/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://license.openmrs.org * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.api; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.openmrs.Cohort; import org.openmrs.Concept; import org.openmrs.Encounter; import org.openmrs.EncounterType; import org.openmrs.Form; import org.openmrs.Location; import org.openmrs.Obs; import org.openmrs.Order; import org.openmrs.Patient; import org.openmrs.Person; import org.openmrs.User; import org.openmrs.Visit; import org.openmrs.VisitType; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.test.BaseContextSensitiveTest; import org.openmrs.test.Verifies; /** * Tests all methods in the {@link EncounterService} */ public class EncounterServiceTest extends BaseContextSensitiveTest { protected static final String ENC_INITIAL_DATA_XML = "org/openmrs/api/include/EncounterServiceTest-initialData.xml"; protected static final String UNIQUE_ENC_WITH_PAGING_XML = "org/openmrs/api/include/EncounterServiceTest-pagingWithUniqueEncounters.xml"; /** * This method is run before all of the tests in this class because it has the @Before * annotation on it. This will add the contents of {@link #ENC_INITIAL_DATA_XML} to the current * database * * @see BaseContextSensitiveTest#runBeforeAllUnitTests() * @throws Exception */ @Before public void runBeforeEachTest() throws Exception { executeDataSet(ENC_INITIAL_DATA_XML); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should save encounter with basic details", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldSaveEncounterWithBasicDetails() throws Exception { Encounter encounter = new Encounter(); encounter.setLocation(new Location(1)); encounter.setEncounterType(new EncounterType(1)); encounter.setEncounterDatetime(new Date()); encounter.setPatient(new Patient(3)); encounter.setProvider(new Person(1)); EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); es.saveEncounter(encounter); assertNotNull("The saved encounter should have an encounter id now", encounter.getEncounterId()); Encounter newSavedEncounter = es.getEncounter(encounter.getEncounterId()); assertNotNull("We should get back an encounter", newSavedEncounter); assertTrue("The created encounter needs to equal the pojo encounter", encounter.equals(newSavedEncounter)); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should update encounter successfully", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldUpdateEncounterSuccessfully() throws Exception { EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); // get the encounter from the database Encounter encounter = es.getEncounter(1); // save the current values for comparison later Patient origPatient = encounter.getPatient(); Location origLocation = encounter.getLocation(); Date origDate = encounter.getEncounterDatetime(); EncounterType origEncType = encounter.getEncounterType(); // add values that are different than the ones in the initialData.xml // file Location loc2 = new Location(2); EncounterType encType2 = new EncounterType(2); Date d2 = new Date(); Patient pat2 = new Patient(2); encounter.setLocation(loc2); encounter.setEncounterType(encType2); encounter.setEncounterDatetime(d2); encounter.setPatient(pat2); // save to the db es.saveEncounter(encounter); // fetch that encounter from the db Encounter newestEnc = es.getEncounter(encounter.getEncounterId()); assertFalse("The location should be different", origLocation.equals(loc2)); assertTrue("The location should be different", newestEnc.getLocation().equals(loc2)); assertFalse("The enc should have changed", origEncType.equals(encType2)); assertTrue("The enc type needs to have been set", newestEnc.getEncounterType().equals(encType2)); assertFalse("Make sure the dates changed slightly", origDate.equals(d2)); assertTrue("The date needs to have been set", newestEnc.getEncounterDatetime().equals(d2)); assertFalse("The patient should be different", origPatient.equals(pat2)); assertTrue("The patient should have been set", newestEnc.getPatient().equals(pat2)); } /** * You should be able to add an obs to an encounter, save the encounter, and have the obs * automatically persisted. Added to test bug reported in ticket #827 * * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade save to contained obs", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldCascadeSaveToContainedObs() throws Exception { EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); // First, create a new Encounter Encounter enc = new Encounter(); enc.setLocation(new Location(1)); enc.setEncounterType(new EncounterType(1)); enc.setEncounterDatetime(new Date()); enc.setPatient(new Patient(3)); enc.setProvider(new Person(1)); es.saveEncounter(enc); // Now add an obs to it Obs newObs = new Obs(); newObs.setConcept(new Concept(1)); newObs.setValueNumeric(50d); enc.addObs(newObs); es.saveEncounter(enc); assertNotNull(newObs.getObsId()); } /** * When you save the encounter with a changed location, the location change should be cascaded * to all the obs associated with the encounter that had the same location as the encounter. * * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade location change in encounter to contained obs", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldCascadeChangeOfLocationInEncounterToContainedObs() throws Exception { EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); // First, create a new Encounter Encounter enc = new Encounter(); enc.setLocation(new Location(1)); enc.setEncounterType(new EncounterType(1)); enc.setEncounterDatetime(new Date()); enc.setPatient(new Patient(3)); enc.setProvider(new Person(1)); es.saveEncounter(enc); // Now add an obs to it Obs newObs = new Obs(); newObs.setConcept(new Concept(1)); newObs.setValueNumeric(50d); newObs.setLocation(new Location(1)); enc.addObs(newObs); es.saveEncounter(enc); enc.setLocation(new Location(2)); es.saveEncounter(enc); assertEquals(enc.getLocation(), newObs.getLocation()); } /** * When you save the encounter with a changed location, the location change should not be * cascaded to all the obs associated with the encounter that had a different location from * encounter's location. * * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not cascade location change in encounter to contained obs if the initial location of the encounter and the obs are different", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldNotCascadeLocationChangeForDifferentInitialLocations() throws Exception { EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); // First, create a new Encounter Encounter enc = new Encounter(); enc.setLocation(new Location(1)); enc.setEncounterType(new EncounterType(1)); enc.setEncounterDatetime(new Date()); enc.setPatient(new