/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://license.openmrs.org * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.api.impl; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import org.openmrs.Cohort; import org.openmrs.Concept; import org.openmrs.Encounter; import org.openmrs.Location; import org.openmrs.MimeType; import org.openmrs.Obs; import org.openmrs.Patient; import org.openmrs.Person; import org.openmrs.aop.RequiredDataAdvice; import org.openmrs.api.APIException; import org.openmrs.api.EncounterService; import org.openmrs.api.ObsService; import org.openmrs.api.PatientService; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.api.db.ObsDAO; import org.openmrs.api.handler.SaveHandler; import org.openmrs.obs.ComplexObsHandler; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsClassLoader; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsConstants; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsConstants.PERSON_TYPE; /** * Default implementation of the Observation Service * * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService */ public class ObsServiceImpl extends BaseOpenmrsService implements ObsService { /** * The data access object for the obs service */ protected ObsDAO dao; /** * Report handlers that have been registered. This is filled via {@link #setHandlers(Map)} and * spring's applicationContext-service.xml object */ private static Map<String, ComplexObsHandler> handlers = null; /** * Default empty constructor for this obs service */ public ObsServiceImpl() { } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#setObsDAO(org.openmrs.api.db.ObsDAO) */ public void setObsDAO(ObsDAO dao) { this.dao = dao; } /** * Clean up after this class. Set the static var to null so that the classloader can reclaim the * space. * * @see org.openmrs.api.impl.BaseOpenmrsService#onShutdown() */ @Override public void onShutdown() { handlers = null; } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#saveObs(org.openmrs.Obs, String) */ public Obs saveObs(Obs obs, String changeMessage) throws APIException { if (null != obs && null != obs.getConcept() && obs.getConcept().isComplex() && null != obs.getComplexData().getData()) { // save or update complexData object on this obs // this is done before the database save so that the obs.valueComplex // can be filled in by the handler. ComplexObsHandler handler = getHandler(obs); if (null != handler) { handler.saveObs(obs); } else { throw new APIException("Unknown handler for " + obs.getConcept()); } } if (obs.getObsId() == null) { Context.requirePrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_ADD_OBS); return dao.saveObs(obs); } else { Context.requirePrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_EDIT_OBS); if (changeMessage == null) throw new APIException("ChangeMessage is required when updating an obs in the database"); // get a copy of the passed in obs and save it to the // database. This allows us to create a new row and new obs_id // this method doesn't copy the obs_id Obs newObs = Obs.newInstance(obs); // unset any voided properties on the new obs newObs.setVoided(false); newObs.setVoidReason(null); newObs.setDateVoided(null); newObs.setVoidedBy(null); // unset the creation stats newObs.setCreator(null); newObs.setDateCreated(null); RequiredDataAdvice.recursivelyHandle(SaveHandler.class, newObs, changeMessage); // save the new row to the database with the changes that // have been made to it dao.saveObs(newObs); // void out the original observation to keep it around for // historical purposes try { Context.addProxyPrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_DELETE_OBS); String reason = changeMessage + " (new obsId: " + newObs.getObsId() + ")"; // fetch a clean copy of this obs from the database so that // we don't write the changes to the database when we save // the fact that the obs is now voided Context.evictFromSession(obs); obs = getObs(obs.getObsId()); // calling this via the service so that AOP hooks are called Context.getObsService().voidObs(obs, reason); } finally { Context.removeProxyPrivilege(OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_DELETE_OBS); } return newObs; } } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObs(java.lang.Integer) */ public Obs getObs(Integer obsId) throws APIException { return dao.getObs(obsId); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#updateObs(org.openmrs.Obs) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void updateObs(Obs obs) throws APIException { Context.getObsService().saveObs(obs, obs.getVoidReason()); } /** * Voids an Obs If the Obs argument is an obsGroup, all group members will be voided. * * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#voidObs(org.openmrs.Obs, java.lang.String) * @param obs the Obs to void * @param reason the void reason * @throws APIException */ public Obs voidObs(Obs obs, String reason) throws APIException { return dao.saveObs(obs); } /** * Unvoids an Obs * <p> * If the Obs argument is an obsGroup, all group members with the same dateVoided will also be * unvoided. * * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#unvoidObs(org.openmrs.Obs) * @param obs the Obs to unvoid * @return the unvoided Obs * @throws APIException */ public Obs unvoidObs(Obs obs) throws APIException { return dao.saveObs(obs); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#purgeObs(org.openmrs.Obs, boolean) */ public void purgeObs(Obs obs, boolean cascade) throws APIException { if (purgeComplexData(obs) == false) { throw new APIException("Unable to purge complex data for obs: " + obs); } if (cascade) { throw new APIException("Cascading purge of obs not yet implemented"); // TODO delete any related objects here before deleting the obs // obsGroups objects? // orders? } dao.deleteObs(obs); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#purgeObs(org.openmrs.Obs) */ public void purgeObs(Obs obs) throws APIException { purgeObs(obs, false); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getMimeTypes() * @deprecated use {@link #getAllMimeTypes()} */ @Deprecated public List<MimeType> getMimeTypes() throws APIException { return getAllMimeTypes(); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getAllMimeTypes() * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<MimeType> getAllMimeTypes() throws APIException { return dao.getAllMimeTypes(true); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getAllMimeTypes(boolean) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<MimeType> getAllMimeTypes(boolean includeRetired) { return dao.getAllMimeTypes(includeRetired); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#saveMimeType(org.openmrs.MimeType) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public MimeType saveMimeType(MimeType mimeType) throws APIException { return dao.saveMimeType(mimeType); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#voidMimeType(org.openmrs.MimeType, java.lang.String) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public MimeType voidMimeType(MimeType mimeType, String reason) throws APIException { // TODO implement voidMimeType throw new APIException("Not yet implemented"); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getMimeType(java.lang.Integer) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public MimeType getMimeType(Integer mimeTypeId) throws APIException { return dao.getMimeType(mimeTypeId); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#purgeMimeType(org.openmrs.MimeType) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void purgeMimeType(MimeType mimeType) { dao.deleteMimeType(mimeType); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(java.util.List, java.util.List, * java.util.List, java.util.List, List, List, java.util.List, java.lang.Integer, * java.lang.Integer, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, boolean) */ public List<Obs> getObservations(List<Person> whom, List<Encounter> encounters, List<Concept> questions, List<Concept> answers, List<PERSON_TYPE> personTypes, List<Location> locations, List<String> sort, Integer mostRecentN, Integer obsGroupId, Date fromDate, Date toDate, boolean includeVoidedObs) throws APIException { if (sort == null) sort = new Vector<String>(); if (sort.isEmpty()) sort.add("obsDatetime"); return dao.getObservations(whom, encounters, questions, answers, personTypes, locations, sort, mostRecentN, obsGroupId, fromDate, toDate, includeVoidedObs); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservationCount(java.util.List, java.util.List, java.util.List, java.util.List, java.util.List, * java.util.List, java.lang.Integer, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, boolean) */ public Integer getObservationCount(List<Person> whom, List<Encounter> encounters, List<Concept> questions, List<Concept> answers, List<PERSON_TYPE> personTypes, List<Location> locations, Integer obsGroupId, Date fromDate, Date toDate, boolean includeVoidedObs) throws APIException { return dao.getObservationCount(whom, encounters, questions, answers, personTypes, locations, obsGroupId, fromDate, toDate, includeVoidedObs); } /** * This implementation queries the obs table comparing the given <code>searchString</code> with * the patient's identifier, encounterId, and obsId * * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(java.lang.String) */ public List<Obs> getObservations(String searchString) { // search on patient identifier PatientService ps = Context.getPatientService(); List<Patient> patients = ps.getPatients(null, searchString, null, false); List<Person> persons = new Vector<Person>(); persons.addAll(patients); // try to search on encounterId EncounterService es = Context.getEncounterService(); List<Encounter> encounters = new Vector<Encounter>(); try { Encounter e = es.getEncounter(Integer.valueOf(searchString)); if (e != null) encounters.add(e); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // pass } List<Obs> returnList = new Vector<Obs>(); if (encounters.size() > 0 || persons.size() > 0) returnList = getObservations(persons, encounters, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false); // try to search on obsId try { Obs o = getObs(Integer.valueOf(searchString)); if (o != null) returnList.add(o); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // pass } return returnList; } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#createObs(org.openmrs.Obs) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void createObs(Obs obs) throws APIException { Context.getObsService().saveObs(obs, null); } /** * Correct use case: * * <pre> * Obs parent = new Obs(); * Obs child1 = new Obs(); * Obs child2 = new Obs(); * * parent.addGroupMember(child1); * parent.addGroupMember(child2); * </pre> * * @deprecated This method should no longer need to be called on the api. This was meant as * temporary until we created a true ObsGroup pojo. * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#createObsGroup(org.openmrs.Obs[]) */ @Deprecated public void createObsGroup(Obs[] obs) throws APIException { if (obs == null || obs.length < 1) return; // silently tolerate calls with missing/empty parameter String conceptIdStr = Context.getAdministrationService().getGlobalProperty( OpenmrsConstants.GLOBAL_PROPERTY_MEDICAL_RECORD_OBSERVATIONS, "1238"); // fail silently if a default obs group is not defined if (conceptIdStr == null || conceptIdStr.length() == 0) return; Integer conceptId = Integer.valueOf(conceptIdStr); Concept defaultObsGroupConcept = Context.getConceptService().getConcept(conceptId); // if they defined a bad concept, bail if (defaultObsGroupConcept == null) throw new APIException("There is no concept defined with concept id: " + conceptIdStr + "You should correctly define the default obs group concept id with the global propery" + OpenmrsConstants.GLOBAL_PROPERTY_MEDICAL_RECORD_OBSERVATIONS); Obs obsGroup = new Obs(); obsGroup.setConcept(defaultObsGroupConcept); for (Obs member : obs) { obsGroup.addGroupMember(member); } updateObs(obsGroup); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#deleteObs(org.openmrs.Obs) * @deprecated use #purgeObs(Obs) */ @Deprecated public void deleteObs(Obs obs) throws APIException { Context.getObsService().purgeObs(obs); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservationsByPerson(org.openmrs.Person) */ public List<Obs> getObservationsByPerson(Person who) { List<Person> whom = new Vector<Person>(); whom.add(who); return getObservations(whom, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(org.openmrs.Person, boolean includeVoided) * @deprecated use {@link #getObservationsByPerson(Person)} */ @Deprecated public Set<Obs> getObservations(Person who, boolean includeVoided) { if (includeVoided == true) throw new APIException("Voided observations are no longer allowed to be queried"); Set<Obs> obsSet = new HashSet<Obs>(); obsSet.addAll(getObservationsByPerson(who)); return obsSet; } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(org.openmrs.Concept, org.openmrs.Location, * java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, boolean includeVoided) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> getObservations(Concept c, Location loc, String sort, Integer personType, boolean includeVoided) { List<Concept> questions = new Vector<Concept>(); questions.add(c); List<Location> locations = new Vector<Location>(); locations.add(loc); // make the sort list from the given sort string List<String> sortList = makeSortList(sort); return getObservations(null, null, questions, null, getPersonTypeEnumerations(personType), locations, sortList, null, null, null, null, includeVoided); } /** * Convenience method for turning a string like "location.locationId asc, obs.valueDatetime * desc" into a list of strings to sort on * * @param sort string * @return simple list of strings to sort on without asc/desc */ private List<String> makeSortList(String sort) { List<String> sortList = new Vector<String>(); if (sort != null && !"".equals(sort)) { for (String sortPart : sort.split(",")) { sortPart = sortPart.trim(); // split out the asc/desc part if applicable if (sortPart.contains(" ")) sortPart = sortPart.substring(0, sortPart.indexOf(" ")); // add the current sort to the list of things to sort on if (!"".equals(sort)) sortList.add(sortPart); } } return sortList; } /** * This method should be removed when all methods using an Integer personType are removed. This * method does a bitwise compare on <code>personType</code> and returns a list of PERSON_TYPEs * that are comparable * * @param personType Integer