package org.openamq.client; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.openamq.AMQDisconnectedException; import org.openamq.AMQException; import org.openamq.AMQUndeliveredException; import org.openamq.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage; import org.openamq.client.message.MessageFactoryRegistry; import org.openamq.client.message.UnprocessedMessage; import org.openamq.client.protocol.AMQProtocolHandler; import org.openamq.client.protocol.FailoverSupport; import org.openamq.client.util.FlowControllingBlockingQueue; import org.openamq.client.state.listener.SpecificMethodFrameListener; import org.openamq.framing.*; import org.openamq.jms.Session; import javax.jms.*; import javax.jms.IllegalStateException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; public class AMQSession extends Closeable implements Session, QueueSession, TopicSession { private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AMQSession.class); public static final int DEFAULT_PREFETCH = 5000; private AMQConnection _connection; private boolean _transacted; private int _acknowledgeMode; private int _channelId; private int _defaultPrefetch = DEFAULT_PREFETCH; /** * Used in the consume method. We generate the consume tag on the client so that we can use the nowait * feature. */ private int _nextTag = 1; /** * This queue is bounded and is used to store messages before being dispatched to the consumer */ private final FlowControllingBlockingQueue _queue; private Dispatcher _dispatcher; private MessageFactoryRegistry _messageFactoryRegistry; /** * Set of all producers created by this session */ private Map _producers = new ConcurrentHashMap(); /** * Maps from consumer tag (String) to JMSMessageConsumer instance */ private Map _consumers = new ConcurrentHashMap(); /** * Default value for immediate flag used by producers created by this session is false, i.e. a consumer does not * need to be attached to a queue */ protected static final boolean DEFAULT_IMMEDIATE = false; /** * Default value for mandatory flag used by producers created by this sessio is true, i.e. server will not silently * drop messages where no queue is connected to the exchange for the message */ protected static final boolean DEFAULT_MANDATORY = true; /** * The counter of the next producer id. This id is generated by the session and used only to allow the * producer to identify itself to the session when deregistering itself. * * Access to this id does not require to be synchronized since according to the JMS specification only one * thread of control is allowed to create producers for any given session instance. */ private long _nextProducerId; /** * Track the 'stopped' state of the dispatcher, a session starts in the stopped state. */ private volatile AtomicBoolean _stopped = new AtomicBoolean(true); /** * Responsible for decoding a message fragment and passing it to the appropriate message consumer. */ private class Dispatcher extends Thread { public Dispatcher() { super("Dispatcher-Channel-" + _channelId); } public void run() { UnprocessedMessage message; _stopped.set(false); try { while (!_stopped.get() && (message = (UnprocessedMessage)_queue.take()) != null) { dispatchMessage(message); } } catch(InterruptedException e) { ; }"Dispatcher thread terminating for channel " + _channelId); } private void dispatchMessage(UnprocessedMessage message) { if (message.deliverBody != null) { final BasicMessageConsumer consumer = (BasicMessageConsumer) _consumers.get(message.deliverBody.consumerTag); if (consumer == null) { _logger.warn("Received a message from queue " + message.deliverBody.consumerTag + " without a handler - ignoring..."); } else { consumer.notifyMessage(message, _channelId); } } else { try { // Bounced message is processed here, away from the mina thread AbstractJMSMessage bouncedMessage = _messageFactoryRegistry.createMessage(0, false, message.contentHeader, message.bodies); int errorCode = message.bounceBody.replyCode; String reason = message.bounceBody.replyText; _logger.debug("Message returned with error code " + errorCode + " (" + reason + ")"); _connection.exceptionReceived(new AMQUndeliveredException(errorCode, "Error: " + reason, bouncedMessage)); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("Caught exception trying to raise undelivered message exception (dump follows) - ignoring...", e); } } } public void stopDispatcher() { _stopped.set(true); interrupt(); } } AMQSession(AMQConnection con, int channelId, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, MessageFactoryRegistry messageFactoryRegistry) { this(con, channelId, transacted, acknowledgeMode, messageFactoryRegistry, DEFAULT_PREFETCH); } AMQSession(AMQConnection con, int channelId, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, MessageFactoryRegistry messageFactoryRegistry, int defaultPrefetch) { _connection = con; _transacted = transacted; if (transacted) { _acknowledgeMode = javax.jms.Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED; } else { _acknowledgeMode = acknowledgeMode; } _channelId = channelId; _messageFactoryRegistry = messageFactoryRegistry; _defaultPrefetch = defaultPrefetch; _queue = new FlowControllingBlockingQueue(_defaultPrefetch, new FlowControllingBlockingQueue.ThresholdListener() { public void aboveThreshold(int currentValue) { if(_acknowledgeMode == NO_ACKNOWLEDGE) { _logger.warn("Above threshold so suspending channel. Current value is " + currentValue); suspendChannel(); } } public void underThreshold(int currentValue) { if(_acknowledgeMode == NO_ACKNOWLEDGE) { _logger.warn("Below threshold so unsuspending channel. Current value is " + currentValue); unsuspendChannel(); } } }); } AMQSession(AMQConnection con, int channelId, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) { this(con, channelId, transacted, acknowledgeMode, MessageFactoryRegistry.newDefaultRegistry()); } AMQSession(AMQConnection con, int channelId, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, int defaultPrefetch) { this(con, channelId, transacted, acknowledgeMode, MessageFactoryRegistry.newDefaultRegistry(), defaultPrefetch); } AMQConnection getAMQConnection() { return _connection; } public BytesMessage createBytesMessage() throws JMSException { synchronized (_connection.getFailoverMutex()) { checkNotClosed(); try { return (BytesMessage) _messageFactoryRegistry.createMessage("application/octet-stream"); } catch (AMQException e) { throw new JMSException("Unable to create message: " + e); } } } public MapMessage createMapMessage() throws JMSException { synchronized (_connection.getFailoverMutex()) { checkNotClosed(); try { return (MapMessage) _messageFactoryRegistry.createMessage("jms/map-message"); } catch (AMQException e) { throw new JMSException("Unable to create message: " + e); } } } public javax.jms.Message createMessage() throws JMSException { synchronized (_connection.getFailoverMutex()) { checkNotClosed(); try { return (BytesMessage) _messageFactoryRegistry.createMessage("application/octet-stream"); } catch (AMQException e) { throw new JMSException("Unable to create message: " + e); } } } public ObjectMessage createObjectMessage() throws JMSException { synchronized (_connection.getFailoverMutex()) { checkNotClosed(); try { return (ObjectMessage) _messageFactoryRegistry.createMessage("application/java-object-stream"); } catch (AMQException e) { throw new JMSException("Unable to create message: " + e); } } } public ObjectMessage createObjectMessage(Serializable object) throws JMSException { synchronized (_connection.getFailoverMutex()) { checkNotClosed(); try { ObjectMessage msg = (ObjectMessage) _messageFactoryRegistry.createMessage("application/java-object-stream"); msg.setObject(object); return msg; } catch (AMQException e) { throw new JMSException("Unable to create message: " + e); } } } public StreamMessage createStreamMessage() throws JMSException { checkNotClosed(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Stream messages not supported"); } public TextMessage createTextMessage() throws JMSException { synchronized (_connection.getFailoverMutex()) { checkNotClosed(); try { return (TextMessage) _messageFactoryRegistry.createMessage("text/plain"); } catch (AMQException e) { throw new JMSException("Unable to create message: " + e); } } } public TextMessage createTextMessage(String text) throws JMSException { synchronized (_connection.getFailoverMutex()) { checkNotClosed(); try { TextMessage msg = (TextMessage) _messageFactoryRegistry.createMessage("text/plain"); msg.setText(text); return msg; } catch (AMQException e) { throw new JMSException("Unable to create message: " + e); } } } public boolean getTransacted() throws JMSException { checkNotClosed(); return _transacted; } public int getAcknowledgeMode() throws JMSException { checkNotClosed(); return _acknowledgeMode; } public void commit() throws JMSException { checkTransacted(); try { //need to send ack for messages delivered so far for(Iterator i = _consumers.