package de.geeksfactory.opacclient.apis; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.i18n.StringProvider; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.networking.HttpClientFactory; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.networking.NotReachableException; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Account; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.AccountData; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Copy; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Detail; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.DetailedItem; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Filter; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Library; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.SearchRequestResult; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.SearchResult; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.searchfields.DropdownSearchField; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.searchfields.SearchField; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.searchfields.SearchQuery; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.searchfields.TextSearchField; import static; public class Primo extends BaseApi { protected static HashMap<String, String> languageCodes = new HashMap<>(); protected static HashMap<String, SearchResult.MediaType> mediaTypeClasses = new HashMap<>(); static { languageCodes.put("en", "en_US"); languageCodes.put("de", "de_DE"); languageCodes.put("es", "es_ES"); languageCodes.put("ru", "ru_RU"); languageCodes.put("fr", "fr_FR"); languageCodes.put("nl", "nl_NL"); languageCodes.put("cz", "cz_CZ"); languageCodes.put("zh", "zh_ZH"); languageCodes.put("it", "it_IT"); languageCodes.put("pl", "pl_PL"); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEbook", SearchResult.MediaType.BOOK); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEarticle", SearchResult.MediaType.BOOK); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEjournal", SearchResult.MediaType.MAGAZINE); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEvideo", SearchResult.MediaType.MOVIE); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEaudio", SearchResult.MediaType.CD_MUSIC); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEdatabase", SearchResult.MediaType.EDOC); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEimage", SearchResult.MediaType.ART); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEscore", SearchResult.MediaType.SCORE_MUSIC); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEmap", SearchResult.MediaType.MAP); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEwebsite", SearchResult.MediaType.URL); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEarchived_website", SearchResult.MediaType.URL); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEwork", SearchResult.MediaType.BOOK); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEwebsite", SearchResult.MediaType.URL); mediaTypeClasses.put("EXLResultMediaTYPEreference_entry", SearchResult.MediaType.EDOC); } protected String languageCode = "en_US"; protected String opac_url = ""; protected String vid = ""; protected JSONObject data; protected List<SearchQuery> last_query; @Override public void init(Library lib, HttpClientFactory httpClientFactory) { super.init(lib, httpClientFactory); this.library = lib; = lib.getData(); try { this.opac_url = data.getString("baseurl"); this.vid = data.getString("db"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected List<NameValuePair> buildSearchParams(List<SearchQuery> query) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<>(); String tab = ""; if (data.has("searchtab")) { tab = "&tab=" + data.optString("searchtab", "default_tab"); } String html = httpGet(opac_url + "/action/" + vid + tab, getDefaultEncoding()); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); for (Element input :"form[name=searchForm] input[type=hidden]")) { if (!input.attr("name").trim().equals("")) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input.val())); } } params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("fn", "search")); int i = 1; for (SearchQuery q : query) { if (q.getValue().equals("")) { continue; } if (q.getKey().startsWith("#")) { params.add( new BasicNameValuePair("name"), q.getValue())); } else { if (i > 3) { throw new OpacErrorException(stringProvider.getQuantityString( StringProvider.LIMITED_NUM_OF_CRITERIA, 3, 