package org.openamq.client.message; import; import org.apache.mina.common.ByteBuffer; import org.openamq.AMQException; import org.openamq.client.AMQDestination; import org.openamq.client.AMQQueue; import org.openamq.client.AMQTopic; import org.openamq.framing.FieldTable; import org.openamq.framing.BasicContentHeaderProperties; import javax.jms.Destination; import javax.jms.JMSException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; public abstract class AbstractJMSMessage extends AMQMessage implements javax.jms.Message { private static final Map _destinationCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new ReferenceMap()); // protected Map _messageProperties; public static final char BOOLEAN_PROPERTY_PREFIX = 'B'; public static final char BYTE_PROPERTY_PREFIX = 'b'; public static final char SHORT_PROPERTY_PREFIX = 's'; public static final char INT_PROPERTY_PREFIX = 'i'; public static final char LONG_PROPERTY_PREFIX = 'l'; public static final char FLOAT_PROPERTY_PREFIX = 'f'; public static final char DOUBLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX = 'd'; public static final char STRING_PROPERTY_PREFIX = 'S'; protected boolean _redelivered; protected ByteBuffer _data; protected AbstractJMSMessage(ByteBuffer data) { super(new BasicContentHeaderProperties()); _data = data; if (_data != null) { _data.acquire(); } } protected AbstractJMSMessage(long deliveryTag, BasicContentHeaderProperties contentHeader, ByteBuffer data) throws AMQException { this(contentHeader, deliveryTag); _data = data; if (_data != null) { _data.acquire(); } } protected AbstractJMSMessage(BasicContentHeaderProperties contentHeader, long deliveryTag) { super(contentHeader, deliveryTag); } public String getJMSMessageID() throws JMSException { if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getMessageId() == null) { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setMessageId("ID:" + _deliveryTag); } return getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getMessageId(); } public void setJMSMessageID(String messageId) throws JMSException { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setMessageId(messageId); } public long getJMSTimestamp() throws JMSException { return new Long(getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getTimestamp()).longValue(); } public void setJMSTimestamp(long timestamp) throws JMSException { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setTimestamp(timestamp); } public byte[] getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes() throws JMSException { return getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getCorrelationId().getBytes(); } public void setJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes(byte[] bytes) throws JMSException { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setCorrelationId(new String(bytes)); } public void setJMSCorrelationID(String correlationId) throws JMSException { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setCorrelationId(correlationId); } public String getJMSCorrelationID() throws JMSException { return getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getCorrelationId(); } public Destination getJMSReplyTo() throws JMSException { String replyToEncoding = getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getReplyTo(); if (replyToEncoding == null) { return null; } else { Destination dest = (Destination) _destinationCache.get(replyToEncoding); if (dest == null) { char destType = replyToEncoding.charAt(0); if (destType == 'Q') { dest = new AMQQueue(replyToEncoding.substring(1)); } else if (destType == 'T') { dest = new AMQTopic(replyToEncoding.substring(1)); } else { throw new JMSException("Illegal value in JMS_ReplyTo property: " + replyToEncoding); } _destinationCache.put(replyToEncoding, dest); } return dest; } } public void setJMSReplyTo(Destination destination) throws JMSException { if (destination == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null destination not allowed"); } if (!(destination instanceof AMQDestination)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ReplyTo destination my be an AMQ destination - passed argument was type " + destination.getClass()); } final AMQDestination amqd = (AMQDestination) destination; final String encodedDestination = amqd.getEncodedName(); _destinationCache.put(encodedDestination, destination); getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setReplyTo(encodedDestination); } public Destination getJMSDestination() throws JMSException { // TODO: implement this once we have sorted out how to figure out the exchange class return null; } public void setJMSDestination(Destination destination) throws JMSException { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public int getJMSDeliveryMode() throws JMSException { return getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getDeliveryMode(); } public void setJMSDeliveryMode(int i) throws JMSException { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setDeliveryMode((byte) i); } public boolean getJMSRedelivered() throws JMSException { return _redelivered; } public void setJMSRedelivered(boolean b) throws JMSException { _redelivered = b; } public String getJMSType() throws JMSException { return getMimeType(); } public void setJMSType(String string) throws JMSException { throw new JMSException("Cannot set JMS Type - it is implicitly defined based on message type"); } public long getJMSExpiration() throws JMSException { return new Long(getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getExpiration()).longValue(); } public