package org.openflexo.view.controller.model; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.openflexo.ApplicationContext; import org.openflexo.GeneralPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openflexo.module.FlexoModule; import org.openflexo.module.ModuleLoader; import org.openflexo.module.ProjectLoader; import org.openflexo.prefs.FlexoPreferences; import org.openflexo.swing.layout.MultiSplitLayout.Node; import org.openflexo.swing.layout.MultiSplitLayoutTypeAdapterFactory; import org.openflexo.toolbox.ExtendedSet; import org.openflexo.toolbox.PropertyChangeListenerRegistrationManager; import; import; public class ControllerModel extends ControllerModelObject implements PropertyChangeListener { private static final java.util.logging.Logger logger = org.openflexo.logging.FlexoLogger.getLogger(ControllerModel.class.getPackage() .getName()); public static final String RIGHT_VIEW_VISIBLE = "rightViewVisible"; public static final String LEFT_VIEW_VISIBLE = "leftViewVisible"; public static final String LOCATIONS = "locations"; public static final String PERSPECTIVES = "perspectives"; public static final String EDITORS = "editors"; public static final String CURRENT_LOCATION = "currentLocation"; public static final String CURRENT_OBJECT = "currentObject"; public static final String CURRENT_EDITOR = "currentEditor"; public static final String CURRENT_PERSPECTIVE = "currentPerspective"; private static final Location NO_LOCATION = new Location(null, null, null); /** Gson instance used to serialize and deserialize layouts of the mainpane multisplitpane */ private Gson gsonLayout; /** Flag that indicates the current state of the left view */ private boolean leftViewVisible = true; /** Flag that indicates the current state of the right view */ private boolean rightViewVisible = true; /** The list of all the available perspectives */ private List<FlexoPerspective> perspectives; /** List of objects that are represented. This list allows to track observed objects. */ private List<FlexoModelObject> objects; /** Set of locations that are opened. This set represents all the currently opened module views. */ private ExtendedSet<Location> locations; /** The stack of locations that were visited */ private Stack<Location> previousHistory; /** * The stack of locations that are ahead of the current location. This is only used when the user goes back in history. Whenever the * users bypasses history navigation, this stack is reset */ private Stack<Location> nextHistory; /** The current location in the history */ private Location currentLocation = NO_LOCATION; /** Internal flag that indicates if we are currently moving forward in the history */ private boolean isGoingForward = false; /** Internal flag that indicates if we are currently moving backward in the history */ private boolean isGoingBackward = false; /** The application context of this controller model */ private ApplicationContext context; /** The module in which this controller model was created (mainly used to save module specific preferences) */ private FlexoModule module; /** A property change listener registration manager that keeps track of all the registered {@link PropertyChangeListener} */ private PropertyChangeListenerRegistrationManager registrationManager; public ControllerModel(ApplicationContext context, FlexoModule module) { this.context = context; this.module = module; registrationManager = new PropertyChangeListenerRegistrationManager(); leftViewVisible = GeneralPreferences.getShowLeftView(module.getShortName()); rightViewVisible = GeneralPreferences.getShowRightView(module.getShortName()); PropertyChangeListenerRegistration(ProjectLoader.PROJECT_OPENED, this, context.getProjectLoader()); PropertyChangeListenerRegistration(ProjectLoader.PROJECT_CLOSED, this, context.getProjectLoader()); objects = new ArrayList<FlexoModelObject>(); locations = new ExtendedSet<Location>(); perspectives = new Vector<FlexoPerspective>(); previousHistory = new Stack<Location>(); nextHistory = new Stack<Location>(); } public ModuleLoader getModuleLoader() { return context.getModuleLoader(); } public ProjectLoader getProjectLoader() { return context.getProjectLoader(); } public FlexoModule getModule() { return module; } @Override public void delete() { for (FlexoPerspective p : perspectives) { p.delete(); } perspectives.clear(); registrationManager.delete(); super.delete(); currentLocation = NO_LOCATION; } /*************** * PERSPECTIVE * ***************/ /** * Returns the current perspective. * * @return the current