Patient(3)); enc.setProvider(new Person(1)); es.saveEncounter(enc); // Now add an obs to it Obs newObs = new Obs(); newObs.setConcept(new Concept(1)); newObs.setValueNumeric(50d); newObs.setLocation(new Location(2)); enc.addObs(newObs); es.saveEncounter(enc); enc.setLocation(new Location(2)); es.saveEncounter(enc); assertNotSame(enc.getLocation(), newObs.getLocation()); } /** * Make sure that purging an encounter removes the row from the database * * @see {@link EncounterService#purgeEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should purgeEncounter", method = "purgeEncounter(Encounter)") public void purgeEncounter_shouldPurgeEncounter() throws Exception { EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); // fetch the encounter to delete from the db Encounter encounterToDelete = es.getEncounter(1); es.purgeEncounter(encounterToDelete); // try to refetch the encounter. should get a null object Encounter e = es.getEncounter(encounterToDelete.getEncounterId()); assertNull("We shouldn't find the encounter after deletion", e); } /** * Make sure that purging an encounter removes the row from the database * * @see {@link EncounterService#purgeEncounter(Encounter,null)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade purge to obs and orders", method = "purgeEncounter(Encounter,null)") public void purgeEncounter_shouldCascadePurgeToObsAndOrders() throws Exception { EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); // fetch the encounter to delete from the db Encounter encounterToDelete = es.getEncounter(1); es.purgeEncounter(encounterToDelete, true); // try to refetch the encounter. should get a null object Encounter e = es.getEncounter(encounterToDelete.getEncounterId()); assertNull("We shouldn't find the encounter after deletion", e); ObsService obsService = Context.getObsService(); assertNull(obsService.getObs(1)); assertNull(obsService.getObs(2)); assertNull(obsService.getObs(3)); assertNull(Context.getOrderService().getOrder(1)); } /** * You should be able to add an obs to an encounter, save the encounter, and have the obs * automatically persisted. * * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade save to contained obs when encounter already exists", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldCascadeSaveToContainedObsWhenEncounterAlreadyExists() throws Exception { EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); // get an encounter from the database Encounter encounter = es.getEncounter(1); assertNotNull(encounter.getEncounterDatetime()); // Now add an obs to it Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setConcept(new Concept(1)); obs.setValueNumeric(50d); obs.setObsDatetime(new Date()); encounter.addObs(obs); // there should not be an obs id before saving the encounter assertNull(obs.getObsId()); es.saveEncounter(encounter); // the obs id should have been populated during the save assertNotNull(obs.getObsId()); } /** * You should be able to add an obs without an obsDatetime to an encounter, save the encounter, * and have the obs automatically persisted with the same date as the encounter. Added to test * bug reported in {@link Ticket#827} * * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade encounter datetime to obs", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldCascadeEncounterDatetimeToObs() throws Exception { EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); // get an encounter from the database Encounter encounter = es.getEncounter(1); assertNotNull(encounter.getEncounterDatetime()); // Now add an obs to it and do NOT set the obs datetime Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setConcept(new Concept(1)); obs.setValueNumeric(50d); encounter.addObs(obs); es.saveEncounter(encounter); assertTrue(encounter.getEncounterDatetime().equals(obs.getObsDatetime())); } /** * When the date on an encounter is modified and then saved, the encounterservice changes all of * the obsdatetimes to the new datetime. This test is showing error * http://dev.openmrs.org/ticket/934 * * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should only cascade the obsdatetimes to obs with different initial obsdatetimes", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldOnlyCascadeTheObsdatetimesToObsWithDifferentInitialObsdatetimes() throws Exception { EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); Encounter enc = es.getEncounter(1); Date newDate = new Date(); enc.setEncounterDatetime(newDate); // save the encounter. The obs should pick up the encounter's date es.saveEncounter(enc); boolean foundObs3 = false; for (Obs obs : enc.getAllObs()) { if (obs.getObsId().equals(3)) { // make sure different obs datetimes from the encounter datetime // are not edited to the new time assertNotSame(newDate, obs.getObsDatetime()); foundObs3 = true; } else // make sure all obs were changed assertEquals(newDate, obs.getObsDatetime()); } assertTrue(foundObs3); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not overwrite creator if non null", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldNotOverwriteCreatorIfNonNull() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // the encounter to save with a non null creator Encounter encounter = new Encounter(); encounter.setLocation(new Location(1)); encounter.setEncounterType(new EncounterType(1)); encounter.setEncounterDatetime(new Date()); encounter.setPatient(new Patient(2)); encounter.setCreator(new User(4)); // make sure the logged in user isn't the user we're testing with assertNotSame(encounter.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); encounterService.saveEncounter(encounter); // make sure the encounter creator is user 4 not user 1 assertEquals(encounter.getCreator(), new User(4)); // make sure we can fetch this new encounter // from the database and its values are the same as the passed in ones Encounter newEncounter = encounterService.getEncounter(encounter.getEncounterId()); assertNotNull(newEncounter); assertEquals(encounter.getCreator(), new User(4)); assertNotSame(encounter.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not overwrite dateCreated if non null", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldNotOverwriteDateCreatedIfNonNull() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // the encounter to save without a dateCreated Encounter encounter = new Encounter(); encounter.setLocation(new Location(1)); encounter.setEncounterType(new EncounterType(1)); encounter.setEncounterDatetime(new Date()); encounter.setPatient(new Patient(2)); encounter.setCreator(new User(4)); Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 5000); // make sure we // have a // date that // isn't // "right now" encounter.setDateCreated(date); encounterService.saveEncounter(encounter); // make sure the encounter creator is user 4 not user 1 assertEquals(encounter.getCreator(), new User(4)); assertNotSame(encounter.