3)); } params.add( new BasicNameValuePair("#exlidInput_scope_" + i).attr("name"), q.getKey())); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("#input_freeText" + (i - 1)).attr("name"), q.getValue())); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("#exlidInput_precisionOperator_" + i).attr("name"), "contains")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("#exlidInput_boolOperator_" + i).attr("name"), "AND")); i++; } } return params; } @Override public SearchRequestResult search(List<SearchQuery> query) throws IOException, OpacErrorException, JSONException { if (!initialised) start(); last_query = query; String html; if (query.size() == 1 && query.get(0).getKey().equals("url")) { html = httpGet(query.get(0).getValue(), getDefaultEncoding()); } else { html = httpGet(opac_url + "/action/" + buildHttpGetParams(buildSearchParams(query)), getDefaultEncoding()); } Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); return parse_search(doc, 1); } protected SearchRequestResult parse_search(Document doc, int page) throws OpacErrorException, IOException { doc.setBaseUri(opac_url + "/action/"); List<SearchResult> reslist = new ArrayList<>(); int resnum = -1; if (".EXLResultsNumbers").size() > 0) { try { resnum = Integer.valueOf(".EXLResultsNumbers em").first().text().trim().replace(".", "") .replace(",", "").replace(" ", "")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } for (Element resrow :".EXLResult")) { SearchResult res = new SearchResult(); StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder(); description.append("<b>").append(".EXLResultTitle").text()) .append("</b>"); if (".EXLResultAuthor").size() > 0) { description.append("<br />").append(".EXLResultAuthor").text()); } if (".EXLResultDetails").size() > 0) { description.append("<br />").append(".EXLResultDetails").text()); } String availSelect = ".EXLResultAvailability span, .EXLResultAvailability em"; if ( > 0) { description.append("<br />").append(; } res.setInnerhtml(description.toString()); if (".EXLResultStatusAvailable").size() > 0) { res.setStatus(SearchResult.Status.GREEN); } else if (".EXLResultStatusNotAvailable").size() > 0) { res.setStatus(SearchResult.Status.RED); } else if (".EXLResultStatusMaybeAvailable").size() > 0) { res.setStatus(SearchResult.Status.YELLOW); } res.setPage(page); for (Element a : resrow .select(".EXLResultTitle a, a.EXLThumbnailLinkMarker, .EXLDetailsTab a")) { Map<String, String> q = getQueryParamsFirst(a.absUrl("href")); if (q.containsKey("doc")) { res.setId(q.get("doc")); break; } } if (res.getId() == null) { continue; } if ("img.EXLBriefResultsCover").size() > 0) { String src ="img.EXLBriefResultsCover").first().absUrl("src"); if (!src.contains("pixel.png")) { res.setCover(src); } } for (Map.Entry<String, SearchResult.MediaType> cls : mediaTypeClasses.entrySet()) { if (resrow.hasClass(cls.getKey()) ||"." + cls.getKey()).size() > 0) { res.setType(cls.getValue()); break; } } if ("a.EXLBriefResultsDisplayMultipleLink").size() > 0) { String url ="a.EXLBriefResultsDisplayMultipleLink").first() .absUrl("href"); List<SearchQuery> query = new ArrayList<>(); TextSearchField field = new TextSearchField("url", "url", false, false, "url", false, false); field.setVisible(false); query.add(new SearchQuery(field, url)); res.setChildQuery(query); } reslist.add(res); } return new SearchRequestResult(reslist, resnum, page); } public static Map<String, String> getQueryParamsFirst(String url) { try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); String[] urlParts = url.split("\\?"); if (urlParts.length > 1) { String query = urlParts[1]; for (String param : query.split("&")) { String[] pair = param.split("="); String key = decode(pair[0], "UTF-8"); String value = ""; if (pair.length > 1) { value = decode(pair[1], "UTF-8"); } String values = params.get(key); if (values == null) { params.put(key, value); } } } return params; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new AssertionError(ex); } } @Override public SearchRequestResult filterResults(Filter filter, Filter.Option option) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { return null; } @Override public SearchRequestResult searchGetPage(int page) throws IOException, OpacErrorException, JSONException { List<NameValuePair> params = buildSearchParams(last_query); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("indx", String.valueOf(((page - 1) * 10) + 