package org.openflexo.model.factory; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javassist.util.proxy.MethodFilter; import javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory; import javassist.util.proxy.ProxyObject; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.openflexo.model.ModelContext; import org.openflexo.model.ModelContextLibrary; import org.openflexo.model.ModelEntity; import org.openflexo.model.ModelInitializer; import org.openflexo.model.ModelProperty; import org.openflexo.model.StringConverterLibrary.Converter; import org.openflexo.model.StringEncoder; import org.openflexo.model.annotations.PastingPoint; import org.openflexo.model.exceptions.InvalidDataException; import org.openflexo.model.exceptions.ModelDefinitionException; import org.openflexo.model.exceptions.ModelExecutionException; public class ModelFactory { private Class<?> defaultModelClass = Object.class; private Class<? extends List> listImplementationClass = Vector.class; private Class<? extends Map> mapImplementationClass = Hashtable.class; private Map<Class, PAMELAProxyFactory> proxyFactories; private StringEncoder stringEncoder; private ModelContext modelContext; private ModelContext extendedContext; public class PAMELAProxyFactory<I> extends ProxyFactory { private final ModelEntity<I> modelEntity; private boolean locked = false; private boolean overridingSuperClass = false; public PAMELAProxyFactory(ModelEntity<I> modelEntity) throws ModelDefinitionException { super(); this.modelEntity = modelEntity; setFilter(new MethodFilter() { @Override public boolean isHandled(Method method) { return Modifier.isAbstract(method.getModifiers()) || method.getName().equals("toString") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class; } }); Class<?> implementingClass = modelEntity.getImplementingClass(); if (implementingClass == null) { implementingClass = defaultModelClass; } super.setSuperclass(implementingClass); Class<?>[] interfaces = { modelEntity.getImplementedInterface() }; setInterfaces(interfaces); } public Class<?> getOverridingSuperClass() { if (overridingSuperClass) { return getSuperclass(); } else { return null; } } @Override public void setSuperclass(Class clazz) { if (getSuperclass() != clazz) { if (locked) { throw new IllegalStateException("ProxyFactory for " + modelEntity + " is locked. Super-class can no longer be modified."); } } overridingSuperClass = true; super.setSuperclass(clazz); locked = true; } public ModelFactory getModelFactory() { return ModelFactory.this; } public ModelEntity<I> getModelEntity() { return modelEntity; } public I newInstance(Object... args) throws IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ModelDefinitionException { if (modelEntity.isAbstract()) { throw new InstantiationException(modelEntity + " is declared as an abstract entity, cannot instantiate it"); } locked = true; ProxyMethodHandler<I> handler = new ProxyMethodHandler<I>(this); I returned = (I) create(new Class<?>[0], new Object[0], handler); handler.setObject(returned); if (args == null) { args = new Object[0]; } if (args.length > 0 || modelEntity.hasInitializers()) { Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Object o = args[i]; if (isProxyObject(o)) { ModelEntity<?> modelEntity = getModelEntityForInstance(o); types[i] = modelEntity.getImplementedInterface(); } else { types[i] = o != null ? o.getClass() : null; } } ModelInitializer initializerForArgs = modelEntity.getInitializerForArgs(types); if (initializerForArgs != null) { initializerForArgs.getInitializingMethod().invoke(returned, args); } else { if (args.length > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Class<?> c : types) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(','); } sb.append(c.getName()); } throw new NoSuchMethodException("Could not find any initializer with args " + sb.toString()); } } } return returned; } } public ModelFactory(Class<?