/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://license.openmrs.org * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.module; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import org.aopalliance.aop.Advice; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openmrs.GlobalProperty; import org.openmrs.Privilege; import org.openmrs.api.AdministrationService; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.module.Extension.MEDIA_TYPE; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsClassLoader; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsConstants; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsUtil; import org.springframework.aop.Advisor; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * Methods for loading, starting, stopping, and storing OpenMRS modules */ public class ModuleFactory { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ModuleFactory.class); protected static Map<String, Module> loadedModules = new WeakHashMap<String, Module>(); protected static Map<String, Module> startedModules = new WeakHashMap<String, Module>(); protected static Map<String, List<Extension>> extensionMap = new HashMap<String, List<Extension>>(); // maps to keep track of the memory and objects to free/close protected static Map<Module, ModuleClassLoader> moduleClassLoaders = new WeakHashMap<Module, ModuleClassLoader>(); /** * Add a module (in the form of a jar file) to the list of openmrs modules Returns null if an * error occurred and/or module was not successfully loaded * * @param moduleFile * @return Module */ public static Module loadModule(File moduleFile) throws ModuleException { return loadModule(moduleFile, true); } /** * Add a module (in the form of a jar file) to the list of openmrs modules Returns null if an * error occurred and/or module was not successfully loaded * * @param moduleFile * @param replaceIfExists unload a module that has the same moduleId if one is loaded already * @return Module */ public static Module loadModule(File moduleFile, Boolean replaceIfExists) throws ModuleException { Module module = getModuleFromFile(moduleFile); if (module != null) loadModule(module, replaceIfExists); return module; } /** * Add a module to the list of openmrs modules * * @param module * @param replaceIfExists unload a module that has the same moduleId if one is loaded already * @return module the module that was loaded or if the module exists already with the same version, the old module */ public static Module loadModule(Module module, Boolean replaceIfExists) throws ModuleException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Adding module " + module.getName() + " to the module queue"); Module oldModule = getLoadedModulesMap().get(module.getModuleId()); if (oldModule != null) { int versionComparison = ModuleUtil.compareVersion(oldModule.getVersion(), module.getVersion()); if (versionComparison < 0) { // if oldModule version is lower, unload it and use the new unloadModule(oldModule); } else if (versionComparison == 0) { if (replaceIfExists) { // if the versions are the same and we're told to replaceIfExists, use the new unloadModule(oldModule); } else // if the versions are equal and we're not told to replaceIfExists, jump out of here in a bad way throw new ModuleException("A module with the same id and version already exists", module.getModuleId()); } else { // if the older (already loaded) module is newer, keep that original one that was loaded. return that one. return oldModule; } } getLoadedModulesMap().put(module.getModuleId(), module); return module; } /** * Load OpenMRS modules from <code>OpenmrsUtil.getModuleRepository()</code> */ public static void loadModules() { // load modules from the user's module repository directory File modulesFolder = ModuleUtil.getModuleRepository(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Loading modules from: " + modulesFolder.getAbsolutePath()); if (modulesFolder.isDirectory()) { loadModules(Arrays.asList(modulesFolder.listFiles())); } else log.error("modules folder: '" + modulesFolder.getAbsolutePath() + "' is not a valid directory"); } /** * Attempt to load the given files as OpenMRS modules * * @param modulesToLoad the list of files to try and load */ public static void loadModules(List<File> modulesToLoad) { // loop over the modules and load all the modules that we can for (File f : modulesToLoad) { // ignore .svn folder and the like if (!f.getName().startsWith(".")) { try { Module mod = loadModule(f, true); // last module loaded wins log.debug("Loaded module: " + mod + " successfully"); } catch (Throwable t) { log.debug("Unable to load file in module directory: " + f + ". Skipping file.", t); } } } } /** * Try to start all of the loaded modules that have the global property <i>moduleId</i>.started * is set to "true" or the property does not exist. Otherwise, leave it as only "loaded"<br/> * <br/> * Modules that are already started will be skipped. */ public static void startModules() { // loop over and try starting each of the loaded modules if (getLoadedModules().size() > 