1))); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("pag", "cur")); String html = httpGet(opac_url + "/action/" + buildHttpGetParams(params), getDefaultEncoding()); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); return parse_search(doc, page); } @Override public DetailedItem getResultById(String id, String homebranch) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { if (!initialised) start(); String html = httpGet(opac_url + "/action/" + vid + "&doc=" + id + "&tabs=detailsTab", getDefaultEncoding()); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); return parse_detail(id, doc); } protected DetailedItem parse_detail(String id, Document doc) throws OpacErrorException, IOException { DetailedItem res = new DetailedItem(); res.setId(id); res.setTitle(".EXLResultTitle").text()); for (Element detrow :".EXLDetailsContent li")) { String title = null; String value = ""; for (Node node : detrow.childNodes()) { if (node instanceof Element && (((Element) node).tagName().equals("strong") || ((Element) node).hasClass("bib-EXLDetailsContent-item-title"))) { title = ((Element) node).text(); } else if (node instanceof Element && title != null) { value += ((Element) node).text(); } else if (node instanceof TextNode && title != null) { value += ((TextNode) node).text(); } } if (title != null) { res.addDetail(new Detail(title, value.trim())); } } String html2 = httpGet(opac_url + "/action/" + vid + "&doc=" + id + "&tabs=locationsTab", getDefaultEncoding()); Document doc2 = Jsoup.parse(html2); if (".EXLLocationTitlesRow").size() > 0) { Map<Integer, String> copymap = new HashMap<>(); int i = 0; for (Element th :".EXLLocationTitlesRow th")) { String title = th.text().toLowerCase(Locale.GERMAN).trim(); if (title.contains("library") || title.contains("bibliothek") || title.contains("branch")) { copymap.put(i, "branch"); } else if (title.contains("location") || title.contains("ort")) { copymap.put(i, "location"); } else if (title.contains("call number") || title.contains("signatur")) { copymap.put(i, "signature"); } else if (title.contains("due date") || title.contains("llig am") || title.contains("ausgeliehen bis") || title.contains("lligkeit") || title.contains("ausleihstatus")) { copymap.put(i, "returndate"); } else if (title.contains("loan to") || title.contains("bezugsmodalit") || title.contains("ausleihm") || title.contains("status")) { copymap.put(i, "status"); } else if (title.contains("queue") || title.contains("vormerker")) { copymap.put(i, "reservations"); } i++; } DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd.MM.yyyy").withLocale(Locale.GERMAN); DateTimeFormatter fmt2 = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MM/yyyy").withLocale(Locale.GERMAN); for (Element tr : doc2 .select(".EXLLocationTable tr:not(.EXLLocationTitlesRow):not(" + ".EXLAdditionalFieldsRow)")) { int j = 0; Copy copy = new Copy(); for (Element td : tr.children()) { String value = td.text().replace("\u00a0", " ").trim(); if (copymap.containsKey(j) && !value.equals("")) { try { copy.set(copymap.get(j), value, fmt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { try { copy.set(copymap.get(j), value, fmt2); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } } j++; } res.addCopy(copy); } } if (res.getCopies().size() == 0) { // Online-Medium? String html3 = httpGet(opac_url + "/action/" + vid + "&doc=" + id + "&tabs=viewOnlineTab", getDefaultEncoding()); Document doc3 = Jsoup.parse(html3); doc3.setBaseUri(opac_url + "/action/"); if (".EXLTabHeaderContent a").size() > 0) { Element link =".EXLTabHeaderContent a").first(); res.addDetail(new Detail(link.text().trim(), cleanUrl(link.absUrl("href")))); } for (Element link :".EXLViewOnlineLinksTitle a")) { res.addDetail(new Detail(link.text().trim(), cleanUrl(link.absUrl("href")))); } } return res; } @Override public DetailedItem getResult(int position) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { return null; } public void start() throws IOException { super.start(); httpGet(opac_url + "/action/" + vid + "&prefLang=" + languageCode, getDefaultEncoding()); } @Override public List<SearchField> parseSearchFields() throws IOException, OpacErrorException, JSONException { start(); String html = httpGet(opac_url + "/action/" + vid, getDefaultEncoding()); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); List<SearchField> fields = new ArrayList<>(); if ("select#exlidInput_scope_1").size() < 1) { throw new NotReachableException(); } Elements