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); // make sure the encounter date created wasn't overwritten assertEquals(date, encounter.getDateCreated()); // make sure we can fetch this new encounter // from the database and its values are the same as the passed in ones Encounter newEncounter = encounterService.getEncounter(encounter.getEncounterId()); assertNotNull(newEncounter); assertEquals(date, encounter.getDateCreated()); } /** * Make sure the obs and order creator and dateCreated is preserved when passed into * {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} * * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not overwrite obs and orders creator or dateCreated", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldNotOverwriteObsAndOrdersCreatorOrDateCreated() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // the encounter to save without a dateCreated Encounter encounter = new Encounter(); encounter.setLocation(new Location(1)); encounter.setEncounterType(new EncounterType(1)); encounter.setEncounterDatetime(new Date()); encounter.setPatient(new Patient(2)); Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 5000); // make sure we // have a // date that // isn't // "right now" encounter.setDateCreated(date); User creator = new User(1); encounter.setCreator(creator); // create and add an obs to this encounter Obs obs = new Obs(new Patient(2), new Concept(1), new Date(), new Location(1)); obs.setDateCreated(date); obs.setCreator(creator); encounter.addObs(obs); // create and add an order to this encounter Order order = new Order(); order.setConcept(new Concept(1)); order.setPatient(new Patient(2)); order.setDateCreated(date); order.setCreator(creator); encounter.addOrder(order); // make sure the logged in user isn't the user we're testing with assertNotSame(encounter.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); encounterService.saveEncounter(encounter); // make sure the obs date created and creator are the same as what we // set Obs createdObs = Context.getObsService().getObs(obs.getObsId()); assertEquals(date, createdObs.getDateCreated()); assertEquals(creator, createdObs.getCreator()); // make sure the order date created and creator are the same as what we // set Order createdOrder = Context.getOrderService().getOrder(order.getOrderId()); assertEquals(date, createdOrder.getDateCreated()); assertEquals(creator, createdOrder.getCreator()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade creator and dateCreated to orders", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldCascadeCreatorAndDateCreatedToOrders() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // the encounter to save without a dateCreated Encounter encounter = new Encounter(); encounter.setLocation(new Location(1)); encounter.setEncounterType(new EncounterType(1)); encounter.setEncounterDatetime(new Date()); encounter.setPatient(new Patient(2)); // create and add an order to this encounter Order order = new Order(); order.setConcept(new Concept(1)); order.setPatient(new Patient(2)); encounter.addOrder(order); // make sure the logged in user isn't the user we're testing with assertNotSame(encounter.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); encounterService.saveEncounter(encounter); // make sure the order date created and creator are the same as what we // set Order createdOrder = Context.getOrderService().getOrder(order.getOrderId()); assertNotNull(encounter.getDateCreated()); assertNotNull(createdOrder.getDateCreated()); assertEquals(encounter.getDateCreated(), createdOrder.getDateCreated()); assertNotNull(encounter.getCreator()); assertNotNull(createdOrder.getCreator()); assertEquals(encounter.getCreator(), createdOrder.getCreator()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatient(Patient)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not get voided encounters", method = "getEncountersByPatient(Patient)") public void getEncountersByPatient_shouldNotGetVoidedEncounters() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<Encounter> encounters = encounterService.getEncountersByPatient(new Patient(3)); assertEquals(2, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatient(Patient)} */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw error when given null parameter", method = "getEncountersByPatient(Patient)") public void getEncountersByPatient_shouldThrowErrorWhenGivenNullParameter() throws Exception { Context.getEncounterService().getEncountersByPatient((Patient) null); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatientId(Integer)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not get voided encounters", method = "getEncountersByPatientId(Integer)") public void getEncountersByPatientId_shouldNotGetVoidedEncounters() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<Encounter> encounters = encounterService.getEncountersByPatientId(3); assertEquals(2, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatientId(Integer)} */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw error if given a null parameter", method = "getEncountersByPatientId(Integer)") public void getEncountersByPatientId_shouldThrowErrorIfGivenANullParameter() throws Exception { Context.getEncounterService().getEncountersByPatientId(null); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatientIdentifier(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not get voided encounters", method = "getEncountersByPatientIdentifier(String)") public void getEncountersByPatientIdentifier_shouldNotGetVoidedEncounters() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<Encounter> encounters = encounterService.getEncountersByPatientIdentifier("12345"); assertEquals(2, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatientIdentifier(String)} */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw error if given null parameter", method = "getEncountersByPatientIdentifier(String)") public void getEncountersByPatientIdentifier_shouldThrowErrorIfGivenNullParameter() throws Exception { Context.getEncounterService().getEncountersByPatientIdentifier(null); } /** * Make sure {@link EncounterService#voidEncounter(Encounter, String)} marks all the voided * stuff correctly * * @see {@link EncounterService#voidEncounter(Encounter,String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should void encounter and set attributes", method = "voidEncounter(Encounter,String)") public void voidEncounter_shouldVoidEncounterAndSetAttributes() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // get a nonvoided encounter Encounter encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(1); assertFalse(encounter.isVoided()); assertNull(encounter.getVoidedBy()); assertNull(encounter.getVoidReason()); assertNull(encounter.getDateVoided()); Encounter voidedEnc = encounterService.voidEncounter(encounter, "Just Testing"); // make sure its still the same object assertEquals(voidedEnc, encounter); // make sure that all the values were filled in assertTrue(voidedEnc.isVoided()); assertNotNull(voidedEnc.getDateVoided()); assertEquals(Context.getAuthenticatedUser(), voidedEnc.getVoidedBy()); assertEquals("Just Testing", voidedEnc.getVoidReason()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#voidEncounter(Encounter,String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade to obs", method = "voidEncounter(Encounter,String)") public void voidEncounter_shouldCascadeToObs() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // get a nonvoided encounter that has some obs Encounter encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(1); encounterService.voidEncounter(encounter, "Just Testing"); Obs obs = Context.getObsService().getObs(1); assertTrue(obs.isVoided()); assertEquals("Just Testing", obs.getVoidReason()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#voidEncounter(Encounter,String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade to orders", method = "voidEncounter(Encounter,String)") public void voidEncounter_shouldCascadeToOrders() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // get a nonvoided encounter that has some obs Encounter encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(1); encounterService.voidEncounter(encounter, "Just Testing"); Order order = Context.getOrderService().getOrder(1); assertTrue(order.isVoided()); assertEquals("Just Testing", order.getVoidReason()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#unvoidEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade unvoid to obs", method = "unvoidEncounter(Encounter)") public void unvoidEncounter_shouldCascadeUnvoidToObs() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // get a voided encounter that has some voided obs Encounter encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(2); encounterService.unvoidEncounter(encounter); Obs obs = Context.getObsService().getObs(4); assertFalse(obs.isVoided()); assertNull(obs.getVoidReason()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#unvoidEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade unvoid to orders", method = "unvoidEncounter(Encounter)") public void unvoidEncounter_shouldCascadeUnvoidToOrders() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // get a voided encounter that has some voided obs Encounter encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(2); encounterService.unvoidEncounter(encounter); Order order = Context.getOrderService().getOrder(2); assertFalse(order.isVoided()); assertNull(order.getVoidReason()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#voidEncounter(Encounter,String)} */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw error with null reason parameter", method = "voidEncounter(Encounter,String)") public void voidEncounter_shouldThrowErrorWithNullReasonParameter() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); Encounter type = encounterService.getEncounter(1); encounterService.voidEncounter(type, null); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#unvoidEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should unvoid and unmark all attributes", method = "unvoidEncounter(Encounter)") public void unvoidEncounter_shouldUnvoidAndUnmarkAllAttributes() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // get an already voided encounter Encounter encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(2); assertTrue(encounter.isVoided()); assertNotNull(encounter.getVoidedBy()); assertNotNull(encounter.getVoidReason()); assertNotNull(encounter.getDateVoided()); Encounter unvoidedEnc = encounterService.unvoidEncounter(encounter); // make sure its still the same object assertEquals(unvoidedEnc, encounter); // make sure that all the values were unfilled in assertFalse(unvoidedEnc.isVoided()); assertNull(unvoidedEnc.getDateVoided()); assertNull(unvoidedEnc.getVoidedBy()); assertNull(unvoidedEnc.getVoidReason()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get encounters by location", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldGetEncountersByLocation() throws Exception { List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, new Location(1), null, null, null, null, null, true); assertEquals(5, encounters.size()); } /** * Get encounters that are after a certain date, and ensure the comparison is INCLUSIVE of the * given date * * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get encounters on or after date", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldGetEncountersOnOrAfterDate() throws Exception { // there is only one nonvoided encounter, on 2005-01-01 DateFormat ymd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // test for a min date long before all dates List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, ymd.parse("2004-12-31"), null, null, null, null, false); assertEquals(4, encounters.size()); assertEquals(1, encounters.get(0).getEncounterId().intValue()); // test for exact date search encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, ymd.parse("2005-01-01"), null, null, null, null, false); assertEquals(4, encounters.size()); // test for one day later encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, ymd.parse("2005-01-02"), null, null, null, null, false); assertEquals(3, encounters.size()); assertEquals(3, encounters.get(0).getEncounterId().intValue()); assertEquals(4, encounters.get(1).getEncounterId().intValue()); assertEquals(5, encounters.get(2).getEncounterId().intValue()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get encounters on or up to a date", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldGetEncountersOnOrUpToADate() throws Exception { Date toDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-dd-MM").parse("2006-01-01"); List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, null, toDate, null, null, null, true); assertEquals(2, encounters.size()); assertEquals(15, encounters.get(0).getEncounterId().intValue()); assertEquals(1, encounters.get(1).getEncounterId().intValue()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get encounters by form", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldGetEncountersByForm() throws Exception { List<Form> forms = new Vector<Form>(); forms.add(new