/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://license.openmrs.org * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.arden; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.openmrs.Patient; /* * This class represents the complete mlm sections */ public class MLMObject { public static int NOLIST = 0; public static int LIST = 1; //metadata private String className; private String title; private String author; private String institution; private String data; private String logic; private String action; private String purpose; private String explanation; private String keywords; private String citations; private String links; private String date; private String specialist; private Integer priority; private Double version; private String type; private Integer ageMax; private Integer ageMin; private String ageMaxUnits; private String ageMinUnits; private HashMap<String, MLMObjectElement> conceptMap; //maps logic variables to query that assigned them private HashMap<String, LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement>> evaluateList; //tokens to evaluate private ArrayList<Action> actions; //print action strings private ArrayList<LogicAssignment> logicAssignments = null; private LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison>> comparisons = null; private ArrayList<Conclude> concludes = null; private ArrayList<MLMObjectElement> objElements = null; private HashMap<String, ArrayList<Call>> calls = null; static int keyId = 1; static int compKeyId = 1; static boolean compKeyIdUsed = false; // default constructor public MLMObject() { conceptMap = new HashMap<String, MLMObjectElement>(); actions = new ArrayList<Action>(); evaluateList = new HashMap<String, LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement>>(); logicAssignments = new ArrayList<LogicAssignment>(); comparisons = new LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison>>(); concludes = new ArrayList<Conclude>(); objElements = new ArrayList<MLMObjectElement>(); calls = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Call>>(); } public MLMObject(Locale l, Patient p) { this(); } public void addLogicAssignment(String variableName, String variableValue) { LogicAssignment logicAssignment = new LogicAssignment(variableName, variableValue); this.logicAssignments.add(logicAssignment); } public void AddConcept(String s) { this.objElements.get(this.objElements.size() - 1).setConceptName(s); } public void SetConceptVar(String s) { MLMObjectElement objElement = new MLMObjectElement(); if (!conceptMap.containsKey(s)) { conceptMap.put(s, objElement); } this.objElements.add(objElement); } public void setReadType(String readType) { this.objElements.get(this.objElements.size() - 1).setReadType(readType); } public void setHowMany(String s) { int howMany = Integer.valueOf(s).intValue(); this.objElements.get(this.objElements.size() - 1).setHowMany(howMany); } public void PrintEvaluateList(String section) { System.out.println("\n Evaluate order list is - "); LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement> evalListBySection = evaluateList.get(section); if (evalListBySection == null) { evalListBySection = new LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement>(); this.evaluateList.put(section, evalListBySection); } ListIterator<MLMEvaluateElement> thisList = evalListBySection.listIterator(0); while (thisList.hasNext()) { thisList.next().printThisList(); } } public void WriteAction(Writer w) throws Exception { try { w.append("\tpublic void initAction() {\n"); w.append("\t\tthis.actions = new ArrayList<String>();\n"); int pos = 1; for (Action action : this.actions) { w.append("\t\tactions.add(\"" + action.getActionString()); if (action.getAtVar() != null) { w.append("@" + action.getAtVar()); } w.append("\");\n"); pos++; } w.append("\t}\n\n"); // End of this function w.flush(); w.append("private String substituteString(String variable,String outStr){\n"); w.append("//see if the variable is in the user map\n"); w.append("String value = userVarMap.get(variable);\n"); w.append("if (value != null)\n"); w.append("{\n"); w.append("}\n"); w.append("// It must be a result value or date\n"); w.append("else if (variable.contains(\"_value\"))\n"); w.append("{\n"); w.append(" variable = variable.replace(\"_value\",\"\").trim();\n"); w.append("if(resultLookup.get(variable) != null){"); w.append("value = resultLookup.get(variable).toString();\n"); w.append("}"); w.append("}\n"); w.append("// It must be a result date\n"); w.append("else if (variable.contains(\"_date\"))\n"); w.append("{\n"); w.append("String pattern = \"MM/dd/yy\";\n"); w.append("SimpleDateFormat dateForm = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);\n"); w.append("variable = variable.replace(\"_date\",\"\").trim();\n"); w.append("if(resultLookup.get(variable) != null){"); w.append("value = dateForm.format(resultLookup.get(variable).getResultDate());\n"); w.append("}"); w.append("}\n"); w.append("else\n"); w.append("{\n"); w.append("if(resultLookup.get(variable) != null){"); w.append("value = resultLookup.get(variable).toString();\n"); w.append("}"); w.append("}\n"); w.append("if (value != null)\n"); w.append("{\n"); w.append(" outStr += value;\n"); w.append("}\n"); w.append("return outStr;\n"); w.append("}\n"); w.append("public String doAction(String inStr)\n"); w.append("{\n"); w.append("int startindex = -1;\n"); w.append("int endindex = -1;\n"); w.append("int index = -1;\n"); w.append("String outStr = \"\";\n"); w.append("while((index = inStr.indexOf(\"||\"))>-1)\n"); w.append("{\n"); w.append("if(startindex == -1){\n"); w.append("startindex = 0;\n"); w.append("outStr+=inStr.substring(0,index);\n"); w.append("}else if(endindex == -1){\n"); w.append("endindex = index-1;\n"); w.append("String variable = inStr.substring(startindex, endindex).trim();\n"); w.append("outStr = substituteString(variable,outStr);\n"); w.append("startindex = -1;\n"); w.append("endindex = -1;\n"); w.append("}\n"); w.append("inStr = inStr.substring(index+2);\n"); w.append("}\n"); w.append("outStr+=inStr;\n"); w.append("return outStr;\n"); w.append("}\n"); w.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Write Action: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); // so we can get stack trace } } public boolean WriteEvaluate(Writer w, String classname) throws Exception { boolean retValEval = true, retVal = true; try { String key; ListIterator<MLMEvaluateElement> thisList; LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement> evalListBySection = evaluateList.get("data"); if (evalListBySection == null) { evalListBySection = new LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement>(); this.evaluateList.put("data", evalListBySection); } thisList = evalListBySection.listIterator(0); if (retValEval == false) { return false; } w.append("\n\tpublic Result eval(LogicContext context, Patient patient,\n" + "\t\t\tMap<String, Object> parameters) throws LogicException {\n\n"); w.append("\t\tString actionStr = \"\";\n"); w.append("\t\tresultLookup = new HashMap <String, Result>();\n"); w.append("\t\tBoolean ageOK = null;\n\n\t\ttry {\n"); w.append("\t\t\tthis.patient=patient;\n"); w.append("\t\t\tuserVarMap = new HashMap <String, String>();\n"); w.append("\t\t\tfirstname = patient.getPersonName().getGivenName();\n"); w.append("\t\t\tuserVarMap.put(\"firstname\", toProperCase(firstname));\n"); w.append("\t\t\tString lastName = patient.getFamilyName();\n"); w.append("\t\t\tuserVarMap.put(\"lastName\", lastName);\n"); w.append("\t\t\tString gender = patient.getGender();\n"); w.append("\t\t\tuserVarMap.put(\"Gender\", gender);\n"); w.append("\t\t\tif(gender.equalsIgnoreCase(\"M\")){\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\tuserVarMap.put(\"gender\",\"his\");\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\tuserVarMap.put(\"hisher\",\"his\");\n"); w.append("\t\t\t}else{\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\tuserVarMap.put(\"gender\",\"her\");\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\tuserVarMap.put(\"hisher\",\"her\");\n"); w.append("\t\t\t}\n"); w.append("\t\t\tinitAction();\n"); /*************************************************************************************** * Do the LogicCriteria here */ Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Comparison>> comparisonIterator = null; if (this.comparisons.get("data") != null) { comparisonIterator = this.comparisons.get("data").entrySet().iterator(); } while (thisList.hasNext()) { WriteData(thisList.next(), w, comparisonIterator); w.flush(); } //get all the distinct keys Set<String> uniqueKeys = this.conceptMap.keySet(); uniqueKeys.remove("Gender"); /** ******************************************************************************************** */ w.append("\n\n\t\t\tif(evaluate_logic(parameters)){\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\tResult ruleResult = new Result();\n"); if (this.calls.get("action") != null) { w.append("\t\t\t\tString value = null;\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\tString variable = null;\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\tint varLen = 0;\n"); for (Call currCall : this.calls.get("action")) { currCall.write(w); } } w.append("\t\t\t\tfor(String currAction:actions){\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\t\tcurrAction = doAction(currAction);\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\t\truleResult.add(new Result(currAction));\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\t}\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\treturn ruleResult;\n"); w.append("\t\t\t}\n"); w.append("\t\t} catch (Exception e) {\n"); w.append("\t\t\tlog.error(e.getMessage(),e);\n"); w.append("\t\t\treturn Result.emptyResult();"); w.append("\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn Result.emptyResult();\n\t}\n\n"); /** * *********************************************************Added to write List forming * private methods ********************** */ LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison> compListBySection = comparisons.get("logic"); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Comparison>> comparisonIteratorLogic = null; if (compListBySection != null) { comparisonIteratorLogic = compListBySection.entrySet().iterator(); while (comparisonIteratorLogic.hasNext()) { Comparison comparison = comparisonIteratorLogic.next().getValue(); comparison.writeComparisonList(w); // write a list helper method only if the operator is IN } } /** *************************************************************************************************************************** */ w.append("\tprivate boolean evaluate_logic(Map<String, Object> parameters) throws LogicException {\n\n"); evalListBySection = evaluateList.get("logic"); if (evalListBySection == null) { evalListBySection = new LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement>(); this.evaluateList.put("logic", evalListBySection); } thisList = evalListBySection.listIterator(0); // Start the Big w.append("\t\tResult Gender = new Result(userVarMap.get(\"Gender\"));\n"); for (String uniqueKey : uniqueKeys) { w.append("\t\tResult " + uniqueKey + " = (Result) resultLookup.get(\"" + uniqueKey + "\");\n"); } w.append("\n"); // Evaluate() boolean skipReturn = false; Iterator<LogicAssignment> logicIterator = this.logicAssignments.iterator(); if (compListBySection == null) { compListBySection = new LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison>(); this.comparisons.put("logic", compListBySection); } ArrayList<Call> callBySection = this.calls.get("logic"); Iterator<Call> callIterator = null; if (callBySection != null) { callIterator = callBySection.iterator(); w.append("\t\t\t\tString value = null;\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\tString variable = null;\n"); w.append("\t\t\t\tint varLen = 0;\n"); } Iterator<Conclude> concludeIterator = this.concludes.iterator(); comparisonIteratorLogic = compListBySection.entrySet().iterator(); while (thisList.hasNext()) { skipReturn = WriteLogic(thisList.next(), w, logicIterator, comparisonIteratorLogic, concludeIterator, callIterator); w.flush(); } if (!skipReturn) { w.append("\treturn false;"); } w.append("\t}"); w.append("\n\n"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Write Evaluate: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); // so we can get stack trace } return retValEval; } private void WriteData(MLMEvaluateElement el, Writer w, // Comparison comparison Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Comparison>> comparisonIterator) { LinkedList<Integer> openParens = new LinkedList<Integer>(); LinkedList<Integer> openBrackets = new LinkedList<Integer>(); Integer openParen = 0; Integer openBracket = 0; try { String key = ""; Iterator iter = el.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // IF key = (String) iter.next(); if (openParens.size() > 0) { openParen = openParens.getLast(); } if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBracket = openBrackets.getLast(); if (!(key.