> baseClass) throws ModelDefinitionException { this(ModelContextLibrary.getModelContext(baseClass)); } public ModelFactory(ModelContext modelContext) { this.modelContext = modelContext; proxyFactories = new HashMap<Class, PAMELAProxyFactory>(); stringEncoder = new StringEncoder(this); } public ModelContext getModelContext() { return modelContext; } ModelContext getExtendedContext() { return extendedContext != null ? extendedContext : modelContext; } public <I> I newInstance(ModelEntity<I> modelEntity) { return newInstance(modelEntity, (Object[]) null); } public <I> I newInstance(ModelEntity<I> modelEntity, Object... args) { return newInstance(modelEntity.getImplementedInterface(), args); } public <I> I newInstance(Class<I> implementedInterface) { return newInstance(implementedInterface, (Object[]) null); } public <I> I newInstance(Class<I> implementedInterface, Object... args) { try { PAMELAProxyFactory<I> proxyFactory = getProxyFactory(implementedInterface, true); return proxyFactory.newInstance(args); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (ModelDefinitionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } } <I> I _newInstance(Class<I> implementedInterface, boolean useExtended) { return _newInstance(implementedInterface, useExtended, (Object[]) null); } <I> I _newInstance(Class<I> implementedInterface, boolean useExtended, Object... args) { try { PAMELAProxyFactory<I> proxyFactory = getProxyFactory(implementedInterface, true, useExtended); return proxyFactory.newInstance(args); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } catch (ModelDefinitionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } } private <I> PAMELAProxyFactory<I> getProxyFactory(Class<I> implementedInterface) throws ModelDefinitionException { return getProxyFactory(implementedInterface, true); } private <I> PAMELAProxyFactory<I> getProxyFactory(Class<I> implementedInterface, boolean create) throws ModelDefinitionException { return getProxyFactory(implementedInterface, create, false); } private <I> PAMELAProxyFactory<I> getProxyFactory(Class<I> implementedInterface, boolean create, boolean useExtended) throws ModelDefinitionException { PAMELAProxyFactory<I> proxyFactory = proxyFactories.get(implementedInterface); if (proxyFactory == null) { ModelEntity<I> entity; if (useExtended) { entity = getExtendedContext().getModelEntity(implementedInterface); } else { entity = getModelContext().getModelEntity(implementedInterface); } if (entity == null) { throw new ModelExecutionException("Unknown entity '" + implementedInterface.getName() + "'! Did you forget to import it or to annotated it with @ModelEntity?"); } else { if (create) { proxyFactories.put(implementedInterface, proxyFactory = new PAMELAProxyFactory<I>(entity)); } } } return proxyFactory; } public Class<?> getDefaultModelClass() { return defaultModelClass; } public void setDefaultModelClass(Class<?> defaultModelClass) { Class<?> old = defaultModelClass; this.defaultModelClass = defaultModelClass; for (PAMELAProxyFactory<?> factory : proxyFactories.values()) { if (factory.getSuperclass() == old) { factory.setSuperclass(defaultModelClass); } } } public <I> void setImplementingClassForInterface(Class<? extends I> implementingClass, Class<I> implementedInterface) throws ModelDefinitionException { PAMELAProxyFactory<I> proxyFactory = getProxyFactory(implementedInterface, true); proxyFactory.setSuperclass(implementingClass); } <I> void setImplementingClassForInterface(Class<? extends I> implementingClass, Class<I> implementedInterface, boolean useExtended) throws ModelDefinitionException { PAMELAProxyFactory<I> proxyFactory = getProxyFactory(implementedInterface, true, useExtended); if (proxyFactory != null) { proxyFactory.setSuperclass(implementingClass); } } public <I> void setImplementingClassForEntity(Class<? extends I> implementingClass, ModelEntity<I> entity) throws ModelDefinitionException { setImplementingClassForInterface(implementingClass, entity.getImplementedInterface()); } <I> void setImplementingClassForEntity(Class<? extends I> implementingClass, ModelEntity<I> entity, boolean useExtended) throws ModelDefinitionException { setImplementingClassForInterface(implementingClass, entity.getImplementedInterface(), useExtended); } public Class<? extends List> getListImplementationClass() { return listImplementationClass; } public void setListImplementationClass(Class<? extends List> listImplementationClass) { this.listImplementationClass = listImplementationClass; } public Class<? extends Map> getMapImplementationClass() { return mapImplementationClass; } public void setMapImplementationClass(Class<? extends Map> mapImplementationClass) { this.mapImplementationClass = mapImplementationClass; } public boolean isProxyObject(Object object) { return object instanceof ProxyObject; } public <I> ModelEntity<I> getModelEntityForInstance(I object) { ProxyMethodHandler<I> handler = getHandler(object); if (handler != null) { return handler.getModelEntity(); } return null; } public <I> ProxyMethodHandler<I> getHandler(I object) { if (object instanceof ProxyObject) { return (ProxyMethodHandler<I>) ((ProxyObject) object).getHandler(); } return null; } <I> ModelEntity<I> importClass(Class<I> klass) throws ModelDefinitionException { ModelEntity<I> modelEntity = modelContext.getModelEntity(klass); if (modelEntity == null) { extendedContext = new ModelContext(klass, getExtendedContext()); modelEntity = extendedContext.getModelEntity(klass); } return modelEntity; } public StringEncoder getStringEncoder() { return stringEncoder; } public void addConverter(Converter<?