corresponding to {@link ObsService#PERSON}, {@link ObsService#USER} * , or {@link ObsService#PATIENT}, * @return the enumeration that corresponds to the given integer (old way of doing it) */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private List<PERSON_TYPE> getPersonTypeEnumerations(Integer personType) { List<PERSON_TYPE> personTypes = new Vector<PERSON_TYPE>(); if (personType == null) { personTypes.add(PERSON_TYPE.PERSON); return personTypes; } else if ((personType & ObsService.PATIENT) == ObsService.PATIENT) { personTypes.add(PERSON_TYPE.PATIENT); return personTypes; } else if ((personType & ObsService.USER) == ObsService.USER) { personTypes.add(PERSON_TYPE.USER); return personTypes; } else { // default to an all-encompassing search return personTypes; } } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(org.openmrs.Person, org.openmrs.Concept, * boolean) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public Set<Obs> getObservations(Person who, Concept question, boolean includeVoided) { List<Obs> obs = getObservationsByPersonAndConcept(who, question); Set<Obs> obsSet = new HashSet<Obs>(); obsSet.addAll(obs); return obsSet; } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservationsByPersonAndConcept(org.openmrs.Person, org.openmrs.Concept) */ public List<Obs> getObservationsByPersonAndConcept(Person who, Concept question) throws APIException { List<Person> whom = new Vector<Person>(); if (who != null && who.getPersonId() != null) whom.add(who); List<Concept> questions = new Vector<Concept>(); questions.add(question); return getObservations(whom, null, questions, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getLastNObservations(java.lang.Integer, org.openmrs.Person, * org.openmrs.Concept, boolean includeVoided) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> getLastNObservations(Integer n, Person who, Concept question, boolean includeVoided) { List<Person> whom = new Vector<Person>(); whom.add(who); List<Concept> questions = new Vector<Concept>(); questions.add(question); return getObservations(whom, null, questions, null, null, null, null, n, null, null, null, includeVoided); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(org.openmrs.Concept, java.lang.String, * java.lang.Integer, boolean includeVoided) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> getObservations(Concept question, String sort, Integer personType, boolean includeVoided) { List<Concept> questions = new Vector<Concept>(); questions.add(question); // make the sort list from the given sort string List<String> sortList = makeSortList(sort); return getObservations(null, null, questions, null, getPersonTypeEnumerations(personType), null, sortList, null, null, null, null, includeVoided); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservationsAnsweredByConcept(org.openmrs.Concept, * java.lang.Integer, boolean includeVoided) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> getObservationsAnsweredByConcept(Concept answer, Integer personType, boolean includeVoided) { List<Concept> answers = new Vector<Concept>(); answers.add(answer); return getObservations(null, null, null, answers, getPersonTypeEnumerations(personType), null, null, null, null, null, null, includeVoided); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getNumericAnswersForConcept(org.openmrs.Concept, * java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.Integer, boolean includeVoided) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Object[]> getNumericAnswersForConcept(Concept question, Boolean sortByValue, Integer personType, boolean includeVoided) { List<String> sortList = new Vector<String>(); if (sortByValue) { sortList.add("valueNumeric"); } List<Concept> questions = new Vector<Concept>(); questions.add(question); List<Obs> obs = getObservations(null, null, questions, null, getPersonTypeEnumerations(personType), null, sortList, null, null, null, null, includeVoided); List<Object[]> returnList = new Vector<Object[]>(); for (Obs o : obs) { returnList.add(new Object[] { o.getObsId(), o.getObsDatetime(), o.getValueNumeric() }); } return returnList; } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(org.openmrs.Encounter) * @deprecated use org.openmrs.Encounter#getObs() */ @Deprecated public Set<Obs> getObservations(Encounter whichEncounter) { return whichEncounter.getObs(); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getVoidedObservations() * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> getVoidedObservations() { return getObservations(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, true); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#findObservations(java.lang.String, boolean, * java.lang.Integer) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> findObservations(String search, boolean includeVoided, Integer personType) { // ignoring