package org.openamq.client; import javax.jms.Destination; public abstract class AMQDestination implements Destination { public final static String TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME = "amq.topic"; public final static String TOPIC_EXCHANGE_CLASS = "topic"; public final static String QUEUE_EXCHANGE_NAME = ""; public final static String QUEUE_EXCHANGE_CLASS = "direct"; public final static String HEADERS_EXCHANGE_NAME = "amq.headers"; public final static String HEADERS_EXCHANGE_CLASS = "headers"; protected final String _destinationName; protected boolean _isDurable; protected final boolean _isExclusive; protected final boolean _isAutoDelete; protected String _queueName; protected String _exchangeName; protected String _exchangeClass; protected final boolean _isExchangeDurable; protected final boolean _isExchangeAutoDelete; protected AMQDestination(String exchangeName, String exchangeClass, String destinationName, String queueName) { this(exchangeName, exchangeClass, false, false, destinationName, false, false, false, queueName); } protected AMQDestination(String exchangeName, String exchangeClass, String destinationName) { this(exchangeName, exchangeClass, false, false, destinationName, false, false, true, destinationName); } protected AMQDestination(String exchangeName, String exchangeClass, String destinationName, boolean isExclusive, boolean isAutoDelete, String queueName) { this(exchangeName, exchangeClass, false, false, destinationName, false, isExclusive, isAutoDelete, queueName); } protected AMQDestination(String exchangeName, String exchangeClass, String destinationName, boolean isDurable, boolean isExclusive, boolean isAutoDelete, String queueName) { this(exchangeName, exchangeClass, false, false, destinationName, isDurable, isExclusive, isAutoDelete, queueName); } protected AMQDestination(String exchangeName, String exchangeClass, boolean isExchangeDurable, boolean isExchangeAutoDelete, String destinationName, boolean isDurable, boolean isExclusive, boolean isAutoDelete, String queueName) { if (destinationName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination name must not be null"); } if (exchangeName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exchange name must not be null"); } if (exchangeClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exchange class must not be null"); } _exchangeName = exchangeName; _exchangeClass = exchangeClass; _destinationName = destinationName; _isExclusive = isExclusive; _isAutoDelete = isAutoDelete; _queueName = queueName; _isDurable = isDurable; _isExchangeDurable = isExchangeDurable; _isExchangeAutoDelete = isExchangeAutoDelete; } public abstract String getEncodedName(); public boolean isDurable() { return _isDurable; } public String getExchangeName() { return _exchangeName; } public String getExchangeClass() { return _exchangeClass; } public boolean getExchangeDurable() { return _isExchangeDurable; } public boolean getExchangeAutoDelete() { return _isExchangeAutoDelete; } public void setExchangeName(String exchangeName) { _exchangeName = exchangeName; } public void setExchangeClass(String exchangeClass) { _exchangeClass = exchangeClass; } public boolean isTopic() { return TOPIC_EXCHANGE_CLASS.equals(_exchangeClass); } public boolean isQueue() { return QUEUE_EXCHANGE_CLASS.equals(_exchangeClass); } public String getDestinationName() { return _destinationName; } public String getQueueName() { return _queueName; } public void setQueueName(String queueName) { _queueName = queueName; } public abstract String getRoutingKey(); public boolean isExclusive() { return _isExclusive; } public boolean isAutoDelete() { return _isAutoDelete; } public boolean isExchangeDurable() { return _isExchangeDurable; } public boolean isExchangeAutoDelete() { return _isExchangeAutoDelete; } public abstract boolean isNameRequired(); public String toString() { return "Destination: " + _destinationName + ", " + "Queue Name: " + _queueName + ", Exchange: " + _exchangeName + ", Exchange class: " + _exchangeClass + ", Exclusive: " + _isExclusive + ", AutoDelete: " + _isAutoDelete + ", Routing Key: " + getRoutingKey(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } final AMQDestination that = (AMQDestination) o; if (!_destinationName.equals(that._destinationName)) { return false; } if (!_exchangeClass.equals(that._exchangeClass)) { return false; } if (!_exchangeName.equals(that._exchangeName)) { return false; } if ((_queueName == null && that._queueName != null) || (_queueName != null && !_queueName.equals(that._queueName))) { return false; } if (_isExclusive != that._isExclusive) { return false; } if (_isAutoDelete != that._isAutoDelete) { return false; } return true; } public int hashCode() { int result; result = _exchangeName.hashCode(); result = 29 * result + _exchangeClass.hashCode(); result = 29 * result + _destinationName.hashCode(); if (_queueName != null) { result = 29 * result + _queueName.hashCode(); } result = result * (_isExclusive?13:7); result = result * (_isAutoDelete?13:7); return result; } }