package de.geeksfactory.opacclient.apis; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.apis.OpacApi.MultiStepResult.Status; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.i18n.StringProvider; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.networking.HttpClientFactory; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.networking.HttpUtils; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.networking.NotReachableException; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.networking.SSLSecurityException; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Account; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.AccountData; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Copy; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Detail; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.DetailedItem; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Filter; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Filter.Option; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.LentItem; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.Library; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.ReservedItem; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.SearchRequestResult; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.SearchResult; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.objects.SearchResult.MediaType; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.searchfields.DropdownSearchField; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.searchfields.SearchField; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.searchfields.SearchQuery; import de.geeksfactory.opacclient.searchfields.TextSearchField; public class Adis extends BaseApi implements OpacApi { protected static HashMap<String, MediaType> types = new HashMap<>(); protected static HashSet<String> ignoredFieldNames = new HashSet<>(); static { types.put("Buch", MediaType.BOOK); types.put("Band", MediaType.BOOK); types.put("DVD-ROM", MediaType.CD_SOFTWARE); types.put("CD-ROM", MediaType.CD_SOFTWARE); types.put("Medienkombination", MediaType.PACKAGE); types.put("DVD-Video", MediaType.DVD); types.put("Noten", MediaType.SCORE_MUSIC); types.put("Konsolenspiel", MediaType.GAME_CONSOLE); types.put("Spielkonsole", MediaType.GAME_CONSOLE); types.put("CD", MediaType.CD); types.put("Zeitschrift", MediaType.MAGAZINE); types.put("Zeitschriftenheft", MediaType.MAGAZINE); types.put("Zeitung", MediaType.NEWSPAPER); types.put("Beitrag E-Book", MediaType.EBOOK); types.put("Elektronische Ressource", MediaType.EBOOK); types.put("E-Book", MediaType.EBOOK); types.put("Karte", MediaType.MAP); types.put("E-Ressource", MediaType.EBOOK); types.put("Munzinger", MediaType.EBOOK); types.put("E-Audio", MediaType.EAUDIO); types.put("Blu-Ray", MediaType.BLURAY); // TODO: The following fields from Berlin make no sense and don't work // when they are displayed alone. // We can only include them if we automatically deselect the "Verbund" // checkbox // when one of these dropdowns has a value other than "". ignoredFieldNames.add("oder Bezirk"); ignoredFieldNames.add("oder Bibliothek"); } protected String opac_url = ""; protected JSONObject data; protected Library library; protected int s_requestCount = 0; protected String s_service; protected String s_sid; protected String s_exts; protected String s_alink; protected List<NameValuePair> s_pageform; protected int s_lastpage; protected Document s_reusedoc; public static Map<String, List<String>> getQueryParams(String url) { try { Map<String, List<String>> params = new HashMap<>(); String[] urlParts = url.split("\\?"); if (urlParts.length > 1) { String query = urlParts[1]; for (String param : query.split("&")) { String[] pair = param.split("="); String key = URLDecoder.decode(pair[0], "UTF-8"); String value = ""; if (pair.length > 1) { value = URLDecoder.decode(pair[1], "UTF-8"); } List<String> values = params.get(key); if (values == null) { values = new ArrayList<>(); params.put(key, values); } values.add(value); } } return params; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new AssertionError(ex); } } public Document htmlGet(String url) throws IOException { if (!url.contains("requestCount") && s_requestCount >= 0) { url = url + (url.contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + "requestCount=" + s_requestCount; } HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(cleanUrl(url)); HttpResponse response; try { response = http_client.execute(httpget); } catch ( e) { throw new SSLSecurityException(e.getMessage()); } catch ( e) { // Can be "Not trusted server certificate" or