voided and personTypes now return getObservations(search); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#findObsByGroupId(java.lang.Integer) * @deprecated -- should use obs.getGroupMembers */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> findObsByGroupId(Integer obsGroupId) { return getObservations(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, obsGroupId, null, null, false); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObsByUuid(java.lang.String) */ public Obs getObsByUuid(String uuid) throws APIException { return dao.getObsByUuid(uuid); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(List, Date, Date, boolean) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> getObservations(List<Concept> concepts, Date fromDate, Date toDate, boolean includeVoided) { return getObservations(null, null, concepts, null, null, null, null, null, null, fromDate, toDate, includeVoided); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(List, Date, Date) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> getObservations(List<Concept> concepts, Date fromDate, Date toDate) { return getObservations(null, null, concepts, null, null, null, null, null, null, fromDate, toDate, false); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getObservations(Cohort, List, Date, Date) * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public List<Obs> getObservations(Cohort patients, List<Concept> concepts, Date fromDate, Date toDate) { List<Person> persons = new Vector<Person>(); if (patients != null) for (Integer memberId : patients.getMemberIds()) persons.add(new Person(memberId)); return getObservations(persons, null, concepts, null, null, null, null, null, null, fromDate, toDate, false); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getComplexObs(Integer, String) */ public Obs getComplexObs(Integer obsId, String view) throws APIException { Obs obs = dao.getObs(obsId); if (obs != null && obs.isComplex()) { return getHandler(obs).getObs(obs, view); } return obs; } /** * Internal method to remove ComplexData when an Obs is purged. */ protected boolean purgeComplexData(Obs obs) throws APIException { if (obs.isComplex()) { ComplexObsHandler handler = getHandler(obs); if (null != handler) { return handler.purgeComplexData(obs); } } return true; } /** * Convenience method to get the ComplexObsHandler associated with a complex Obs. Returns the * ComplexObsHandler. Returns null if the Obs.isComplexObs() is false or there is an error * instantiating the handler class. * * @param obs A complex Obs. * @return ComplexObsHandler for the complex Obs. or null on error. */ public ComplexObsHandler getHandler(Obs obs) throws APIException { if (obs.getConcept().isComplex()) { // Get the ConceptComplex from the ConceptService then return its // handler. if (obs.getConcept() == null) throw new APIException("Unable to get the handler for obs: " + obs + " because the concept is null"); String handlerString = Context.getConceptService().getConceptComplex(obs.getConcept().getConceptId()) .getHandler(); if (handlerString == null) throw new APIException("Unable to get the handler for obs: " + obs + " and concept: " + obs.getConcept() + " because the handler is null"); return this.getHandler(handlerString); } return null; } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getHandler(java.lang.String) */ public ComplexObsHandler getHandler(String key) { return handlers.get(key); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#setHandlers(Map) * @see #registerHandler(String, ComplexObsHandler) */ public void setHandlers(Map<String, ComplexObsHandler> newHandlers) throws APIException { for (Map.Entry<String, ComplexObsHandler> entry : newHandlers.entrySet()) { registerHandler(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#getHandlers() */ public Map<String, ComplexObsHandler> getHandlers() throws APIException { if (handlers == null) handlers = new LinkedHashMap<String, ComplexObsHandler>(); return handlers; } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#registerHandler(String, ComplexObsHandler) */ public void registerHandler(String key, ComplexObsHandler handler) throws APIException { getHandlers().put(key, handler); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#registerHandler(String, String) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void registerHandler(String key, String handlerClass) throws APIException { try { Class loadedClass = OpenmrsClassLoader.getInstance().loadClass(handlerClass); registerHandler(key, (ComplexObsHandler) loadedClass.newInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new APIException("Unable to load and instantiate handler", e); } } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.ObsService#removeHandler(java.lang.String) */ public void removeHandler(String key) { handlers.remove(key); } }