blank string value * @should void old attribute when a null or blank string value is added */ public void addAttribute(PersonAttribute newAttribute) { newAttribute.setPerson(this); boolean newIsNull = !StringUtils.hasText(newAttribute.getValue()); for (PersonAttribute currentAttribute : getActiveAttributes()) { if (currentAttribute.equals(newAttribute)) return; // if we have the same PersonAttributeId, don't add the new attribute else if (currentAttribute.getAttributeType().equals(newAttribute.getAttributeType())) { if (currentAttribute.getValue() != null && currentAttribute.getValue().equals(newAttribute.getValue())) // this person already has this attribute return; // if the to-be-added attribute isn't already voided itself // and if we have the same type, different value if (newAttribute.isVoided() == false || newIsNull) { if (currentAttribute.getCreator() != null) currentAttribute.voidAttribute("New value: " + newAttribute.getValue()); else // remove the attribute if it was just temporary (didn't have a creator // attached to it yet) removeAttribute(currentAttribute); } } } attributeMap = null; if (!OpenmrsUtil.collectionContains(attributes, newAttribute) && !newIsNull) attributes.add(newAttribute); } /** * Convenience method to get the <code>attribute</code> from this person's attribute list if the * attribute exists already. * * @param attribute * @should not fail when person attribute is null * @should not fail when person attribute is not exist * @should remove attribute when exist */ public void removeAttribute(PersonAttribute attribute) { if (attributes != null) if (attributes.remove(attribute)) attributeMap = null; } /** * Convenience Method to return the first non-voided person attribute matching a person * attribute type. <br/> * <br/> * Returns null if this person has no non-voided {@link PersonAttribute} with the given * {@link PersonAttributeType}, the given {@link PersonAttributeType} is null, or this person * has no attributes. * * @param pat the PersonAttributeType to look for (can be a stub, see * {@link PersonAttributeType#equals(Object)} for how its compared) * @return PersonAttribute that matches the given type * @should not fail when attribute type is null * @should not return voided attribute * @should return null when given attribute type is not exist */ public PersonAttribute getAttribute(PersonAttributeType pat) { if (pat != null) for (PersonAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) { if (pat.equals(attribute.getAttributeType()) && !attribute.isVoided()) { return attribute; } } return null; } /** * Convenience method to get this person's first attribute that has a PersonAttributeType.name * equal to <code>attributeName</code>.<br/> * <br/> * Returns null if this person has no non-voided {@link PersonAttribute} with the given type * name, the given name is null, or this person has no attributes. * * @param attributeName the name string to match on * @return PersonAttribute whose {@link PersonAttributeType#getName()} matchs the given name * string */ public PersonAttribute getAttribute(String attributeName) { if (attributeName != null) for (PersonAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) { PersonAttributeType type = attribute.getAttributeType(); if (type != null && attributeName.equals(type.getName()) && !attribute.isVoided()) { return attribute; } } return null; } /** * Convenience method to get this person's first attribute that has a PersonAttributeTypeId * equal to <code>attributeTypeId</code>.<br/> * <br/> * Returns null if this person has no non-voided {@link PersonAttribute} with the given type id * or this person has no attributes.<br/> * <br/> * The given id cannot be null. * * @param attributeTypeId the id of the {@link PersonAttributeType} to look for * @return PersonAttribute whose {@link PersonAttributeType#getId()} equals the given Integer id */ public PersonAttribute getAttribute(Integer attributeTypeId) { for (PersonAttribute attribute : getActiveAttributes()) { if (attributeTypeId.equals(attribute.getAttributeType().getPersonAttributeTypeId())) { return attribute; } } return null; } /** * Convenience method< to get all of this person's attributes that have a * PersonAttributeType.name equal to <code>attributeName</code>. * * @param attributeName */ public List<PersonAttribute> getAttributes(String attributeName) { List<PersonAttribute> ret = new Vector<PersonAttribute>(); for (PersonAttribute attribute : getActiveAttributes()) { PersonAttributeType type = attribute.getAttributeType(); if (type != null && attributeName.equals(type.getName())) { ret.add(attribute); } } return ret; } /** * Convenience method to get all of this person's attributes that have a PersonAttributeType.id * equal to <code>attributeTypeId</code>. * * @param attributeTypeId */ public List<PersonAttribute> getAttributes(Integer attributeTypeId) { List<PersonAttribute> ret = new Vector<PersonAttribute>(); for (PersonAttribute attribute : getActiveAttributes()) { if (attributeTypeId.equals(attribute.getAttributeType().getPersonAttributeTypeId())) { ret.add(attribute); } } return ret; } /** * Convenience method to get all of this person's attributes that have a PersonAttributeType * equal to <code>personAttributeType</code>. * * @param personAttributeType */ public List<PersonAttribute> getAttributes(PersonAttributeType