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSEIF") || key.startsWith("ELSE"))) { if (openBracket == 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBracket = openBrackets.getLast(); } } } } if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) { w.append("\t\tif("); openParen = 1; openParens.add(openParen); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSEIF")) { while (openBracket > 0) { w.append("}"); openBracket--; } if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); } w.append("\t\telse if("); openParen = 1; openParens.add(openParen); } else if (key.startsWith("ENDIF")) { while (openBracket > 0) { w.append("}"); openBracket--; } if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); } } else if (key.startsWith("ELSE")) { while (openBracket > 0) { w.append("}"); openBracket--; } if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); } openBracket = 1; openBrackets.add(openBracket); w.append("\t\telse{\n"); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("THEN")) { while (openParen > 0) { w.append(")"); openParen--; } if (openParens.size() > 0) { openParens.removeLast(); } w.append("{\n"); openBracket = 1; openBrackets.add(openBracket); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("AND")) { w.append("&&\n\t\t\t"); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("OR")) { w.append("||\n\t\t\t"); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("NOT")) { w.append("!"); } else { MLMObjectElement objElement = this.conceptMap.get(key); if (openParen > 0) { if (comparisonIterator != null && comparisonIterator.hasNext()) { Comparison comparison = comparisonIterator.next().getValue(); ; if (comparison != null) { comparison.write(w, objElement, this.isVarCallorDataRead((String) comparison.getAnswer())); } } } else { if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase("gender")) { writeEvaluateConcept(key, w); } } } } while (openBrackets.size() > 0 && openBrackets.getLast() != null) { openBracket = openBrackets.removeLast(); while (openBracket > 0) { w.append("}"); openBracket--; } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Write Evaluate: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); // so we can get stack trace } } private boolean WriteLogic(MLMEvaluateElement el, Writer w, Iterator<LogicAssignment> logicIterator, //Comparison comparison, Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Comparison>> comparisonIterator, Iterator<Conclude> concludeIterator, Iterator<Call> callIterator) { boolean skipReturn = false; LinkedList<Integer> openParens = new LinkedList<Integer>(); LinkedList<Integer> openBrackets = new LinkedList<Integer>(); Integer openParen = 0; Integer openBracket = 0; try { String key = ""; Iterator iter = el.iterator(); Comparison comparison; while (iter.hasNext()) { // IF key = (String) iter.next(); if (openParens.size() > 0) { openParen = openParens.getLast(); } if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBracket = openBrackets.getLast(); if (!(key.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSEIF") || key.startsWith("ELSE"))) { if (openBracket == 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBracket = openBrackets.getLast(); } } } } if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) { w.append("\t\tif("); openParen = 1; openParens.add(openParen); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSEIF")) { while (openBracket > 0) { w.append("}"); openBracket--; } if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); } w.append("\t\telse if("); openParen = 1; openParens.add(openParen); } else if (key.startsWith("ENDIF")) { while (openBracket > 0) { w.append("}"); openBracket--; } if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); } } else if (key.startsWith("ELSE")) { while (openBracket > 0) { w.append("}"); openBracket--; } if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); } if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBracket = openBrackets.getLast(); if (openBracket == 0) { skipReturn = true; } } else { skipReturn = true; } openBracket = 1; openBrackets.add(openBracket); w.append("\t\telse{\n"); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("THEN")) { while (openParen > 0) { w.append(")"); openParen--; } if (openParens.size() > 0) { openParens.removeLast(); } w.append("{\n"); openBracket = 1; openBrackets.add(openBracket); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("AND")) { w.append("&&\n\t\t\t"); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("OR")) { w.append("||\n\t\t\t"); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("NOT")) { w.append("!"); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("Logic_Assignment")) { if (logicIterator.hasNext()) { LogicAssignment logicAssignment = logicIterator.next(); logicAssignment.write(w); //make sure to close the open bracket here //we do NOT want to conclude from a logic_assignment if (openBracket > 0) { w.append("\t\t}\n"); if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); } openBrackets.add(--openBracket); } } } else if (key.startsWith("Conclude")) { if (concludeIterator.hasNext()) { Conclude conclude = concludeIterator.next(); conclude.write(w); } //if we conclude with no open brackets //then it is the final return of the //logic method if (openBracket == 0) { skipReturn = true; } if (openBracket > 0) { w.append("\t\t}\n"); if (openBrackets.size() > 0) { openBrackets.removeLast(); } openBrackets.add(--openBracket); } } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("Call")) { Call call = callIterator.next(); call.write(w); } else { MLMObjectElement objElement = this.conceptMap.get(key); if (comparisonIterator.hasNext()) { comparison = comparisonIterator.next().getValue(); } else { comparison = null; } if (comparison != null) { comparison.write(w, objElement, this.isVarCallorDataRead(comparison.getAnswer())); } } } while (openBrackets.size() > 0 && openBrackets.getLast() != null) { openBracket = openBrackets.removeLast(); while (openBracket > 0) { w.append("}"); openBracket--; } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Write Evaluate: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); // so we can get stack trace } return skipReturn; } public int GetSize() { return conceptMap.size(); } public MLMObjectElement GetMLMObjectElement(String key) { if (conceptMap.containsKey(key)) { return conceptMap.get(key); } else { return null; } } public void InitEvaluateList(String section, String keyToAdd) { if (!evaluateList.isEmpty()) { LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement> evalListBySection = evaluateList.get(section); MLMEvaluateElement mEvalElem = null; if (evalListBySection == null) { evalListBySection = new LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement>(); this.evaluateList.put(section, evalListBySection); } else { mEvalElem = evalListBySection.getLast(); } if (mEvalElem != null && mEvalElem.getLast().equals("ELSEIF")) { // Nested if return; } else if (mEvalElem != null && mEvalElem.getLast().equals("ELSE")) { // Nested if return; } else { if (openIf(mEvalElem)) { return; } else { MLMEvaluateElement mEvalElemNew = new MLMEvaluateElement(); evalListBySection.add(mEvalElemNew); } } } else { MLMEvaluateElement mEvalElemNew = new MLMEvaluateElement(); LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement> evalListBySection = new LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement>(); this.evaluateList.put(section, evalListBySection); evalListBySection.add(mEvalElemNew); } } private boolean openIf(MLMEvaluateElement mEvalElem) { if (mEvalElem == null) { return false; } Iterator iter = mEvalElem.iterator(); int numOpen = 0; int numClosed = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { String currKey = (String) iter.next(); if (currKey.equalsIgnoreCase("If") || currKey.startsWith("Else")) { numOpen++; } if (currKey.startsWith("Conclude") || currKey.equalsIgnoreCase("endif") || currKey.equalsIgnoreCase("logic_assignment")) { numClosed++; } } if (numOpen > numClosed) { return true; } return false; } public boolean writeEvaluateConcept(String key, Writer w) throws Exception { boolean retVal = true; MLMObjectElement mObjElem = GetMLMObjectElement(key); if (mObjElem != null) { retVal = mObjElem.writeEvaluate(key, w); w.flush(); } return retVal; } public void AddToEvaluateList(String section, String key) { LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement> evalListBySection = evaluateList.get(section); if (evalListBySection == null) { evalListBySection = new LinkedList<MLMEvaluateElement>(); this.evaluateList.put(section, evalListBySection); } MLMEvaluateElement mEvalElem = evalListBySection.getLast(); if (mEvalElem != null) { mEvalElem.add(key); } } public void setWhere(String type, String key) { MLMObjectElement mObjElem = GetMLMObjectElement(key); if (mObjElem != null) { mObjElem.setWhere(type); } } public void setDuration(String type, String