0) { List<Module> leftoverModules = new Vector<Module>(); try { Context.addProxyPrivilege(""); AdministrationService as = Context.getAdministrationService(); // try and start the modules that should be started for (Module mod : getLoadedModulesCoreFirst()) { if (mod.isStarted()) continue; // skip over modules that are already started String key = mod.getModuleId() + ".started"; String startedProp = as.getGlobalProperty(key, null); String mandatoryProp = as.getGlobalProperty(mod.getModuleId() + ".mandatory", null); // if this is a core module and we're not ignoring core modules, this module should always start boolean isCoreToOpenmrs = ModuleConstants.CORE_MODULES.containsKey(mod.getModuleId()) && !ModuleUtil.ignoreCoreModules(); // if a 'moduleid.started' property doesn't exist, start the module anyway // as this is probably the first time they are loading it if (startedProp == null || startedProp.equals("true") || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(mandatoryProp) || mod.isMandatory() || isCoreToOpenmrs) { if (requiredModulesStarted(mod)) try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("starting module: " + mod.getModuleId()); startModule(mod); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while starting module: " + mod.getName(), e); mod.setStartupErrorMessage("Error while starting module", e); } else { // if not all the modules required by this mod are loaded, save it for later leftoverModules.add(mod); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("cannot start because required modules are not started: " + mod.getModuleId()); } } } } finally { Context.removeProxyPrivilege(""); } // loop over the leftover modules until we can't load // anymore or we've loaded them all boolean atLeastOneModuleLoaded = true; while (leftoverModules.size() > 0 && atLeastOneModuleLoaded) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Trying to start leftover modules: " + leftoverModules); atLeastOneModuleLoaded = false; List<Module> modulesStartedInThisLoop = new Vector<Module>(); for (Module leftoverModule : leftoverModules) { if (requiredModulesStarted(leftoverModule)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("starting leftover module: " + leftoverModule.getModuleId()); try { // don't need to check globalproperty here because // it would only be on the leftover modules list if // it were set to true already startModule(leftoverModule); // set this boolean flag to true so we keep looping over the modules atLeastOneModuleLoaded = true; // save the module we just started modulesStartedInThisLoop.add(leftoverModule); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while starting leftover module: " + leftoverModule.getName(), e); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("cannot start leftover module because required modules are not started: " + leftoverModule.getModuleId()); } } // remove the modules we started in this loop from the overall // leftover modules list leftoverModules.removeAll(modulesStartedInThisLoop); } // if we failed to start all the modules, error out if (leftoverModules.size() > 0) for (Module leftoverModule : leftoverModules) { String message = "Unable to start module '" + leftoverModule.getName() + "'. All required modules are not available: " + OpenmrsUtil.join(getMissingRequiredModules(leftoverModule), ", "); log.error(message); leftoverModule.setStartupErrorMessage(message); } } } /** * Returns all modules found/loaded into the system (started and not started), with the core modules at the start of that list * * @return <code>List<Module></code> of the modules loaded into the system, with the core modules first. */ public static List<Module> getLoadedModulesCoreFirst() { List<Module> list = new ArrayList<Module>(getLoadedModules()); final Collection<String> coreModuleIds = ModuleConstants.CORE_MODULES.keySet(); Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Module>() { @Override public int compare(Module left, Module right) { Integer leftVal = coreModuleIds.contains(left.getModuleId()) ? 0 : 1; Integer rightVal = coreModuleIds.contains(right.getModuleId()) ? 0 : 1; return leftVal.compareTo(rightVal); } }); return list; } /** * Convenience method to return a List of Strings containing a description of which modules the * passed module requires but which are not started. The returned description of each module is * the moduleId followed by the required version if one is specified * * @param module the module to check required modules for * @return List<String> of module names + optional required versions: * "org.openmrs.formentry 1.8, org.rg.patientmatching" */ private static List<String> getMissingRequiredModules(Module module) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String moduleName : module.getRequiredModules()) { String moduleVersion = module.getRequiredModuleVersion(moduleName); ret.add(moduleName + (moduleVersion != null ? " " + moduleVersion : "")); } return ret; } /** * Returns all modules found/loaded into the system (started and not started) * * @return <code>Collection<Module></code> of the