personAttributeType) { List<PersonAttribute> ret = new Vector<PersonAttribute>(); for (PersonAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) { if (personAttributeType.equals(attribute.getAttributeType()) && !attribute.isVoided()) { ret.add(attribute); } } return ret; } /** * Convenience method to get all of this person's attributes in map form: <String, * PersonAttribute>. */ public Map<String, PersonAttribute> getAttributeMap() { if (attributeMap != null) return attributeMap; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Current Person Attributes: \n" + printAttributes()); attributeMap = new HashMap<String, PersonAttribute>(); for (PersonAttribute attribute : getActiveAttributes()) { attributeMap.put(attribute.getAttributeType().getName(), attribute); } return attributeMap; } /** * Convenience method for viewing all of the person's current attributes * * @return Returns a string with all the attributes */ public String printAttributes() { String s = ""; for (PersonAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) { s += attribute.getAttributeType() + " : " + attribute.getValue() + " : voided? " + attribute.isVoided() + "\n"; } return s; } /** * Convenience method to add the <code>name</code> to this person's name list if the name * doesn't exist already. * * @param name */ public void addName(PersonName name) { if (name != null) { name.setPerson(this); if (names == null) names = new TreeSet<PersonName>(); if (!OpenmrsUtil.collectionContains(names, name)) names.add(name); } } /** * Convenience method remove the <code>name</code> from this person's name list if the name * exists already. * * @param name */ public void removeName(PersonName name) { if (names != null) names.remove(name); } /** * Convenience method to add the <code>address</code> to this person's address list if the * address doesn't exist already. * * @param address */ public void addAddress(PersonAddress address) { if (address != null) { address.setPerson(this); if (addresses == null) addresses = new TreeSet<PersonAddress>(); if (!OpenmrsUtil.collectionContains(addresses, address)) addresses.add(address); } } /** * Convenience method to remove the <code>address</code> from this person's address list if the * address exists already. * * @param address */ public void removeAddress(PersonAddress address) { if (addresses != null) addresses.remove(address); } /** * Convenience method to get the {@link PersonName} object that is marked as "preferred". <br/> * <br/> * If two names are marked as preferred (or no names), the database ordering comes into effect * and the one that was created most recently will be returned. <br/> * <br/> * This method will never return a voided name, even if it is marked as preferred. <br/> * <br/> * Null is returned if this person has no names or all voided names. * * @return the "preferred" person name. * @see #getNames() * @see PersonName#isPreferred() */ public PersonName getPersonName() { // normally the DAO layer returns these in the correct order, i.e. preferred and non-voided first, but it's possible that someone // has fetched a Person, changed their names around, and then calls this method, so we have to be careful. if (getNames() != null && getNames().size() > 0) { for (PersonName name : getNames()) { if (name.isPreferred() && !name.isVoided()) return name; } for (PersonName name : getNames()) { if (!name.isVoided()) return name; } return null; } return null; } /** * Convenience method to get the given name attribute on this person's preferred PersonName * * @return String given name of the person */ public String getGivenName() { PersonName personName = getPersonName(); if (personName == null) return ""; else return personName.getGivenName(); } /** * Convenience method to get the middle name attribute on this person's preferred PersonName * * @return String middle name of the person */ public String getMiddleName() { PersonName personName = getPersonName(); if (personName == null) return ""; else return personName.getMiddleName(); } /** * Convenience method to get the family name attribute on this person's preferred PersonName * * @return String family name of the person */ public String getFamilyName() { PersonName personName = getPersonName(); if (personName == null) return ""; else return personName.getFamilyName(); } /** * Convenience method to get the {@link PersonAddress} object that is marked as "preferred". <br/> * <br/> * If two addresses are marked as preferred (or no addresses), the database ordering comes into * effect and the one that was created most recently will be returned. <br/> * <br/> * This method will never return a voided address, even if it is marked as preferred. <br/> * <br/> * Null is returned if this person has no addresses or all voided addresses. * * @return the "preferred" person address. * @see #getAddresses() * @see PersonAddress#isPreferred() */ public PersonAddress getPersonAddress() { // normally the DAO layer returns these in the correct order, i.e. preferred and non-voided first, but it's possible that someone // has fetched a Person, changed their addresses around, and then calls this method, so we have to be careful. if (getAddresses() != null && getAddresses().size() > 0) { for (PersonAddress addr : getAddresses()) { if (addr.isPreferred() && !addr.isVoided()) return addr; } for (PersonAddress addr : getAddresses()) { if (!addr.isVoided()) return addr; } return null; } return null; } /** * Convenience method to calculate this person's age based on the birthdate For a person who * lived 1990 to 2000, age would be -5 in 1985, 5 in 1995, 10 in 2000, and 10 2010. * * @return Returns age as an Integer. * @should get correct age after death */ public Integer getAge() { return getAge(null); } /** * Convenience method: calculates the person's age on a given date based on the birthdate * * @param onDate (null defaults to today) * @return int value of the person's age * @should get age before birthday * @should get age on birthday with no minutes defined * @should get age on birthday with minutes defined * @should get age after birthday * @should get age after death * @should get age with given date after death * @should get age with given date before death * @should get age with given date before birth */ public Integer getAge(Date onDate) { if (birthdate == null) return null; // Use default end date as today. Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); // But if given, use the given date. if (onDate != null) today.setTime(onDate); // If date given is after date of death then use date of death as end date if (getDeathDate() != null && today.getTime().after(getDeathDate())) { today.setTime(getDeathDate()); } Calendar bday = Calendar.getInstance(); bday.setTime(birthdate); int age = today.get(Calendar.YEAR) - bday.get(Calendar.YEAR); // Adjust age when today's date is before the person's birthday int todaysMonth = today.get(Calendar.MONTH); int bdayMonth = bday.get(Calendar.MONTH); int todaysDay = today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int bdayDay = bday.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); if (todaysMonth < bdayMonth) { age--; } else if (todaysMonth == bdayMonth && todaysDay < bdayDay) { // we're only comparing on month and day, not minutes, etc age--; } return age; } /** * Convenience method: sets a person's birth date from an age as of the given date Also sets * flag indicating that the birth date is inexact. This sets the person's birth date to January * 1 of the year that matches this age and date * * @param age (the age to set) * @param ageOnDate (null defaults to today) */ public void setBirthdateFromAge(int age, Date ageOnDate) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(ageOnDate == null ? new Date() : ageOnDate); c.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); c.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JANUARY); c.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1 * age); setBirthdate(c.getTime()); setBirthdateEstimated(true); } public User getPersonChangedBy() { return personChangedBy; } public void setPersonChangedBy(User changedBy) { this.personChangedBy = changedBy; } public Date getPersonDateChanged() { return personDateChanged; } public void setPersonDateChanged(Date dateChanged) { this.personDateChanged = dateChanged; } public User getPersonCreator() { return personCreator; } public void setPersonCreator(User creator) { this.personCreator = creator; } public Date getPersonDateCreated() { return personDateCreated; } public void setPersonDateCreated(Date dateCreated) { this.personDateCreated = dateCreated; } public Date getPersonDateVoided() { return personDateVoided; } public void setPersonDateVoided(Date dateVoided) { this.personDateVoided = dateVoided; } public void setPersonVoided(Boolean voided) { this.personVoided = voided; } public Boolean getPersonVoided() { return isPersonVoided(); } public Boolean isPersonVoided() { return personVoided; } public User getPersonVoidedBy() { return personVoidedBy; } public void setPersonVoidedBy(User voidedBy) { this.personVoidedBy = voidedBy; } public String getPersonVoidReason() { return personVoidReason; } public void setPersonVoidReason(String voidReason) { this.personVoidReason = voidReason; } /** * @return true/false whether this person is a patient or not */ public boolean isPatient() { return isPatient; } /** * This should only be set by the database layer by looking at whether a row exists in the * patient table * * @param isPatient whether this person is a patient or not */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void setPatient(boolean isPatient) { this.isPatient = isPatient; } /** * @return true/false whether this person is a user or not * @deprecated use {@link UserService#getUsersByPerson(Person, boolean)} */ public boolean isUser() { return false; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { return "Person(personId=" + personId + ")"; } /** * If the serializer wishes, don't serialize this entire object, just the important parts * * @param sessionMap serialization session information * @return Person object to serialize * @see OpenmrsUtil#isShortSerialization(Map) */ @Replace public Person replaceSerialization(Map<?, ?> sessionMap) { if (OpenmrsUtil.isShortSerialization(sessionMap)) { // only serialize the person id return new Person(getPersonId()); } // don't do short serialization return this; } /** * @since 1.5 * @see org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject#getId() */ public Integer getId() { return getPersonId(); } /** * @since 1.5 * @see org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject#setId(java.lang.Integer) */ public void setId(Integer id) { setPersonId(id); } }