options ="select#exlidInput_scope_1").first().select("option"); for (Element option : options) { TextSearchField field = new TextSearchField(); field.setDisplayName(option.text()); field.setId(option.val()); field.setHint(""); field.setData(new JSONObject()); field.getData().put("meaning", option.val()); fields.add(field); } if (fields.size() == 0) { // Weird JavaScript, e.g. view-source: Pattern pattern_key = Pattern .compile("searchFields\\[\"([^\"]+)\"\\] = \"([^\"]+)\";"); for (Element script :"script")) { if (!script.html().contains("searchFields")) continue; for (String line : script.html().split("\n")) { Matcher matcher = pattern_key.matcher(line); if (matcher.find()) { TextSearchField field = new TextSearchField(); field.setDisplayName(; field.setId(; field.setHint(""); field.setData(new JSONObject()); field.getData().put("meaning", field.getId()); fields.add(field); } } } } Elements selects ="#exlidInput_mediaType_, #exlidInput_publicationDate_, " + "#exlidInput_language_, #exlidSearchIn"); for (Element select : selects) { DropdownSearchField field = new DropdownSearchField(); if (select.parent().select("label").size() > 0) { field.setDisplayName(select.parent().select("label").first() .text()); } else { continue; } field.setId("#" + select.attr("id")); for (Element option :"option")) { if (option.val().equals("all_items")) { field.addDropdownValue(0, option.val(), option.text()); } else { field.addDropdownValue(option.val(), option.text()); } } field.setData(new JSONObject()); field.getData().put("meaning", field.getId()); fields.add(field); } return fields; } @Override public String getShareUrl(String id, String title) { return opac_url + "/action/" + vid + "&doc=" + id + "&tabs=detailsTab"; } @Override public int getSupportFlags() { return SUPPORT_FLAG_ENDLESS_SCROLLING | SUPPORT_FLAG_CHANGE_ACCOUNT; } @Override public Set<String> getSupportedLanguages() throws IOException { Set<String> langs = new HashSet<>(); // Not that easy, as some libaries do and some don't include the // default language in their language chooser. We go for configuration flags in the // meantime. // With full chooser: // With toggle only: // Without any chooser: if (data.has("languages")) { try { for (int i = 0; i < data.getJSONArray("languages").length(); i++) { langs.add(data.getJSONArray("languages").getString(i)); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { langs.add("de"); langs.add("en"); langs.add("it"); langs.add("zh"); langs.add("cz"); langs.add("ru"); langs.add("nl"); langs.add("es"); langs.add("fr"); } return langs; } protected String getDefaultEncoding() { return "UTF-8"; } @Override public void setLanguage(String language) { if (data.has("languages")) { try { for (int i = 0; i < data.getJSONArray("languages").length(); i++) { if (data.getJSONArray("languages").getString(i).equals(language)) { languageCode = languageCodes.containsKey(language) ? languageCodes.get(language) : language; break; } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { languageCode = languageCodes.containsKey(language) ? languageCodes.get(language) : language; } } @Override public ReservationResult reservation(DetailedItem item, Account account, int useraction, String selection) throws IOException { return null; } @Override public ProlongResult prolong(String media, Account account, int useraction, String selection) throws IOException { return null; } @Override public ProlongAllResult prolongAll(Account account, int useraction, String selection) throws IOException { return null; } @Override public CancelResult cancel(String media, Account account, int useraction, String selection) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { return null; } @Override public AccountData account(Account account) throws IOException, JSONException, OpacErrorException { return null; } @Override public void checkAccountData(Account account) throws IOException, JSONException, OpacErrorException { } public String httpGet(String url, String encoding, boolean ignore_errors, CookieStore cookieStore) throws IOException { String html = super.httpGet(url, encoding, ignore_errors, cookieStore); if (html.contains("id=\"connect\"")) { // British Library and Uni Duesburg-Essen do weird JavaScript redirects Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); doc.setBaseUri(url); return httpGet("#connect a").first().attr("href").substring(6), encoding, ignore_errors, cookieStore); } return html; } }