> converter) { stringEncoder.addConverter(converter); } public boolean isEmbedddedIn(Object parentObject, Object childObject, EmbeddingType embeddingType) { return getEmbeddedObjects(parentObject, embeddingType).contains(childObject); } public boolean isEmbedddedIn(Object parentObject, Object childObject, EmbeddingType embeddingType, Object... context) { return getEmbeddedObjects(parentObject, embeddingType, context).contains(childObject); } /** * Build and return a List of embedded objects, using meta informations contained in related class All property should be annotated with * a @Embedded annotation which determine the way of handling this property * * Supplied context is used to determine the closure of objects graph being constructed during this operation. * * @param root * @param context * @return */ public List<Object> getEmbeddedObjects(Object root, EmbeddingType embeddingType, Object... context) { if (!isProxyObject(root)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Object> derivedObjectsFromContext = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (context != null && context.length > 0) { for (Object o : context) { derivedObjectsFromContext.add(o); derivedObjectsFromContext.addAll(getEmbeddedObjects(o, embeddingType)); } } List<Object> returned = new ArrayList<Object>(); try { appendEmbeddedObjects(root, returned, embeddingType); } catch (ModelDefinitionException e) { throw new ModelExecutionException(e); } List<Object> discardedObjects = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < returned.size(); i++) { Object o = returned.get(i); if (o instanceof ConditionalPresence) { boolean allOthersArePresent = true; for (Object other : ((ConditionalPresence) o).requiredPresence) { if (!returned.contains(other) && !derivedObjectsFromContext.contains(other)) { allOthersArePresent = false; break; } } if (allOthersArePresent && !returned.contains(((ConditionalPresence) o).object)) { // Closure is fine and object is not already present, add object returned.set(i, ((ConditionalPresence) o).object); } else { // Discard object discardedObjects.add(o); } } } for (Object o : discardedObjects) { returned.remove(o); } return returned; } private class ConditionalPresence { private Object object; private List<Object> requiredPresence; public ConditionalPresence(Object object, List<Object> requiredPresence) { super(); this.object = object; this.requiredPresence = requiredPresence; } } private void appendEmbedded(ModelProperty p, Object father, List<Object> list, Object child, EmbeddingType embeddingType) throws ModelDefinitionException { if (!isProxyObject(child)) { return; } if (p.getEmbedded() == null && p.getComplexEmbedded() == null) { // this property is not embedded return; } boolean append = false; switch (embeddingType) { case CLOSURE: append = p.getEmbedded() != null && p.getEmbedded().closureConditions().length == 0 || p.getComplexEmbedded() != null && p.getComplexEmbedded().closureConditions().length == 0; break; case DELETION: append = p.getEmbedded() != null && p.getEmbedded().deletionConditions().length == 0 || p.getComplexEmbedded() != null && p.getComplexEmbedded().deletionConditions().length == 0; break; } if (append) { // There is no condition, just append it if (!list.contains(child)) { // System.out.println("Embedded in "+father+" because of "+p+" : "+child); list.add(child); appendEmbeddedObjects(child, list, embeddingType); } } else { List<Object> requiredPresence = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (p.getEmbedded() != null) { switch (embeddingType) { case CLOSURE: for (String c : p.getEmbedded().closureConditions()) { ModelEntity closureConditionEntity = getModelEntityForInstance(child); ModelProperty closureConditionProperty = closureConditionEntity.getModelProperty(c); Object