modules loaded into the system */ public static Collection<Module> getLoadedModules() { if (getLoadedModulesMap().size() > 0) return getLoadedModulesMap().values(); return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Returns all modules found/loaded into the system (started and not started) in the form of a * map<ModuleId, Module> * * @return map<ModuleId, Module> */ public static Map<String, Module> getLoadedModulesMap() { if (loadedModules == null) loadedModules = new WeakHashMap<String, Module>(); return loadedModules; } /** * Returns the modules that have been successfully started * * @return <code>Collection<Module></code> of the started modules */ public static Collection<Module> getStartedModules() { if (getStartedModulesMap().size() > 0) return getStartedModulesMap().values(); return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Returns the modules that have been successfully started in the form of a map<ModuleId, * Module> * * @return Map<ModuleId, Module> */ public static Map<String, Module> getStartedModulesMap() { if (startedModules == null) startedModules = new WeakHashMap<String, Module>(); return startedModules; } /** * Creates a Module object from the (jar)file pointed to by <code>moduleFile</code> returns null * if an error occurred during processing * * @param moduleFile * @return module Module */ private static Module getModuleFromFile(File moduleFile) throws ModuleException { Module module = null; try { module = new ModuleFileParser(moduleFile).parse(); } catch (ModuleException e) { log.error("Error getting module object from file", e); throw e; } return module; } /** * @param moduleId * @return Module matching module id or null if none */ public static Module getModuleById(String moduleId) { return getLoadedModulesMap().get(moduleId); } /** * @param moduleId * @return Module matching moduleId, if it is started or null otherwise */ public static Module getStartedModuleById(String moduleId) { return getStartedModulesMap().get(moduleId); } /** * @param modulePackage * @return Module matching module package or null if none */ public static Module getModuleByPackage(String modulePackage) { for (Module mod : getLoadedModulesMap().values()) { if (mod.getPackageName().equals(modulePackage)) return mod; } return null; } /** * Runs through extensionPoints and then calls mod.Activator.startup() * * @param module Module to start */ public static Module startModule(Module module) throws ModuleException { if (module != null) { String moduleId = module.getModuleId(); try { // check to be sure this module can run with our current version // of OpenMRS code String requireVersion = module.getRequireOpenmrsVersion(); if (requireVersion != null && !requireVersion.equals("")) if (!ModuleUtil.matchRequiredVersions(OpenmrsConstants.OPENMRS_VERSION_SHORT, requireVersion)) throw new ModuleException("Module requires at least version '" + requireVersion + "'. Current code version is only '" + OpenmrsConstants.OPENMRS_VERSION_SHORT + "'", module.getName()); // check for required modules if (!requiredModulesStarted(module)) { throw new ModuleException("Not all required modules are started: " + OpenmrsUtil.join(getMissingRequiredModules(module), ", ") + ". ", module.getName()); } // fire up the classloader for this module ModuleClassLoader moduleClassLoader = new ModuleClassLoader(module, ModuleFactory.class.getClassLoader()); getModuleClassLoaderMap().put(module, moduleClassLoader); // don't load the advice objects into the Context // At startup, the spring context isn't refreshed until all modules // have been loaded. This causes errors if called here during a // module's startup if one of these advice points is on another // module because that other module's service won't have been loaded // into spring yet. All advice for all modules must be reloaded // a spring context refresh anyway, so skip the advice loading here // loadAdvice(module); // add all of this module's extensions to the extension map for (Extension ext : module.getExtensions()) { String extId = ext.getExtensionId(); List<Extension> tmpExtensions = getExtensions(extId); if (tmpExtensions == null) tmpExtensions = new Vector<Extension>(); log.debug("Adding to mapping ext: " + ext.getExtensionId() + " ext.class: " + ext.getClass()); tmpExtensions.add(ext); getExtensionMap().put(extId, tmpExtensions); } // run the module's sql update script // This and the property updates are the only things that can't // be undone at startup, so put these calls after any other // calls that might hinder startup SortedMap<String, String> diffs = SqlDiffFileParser.getSqlDiffs(module); try { // this method must check and run queries against the database. // to do this, it must be "authenticated". Give the current // "user" the proxy privilege so this can be done. ("user" might // be nobody because this is being run at startup) Context.addProxyPrivilege(""); for (String version : diffs.keySet()) { String sql = diffs.get(version); if (StringUtils.hasText(sql)) runDiff(module, version, sql); } } finally { // take the "authenticated" privilege