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ((BasicMessageConsumer); } _connection.getProtocolHandler().writeCommandFrameAndWaitForReply( TxCommitBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId), new SpecificMethodFrameListener(_channelId, TxCommitOkBody.class) ); } catch (AMQException e) { throw (JMSException) (new JMSException("Failed to commit: " + e).initCause(e)); } } public void rollback() throws JMSException { checkTransacted(); try { _connection.getProtocolHandler().writeCommandFrameAndWaitForReply( TxRollbackBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId), new SpecificMethodFrameListener(_channelId, TxRollbackOkBody.class) ); } catch (AMQException e) { throw (JMSException) (new JMSException("Failed to rollback: " + e).initCause(e)); } } public void close() throws JMSException { // We must close down all producers and consumers in an orderly fashion. This is the only method // that can be called from a different thread of control from the one controlling the session synchronized (_connection.getFailoverMutex()) { _closed.set(true); // we pass null since this is not an error case closeProducersAndConsumers(null); try { _connection.getProtocolHandler().closeSession(this); } catch (AMQException e) { throw new JMSException("Error closing session: " + e); } finally { _connection.deregisterSession(_channelId); } } } /** * Close all producers or consumers. This is called either in the error case or when closing the session normally. * @param amqe the exception, may be null to indicate no error has occurred */ private void closeProducersAndConsumers(AMQException amqe) { try { closeProducers(); } catch (JMSException e) { _logger.error("Error closing session: " + e, e); } try { closeConsumers(amqe); } catch (JMSException e) { _logger.error("Error closing session: " + e, e); } } /** * Called when the server initiates the closure of the session * unilaterally. * @param e the exception that caused this session to be closed. Null causes the */ public void closed(Throwable e) { synchronized (_connection.getFailoverMutex()) { // An AMQException has an error code and message already and will be passed in when closure occurs as a // result of a channel close request _closed.set(true); AMQException amqe; if (e instanceof AMQException) { amqe = (AMQException) e; } else { amqe = new AMQException(_logger, "Closing session forcibly", e); } _connection.deregisterSession(_channelId); closeProducersAndConsumers(amqe); } } /** * Called to mark the session as being closed. Useful when the session needs to be made invalid, e.g. after * failover when the client has veoted resubscription. * * The caller of this method must already hold the failover mutex. */ void markClosed() { _closed.set(true); _connection.deregisterSession(_channelId); markClosedProducersAndConsumers(); } private void markClosedProducersAndConsumers() { try { // no need for a markClosed* method in this case since there is no protocol traffic closing a producer closeProducers(); } catch (JMSException e) { _logger.error("Error closing session: " + e, e); } try { markClosedConsumers(); } catch (JMSException e) { _logger.error("Error closing session: " + e, e); } } /** * Called to close message producers cleanly. This may or may <b>not</b> be as a result of an error. There is * currently no way of propagating errors to message producers (this is a JMS limitation). */ private void closeProducers() throws JMSException { // we need to clone the list of producers since the close() method updates the _producers collection // which would result in a concurrent modification exception final ArrayList clonedProducers = new ArrayList(_producers.values()); final Iterator it = clonedProducers.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final BasicMessageProducer prod = (BasicMessageProducer); prod.close(); } // at this point the _producers map is empty } /** * Called to close message consumers cleanly. This may or may <b>not</b> be as a result of an error. * @param error not null if this is a result of an error occurring at the connection level */ private void closeConsumers(Throwable error) throws JMSException { if (_dispatcher != null) { _dispatcher.stopDispatcher(); } // we need to clone the list of consumers since the close() method updates the _consumers collection // which would result in a concurrent modification exception final ArrayList clonedConsumers = new ArrayList(_consumers.values()); final Iterator it = clonedConsumers.