can be a // aborted/interrupted handshake/connection if (e.getMessage().contains("timed out") || e.getMessage().contains("reset by")) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NotReachableException(e.getMessage()); } else { throw new SSLSecurityException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NotReachableException(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("Request aborted")) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NotReachableException(e.getMessage()); } else { throw e; } } if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() >= 400) { throw new NotReachableException(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); } String html = convertStreamToString(response.getEntity().getContent(), getDefaultEncoding()); HttpUtils.consume(response.getEntity()); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); Pattern patRequestCount = Pattern.compile("requestCount=([0-9]+)"); for (Element a :"a")) { Matcher objid_matcher = patRequestCount.matcher(a.attr("href")); if (objid_matcher.matches()) { s_requestCount = Integer.parseInt(; } } doc.setBaseUri(url); return doc; } public Document htmlPost(String url, List<NameValuePair> data) throws IOException { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(cleanUrl(url)); boolean rcf = false; for (NameValuePair nv : data) { if (nv.getName().equals("requestCount")) { rcf = true; break; } } if (!rcf) { data.add(new BasicNameValuePair("requestCount", s_requestCount + "")); } httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(data, getDefaultEncoding())); HttpResponse response; try { response = http_client.execute(httppost); } catch ( e) { throw new SSLSecurityException(e.getMessage()); } catch ( e) { // Can be "Not trusted server certificate" or can be a // aborted/interrupted handshake/connection if (e.getMessage().contains("timed out") || e.getMessage().contains("reset by")) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NotReachableException(e.getMessage()); } else { throw new SSLSecurityException(e.getMessage()); } } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NotReachableException(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("Request aborted")) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NotReachableException(e.getMessage()); } else { throw e; } } if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() >= 400) { throw new NotReachableException(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); } String html = convertStreamToString(response.getEntity().getContent(), getDefaultEncoding()); HttpUtils.consume(response.getEntity()); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); Pattern patRequestCount = Pattern .compile(".*requestCount=([0-9]+)[^0-9].*"); for (Element a :"a")) { Matcher objid_matcher = patRequestCount.matcher(a.attr("href")); if (objid_matcher.matches()) { s_requestCount = Integer.parseInt(; } } doc.setBaseUri(url); return doc; } @Override public void start() throws IOException { try { s_requestCount = -1; Document doc = htmlGet(opac_url + "?" + data.getString("startparams")); Pattern padSid = Pattern .compile(".*;jsessionid=([0-9A-Fa-f]+)[^0-9A-Fa-f].*"); for (Element navitem :"#unav li a, .tree_ul li a")) { // Düsseldorf uses a custom layout where the navbar is .tree_ul if (navitem.attr("href").contains("service=")) { s_service = getQueryParams(navitem.attr("href")).get( "service").get(0); } if (navitem.text().contains("Erweiterte Suche")) { s_exts = getQueryParams(navitem.attr("href")).get("sp") .get(0); } Matcher objid_matcher = padSid.matcher(navitem.attr("href")); if (objid_matcher.matches()) { s_sid =; } } if (s_exts == null) { s_exts = "SS6"; } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } super.start(); } @Override protected String getDefaultEncoding() { return "UTF-8"; } @Override public SearchRequestResult search(List<SearchQuery> queries) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { start(); // TODO: There are also libraries with a different search form, // s_exts=SS2 instead of s_exts=SS6 // e.g. munich. Treat them differently! Document doc = htmlGet(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid + "?service=" + s_service + "&sp=" + s_exts); int dropdownTextCount = 0; int totalCount = 0; List<NameValuePair> nvpairs = new ArrayList<>(); for (SearchQuery query : queries) { if (!query.getValue().equals("")) { totalCount++; if (query.getSearchField() instanceof DropdownSearchField) {"select#" + query.getKey()) .val(query.getValue()); continue; } if (query.getSearchField() instanceof TextSearchField && query.getSearchField().getData() != null && !query.getSearchField().getData().optBoolean("selectable", true) &&"#" + query.getKey()).size() > 0) {"#" + query.getKey()) .val(query.getValue()); continue; } dropdownTextCount++; if (s_exts.equals("SS2") || (query.getSearchField().getData() != null && !query .getSearchField().getData() .optBoolean("selectable", true))) {"input#" + query.getKey()).val(query.getValue()); } else { if ("select#SUCH01_1").size() == 0 &&"input[fld=FELD01_" + dropdownTextCount + "]").size() > 0) { // Hack needed for Nürnberg"input[fld=FELD01_" + dropdownTextCount + "]").first() .previousElementSibling().val(query.getKey());"input[fld=FELD01_" + dropdownTextCount + "]") .val(query.getValue()); } else {"select#SUCH01_" + dropdownTextCount).val(query.getKey());"input#FELD01_" + dropdownTextCount).val(query.getValue()); } } if (dropdownTextCount > 4) { throw new OpacErrorException(stringProvider.getQuantityString( StringProvider.LIMITED_NUM_OF_CRITERIA, 4, 4)); } } } for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.x", "1")); nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.y", "1")); if (totalCount == 0) { throw new OpacErrorException( stringProvider.getString(StringProvider.NO_CRITERIA_INPUT)); } Document docresults = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs); return parse_search_wrapped(docresults, 1); } public class SingleResultFound extends Exception { } protected SearchRequestResult parse_search_wrapped(Document doc, int page) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { try { return parse_search(doc, page); } catch (SingleResultFound e) { // Zurück zur Trefferliste List<NameValuePair> nvpairs = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_1.x", "1")); nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_1.y", "1")); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs); try { return parse_search(doc, page); } catch (SingleResultFound e1) { throw new NotReachableException(); } } } private SearchRequestResult parse_search(Document doc, int page) throws OpacErrorException, SingleResultFound { if (".message h1").size() > 0 &&"#right #R06").size() == 0) { throw new OpacErrorException(".message h1").text()); } if ("#OPACLI").text().contains("nicht gefunden")) { throw new OpacErrorException( stringProvider.getString(StringProvider.NO_RESULTS)); } int total_result_count = -1; List<SearchResult> results = new ArrayList<>(); if ("#R06").size() > 0) { Pattern patNum = Pattern .compile(".*Treffer: .* von ([0-9]+)[^0-9]*"); Matcher matcher = patNum.matcher("#R06").text() .trim()); if (matcher.matches()) { total_result_count = Integer.parseInt(; } else if ("#R06").text().trim().endsWith("Treffer: 1")) { total_result_count = 1; } } if ("#R03").size() == 1 &&"#R03").text().trim() .endsWith("Treffer: 1")) { throw new SingleResultFound(); } Pattern patId = Pattern .compile("javascript:.*htmlOnLink\\('([0-9A-Za-z]+)'\\)"); int nr = 1; String selector_row, selector_link, selector_img, selector_num, selector_text; if ("table.rTable_table tbody").size() > 0) { selector_row = "table.rTable_table tbody tr"; selector_link = ".rTable_td_text a"; selector_text = ".rList_name"; selector_img = ".rTable_td_img img, .rTable_td_text img"; selector_num = "tr td:first-child"; } else { // New version, e.g. Berlin selector_row = ".rList li.rList_li_even, .rList li.rList_li_odd"; selector_link = ".rList_titel a"; selector_text = ".rList_name"; selector_img = ".rlist_icon img, .rList_titel img, .rList_medium .icon, .rList_availability .icon, .rList_img img"; selector_num = ".rList_num"; } for (Element tr : { SearchResult res = new SearchResult(); Element innerele =;"img").remove(); String descr = innerele.html(); for (Element n : { String t = n.text().replace("\u00a0", " ").trim(); if (t.length() > 0) { descr += "<br />" + t.trim(); } } res.setInnerhtml(descr); try { res.setNr(Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { res.setNr(nr); } Matcher matcher = patId.matcher("href")); if (matcher.matches()) { res.setId(; } for (Element img : { String ttext = img.attr("title"); String src = img.attr("abs:src"); if (types.containsKey(ttext)) { res.setType(types.get(ttext)); } else if (ttext.contains("+") && types.containsKey(ttext.split("\\+")[0].trim())) { res.setType(types.get(ttext.split("\\+")[0].trim())); } else if (ttext.matches(".*ist verf.+gbar") || ttext.contains("is available") || img.attr("href").contains("verfu_ja")) { res.setStatus(SearchResult.Status.GREEN); } else if (ttext.matches(".*nicht verf.