away from the current "user" Context.removeProxyPrivilege(""); } // effectively mark this module as started successfully getStartedModulesMap().put(moduleId, module); try { // save the state of this module for future restarts saveGlobalProperty(moduleId + ".started", "true", getGlobalPropertyStartedDescription(moduleId)); // save the mandatory status saveGlobalProperty(moduleId + ".mandatory", String.valueOf(module.isMandatory()), getGlobalPropertyMandatoryModuleDescription(moduleId)); } catch (Exception e) { // pass over errors because this doesn't really concern startup // passing over this also allows for multiple of the same-named modules // to be loaded in junit tests that are run within one session log.debug("Got an error when trying to set the global property on module startup", e); } // (this must be done after putting the module in the started // list) // if this module defined any privileges or global properties, // make sure they are added to the database // (Unfortunately, placing the call here will duplicate work // done at initial app startup) if (module.getPrivileges().size() > 0 || module.getGlobalProperties().size() > 0) { log.debug("Updating core dataset"); Context.checkCoreDataset(); // checkCoreDataset() currently doesn't throw an error. If // it did, it needs to be // caught and the module needs to be stopped and given a // startup error } // should be near the bottom so the module has all of its stuff // set up for it already. try { module.getActivator().startup(); } catch (ModuleException e) { // just rethrow module exceptions. This should be used for a // module marking that it had trouble starting throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ModuleException("Error while calling module's Activator.startup() method", e); } // erase any previous startup error module.clearStartupError(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error while trying to start module: " + moduleId, e); module.setStartupErrorMessage("Error while trying to start module", e); // undo all of the actions in startup try { boolean skipOverStartedProperty = false; if (e instanceof ModuleMustStartException) skipOverStartedProperty = true; stopModule(module, skipOverStartedProperty, true); } catch (Exception e2) { // this will probably occur about the same place as the // error in startup log.debug("Error while stopping module: " + moduleId, e2); } } } // refresh spring service context? return module; } /** * Loop over the given module's advice objects and load them into the Context This needs to be * called for all started modules after every restart of the Spring Application Context * * @param module */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void loadAdvice(Module module) { ModuleClassLoader moduleClassLoader = getModuleClassLoader(module); for (AdvicePoint advice : module.getAdvicePoints()) { Class cls = null; try { cls = moduleClassLoader.loadClass(advice.getPoint()); Object aopObject = advice.getClassInstance(); if (Advisor.class.isInstance(aopObject)) { log.debug("adding advisor: " + aopObject.getClass()); Context.addAdvisor(cls, (Advisor) aopObject); } else { log.debug("Adding advice: " + aopObject.getClass()); Context.addAdvice(cls, (Advice) aopObject); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ModuleException("Could not load advice point: " + advice.getPoint(), e); } } } /** * Execute the given sql diff section for the given module * * @param module the module being executed on * @param version the version of this sql diff * @param sql the actual sql statements to run (separated by semi colons) */ private static void runDiff(Module module, String version, String sql) { AdministrationService as = Context.getAdministrationService(); String key = module.getModuleId() + ".database_version"; GlobalProperty gp = as.getGlobalPropertyObject(key); boolean executeSQL = false; // check given version against current version if (gp != null && StringUtils.hasLength(gp.getPropertyValue())) { String currentDbVersion = gp.getPropertyValue(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("version:column " + version + ":" + currentDbVersion); log.debug("compare: " + ModuleUtil.compareVersion(version, currentDbVersion)); } if (ModuleUtil.compareVersion(version, currentDbVersion) > 0) executeSQL = true; } else { executeSQL = true; } // version is greater than the currently installed version. execute this update. if (executeSQL) { try { Context.addProxyPrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_SQL_LEVEL_ACCESS); log.debug("Executing sql: " + sql); String[] sqlStatements = sql.split(";"); for (String sqlStatement : sqlStatements) { if (sqlStatement.trim().length() > 0) as.executeSQL(sqlStatement, false); } } finally { Context.removeProxyPrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_SQL_LEVEL_ACCESS); } // save the global property try { Context.addProxyPrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_MANAGE_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES); String description = "DO NOT MODIFY. Current database version