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final BasicMessageConsumer con = (BasicMessageConsumer); if (error != null) { con.notifyError(error); } else { con.close(); } } // at this point the _consumers map will be empty } private void markClosedConsumers() throws JMSException { if (_dispatcher != null) { _dispatcher.stopDispatcher(); } // we need to clone the list of consumers since the close() method updates the _consumers collection // which would result in a concurrent modification exception final ArrayList clonedConsumers = new ArrayList(_consumers.values()); final Iterator it = clonedConsumers.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final BasicMessageConsumer con = (BasicMessageConsumer); con.markClosed(); } // at this point the _consumers map will be empty } /** * Asks the broker to resend all unacknowledged messages for the session. * @throws JMSException */ public void recover() throws JMSException { checkNotClosed(); checkNotTransacted(); // throws IllegalStateException if a transacted session _connection.getProtocolHandler().writeFrame(BasicRecoverBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, false)); } public MessageListener getMessageListener() throws JMSException { checkNotClosed(); throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("MessageListener interface not supported"); } public void setMessageListener(MessageListener listener) throws JMSException { checkNotClosed(); throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("MessageListener interface not supported"); } public void run() { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Durable subscribers not supported"); } public MessageProducer createProducer(Destination destination, boolean mandatory, boolean immediate, boolean waitUntilSent) throws JMSException { return createProducerImpl(destination, mandatory, immediate, waitUntilSent); } public MessageProducer createProducer(Destination destination, boolean mandatory, boolean immediate) throws JMSException { return createProducerImpl(destination, mandatory, immediate); } public MessageProducer createProducer(Destination destination, boolean immediate) throws JMSException { return createProducerImpl(destination, DEFAULT_MANDATORY, immediate); } public MessageProducer createProducer(Destination destination) throws JMSException { return createProducerImpl(destination, DEFAULT_MANDATORY, DEFAULT_IMMEDIATE); } private org.openamq.jms.MessageProducer createProducerImpl(Destination destination, boolean mandatory, boolean immediate) throws JMSException { return createProducerImpl(destination, mandatory, immediate, false); } private org.openamq.jms.MessageProducer createProducerImpl(final Destination destination, final boolean mandatory, final boolean immediate, final boolean waitUntilSent) throws JMSException { return (org.openamq.jms.MessageProducer) new FailoverSupport() { public Object operation() throws JMSException { checkNotClosed(); AMQDestination amqd = (AMQDestination)destination; BasicMessageProducer producer = null; try { producer = new BasicMessageProducer(_connection, amqd, _transacted, _channelId, AMQSession.this, _connection.getProtocolHandler(), getNextProducerId(), immediate, mandatory, waitUntilSent); } catch (AMQException e) { _logger.error("Error creating message producer: " + e, e); final JMSException jmse = new JMSException("Error creating message producer"); jmse.setLinkedException(e); throw jmse; } return producer; } }.execute(_connection); } public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination) throws JMSException { return createConsumer(destination, _defaultPrefetch, false, false, null); } public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector) throws JMSException { return createConsumer(destination, _defaultPrefetch, false, false, messageSelector); } public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal) throws JMSException { return createConsumer(destination, _defaultPrefetch, noLocal, false, messageSelector); } public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, int prefetch, boolean noLocal, boolean exclusive, String selector) throws JMSException { return createConsumer(destination, prefetch, noLocal, exclusive, selector, null); } public MessageConsumer createConsumer(Destination destination, int prefetch, boolean noLocal, boolean exclusive, String selector, FieldTable rawSelector) throws JMSException { return createConsumerImpl(destination, prefetch, noLocal, exclusive, selector, rawSelector); } protected MessageConsumer createConsumerImpl(final Destination destination, final int prefetch, final boolean noLocal, final boolean exclusive, final String selector, final FieldTable rawSelector) throws JMSException { return (org.openamq.jms.MessageConsumer) new FailoverSupport() { public Object