+gbar") || ttext.contains("not available") || img.attr("href").contains("verfu_nein")) { res.setStatus(SearchResult.Status.RED); } } results.add(res); nr++; } updatePageform(doc); s_lastpage = page; return new SearchRequestResult(results, total_result_count, page); } @Override public void init(Library library, HttpClientFactory httpClientFactory) { super.init(library, httpClientFactory); this.library = library; = library.getData(); try { this.opac_url = data.getString("baseurl"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public SearchRequestResult filterResults(Filter filter, Option option) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public SearchRequestResult searchGetPage(int page) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { SearchRequestResult res = null; while (page != s_lastpage) { List<NameValuePair> nvpairs = s_pageform; int i = 0; List<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<>(); for (NameValuePair np : nvpairs) { if (np.getName().contains("$Toolbar_")) { indexes.add(i); } i++; } for (int j = indexes.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { nvpairs.remove((int) indexes.get(j)); } int p; if (page > s_lastpage) { nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_5.x", "1")); nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_5.y", "1")); p = s_lastpage + 1; } else { nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_4.x", "1")); nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_4.y", "1")); p = s_lastpage - 1; } Document docresults = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs); res = parse_search_wrapped(docresults, p); } return res; } @Override public DetailedItem getResultById(String id, String homebranch) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { Document doc; List<NameValuePair> nvpairs; if (id == null && s_reusedoc != null) { doc = s_reusedoc; } else { nvpairs = s_pageform; int i = 0; List<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<>(); for (NameValuePair np : nvpairs) { if (np.getName().contains("$Toolbar_") || np.getName().contains("selected")) { indexes.add(i); } i++; } for (int j = indexes.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { nvpairs.remove((int) indexes.get(j)); } nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("selected", "ZTEXT " + id)); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs); List<NameValuePair> form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name")) && !"selected".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("selected", "ZTEXT " + id)); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); // Yep, two times. } // Reset updatePageform(doc); nvpairs = s_pageform; nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_1.x", "1")); nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_1.y", "1")); parse_search_wrapped(htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs), 1); nvpairs = s_pageform; nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_3.x", "1")); nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_3.y", "1")); parse_search_wrapped(htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs), 1); return parseResult(id, doc); } DetailedItem parseResult(String id, Document doc) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { List<NameValuePair> nvpairs; DetailedItem res = new DetailedItem(); if ("#R001 img").size() == 1) { String cover_url ="#R001 img").first().absUrl("src"); if (!cover_url.endsWith("erne.gif")) { // If there is no cover, the first image usually is the "n Stars" rating badge res.setCover(cover_url); } } for (Element tr :"#R06 .aDISListe table tbody tr")) { if (tr.children().size() < 2) { continue; } String title = tr.child(0).text().trim(); String value = tr.child(1).text().trim(); if (value.contains("hier klicken") || value.startsWith("zur ") || title.contains("URL")) { res.addDetail(new Detail(title, tr.child(1).select("a").first().absUrl("href"))); } else { res.addDetail(new Detail(title, value)); } if (title.contains("Titel") && res.getTitle() == null) { res.setTitle(value.split("[:/;]")[0].trim()); } } if (res.getTitle() == null) { for (Detail d : res.getDetails()) { if (d.getDesc().contains("Gesamtwerk")) { res.setTitle(d.getContent()); break; } } } if ("input[value*=Reservieren], input[value*=Vormerken]") .size() > 0 && id != null) { res.setReservable(true); res.setReservation_info(id); } DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd.MM.yyyy").withLocale(Locale.GERMAN); if ("#R08 table.rTable_table, #R09 table.rTable_table").size() > 0) { Element table ="#R08 table.rTable_table, #R09 table.rTable_table").first(); Map<Integer, String> colmap = new HashMap<>(); int i = 0; for (Element th :"thead tr th")) { String head = th.text().trim(); if (head.contains("Bibliothek") || head.contains("Library")) { colmap.put(i, "branch"); } else if (head.contains("Standort") || head.contains("Location")) { colmap.put(i, "location"); } else if (head.contains("Signatur") || head.contains("Call number")) { colmap.put(i, "signature"); } else if (head.contains("URL")) { colmap.put(i, "url"); } else if (head.contains("Status") || head.contains("Hinweis") || head.contains("Leihfrist") || head.matches(".