number for the " + module.getModuleId() + " module."; if (gp == null) { log.info("Global property " + key + " was not found. Creating one now."); gp = new GlobalProperty(key, version, description); as.saveGlobalProperty(gp); } else if (gp.getPropertyValue().equals(version) == false) { log.info("Updating global property " + key + " to version: " + version); gp.setDescription(description); gp.setPropertyValue(version); as.saveGlobalProperty(gp); } else { log.error("Should not be here. GP property value and sqldiff version should not be equal"); } } finally { Context.removeProxyPrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_MANAGE_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES); } } } /** * Runs through the advice and extension points and removes from api. <br/> * Also calls mod.Activator.shutdown() * * @param mod module to stop * @see ModuleFactory#stopModule(Module, boolean, boolean) */ public static void stopModule(Module mod) { stopModule(mod, false, false); } /** * Runs through the advice and extension points and removes from api.<br/> * Also calls mod.Activator.shutdown() * * @param mod the module to stop * @param isShuttingDown true if this is called during the process of shutting down openmrs * @see #stopModule(Module, boolean, boolean) */ public static void stopModule(Module mod, boolean isShuttingDown) { stopModule(mod, isShuttingDown, false); } /** * Runs through the advice and extension points and removes from api.<br/> * <code>skipOverStartedProperty</code> should only be true when openmrs is stopping modules * because it is shutting down. When normally stopping a module, use {@link #stopModule(Module)} * (or leave value as false). This property controls whether the globalproperty is set for * startup/shutdown. <br/> * Also calls module's {@link Activator#shutdown()} * * @param mod module to stop * @param skipOverStartedProperty true if we don't want to set <moduleid>.started to false * @param isFailedStartup true if this is being called as a cleanup because of a failed module * startup * @return list of dependent modules that were stopped because this module was stopped. This * will never be null. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Module> stopModule(Module mod, boolean skipOverStartedProperty, boolean isFailedStartup) throws ModuleMustStartException { List<Module> dependentModulesStopped = new Vector<Module>(); if (mod != null) { String moduleId = mod.getModuleId(); // don't allow mandatory modules to be stopped // don't use database checks here because spring might be in a bad state if (!isFailedStartup && mod.isMandatory()) { throw new MandatoryModuleException(moduleId); } if (!isFailedStartup && ModuleConstants.CORE_MODULES.containsKey(moduleId)) { throw new OpenmrsCoreModuleException(moduleId); } String modulePackage = mod.getPackageName(); // stop all dependent modules // copy modules to new list to avoid "concurrent modification exception" List<Module> startedModulesCopy = new ArrayList<Module>(); startedModulesCopy.addAll(getStartedModules()); for (Module dependentModule : startedModulesCopy) { if (!dependentModule.equals(mod) && dependentModule.getRequiredModules().contains(modulePackage)) { dependentModulesStopped.add(dependentModule); dependentModulesStopped.addAll(stopModule(dependentModule, skipOverStartedProperty, isFailedStartup)); } } getStartedModulesMap().remove(moduleId); if (skipOverStartedProperty == false && !Context.isRefreshingContext()) { saveGlobalProperty(moduleId + ".started", "false", getGlobalPropertyStartedDescription(moduleId)); } if (getModuleClassLoaderMap().containsKey(mod)) { log.debug("Mod was in classloader map. Removing advice and extensions."); // remove all advice by this module try { for (AdvicePoint advice : mod.getAdvicePoints()) { Class cls = null; try { cls = Class.forName(advice.getPoint()); Object aopObject = advice.getClassInstance(); if (Advisor.class.isInstance(aopObject)) { log.debug("adding advisor: " + aopObject.getClass()); Context.removeAdvisor(cls, (Advisor) aopObject); } else { log.debug("Adding advice: " + aopObject.getClass()); Context.removeAdvice(cls, (Advice) aopObject); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Could not remove advice point: " + advice.getPoint(), t); } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Error while getting advicePoints from module: " + moduleId, t); } // remove all extensions by this module try { for (Extension ext : mod.getExtensions()) { String extId = ext.getExtensionId(); try { List<Extension> tmpExtensions = getExtensions(extId); if (tmpExtensions == null) tmpExtensions = new Vector<Extension>(); tmpExtensions.remove(ext); getExtensionMap().put(extId, tmpExtensions); } catch (Exception exterror) { log.warn("Error while getting extension: " + ext, exterror); } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Error while getting extensions from module: " + moduleId, t); } } try { mod.getActivator().shutdown(); } catch (ModuleException me) { // essentially ignore thrown ModuleExceptions. log.debug("Exception encountered while