Form(1)); List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, null, null, forms, null, null, true); assertEquals(6, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get encounters by provider", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldGetEncountersByProvider() throws Exception { List<User> providers = new ArrayList<User>(); providers.add(new User(1)); List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, null, null, null, null, providers, true); assertEquals(3, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get encounters by type", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldGetEncountersByType() throws Exception { List<EncounterType> types = new Vector<EncounterType>(); types.add(new EncounterType(1)); List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, null, null, null, types, null, true); assertEquals(5, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should exclude voided encounters", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldExcludeVoidedEncounters() throws Exception { assertEquals(5, Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false).size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should include voided encounters", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldIncludeVoidedEncounters() throws Exception { assertEquals(6, Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, true).size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounterType(EncounterType)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should save encounter type", method = "saveEncounterType(EncounterType)") public void saveEncounterType_shouldSaveEncounterType() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); EncounterType encounterType = new EncounterType("testing", "desc"); encounterService.saveEncounterType(encounterType); // make sure an encounter type id was created assertNotNull(encounterType.getEncounterTypeId()); // make sure we can fetch this new encounter type // from the database EncounterType newEncounterType = encounterService.getEncounterType(encounterType.getEncounterTypeId()); assertNotNull(newEncounterType); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounterType(EncounterType)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not overwrite creator", method = "saveEncounterType(EncounterType)") public void saveEncounterType_shouldNotOverwriteCreator() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // the encounter to save without a dateCreated EncounterType encounterType = new EncounterType("testing", "desc"); encounterType.setCreator(new User(4)); // make sure the logged in user isn't the user we're testing with assertNotSame(encounterType.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); encounterService.saveEncounterType(encounterType); // make sure the encounter type creator is user 4 not user 1 assertEquals(encounterType.getCreator(), new User(4)); assertNotSame(encounterType.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); // make sure we can fetch this new encounter type // from the database and its values are the same as the passed in ones EncounterType newEncounterType = encounterService.getEncounterType(encounterType.getEncounterTypeId()); assertNotNull(newEncounterType); assertEquals(encounterType.getCreator(), new User(4)); assertNotSame(encounterType.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounterType(EncounterType)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not overwrite creator or date created", method = "saveEncounterType(EncounterType)") public void saveEncounterType_shouldNotOverwriteCreatorOrDateCreated() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // the encounter to save without a dateCreated EncounterType encounterType = new EncounterType("testing", "desc"); encounterType.setCreator(new User(4)); Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 5000); // make sure we // have a // date that // isn't // "right now" encounterType.setDateCreated(date); // make sure the logged in user isn't the user we're testing with assertNotSame(encounterType.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); encounterService.saveEncounterType(encounterType); // make sure the encounter type creator is user 4 not user 1 assertEquals(encounterType.getCreator(), new User(4)); assertNotSame(encounterType.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); // make sure the encounter type date created wasn't overwritten assertEquals(date, encounterType.getDateCreated()); // make sure we can fetch this new encounter type // from the database and its values are the same as the passed in ones EncounterType newEncounterType = encounterService.getEncounterType(encounterType.getEncounterTypeId()); assertNotNull(newEncounterType); assertEquals(encounterType.getCreator(), new User(4)); assertNotSame(encounterType.getCreator(), Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); assertEquals(date, encounterType.getDateCreated()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounterType(EncounterType)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not overwrite date created", method = "saveEncounterType(EncounterType)") public void saveEncounterType_shouldNotOverwriteDateCreated() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // the encounter to save without a dateCreated EncounterType encounterType = new EncounterType(); encounterType.setName("testing"); encounterType.setDescription("desc"); Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 5000); // make sure we // have a // date that // isn't // "right now" encounterType.setDateCreated(date); encounterService.saveEncounterType(encounterType); // make sure the encounter type date created wasn't overwritten assertEquals(date, encounterType.getDateCreated()); // make sure we can fetch this new encounter type // from the database and its values are the same as the passed in ones EncounterType newEncounterType = encounterService.getEncounterType(encounterType.getEncounterTypeId()); assertNotNull(newEncounterType); assertEquals(date, encounterType.getDateCreated()); } /** * There should be two encounters in the system with the name "Test Enc Type A" and one should * be retired and one not. Only the non retired one should be returned here * * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounterType(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not get retired types", method = "getEncounterType(String)") public void getEncounterType_shouldNotGetRetiredTypes() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // loop over retired and nonretired types to make sure // that there are two "Test Enc Type A" types (one retired, one not) boolean foundRetired = false; boolean foundNonRetired = false; int