val, String op, String key) { MLMObjectElement mObjElem = GetMLMObjectElement(key); if (mObjElem != null) { mObjElem.setDuration(type, val, op); } } public void setClassName(String name) { if (name.endsWith(".mlm")) { className = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(".mlm")); } else { className = name.trim(); } } public String getClassName() { return className.trim(); } public void setTitle(String s) { title = s.trim(); } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setAuthor(String s) { author = s.trim(); } public String getAuthor() { return author; } public void setInstitution(String s) { institution = s.trim(); } public String getInstitution() { return institution; } public void setPriority(String s) { priority = Integer.parseInt(s.trim()); } public Integer getPriority() { return priority; } public void setPurpose(String s) { purpose = s.trim(); } public String getPurpose() { return purpose; } public void setExplanation(String s) { explanation = s.trim(); } public String getExplanation() { return explanation; } public void setKeywords(String s) { keywords = s.trim(); } public String getKeywords() { return keywords; } public void setSpecialist(String s) { specialist = s.trim(); } public String getSpecialist() { return specialist; } public void setLinks(String s) { links = s.trim(); } public String getLinks() { return links; } public void setCitations(String s) { citations = s.trim(); } public String getCitations() { return citations; } public void setAction(String s) { action = s.trim(); } public String getAction() { return action; } public void setDate(String s) { date = s.trim(); } public String getDate() { return date; } public void setData(String s) { data = s.trim(); } public String getData() { return data; } public void setLogic(String s) { logic = s.trim(); } public String getLogic() { return logic; } public void setVersion(String s) { version = Double.valueOf(s.trim()); } public Double getVersion() { return version; } public void setType(String s) { type = s.trim(); } public String getType() { return type; } public void addAction(String actionString) { this.actions.add(new Action(actionString.trim())); } public void addCall(String section, String var, String method) { ArrayList<Call> callsBySection = this.calls.get(section); if (callsBySection == null) { callsBySection = new ArrayList<Call>(); this.calls.put(section, callsBySection); } callsBySection.add(new Call(var, method)); } public void addParameter(String section, String parameter) { ArrayList<Call> callBySection = this.calls.get(section); if (callBySection == null) { return; } Call lastCall = callBySection.get(callBySection.size() - 1); lastCall.addParameter(parameter); } public void addCompOperator(String section, Integer operator, String key) { LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison> compBySection = this.comparisons.get(section); if (compBySection == null) { compBySection = new LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison>(); this.comparisons.put(section, compBySection); } Comparison thisComparison = compBySection.get(key); if (thisComparison != null) { if (operator != null && operator == org.openmrs.arden.ArdenBaseParserTokenTypes.IN) { thisComparison.setOperator(operator); // Always make new Comparison object example - if(key = A) OR (key > 2) // but if key exists, modify it with __number for the hashmap only } else { compBySection.put(key + "__" + compKeyId, new Comparison(key, operator)); compKeyIdUsed = true; } } else { compBySection.put(key, new Comparison(key, operator)); } } public void SetAnswer(String section, Object answer, String key) { HashMap<String, Comparison> compBySection = this.comparisons.get(section); if (compBySection == null) { return; } //Comparison lastComparison = compBySection.get(compBySection.size()-1); Comparison lastComparison; if (compKeyIdUsed == true) { lastComparison = compBySection.get(key + "__" + compKeyId); lastComparison.setAnswer(answer); compKeyIdUsed = false; compKeyId++; // for next use } else { lastComparison = compBySection.get(key); lastComparison.setAnswer(answer); } } public String SetAnswerList(String section, Object answer, String key) { String retStr = ""; LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison> compBySection = this.comparisons.get(section); if (compBySection == null) { compBySection = new LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison>(); this.comparisons.put(section, compBySection); } //Comparison lastComparison = compBySection.get(compBySection.size()-1); if (key.compareTo("") == 0) { Comparison thisComparison = compBySection.get("__Temp__" + keyId); if (thisComparison == null) { // Create a temp key Comparison c = new Comparison("__Temp__" + keyId, null); c.addAnswerToList(answer); compBySection.put("__Temp__" + keyId, c); retStr = "__Temp__" + keyId; } else { // Temp key found, add answers to it as no key known yet thisComparison.addAnswerToList(answer); retStr = key; } } else { Comparison lastComparison = compBySection.get(key); lastComparison.setAnswer(answer); retStr = key; } return retStr; } public boolean SetAnswerListKey(String section, String key) { LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison> compBySection = this.comparisons.get(section); boolean retVal = false; // indicates if several comparisons for the same key if (compBySection == null) { compBySection = new LinkedHashMap<String, Comparison>(); this.comparisons.put(section, compBySection); // This should be an error } if (key.compareTo("") != 0) { Comparison keyComparison = compBySection.get(key); // get Last temp key if any Comparison thisComparison = compBySection.get("__Temp__" + keyId); if (keyComparison != null) { // Already a key with ID, we need to move all the TempKey into this key if (thisComparison != null) { // Iterator<Object> iterator = thisComparison.getAnswerList().iterator(); // while (iterator.hasNext()) { // keyComparison.addAnswerToList(iterator.next()); // } retVal = true; thisComparison.setKey(key, key + "__" + keyId); compBySection.put(key + "__" + keyId, thisComparison); compBySection.remove("__Temp__" + keyId); if (keyId > 100) // At most 100 Temp Keys keyId = 1; else keyId++; } } else if (thisComparison != null) { // Temp key found, add answers to it as no key known yet thisComparison.setKey(key, null); compBySection.put(key, thisComparison); compBySection.remove("__Temp__" + keyId); retVal = false; if (keyId > 100) // At most 100 Temp Keys keyId = 1; else keyId++; } } return retVal; } public void addConcludeVal(boolean concludeVal) { this.concludes.add(new Conclude(concludeVal)); } public void setAt(String atVar) { Action lastAction = this.actions.get(actions.size() - 1); lastAction.setAtVar(atVar); } public void setAgeMax(String ageMax) { int unitIndex = ageMax.indexOf("days"); if (unitIndex < 0) { unitIndex = ageMax.indexOf("weeks"); } if (unitIndex < 0) { unitIndex = ageMax.indexOf("months"); } if (unitIndex < 0) { unitIndex = ageMax.indexOf("years"); } if (unitIndex > 0) { this.ageMaxUnits = ageMax.substring(unitIndex, ageMax.length()); this.ageMax = Integer.parseInt(ageMax.substring(0, unitIndex)); } else { this.ageMax = Integer.parseInt(ageMax); } } public void setAgeMin(String ageMin) { int unitIndex = ageMin.indexOf("days"); if (unitIndex < 0) { unitIndex = ageMin.indexOf("weeks"); } if (unitIndex < 0) { unitIndex = ageMin.indexOf("months"); } if (unitIndex < 0) { unitIndex = ageMin.indexOf("years"); } if (unitIndex > 0) { this.ageMinUnits = ageMin.substring(unitIndex, ageMin.length()); this.ageMin = Integer.parseInt(ageMin.substring(0, unitIndex)); } else { this.ageMin = Integer.parseInt(ageMin); } } public Integer getAgeMax() { return ageMax; } public Integer getAgeMin() { return ageMin; } public String getAgeMaxUnits() { return ageMaxUnits; } public String getAgeMinUnits() { return ageMinUnits; } public boolean isVarCallorDataRead(Object varObj) { // find if the Variable passed in assigned to a data read or result of call to another rule. If so, the variable // is treated as result for translation in comparison object boolean retVal = false; Iterator<String> callSectionIterator = this.calls.keySet().iterator(); if (!(varObj instanceof String)) { return retVal; } String var = (String) varObj; if (this.conceptMap.containsKey(var)) { retVal = true; } else if (callSectionIterator != null) { while (callSectionIterator.hasNext()) { ArrayList<Call> callBySection = this.calls.get(callSectionIterator.next()); Iterator<Call> callIterator = null; if (callBySection != null) { callIterator = callBySection.iterator(); if (callIterator != null) { while (callIterator.hasNext()) { Call c = callIterator.next(); if (var.equalsIgnoreCase(c.getCallVar())) { retVal = true; break; } } } } } } return retVal; } }