void setJMSExpiration(long l) throws JMSException { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setExpiration(l); } public int getJMSPriority() throws JMSException { return getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getPriority(); } public void setJMSPriority(int i) throws JMSException { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setPriority((byte)i); } public void clearProperties() throws JMSException { if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() != null) { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().clear(); } } public boolean propertyExists(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return false; } else { // TODO: fix this return getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().containsKey(STRING_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); } } public boolean getBooleanProperty(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return Boolean.valueOf(null).booleanValue(); } else { // store as integer as temporary workaround //Boolean b = (Boolean) getJmsContentHeaderProperties().headers.get(BOOLEAN_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); Long b = (Long) getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().get(BOOLEAN_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); if (b == null) { return Boolean.valueOf(null).booleanValue(); } else { return b.longValue() != 0; } } } public byte getByteProperty(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return Byte.valueOf(null).byteValue(); } else { Byte b = (Byte) getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().get(BYTE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); if (b == null) { return Byte.valueOf(null).byteValue(); } else { return b.byteValue(); } } } public short getShortProperty(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return Short.valueOf(null).shortValue(); } else { Short s = (Short) getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().get(SHORT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); if (s == null) { return Short.valueOf(null).shortValue(); } else { return s.shortValue(); } } } public int getIntProperty(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return Integer.valueOf(null).intValue(); } else { Integer i = (Integer) getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().get(INT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); if (i == null) { return Integer.valueOf(null).intValue(); } else { return i.intValue(); } } } public long getLongProperty(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return Long.valueOf(null).longValue(); } else { Long l = (Long) getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().get(LONG_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); if (l == null) { // temp - the spec says do this but this throws a NumberFormatException //return Long.valueOf(null).longValue(); return 0; } else { return l.longValue(); } } } public float getFloatProperty(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return Float.valueOf(null).floatValue(); } else { final Float f = (Float) getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().get(FLOAT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); if (f == null) { return Float.valueOf(null).floatValue(); } else { return f.floatValue(); } } } public double getDoubleProperty(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return Double.valueOf(null).doubleValue(); } else { final Double d = (Double) getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().get(DOUBLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); if (d == null) { return Double.valueOf(null).doubleValue(); } else { return d.shortValue(); } } } public String getStringProperty(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return null; } else { return (String) getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().get(STRING_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName); } } public Object getObjectProperty(String propertyName) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); throw new JMSException("Not implemented yet"); } public Enumeration getPropertyNames() throws JMSException { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void setBooleanProperty(String propertyName, boolean b) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); //getJmsContentHeaderProperties().headers.put(BOOLEAN_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName, Boolean.valueOf(b)); getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().put(BOOLEAN_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName, b?new Long(1):new Long(0)); } public void setByteProperty(String propertyName, byte b) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().put(BYTE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName, new Byte(b)); } public void setShortProperty(String propertyName, short i) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().put(SHORT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName, new Short(i)); } public void setIntProperty(String propertyName, int i) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().put(INT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName, new Integer(i)); } public void setLongProperty(String propertyName, long l) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().put(LONG_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName, new Long(l)); } public void setFloatProperty(String propertyName, float f) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().put(FLOAT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName, new Float(f)); } public void setDoubleProperty(String propertyName, double v) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().put(DOUBLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName, new Double(v)); } public void setStringProperty(String propertyName, String value) throws JMSException { checkPropertyName(propertyName); createPropertyMapIfRequired(); propertyName = STRING_PROPERTY_PREFIX + propertyName; getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().put(propertyName, value); } private void createPropertyMapIfRequired() { if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setHeaders(new FieldTable()); } } public void setObjectProperty(String string, Object object) throws JMSException { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void acknowledge() throws JMSException { // the JMS 1.1 spec says in section 3.6 that calls to acknowledge are ignored when client acknowledge // is not specified. In our case, we only set the session field where client acknowledge mode is specified. if (_session != null) { // we set multiple to true here since acknowledgement implies acknowledge of all previous messages // received on the session _session.acknowledgeMessage(_deliveryTag, true); } } public abstract void clearBody() throws JMSException; /** * Get a String representation of the body of the message. Used in the * toString() method which outputs this before message properties. */ public abstract String toBodyString() throws JMSException; public abstract String getMimeType(); public String toString() { try { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Body:\n"); buf.append(toBodyString()); buf.append("\nJMS timestamp: ").append(getJMSTimestamp()); buf.append("\nJMS expiration: ").append(getJMSExpiration()); buf.append("\nJMS priority: ").append(getJMSPriority()); buf.append("\nJMS delivery mode: ").append(getJMSDeliveryMode()); buf.append("\nJMS reply to: ").append(String.valueOf(getJMSReplyTo())); buf.append("\nAMQ message number: ").append(_deliveryTag); buf.append("\nProperties:"); if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { buf.append("<NONE>"); } else { final Iterator it = getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); final String propertyName = (String) entry.getKey(); if (propertyName == null) { buf.append("\nInternal error: Property with NULL key defined"); } else { buf.append('\n').append(propertyName.substring(1)); char typeIdentifier = propertyName.charAt(0); switch (typeIdentifier) { case org.openamq.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage.BOOLEAN_PROPERTY_PREFIX: buf.append("<boolean> "); break; case org.openamq.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage.BYTE_PROPERTY_PREFIX: buf.append("<byte> "); break; case org.openamq.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage.SHORT_PROPERTY_PREFIX: buf.append("<short> "); break; case org.openamq.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage.INT_PROPERTY_PREFIX: buf.append("<int> "); break; case org.openamq.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage.LONG_PROPERTY_PREFIX: buf.append("<long> "); break; case org.openamq.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage.FLOAT_PROPERTY_PREFIX: buf.append("<float> "); break; case org.openamq.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage.DOUBLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX: buf.append("<double> "); break; case org.openamq.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage.STRING_PROPERTY_PREFIX: buf.append("<string> "); break; default: buf.append("<unknown type (identifier " + typeIdentifier + ") "); } buf.append(String.valueOf(entry.getValue())); } } } return buf.toString(); } catch (JMSException e) { return e.toString(); } } public Map getUnderlyingMessagePropertiesMap() { return getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders(); } public void setUnderlyingMessagePropertiesMap(FieldTable messageProperties) { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setHeaders(messageProperties); } private void checkPropertyName(String propertyName) { if (propertyName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property name must not be null"); } else if ("".equals(propertyName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property name must not be the empty string"); } if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { getJmsContentHeaderProperties().setHeaders(new FieldTable()); } } public FieldTable populateHeadersFromMessageProperties() { if (getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders() == null) { return null; } else { // // We need to convert every property into a String representation // Note that type information is preserved in the property name // final FieldTable table = new FieldTable(); final Iterator entries = getJmsContentHeaderProperties().getHeaders().entrySet().iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); final String propertyName = (String) entry.getKey(); if (propertyName == null) { continue; } else { table.put(propertyName, entry.getValue().toString()); } } return table; } } public BasicContentHeaderProperties getJmsContentHeaderProperties() { return (BasicContentHeaderProperties) _contentHeaderProperties; } public ByteBuffer getData() { // make sure we rewind the data just in case any method has moved the // position beyond the start if (_data != null) { _data.rewind(); } return _data; } }