countOfTestEncType2s = 0; for (EncounterType encType : encounterService.getAllEncounterTypes(true)) { if (encType.getName().equals("Test Enc Type A")) { countOfTestEncType2s++; if (encType.isRetired()) foundRetired = true; else foundNonRetired = true; } } // check that both were set to true assertEquals("We are only expecting to have two types: one retired, one not", 2, countOfTestEncType2s); assertTrue("No retired type was found in the db", foundRetired); assertTrue("No non-retired type was found in the db", foundNonRetired); // we should not get two types here, the second one is retired EncounterType type = encounterService.getEncounterType("Test Enc Type A"); assertEquals(2, type.getEncounterTypeId().intValue()); assertFalse(type.isRetired()); } /** * Make sure that the "Some Retired Type" type is not returned because it is retired in * {@link EncounterService#getEncounterType(String)} * * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounterType(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null if only retired type found", method = "getEncounterType(String)") public void getEncounterType_shouldReturnNullIfOnlyRetiredTypeFound() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // sanity check to make sure 'some retired type' is in the dataset assertTrue(encounterService.getEncounterType(4).isRetired()); assertEquals("Some Retired Type", encounterService.getEncounterType(4).getName()); // we should get a null here because this named type is retired EncounterType type = encounterService.getEncounterType("Some Retired Type"); assertNull(type); } /** * Make sure that we are matching on exact name and not partial name in * * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounterType(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not get by inexact name", method = "getEncounterType(String)") public void getEncounterType_shouldNotGetByInexactName() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // we should not get two types here, the second one is retired EncounterType type = encounterService.getEncounterType("Test Enc Type A"); assertEquals(2, type.getEncounterTypeId().intValue()); // we should not get any encounters here even though "Test Enc" is // similar // to a name that is in the db EncounterType typeByInExactName = encounterService.getEncounterType("Test Enc"); assertNull(typeByInExactName); } /** * Make sure that we are not throwing an error with a null parameter to * * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounterType(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null with null name parameter", method = "getEncounterType(String)") public void getEncounterType_shouldReturnNullWithNullNameParameter() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); // we should not get an error here...but silently return nothing EncounterType type = encounterService.getEncounterType((String) null); assertNull(type); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getAllEncounterTypes(boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not return retired types", method = "getAllEncounterTypes(boolean)") public void getAllEncounterTypes_shouldNotReturnRetiredTypes() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<EncounterType> encounterTypes = encounterService.getAllEncounterTypes(false); // make sure we get a list assertNotNull(encounterTypes); // make sure we only get the two non retired encounter types // defined in the initialData.xml assertEquals(2, encounterTypes.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getAllEncounterTypes(null)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should include retired types with true includeRetired parameter", method = "getAllEncounterTypes(null)") public void getAllEncounterTypes_shouldIncludeRetiredTypesWithTrueIncludeRetiredParameter() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); boolean foundRetired = false; List<EncounterType> types = encounterService.getAllEncounterTypes(true); // there should be five types in the database assertEquals(5, types.size()); for (EncounterType type : types) { if (type.isRetired()) foundRetired = true; } assertTrue("Retired types should be returned as well", foundRetired); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#findEncounterTypes(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return types by partial name match", method = "findEncounterTypes(String)") public void findEncounterTypes_shouldReturnTypesByPartialNameMatch() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<EncounterType> types = encounterService.findEncounterTypes("Test Enc"); assertEquals(3, types.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#findEncounterTypes(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return types by partial case insensitive match", method = "findEncounterTypes(String)") public void findEncounterTypes_shouldReturnTypesByPartialCaseInsensitiveMatch() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<EncounterType> types = encounterService.findEncounterTypes("Test ENC"); assertEquals(3, types.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#findEncounterTypes(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should include retired types in the results", method = "findEncounterTypes(String)") public void findEncounterTypes_shouldIncludeRetiredTypesInTheResults() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<EncounterType> types = encounterService.findEncounterTypes("Test Enc"); assertEquals(3, types.size()); // make sure at least one of the types was retired boolean foundRetired = false; for (EncounterType type : types) { if (type.isRetired()) foundRetired = true; } assertTrue("Retired types should be returned as well", foundRetired); } /** * No types should be returned when using a substring other than the starting substring * * @see {@link EncounterService#findEncounterTypes(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should not partial match name on internal substrings", method = "findEncounterTypes(String)") public void findEncounterTypes_shouldNotPartialMatchNameOnInternalSubstrings() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<EncounterType> types = encounterService.findEncounterTypes("Test Enc Type"); assertEquals(3, types.size()); types = encounterService.findEncounterTypes("Enc Type"); assertEquals(0, types.