perspective */ public FlexoPerspective getCurrentPerspective() { if (currentLocation != null) { return currentLocation.getPerspective(); } else { return null; } } public void setCurrentPerspective(FlexoPerspective currentPerspective) { FlexoModelObject object = getCurrentObject(); if (currentPerspective != null) { if (object == null || !currentPerspective.hasModuleViewForObject(object)) { object = currentPerspective.getDefaultObject(object != null ? object : getCurrentProject()); } } setCurrentLocation(getCurrentEditor(), object, currentPerspective); } public List<FlexoPerspective> getPerspectives() { return perspectives; } public void addToPerspectives(FlexoPerspective perspective) { if (perspective == null) { return; } perspectives.add(perspective); getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(PERSPECTIVES, null, perspective); if (getCurrentPerspective() == null) { setCurrentPerspective(perspective); } } public void removeFromPerspectives(FlexoPerspective perspective) { perspectives.remove(perspective); getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(PERSPECTIVES, perspective, null); } /*********** * EDITORS * ***********/ public FlexoEditor getCurrentEditor() { if (requiresProject()) { return currentLocation.getEditor(); } else { return context.getApplicationEditor(); } } public boolean requiresProject() { return module.getModule().requireProject(); } public void setCurrentEditor(FlexoEditor currentEditor) { if (currentEditor != getCurrentEditor()) { if (currentEditor == null || currentEditor.getProject() == null || isSelectableProject(currentEditor.getProject())) { Location location = getLastLocationForEditor(currentEditor, null); if (location != null && location != NO_LOCATION) { setCurrentLocation(location); } else { FlexoModelObject object = null; if (getCurrentEditor() == null && currentEditor != null && currentEditor.getProject() != null && getCurrentPerspective() != null) { object = getCurrentPerspective().getDefaultObject(currentEditor.getProject()); } setCurrentLocation(currentEditor, object, getCurrentPerspective()); } } } } public FlexoProject getCurrentProject() { return getCurrentEditor() != null ? getCurrentEditor().getProject() : null; } public void setCurrentProject(FlexoProject project) { setCurrentEditor(project != null ? context.getProjectLoader().getEditorForProject(project) : null); } public boolean isSelectableProject(FlexoProject project) { return context.getProjectLoader().getRootProjects().contains(project); } /********************** * NAVIGATION HISTORY * **********************/ public FlexoModelObject getCurrentObject() { return currentLocation != null ? currentLocation.getObject() : null; } public void setCurrentObject(FlexoModelObject object) { // Little block to change the currentPerspective if the // current perspective can't handle this object FlexoPerspective perspective = getCurrentPerspective(); if (object != null && !perspective.hasModuleViewForObject(object)) { for (FlexoPerspective p : getPerspectives()) { if (p == null) { continue; } if (p.hasModuleViewForObject(object)) { perspective = p; break; } } } setCurrentLocation(getCurrentEditor(), object, perspective); } public Location getCurrentLocation() { return currentLocation; } public void setCurrentLocation(Location location) { if (location != null && location.equals(getCurrentLocation())) { return; } else if (location != null) { setCurrentLocation(location.getEditor(), location.getObject(), location.getPerspective()); } } public Set<Location> getLocations() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(locations); } /** * Adds the specified location to the set of locations if it is not yet in the set. The method returns a location which is equal to the * specified location and which is in the set (ie, if the location was not yet in the set, it returns the specified location, else it * returns the locations that was previously contained). * * @param location * the location to add. * @return the location which is contained in the set. */ public Location addToLocations(Location location) { Location existing = locations.get(location); if (existing == null) { locations.add(existing = location); getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(LOCATIONS, null, existing = location); } return existing; } public boolean removeFromLocations(Location location) { boolean removed = locations.remove(location); if (removed) { if (location != null && location.equals(currentLocation)) { setCurrentLocation(getLastLocationForEditor(getCurrentEditor(), getCurrentPerspective())); } getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(LOCATIONS, location, null); } return removed; } public void setCurrentLocation(FlexoEditor editor, FlexoModelObject object, FlexoPerspective perspective) { if (isDeleted()) { return; } if (editor == null) { editor = getCurrentEditor(); } if (perspective == null) { perspective = getCurrentPerspective(); } if (!isGoingForward && !isGoingBackward) { if (currentLocation != null && currentLocation != NO_LOCATION) { previousHistory.push(currentLocation); } nextHistory.clear(); } if (object != null) { if (getCurrentObject() != object) { if (!objects.contains(object)) { PropertyChangeListenerRegistration(object.getDeletedProperty(), this, object); objects.add(object); } } } Location old = currentLocation; currentLocation = addToLocations(new Location(editor, object, perspective)); notifyLocationChange(old, currentLocation); } private void notifyLocationChange(Location old, Location newLocation) { if (old == null || old.getEditor() != currentLocation.getEditor()) { getPropertyChangeSupport() .firePropertyChange(CURRENT_EDITOR, old != null ? old.getEditor() : null, currentLocation.getEditor()); } if (old == null || old.getPerspective() != currentLocation.getPerspective()) { getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(CURRENT_PERSPECTIVE, old != null ? old.getPerspective() : null, currentLocation.getPerspective()); } if (old == null || old.getObject() != currentLocation.getObject()) { getPropertyChangeSupport() .firePropertyChange(CURRENT_OBJECT, old != null ? old.getObject() : null, currentLocation.getObject()); } getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(CURRENT_LOCATION, old, currentLocation); } public Stack<Location> getNextHistory() { return nextHistory; } public Stack<Location> getPreviousHistory() { return previousHistory; } public boolean canGoForward() { return nextHistory.size() > 0; } public boolean canGoBack() { return previousHistory.size() > 0; } public boolean canGoUp() { return getCurrentObject() != null && getParent(getCurrentObject()) != null; } private Location getLastLocationForEditor(FlexoEditor editor, FlexoPerspective perspective) { if (perspective != null) { for (int i = previousHistory.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) { Location location = previousHistory.get(i); if ((editor == null || location.getEditor() == editor) && location.getPerspective() == perspective && locations.contains(location)) { return location; } } for (Location location : nextHistory) { if ((editor == null || location.getEditor() == editor) && location.getPerspective() == perspective && locations.contains(location)) { return location; } } } for (int i = previousHistory.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) { Location location = previousHistory.get(i); if (editor == null || location.getEditor() == editor && locations.contains(location)) { return location; } } for (Location location : nextHistory) { if (editor == null || location.getEditor() == editor && locations.contains(location)) { return location; } } return NO_LOCATION; } private FlexoModelObject getParent(FlexoModelObject object) { if (object instanceof DMObject) { return ((DMObject) object).getParent(); } else if (object instanceof FlexoProcess) { return ((FlexoProcess) object).getParentProcess(); } else if (object instanceof CGFile) { return ((CGFile) object).getRepository(); } else if (object instanceof TOCEntry) { if (((TOCEntry) object).getParent() != null) { return ((TOCEntry) object).getParent(); } else { ((TOCEntry) object).getRepository(); } } else if (object instanceof WSObject) { return ((WSObject) object).getParent(); } else if (object instanceof ServiceInterface) { WSPortType proc = ((ServiceInterface) object).getProject().getFlexoWSLibrary() .getWSPortTypeNamed(((ServiceInterface) object).getName()); if (proc != null) { return proc.getWSService().getWSPortTypeFolder(); } } else if (object instanceof ServiceOperation) { return ((ServiceOperation) object).getServiceInterface(); } else if (object instanceof ServiceMessageDefinition) { return ((ServiceMessageDefinition) object).getOperation(); } else if (object instanceof MessageEntry) { return ((MessageEntry) object).getMessage(); } return null; } public void historyBack() { if (canGoBack()) { isGoingBackward = true; try { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("Back to " + previousHistory.peek()); } nextHistory.push(currentLocation); Location nextLocation = previousHistory.pop(); setCurrentLocation(nextLocation); } finally { isGoingBackward = false; } } } public void historyForward() { if (canGoForward()) { isGoingForward = true; try { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("Forward to " + nextHistory.peek()); } previousHistory.push(currentLocation); Location nextLocation = nextHistory.pop(); setCurrentLocation(nextLocation); } finally { isGoingForward = false; } } } public void goUp() { if (canGoUp()) { setCurrentObject(getParent(getCurrentObject())); } } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getSource() == getProjectLoader()) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(ProjectLoader.PROJECT_OPENED)) { FlexoProject project = (FlexoProject) evt.getNewValue(); if (getCurrentPerspective() != null) { FlexoModelObject object = getCurrentPerspective().getDefaultObject(project); setCurrentLocation(getProjectLoader().getEditorForProject(project), object, getCurrentPerspective()); } else { setCurrentProject(project); } } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(ProjectLoader.PROJECT_CLOSED)) { handleProjectRemoval((FlexoProject) evt.getOldValue()); setCurrentProject(null); } } else if (evt.getOldValue() instanceof FlexoModelObject && evt.getPropertyName().equals(((FlexoModelObject) evt.getOldValue()).getDeletedProperty())) { handleObjectDeletion((FlexoModelObject) evt.getOldValue()); } } private void handleProjectRemoval(FlexoProject removedProject) { updateHistoryForProjectRemoval(previousHistory, removedProject); updateHistoryForProjectRemoval(nextHistory, removedProject); for (Location location : new ArrayList<Location>(locations)) { if (location.getEditor() != null && location.getEditor().getProject() == removedProject) { removeFromLocations(location); } } } private void updateHistoryForProjectRemoval(Stack<Location> history, FlexoProject removedProject) { Iterator<Location> i = history.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Location hl =; if (hl.getEditor().getProject() == removedProject) { i.remove(); } } } private void handleObjectDeletion(FlexoModelObject deletedObject) { while (objects.remove(deletedObject)) { ; } updateHistoryForDeletedObject(previousHistory, deletedObject); updateHistoryForDeletedObject(nextHistory, deletedObject); for (Location location : new ArrayList<Location>(locations)) { if (location.getObject() == deletedObject) { removeFromLocations(location); } } if (currentLocation != null && currentLocation.getObject() == deletedObject) { if (canGoBack()) { historyBack(); } else { setCurrentObject(null); } } registrationManager.removeListener(deletedObject.getDeletedProperty(), this, deletedObject); } private void updateHistoryForDeletedObject(Stack<Location> history, FlexoModelObject deletedObject) { Iterator<Location> i = history.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Location hl =; if (hl.getObject() == deletedObject) { i.remove(); } } } /********** * LAYOUT * **********/ public Node getLayoutForPerspective(FlexoPerspective perspective) { String layout = GeneralPreferences.getLayoutFor(getModule().getShortName() + perspective.getName()); if (layout != null) { return getLayoutFromString(layout); } else { return null; } } private Node getLayoutFromString(String layout) { return getGsonLayout().fromJson(layout, Node.class); } public void setLayoutForPerspective(FlexoPerspective perspective, Node layout) { GeneralPreferences.setLayoutFor(getGsonLayout().toJson(layout), getModule().getShortName() + perspective.getName());; } private Gson getGsonLayout() { if (gsonLayout == null) { GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(new MultiSplitLayoutTypeAdapterFactory()); gsonLayout = builder.create(); } return gsonLayout; } /************** * VISIBILITY * **************/ public boolean isLeftViewVisible() { return leftViewVisible; } public void setLeftViewVisible(boolean leftViewVisible) { this.leftViewVisible = leftViewVisible; GeneralPreferences.setShowLeftView(getModule().getShortName(), leftViewVisible); FlexoPreferences.savePreferences(true); getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(LEFT_VIEW_VISIBLE, !leftViewVisible, leftViewVisible); } public boolean isRightViewVisible() { return rightViewVisible; } public void setRightViewVisible(boolean rightViewVisible) { this.rightViewVisible = rightViewVisible; GeneralPreferences.setShowRightView(getModule().getShortName(), rightViewVisible); FlexoPreferences.savePreferences(true); getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(RIGHT_VIEW_VISIBLE, !rightViewVisible, rightViewVisible); } }