package de.geeksfactory.opacclient.utils; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ISBNTools { public static String isbn13to10(String isbn13) { isbn13 = cleanupISBN(isbn13); if (isbn13.length() != 13) return isbn13; String isbn10 = isbn13.substring(3, 12); int checksum = 0; int weight = 10; for (int i = 0; i < isbn10.length(); i++) { char c = isbn10.charAt(i); checksum += Character.getNumericValue(c) * weight; weight--; } checksum = 11 - (checksum % 11); if (checksum == 10) { isbn10 += "X"; } else if (checksum == 11) { isbn10 += "0"; } else { isbn10 += checksum; } return isbn10; } public static boolean is_valid_isbn10(char[] digits) { digits = cleanupISBN(new String(digits)).toCharArray(); int a = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { a += i * Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(digits[i])); } return a % 11 == Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(digits[9])); } private static String cleanupISBN(String isbn) { return isbn.replaceAll("[^\\dX]", ""); //Remove all characters that aren't digits or X } public static String getAmazonCoverURL(String isbn, boolean large) { if (large) { return "" + isbn13to10(isbn) + ".01.L"; } else { return "" + isbn13to10(isbn) + ".01.THUMBZZZ"; } } /** * If possible, changes a cover URL to represent the best sized image for the given display * size. If the URL is not supported, the original URL will be returned. * * @param url Original cover URL * @param width Desired width * @param height Desired height * @return Improved URL */ public static String getBestSizeCoverUrl(String url, int width, int height) { Pattern vlbRegex = Pattern.compile("^https?://(?:www.)?vlb\\.de/GetBlob\\.aspx\\?" + ".*strIsbn=([0-9X]*)"); Pattern amazonRegex = Pattern.compile( "^(https?://(:?images(?:-[^\\.]*)?\\.|[^\\.]*\\.(?:ssl-)?images-)amazon" + ".com/images/[PI]/[^\\.]*\\.?(?:\\d\\d\\.)?)[^.]*\\.jpg"); Matcher vlbMatcher = vlbRegex.matcher(url); Matcher amazonMatcher = amazonRegex.matcher(url); int max = Math.max(width, height); if (vlbMatcher.find()) { // VLB Covers, sizes accoding to documentation at page 42 of // if (height <= 90) { return "" + + "&size=S"; } else if (height <= 200) { return "" + + "&size=M"; } else if (width <= 599) { return "" + + "&size=L"; } else { // Original size return "" +; } } else if (amazonMatcher.find()) { // Amazon Covers, according to String base =; if (!base.endsWith(".")) base = base + "."; return base + "SL" + max + ".jpg"; } else { return url; } } }