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#findEncounterTypes(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return types ordered on name and nonretired first", method = "findEncounterTypes(String)") public void findEncounterTypes_shouldReturnTypesOrderedOnNameAndNonretiredFirst() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<EncounterType> types = encounterService.findEncounterTypes("Test Enc"); // make sure the order is id 2, 3, 1 assertEquals(2, types.get(0).getEncounterTypeId().intValue()); assertEquals(3, types.get(1).getEncounterTypeId().intValue()); assertEquals(1, types.get(2).getEncounterTypeId().intValue()); // this test expects that id #2 and id #3 have the same name and that // id #3 is retired assertEquals(types.get(0).getName(), types.get(1).getName()); assertTrue(types.get(1).isRetired()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#retireEncounterType(EncounterType,String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should retire type and set attributes", method = "retireEncounterType(EncounterType,String)") public void retireEncounterType_shouldRetireTypeAndSetAttributes() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); EncounterType type = encounterService.getEncounterType(1); assertFalse(type.isRetired()); assertNull(type.getRetiredBy()); assertNull(type.getRetireReason()); assertNull(type.getDateRetired()); EncounterType retiredEncType = encounterService.retireEncounterType(type, "Just Testing"); // make sure its still the same object assertEquals(retiredEncType, type); // make sure that all the values were filled in assertTrue(retiredEncType.isRetired()); assertNotNull(retiredEncType.getDateRetired()); assertEquals(Context.getAuthenticatedUser(), retiredEncType.getRetiredBy()); assertEquals("Just Testing", retiredEncType.getRetireReason()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#retireEncounterType(EncounterType,String)} */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw error if given null reason parameter", method = "retireEncounterType(EncounterType,String)") public void retireEncounterType_shouldThrowErrorIfGivenNullReasonParameter() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); EncounterType type = encounterService.getEncounterType(1); encounterService.retireEncounterType(type, null); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#unretireEncounterType(EncounterType)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should unretire type and unmark attributes", method = "unretireEncounterType(EncounterType)") public void unretireEncounterType_shouldUnretireTypeAndUnmarkAttributes() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); EncounterType type = encounterService.getEncounterType(3); // TestUtil.printOutTableContents(getConnection(), "encounter_type", // "encounter"); assertTrue(type.isRetired()); assertNotNull(type.getRetiredBy()); assertNotNull(type.getRetireReason()); assertNotNull(type.getDateRetired()); EncounterType unretiredEncType = encounterService.unretireEncounterType(type); // make sure its still the same object assertEquals(unretiredEncType, type); // make sure that all the values were unfilled in assertFalse(unretiredEncType.isRetired()); assertNull(unretiredEncType.getDateRetired()); assertNull(unretiredEncType.getRetiredBy()); assertNull(unretiredEncType.getRetireReason()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounterType(EncounterType)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should update an existing encounter type name", method = "saveEncounterType(EncounterType)") public void saveEncounterType_shouldUpdateAnExistingEncounterTypeName() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); EncounterType encounterTypeToChange = encounterService.getEncounterType(1); // change the name of the type encounterTypeToChange.setName("another test"); // save the type to the database encounterService.saveEncounterType(encounterTypeToChange); // make sure the encounter type id didn't change assertEquals(1, encounterTypeToChange.getEncounterTypeId().intValue()); // refetch the encounter type from the database EncounterType fetchedEncounterType = encounterService.getEncounterType(1); assertTrue(fetchedEncounterType.getName().equals("another test")); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#purgeEncounterType(EncounterType)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should purge type", method = "purgeEncounterType(EncounterType)") public void purgeEncounterType_shouldPurgeType() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); EncounterType encounterTypeToPurge = encounterService.getEncounterType(1); assertNotNull(encounterTypeToPurge); // check deletion encounterService.purgeEncounterType(encounterTypeToPurge); assertNull(encounterService.getEncounterType(1)); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounter(Integer)} */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw error if given null parameter", method = "getEncounter(Integer)") public void getEncounter_shouldThrowErrorIfGivenNullParameter() throws Exception { Context.getEncounterService().getEncounter(null); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounterType(Integer)} */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw error if given null parameter", method = "getEncounterType(Integer)") public void getEncounterType_shouldThrowErrorIfGivenNullParameter() throws Exception { Context.getEncounterService().getEncounterType((Integer) null); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#saveEncounter(Encounter)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should cascade patient to orders in the encounter", method = "saveEncounter(Encounter)") public void saveEncounter_shouldCascadePatientToOrdersInTheEncounter() throws Exception { Encounter enc = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounter(15); Order existing = enc.getOrders().iterator().next(); // for some reason the xml for the existing encounter has already given // this order a different patient than the encounter that it's contained // in, but let's verify that: Assert.assertNotSame(enc.getPatient(), existing.getPatient()); Context.getEncounterService().saveEncounter(enc); Assert.assertEquals(enc.getPatient(), existing.getPatient()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounterByUuid(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should find object given valid uuid", method = "getEncounterByUuid(String)") public void getEncounterByUuid_shouldFindObjectGivenValidUuid() throws Exception { String uuid = "6519d653-393b-4118-9c83-a3715b82d4ac"; Encounter encounter = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounterByUuid(uuid); Assert.assertEquals(3, (int) encounter.getEncounterId()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounterByUuid(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null if no object found with given uuid", method = "getEncounterByUuid(String)") public void getEncounterByUuid_shouldReturnNullIfNoObjectFoundWithGivenUuid() throws Exception { Assert.assertNull(Context.getEncounterService().getEncounterByUuid("some