calling module's activator.shutdown()", me); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Unable to call module's Activator.shutdown() method", t); } ModuleClassLoader cl = removeClassLoader(mod); if (cl != null) { cl.dispose(); cl = null; // remove files from lib cache File folder = OpenmrsClassLoader.getLibCacheFolder(); File tmpModuleDir = new File(folder, moduleId); try { OpenmrsUtil.deleteDirectory(tmpModuleDir); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Unable to delete libcachefolder for " + moduleId); } } } return dependentModulesStopped; } private static ModuleClassLoader removeClassLoader(Module mod) { getModuleClassLoaderMap(); // create map if it is null if (!moduleClassLoaders.containsKey(mod)) log.warn("Module: " + mod.getModuleId() + " does not exist"); return moduleClassLoaders.remove(mod); } /** * Removes module from module repository * * @param mod module to unload */ public static void unloadModule(Module mod) { // remove this module's advice and extensions if (isModuleStarted(mod)) stopModule(mod, true); // remove from list of loaded modules getLoadedModules().remove(mod); if (mod != null) { // remove the file from the module repository File file = mod.getFile(); boolean deleted = file.delete(); if (!deleted) { file.deleteOnExit(); log.warn("Could not delete " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } file = null; mod = null; } } /** * Return all of the extensions associated with the given <code>pointId</code> Returns empty * extension list if no modules extend this pointId * * @param pointId * @return List of extensions */ public static List<Extension> getExtensions(String pointId) { List<Extension> extensions = null; Map<String, List<Extension>> extensionMap = getExtensionMap(); // get all extensions for this exact pointId extensions = extensionMap.get(pointId); if (extensions == null) extensions = new ArrayList<Extension>(); // if this pointId doesn't contain the separator character, search // for this point prepended with each MEDIA TYPE if (pointId.contains(Extension.extensionIdSeparator) == false) { for (MEDIA_TYPE mediaType : Extension.MEDIA_TYPE.values()) { // get all extensions for this type and point id List<Extension> tmpExtensions = extensionMap.get(Extension.toExtensionId(pointId, mediaType)); // 'extensions' should be a unique list if (tmpExtensions != null) for (Extension ext : tmpExtensions) { if (extensions.contains(ext) == false) { extensions.add(ext); } } } } if (extensions != null) { log.debug("Getting extensions defined by : " + pointId); return extensions; } else { return new Vector<Extension>(); } } /** * Return all of the extensions associated with the given <code>pointId</code> Returns * getExtension(pointId) if no modules extend this pointId for given media type * * @param pointId * @param type Extension.MEDIA_TYPE * @return List of extensions */ public static List<Extension> getExtensions(String pointId, Extension.MEDIA_TYPE type) { String key = Extension.toExtensionId(pointId, type); List<Extension> extensions = getExtensionMap().get(key); if (extensions != null) { log.debug("Getting extensions defined by : " + key); return extensions; } else { return getExtensions(pointId); } } /** * Get a list of required Privileges defined by the modules * * @return <code>List<Privilege></code> of the required privileges */ public static List<Privilege> getPrivileges() { List<Privilege> privileges = new Vector<Privilege>(); for (Module mod : getStartedModules()) { privileges.addAll(mod.getPrivileges()); } log.debug(privileges.size() + " new privileges"); return privileges; } /** * Get a list of required GlobalProperties defined by the modules * * @return <code>List<GlobalProperty></code> object of the module's global properties */ public static List<GlobalProperty> getGlobalProperties() { List<GlobalProperty> globalProperties = new Vector<GlobalProperty>(); for (Module mod : getStartedModules()) { globalProperties.addAll(mod.getGlobalProperties()); } log.debug(globalProperties.size() + " new global properties"); return globalProperties; } /** * Checks whether the given module is activated * * @param mod Module to check * @return true if the module is started, false otherwise */ public static boolean isModuleStarted(Module mod) { return getStartedModulesMap().containsValue(mod); } /** * Get a module's classloader * * @param mod Module to fetch the class loader for * @return ModuleClassLoader pertaining to this module. Returns null if the module is not started * @throws ModuleException if the module does not have a registered classloader */ public static ModuleClassLoader getModuleClassLoader(Module mod) throws ModuleException { ModuleClassLoader mcl = getModuleClassLoaderMap().get(mod); if (mcl == null) log.debug("Module classloader not found for module with id: " + mod.getModuleId()); return mcl; } /** * Get a module's classloader via the module id * * @param moduleId <code>String</code> id of the module * @return ModuleClassLoader pertaining to this module. Returns null if the module is not started * @throws ModuleException