operation() throws JMSException { checkNotClosed(); AMQDestination amqd = (AMQDestination)destination; final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler = _connection.getProtocolHandler(); final FieldTable ft = new FieldTable(); if (rawSelector != null) { ft.putAll(rawSelector); } else if (selector != null) { parseSelector(selector, ft); } BasicMessageConsumer consumer = new BasicMessageConsumer(_channelId, _connection, amqd, selector, noLocal, _messageFactoryRegistry, AMQSession.this, protocolHandler, ft, prefetch, exclusive, _acknowledgeMode); try { registerConsumer(consumer); } catch (AMQException e) { JMSException ex = new JMSException("Error registering consumer: " + e); ex.setLinkedException(e); throw ex; } return consumer; } }.execute(_connection); } void parseSelector(String selector, FieldTable ft) throws JMSException { StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(selector)); st.wordChars('=', '='); st.whitespaceChars(',', ','); // No number parsing for now st.wordChars('0', '9'); st.wordChars('-', '-'); st.wordChars('.', '.'); try { parseSelector(st, ft, null, false); } catch (IOException e) { JMSException je = new JMSException("Unexpected error parsing selector: " + selector); je.setLinkedException(e); throw je; } } void parseSelector(StreamTokenizer st, FieldTable ft, String field, boolean value) throws IOException { while (true) { int ttype = st.nextToken(); if (ttype != st.TT_EOF) { if (field == null) { field = AbstractJMSMessage.STRING_PROPERTY_PREFIX + st.sval; continue; } else { if ("=".equals(st.sval)) { if (value) _logger.warn("Extra equal sign after field: " + field); parseSelector(st, ft, field, true); } else { if (value) { ft.put(field, st.sval); break; } else { ft.put(field, null); } } field = null; } } else { if (value) _logger.warn("Cannot get value for field: " + field); break; } } } public void declareExchange(String name, String type) throws AMQException { declareExchange(name, type, _connection.getProtocolHandler()); } public void declareExchange(String name, String type, boolean durable, boolean autoDelete) throws AMQException { declareExchange(name, type, durable, autoDelete, _connection.getProtocolHandler()); } private void declareExchange(AMQDestination amqd, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler) throws AMQException { declareExchange(amqd.getExchangeName(), amqd.getExchangeClass(), amqd.getExchangeDurable(), amqd.getExchangeAutoDelete(), protocolHandler); } private void declareExchange(String name, String type, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler) throws AMQException { AMQFrame exchangeDeclare = ExchangeDeclareBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, 0, name, type, false, false, false, false, true, null); protocolHandler.writeFrame(exchangeDeclare); } private void declareExchange(String name, String type, boolean durable, boolean autoDelete, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler) throws AMQException { AMQFrame exchangeDeclare = ExchangeDeclareBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, 0, name, type, false, durable, autoDelete, false, true, null); protocolHandler.writeFrame(exchangeDeclare); } /** * Declare the queue. * @param name The queue name * @param durable true if the queue should survive server restart * @param exclusive true if the queue should only permit a single consumer * @param autoDelete true if the queue should be deleted automatically when the last consumers detaches * @param protocolHandler * @return the queue name. This is useful where the broker is generating a queue name on behalf of the client. * @throws AMQException */ public String declareQueue(String name, boolean durable, boolean exclusive, boolean autoDelete) throws AMQException { return declareQueue(new AMQQueue(name, name, durable, exclusive, autoDelete), _connection.getProtocolHandler()); } /** * Declare the queue. * @param amqd * @param protocolHandler * @return the queue name. This is useful where the broker is generating a queue name on behalf of the client. * @throws AMQException */ private String declareQueue(AMQDestination amqd, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler) throws AMQException { //BLZ-24: For queues (but not topics) we generate the name in the client rather than the // server. This allows the name to be reused on failover if required. In general, // the destination indicates whether it wants a name generated or not. if((amqd.getQueueName() == null || amqd.getQueueName().equals("")) || amqd.isNameRequired()) { amqd.setQueueName(protocolHandler.generateQueueName()); } _logger.debug("Declaring