invalid uuid")); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounterTypeByUuid(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should find object given valid uuid", method = "getEncounterTypeByUuid(String)") public void getEncounterTypeByUuid_shouldFindObjectGivenValidUuid() throws Exception { String uuid = "02c533ab-b74b-4ee4-b6e5-ffb6d09a0ac8"; EncounterType encounterType = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounterTypeByUuid(uuid); Assert.assertEquals(6, (int) encounterType.getEncounterTypeId()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounterTypeByUuid(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should return null if no object found with given uuid", method = "getEncounterTypeByUuid(String)") public void getEncounterTypeByUuid_shouldReturnNullIfNoObjectFoundWithGivenUuid() throws Exception { Assert.assertNull(Context.getEncounterService().getEncounterTypeByUuid("some invalid uuid")); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatient(String,boolean)} * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatient(String)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get all unvoided encounters for the given patient identifier", method = "getEncountersByPatient(String,boolean)") public void getEncountersByPatient_shouldGetAllUnvoidedEncountersForTheGivenPatientIdentifier() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<Encounter> encounters = encounterService.getEncountersByPatient("12345", false); assertEquals(2, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatient(String,boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get all unvoided encounters for the given patient name", method = "getEncountersByPatient(String,boolean)") public void getEncountersByPatient_shouldGetAllUnvoidedEncountersForTheGivenPatientName() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<Encounter> encounters = encounterService.getEncountersByPatient("John", false); assertEquals(2, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatient(String,boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should include voided encounters in the returned list if includedVoided is true", method = "getEncountersByPatient(String,boolean)") public void getEncountersByPatient_shouldIncludeVoidedEncountersInTheReturnedListIfIncludedVoidedIsTrue() throws Exception { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); List<Encounter> encounters = encounterService.getEncountersByPatient("12345", true); assertEquals(3, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByPatient(String,boolean)} */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) @Verifies(value = "should throw error if given null parameter", method = "getEncountersByPatient(String,boolean)") public void getEncountersByPatient_shouldThrowErrorIfGivenNullParameter() throws Exception { Context.getEncounterService().getEncountersByPatient(null, false); } /** * Tests that all encounters for all patients in a cohort are returned * * @see {@link EncounterService#getAllEncounters(Cohort)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get all encounters for a cohort of patients", method = "getAllEncounters(Cohort)") public void getAllEncounters_shouldGetAllEncountersForACohortOfPatients() throws Exception { Cohort cohort = new Cohort(); cohort.addMember(7); Map<Integer, List<Encounter>> allEncounters = Context.getEncounterService().getAllEncounters(cohort); Assert.assertEquals(1, allEncounters.size()); Assert.assertEquals(3, allEncounters.get(7).size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get encounters by visit", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QVisitType;>,Collection<QVisit;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldGetEncountersByVisit() throws Exception { List<Visit> visits = new ArrayList<Visit>(); visits.add(new Visit(1)); List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, visits, true); assertEquals(1, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(Patient, Location, Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get encounters by visit type", method = "getEncounters(Patient,Location,Date,Date,Collection<QForm;>,Collection<QEncounterType;>,Collection<QVisitType;>,Collection<QVisit;>,Collection<QUser;>,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldGetEncountersByVisitType() throws Exception { List<VisitType> visitTypes = new Vector<VisitType>(); visitTypes.add(new VisitType(2)); List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, visitTypes, null, true); assertEquals(1, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncountersByVisit(Visit)} */ @Test @Verifies(value = "should get encounters by visit", method = "getEncountersByVisit(Visit)") public void getEncountersByVisit_shouldGetEncountersByVisit() throws Exception { List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncountersByVisit(new Visit(1)); assertEquals(1, encounters.size()); } /** * @see {@link EncounterService#getCountOfEncounters(String,null)} */ @Test @Ignore @Verifies(value = "should get the correct count of unique encounters", method = "getCountOfEncounters(String,null)") public void getCountOfEncounters_shouldGetTheCorrectCountOfUniqueEncounters() throws Exception { executeDataSet(UNIQUE_ENC_WITH_PAGING_XML); Assert.assertEquals(4, Context.getEncounterService().getCountOfEncounters("qwerty", true).intValue()); } /** * TODO see ticket https://tickets.openmrs.org/browse/TRUNK-1956 to fix this test * * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(String,Integer,Integer,null,null)} */ @Test @Ignore @Verifies(value = "should get all the unique encounters that match the specified parameter values", method = "getEncounters(String,Integer,Integer,null,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldGetAllTheUniqueEncountersThatMatchTheSpecifiedParameterValues() throws Exception { executeDataSet(UNIQUE_ENC_WITH_PAGING_XML); List<Encounter> encs = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters("qwerty", 0, 4, true); Assert.assertEquals(4, encs.size()); } /** * TODO see ticket https://tickets.openmrs.org/browse/TRUNK-1956 to fix this test * * @see {@link EncounterService#getEncounters(String,Integer,Integer,null,null)} */ @Test @Ignore @Verifies(value = "should not return voided encounters if includeVoided is set to true", method = "getEncounters(String,Integer,Integer,null,null)") public void getEncounters_shouldNotReturnVoidedEncountersIfIncludeVoidedIsSetToTrue() throws Exception { executeDataSet(UNIQUE_ENC_WITH_PAGING_XML); List<Encounter> encs = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters("qwerty", 0, 3, false); Assert.assertEquals(3, encs.size()); } }