if this module isn't started or doesn't have a classloader * @see #getModuleClassLoader(Module) */ public static ModuleClassLoader getModuleClassLoader(String moduleId) throws ModuleException { Module mod = getStartedModulesMap().get(moduleId); if (mod == null) log.debug("Module id not found in list of started modules: " + mod.getModuleId()); return getModuleClassLoader(mod); } /** * Returns all module classloaders This method will not return null * * @return Collection<ModuleClassLoader> all known module classloaders or empty list. */ public static Collection<ModuleClassLoader> getModuleClassLoaders() { Map<Module, ModuleClassLoader> classLoaders = getModuleClassLoaderMap(); if (classLoaders.size() > 0) return classLoaders.values(); return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Return all current classloaders keyed on module object * * @return Map<Module, ModuleClassLoader> */ public static Map<Module, ModuleClassLoader> getModuleClassLoaderMap() { if (moduleClassLoaders == null) moduleClassLoaders = new WeakHashMap<Module, ModuleClassLoader>(); return moduleClassLoaders; } /** * Return the current extension map keyed on extension point id * * @return Map<String, List<Extension>> */ public static Map<String, List<Extension>> getExtensionMap() { if (extensionMap == null) extensionMap = new WeakHashMap<String, List<Extension>>(); return extensionMap; } /** * Tests whether all modules mentioned in module.requiredModules are loaded and started already * (by being in the startedModules list) * * @param module * @return true/false boolean whether this module's required modules are all started */ private static boolean requiredModulesStarted(Module module) { for (String reqModPackage : module.getRequiredModules()) { boolean started = false; for (Module mod : getStartedModules()) { if (mod.getPackageName().equals(reqModPackage)) { String reqVersion = module.getRequiredModuleVersion(reqModPackage); if (reqVersion == null || ModuleUtil.compareVersion(mod.getVersion(), reqVersion) >= 0) started = true; break; } } if (!started) return false; } return true; } /** * Update the module: 1) Download the new module 2) Unload the old module 3) Load/start the new * module * * @param mod */ public static Module updateModule(Module mod) throws ModuleException { if (mod.getDownloadURL() == null) { return mod; } URL url = null; try { url = new URL(mod.getDownloadURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ModuleException("Unable to download module update", e); } unloadModule(mod); // copy content to a temporary file InputStream inputStream = ModuleUtil.getURLStream(url); log.warn("url pathname: " + url.getPath()); String filename = url.getPath().substring(url.getPath().lastIndexOf("/")); File moduleFile = ModuleUtil.insertModuleFile(inputStream, filename); try { // load, and start the new module Module newModule = loadModule(moduleFile); startModule(newModule); return newModule; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error while unloading old module and loading in new module"); moduleFile.delete(); return mod; } } /** * Returns the description for the [moduleId].started global property * * @param moduleId * @return description to use for the .started property */ private static String getGlobalPropertyStartedDescription(String moduleId) { String ret = "DO NOT MODIFY. true/false whether or not the " + moduleId; ret += " module has been started. This is used to make sure modules that were running "; ret += " prior to a restart are started again"; return ret; } /** * Returns the description for the [moduleId].mandatory global property * * @param moduleId * @return description to use for .mandatory property */ private static String getGlobalPropertyMandatoryModuleDescription(String moduleId) { String ret = "true/false whether or not the " + moduleId; ret += " module MUST start when openmrs starts. This is used to make sure that mission critical"; ret += " modules are always running if openmrs is running."; return ret; } /** * Convenience method to save a global property with the given value. Proxy privileges are added * so that this can occur at startup. * * @param key the property for this global property * @param value the value for this global property * @param desc the description * @see AdministrationService#saveGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty) */ private static void saveGlobalProperty(String key, String value, String desc) { try { Context.addProxyPrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_MANAGE_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES); AdministrationService as = Context.getAdministrationService(); GlobalProperty gp = as.getGlobalPropertyObject(key); if (gp == null) gp = new GlobalProperty(key, value, desc); else gp.setPropertyValue(value); as.saveGlobalProperty(gp); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Unable to save the global property", t); } finally { Context.removeProxyPrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_MANAGE_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES); } } }