closureConditionRequiredObject = getHandler(child).invokeGetter(closureConditionProperty); if (closureConditionRequiredObject != null) { requiredPresence.add(closureConditionRequiredObject); } } break; case DELETION: for (String c : p.getEmbedded().deletionConditions()) { ModelEntity deletionConditionEntity = getModelEntityForInstance(child); ModelProperty deletionConditionProperty = deletionConditionEntity.getModelProperty(c); Object deletionConditionRequiredObject = getHandler(child).invokeGetter(deletionConditionProperty); if (deletionConditionRequiredObject != null) { requiredPresence.add(deletionConditionRequiredObject); } } break; } if (requiredPresence.size() > 0) { ConditionalPresence conditionalPresence = new ConditionalPresence(child, requiredPresence); list.add(conditionalPresence); } else { if (!list.contains(child)) { // System.out.println("Embedded in "+father+" because of "+p+" : "+child); list.add(child); appendEmbeddedObjects(child, list, embeddingType); } } } // System.out.println("Embedded in "+father+" : "+child+" conditioned to required presence of "+requiredPresence); } } private void appendEmbeddedObjects(Object father, List<Object> list, EmbeddingType embeddingType) throws ModelDefinitionException { ProxyMethodHandler handler = getHandler(father); ModelEntity modelEntity = handler.getModelEntity(); Iterator<ModelProperty<?>> properties = modelEntity.getProperties(); while (properties.hasNext()) { ModelProperty<?> p =; switch (p.getCardinality()) { case SINGLE: Object oValue = handler.invokeGetter(p); appendEmbedded(p, father, list, oValue, embeddingType); break; case LIST: List<?> values = (List<?>) handler.invokeGetter(p); for (Object o : values) { appendEmbedded(p, father, list, o, embeddingType); } break; default: break; } } } public Clipboard copy(Object... objects) throws ModelExecutionException, ModelDefinitionException, CloneNotSupportedException { return new Clipboard(this, objects); } public Clipboard cut(Object... objects) throws ModelExecutionException, ModelDefinitionException, CloneNotSupportedException { return null; } public Object paste(Clipboard clipboard, Object context) throws ModelExecutionException, ModelDefinitionException, CloneNotSupportedException { if (!isProxyObject(context)) { throw new ClipboardOperationException("Cannot paste here: context is not valid"); } return getHandler(context).paste(clipboard); } public Object paste(Clipboard clipboard, ModelProperty<?> modelProperty, Object context) throws ModelExecutionException, ModelDefinitionException, CloneNotSupportedException { if (!isProxyObject(context)) { throw new ClipboardOperationException("Cannot paste here: context is not valid"); } return getHandler(context).paste(clipboard, (ModelProperty) modelProperty); } public Object paste(Clipboard clipboard, ModelProperty<?> modelProperty, PastingPoint pp, Object context) throws ModelExecutionException, ModelDefinitionException, CloneNotSupportedException { if (!isProxyObject(context)) { throw new ClipboardOperationException("Cannot paste here: context is not valid"); } return getHandler(context).paste(clipboard, (ModelProperty) modelProperty, pp); } public void serialize(Object object, OutputStream os) throws IOException { serialize(object, os, SerializationPolicy.PERMISSIVE); } public void serialize(Object object, OutputStream os, SerializationPolicy policy) throws IOException { XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(this, policy); serializer.serializeDocument(object, os); } public Object deserialize(InputStream is) throws IOException, JDOMException, InvalidDataException, ModelDefinitionException { return deserialize(is, DeserializationPolicy.PERMISSIVE); } public Object deserialize(InputStream is, DeserializationPolicy policy) throws IOException, JDOMException, InvalidDataException, ModelDefinitionException { XMLDeserializer deserializer = new XMLDeserializer(this, policy); return deserializer.deserializeDocument(is); } public Object deserialize(String input) throws IOException, JDOMException, InvalidDataException, ModelDefinitionException { return deserialize(input, DeserializationPolicy.PERMISSIVE); } public Object deserialize(String input, DeserializationPolicy policy) throws IOException, JDOMException, InvalidDataException, ModelDefinitionException { XMLDeserializer deserializer = new XMLDeserializer(this, policy); return deserializer.deserializeDocument(input); } }