queue: " + amqd.getQueueName()); AMQFrame queueDeclare = QueueDeclareBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, 0, amqd.getQueueName(), false, amqd.isDurable(), amqd.isExclusive(), amqd.isAutoDelete(), true, null); protocolHandler.writeFrame(queueDeclare); return amqd.getQueueName(); } private void bindQueue(AMQDestination amqd, String queueName, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, FieldTable ft) throws AMQException { AMQFrame queueBind = QueueBindBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, 0, queueName, amqd.getExchangeName(), amqd.getRoutingKey(), true, ft); protocolHandler.writeFrame(queueBind); } /** * Register to consume from the queue. * @param queueName * @return the consumer tag generated by the broker */ private String consumeFromQueue(String queueName, AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler, int prefetch, boolean noLocal, boolean exclusive, int acknowledgeMode) throws AMQException { //need to generate a consumer tag on the client so we can exploit the nowait flag String tag = Integer.toString(_nextTag++); AMQFrame jmsConsume = BasicConsumeBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, 0, queueName, tag, noLocal, acknowledgeMode == Session.NO_ACKNOWLEDGE, exclusive, true, null); protocolHandler.writeFrame(jmsConsume); return tag; } public Queue createQueue(String queueName) throws JMSException { return new AMQQueue(queueName); } public QueueReceiver createReceiver(Queue queue) throws JMSException { return (QueueReceiver) createConsumer(queue); } public QueueReceiver createReceiver(Queue queue, String messageSelector) throws JMSException { return (QueueReceiver) createConsumer(queue, messageSelector); } public QueueSender createSender(Queue queue) throws JMSException { return (QueueSender) createProducer(queue); } public Topic createTopic(String topicName) throws JMSException { return new AMQTopic(topicName); } public TopicSubscriber createSubscriber(Topic topic) throws JMSException { return (TopicSubscriber) createConsumer(topic); } public TopicSubscriber createSubscriber(Topic topic, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal) throws JMSException { return (TopicSubscriber) createConsumer(topic, messageSelector, noLocal); } /** * Note, currently this does not handle reuse of the same name with different topics correctly. * If a name is reused in creating a new subscriber with a different topic/selecto or no-local * flag then the subcriber will receive messages matching the old subscription AND the new one. * The spec states that the new one should replace the old one. * TODO: fix it. */ public TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name) throws JMSException { AMQTopic dest = new AMQTopic((AMQTopic) topic, _connection.getClientID(), name); return new TopicSubscriberAdaptor(dest, (BasicMessageConsumer) createConsumer(dest)); } /** * Note, currently this does not handle reuse of the same name with different topics correctly. */ public TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal) throws JMSException { AMQTopic dest = new AMQTopic((AMQTopic) topic, _connection.getClientID(), name); BasicMessageConsumer consumer = (BasicMessageConsumer) createConsumer(dest, messageSelector, noLocal); return new TopicSubscriberAdaptor(dest, consumer); } public TopicPublisher createPublisher(Topic topic) throws JMSException { return (TopicPublisher) createProducer(topic); } public QueueBrowser createBrowser(Queue queue) throws JMSException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Queue browsing not supported"); } public QueueBrowser createBrowser(Queue queue, String messageSelector) throws JMSException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Queue browsing not supported"); } public TemporaryQueue createTemporaryQueue() throws JMSException { return new AMQTemporaryQueue(); } public TemporaryTopic createTemporaryTopic() throws JMSException { return new AMQTemporaryTopic(); } public void unsubscribe(String name) throws JMSException { //send a queue.delete for the subscription String queue = _connection.getClientID() + ":" + name; AMQFrame frame = QueueDeleteBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, 0, queue, false, false, true); _connection.getProtocolHandler().writeFrame(frame); } private void checkTransacted() throws JMSException { if (!getTransacted()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Session is not transacted"); } } private void checkNotTransacted() throws JMSException { if (getTransacted()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Session is transacted"); } } /** * Invoked by the MINA IO thread (indirectly) when a message is received from the transport. * Puts the message onto the queue read by the dispatcher. * * @param message the message that has been received */ public void messageReceived(UnprocessedMessage message) { if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { _logger.debug("Message received in session with channel id " + _channelId); } _queue.add(message); } /** * Acknowledge a message or several messages. This method can be called via AbstractJMSMessage or from * a BasicConsumer. The former where the mode is CLIENT_ACK and the latter where the mode is * AUTO_ACK or similar. * @param deliveryTag the tag of the last message to be acknowledged * @param multiple if true will acknowledge all messages up to and including the one specified by the * delivery tag */ public void acknowledgeMessage(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple) { final AMQFrame ackFrame = BasicAckBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, deliveryTag, multiple); if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { _logger.debug("Sending ack for delivery tag " + deliveryTag + " on channel " + _channelId); } _connection.getProtocolHandler().writeFrame(ackFrame); } public int getDefaultPrefetch() { return _defaultPrefetch; } public int getChannelId() { return _channelId; } void start() { if(_dispatcher != null) { //then we stopped this and are restarting, so signal server to resume delivery unsuspendChannel(); } _dispatcher = new Dispatcher(); _dispatcher.setDaemon(true); _dispatcher.start(); } void stop() { //stop the server delivering messages to this session suspendChannel(); //stop the dispatcher thread _stopped.set(true); } boolean isStopped() { return _stopped.get(); } /** * Callers must hold the failover mutex before calling this method. * @param consumer * @throws AMQException */ void registerConsumer(BasicMessageConsumer consumer) throws AMQException { registerConsumer(consumer, true); } void registerConsumer(BasicMessageConsumer consumer, boolean createExchange) throws AMQException { AMQDestination amqd = consumer.getDestination(); AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler = _connection.getProtocolHandler(); if (createExchange) { declareExchange(amqd, protocolHandler); } String queueName = declareQueue(amqd, protocolHandler); bindQueue(amqd, queueName, protocolHandler, consumer.getRawSelectorFieldTable()); String consumerTag = consumeFromQueue(queueName, protocolHandler, consumer.getPrefetch(), consumer.isNoLocal(), consumer.isExclusive(), consumer.getAcknowledgeMode()); consumer.setConsumerTag(consumerTag); _consumers.put(consumerTag, consumer); } /** * Called by the MessageConsumer when closing, to deregister the consumer from the * map from consumerTag to consumer instance. * @param consumerTag the consumer tag, that was broker-generated */ void deregisterConsumer(String consumerTag) { _consumers.remove(consumerTag); } void registerProducer(long producerId, MessageProducer producer) { _producers.put(new Long(producerId), producer); } void deregisterProducer(long producerId) { _producers.remove(new Long(producerId)); } private long getNextProducerId() { return ++_nextProducerId; } /** * Resubscribes all producers and consumers. This is called when performing failover. * @throws AMQException */ void resubscribe() throws AMQException { resubscribeProducers(); resubscribeConsumers(); } private void resubscribeProducers() throws AMQException { ArrayList producers = new ArrayList(_producers.values()); for (Iterator it = producers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { BasicMessageProducer producer = (BasicMessageProducer); producer.resubscribe(); } } private void resubscribeConsumers() throws AMQException { ArrayList consumers = new ArrayList(_consumers.values()); _consumers.clear(); for (Iterator it = consumers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { BasicMessageConsumer consumer = (BasicMessageConsumer); registerConsumer(consumer); } } private void suspendChannel() { _logger.warn("Suspending channel"); AMQFrame channelFlowFrame = ChannelFlowBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, false); _connection.getProtocolHandler().writeFrame(channelFlowFrame); } private void unsuspendChannel() { _logger.warn("Unsuspending channel"); AMQFrame channelFlowFrame = ChannelFlowBody.createAMQFrame(_channelId, true); _connection.getProtocolHandler().writeFrame(channelFlowFrame); } }