*Verf.+gbarkeit.*")) { colmap.put(i, "status"); } i++; } for (Element tr :"tbody tr")) { Copy copy = new Copy(); for (Entry<Integer, String> entry : colmap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals("status")) { String status = tr.child(entry.getKey()).text().trim(); String currentStatus = copy.getStatus() != null ? copy.getStatus() + " - " : ""; if (status.contains(" am: ")) { copy.setStatus(currentStatus + status.split("-")[0]); try { copy.setReturnDate(fmt.parseLocalDate(status.split(": ")[1])); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { copy.setStatus(currentStatus + status); } } else { copy.set(entry.getValue(), tr.child(entry.getKey()).text().trim()); } } res.addCopy(copy); } } res.setId(""); // null would be overridden by the UI, because there _is_ // an id,< we just can not use it. return res; } @Override public DetailedItem getResult(int position) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { if (s_reusedoc != null) { return getResultById(null, null); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public ReservationResult reservation(DetailedItem item, Account account, int useraction, String selection) throws IOException { Document doc; List<NameValuePair> nvpairs; ReservationResult res = null; if (selection != null && selection.equals("")) { selection = null; } if (s_pageform == null) { return new ReservationResult(Status.ERROR); } // Load details nvpairs = s_pageform; int i = 0; List<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<>(); for (NameValuePair np : nvpairs) { if (np.getName().contains("$Toolbar_") || np.getName().contains("selected")) { indexes.add(i); } i++; } for (int j = indexes.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { nvpairs.remove((int) indexes.get(j)); } nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("selected", "ZTEXT " + item.getReservation_info())); htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs); // Yep, two // times. List<NameValuePair> form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && (!"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) || input.val().contains("Reservieren") || input .val().contains("Vormerken")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); if (".message h1").size() > 0) { String msg =".message h1").text().trim(); res = new ReservationResult(MultiStepResult.Status.ERROR, msg); form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); } else { try { doc = handleLoginForm(doc, account); } catch (OpacErrorException e1) { return new ReservationResult(MultiStepResult.Status.ERROR, e1.getMessage()); } if (useraction == 0 && selection == null) { res = new ReservationResult( MultiStepResult.Status.CONFIRMATION_NEEDED); List<String[]> details = new ArrayList<>(); details.add(new String[]{"#F23").text()}); res.setDetails(details); } else if ("#AUSGAB_1").size() > 0 && (selection == null || "confirmed".equals(selection))) { List<Map<String, String>> sel = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element opt :"#AUSGAB_1 option")) { if (opt.text().trim().length() > 0) { Map<String, String> selopt = new HashMap<>(); selopt.put("key", opt.val()); selopt.put("value", opt.text()); sel.add(selopt); } } res = new ReservationResult( MultiStepResult.Status.SELECTION_NEEDED, "#AUSGAB_1").first().parent().select("span").text()); res.setSelection(sel); } else if ("#FSET01 select[name=select$0]").size() > 0 && (selection == null || !selection.contains("_SEP_"))) { // Munich: "Benachrichtigung mit E-Mail" List<Map<String, String>> sel = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element opt :"select[name=select$0] option")) { if (opt.text().trim().length() > 0) { Map<String, String> selopt = new HashMap<>(); selopt.put("value", opt.text()); if (selection != null) { selopt.put("key", opt.val() + "_SEP_" + selection); } else { selopt.put("key", opt.val()); } sel.add(selopt); } } res = new ReservationResult( MultiStepResult.Status.SELECTION_NEEDED, "#FSET01 select[name=select$0]").first().parent().select("span").text()); res.setSelection(sel); } else if (selection != null ||"#AUSGAB_1").size() == 0) { if ("#AUSGAB_1").size() > 0 && selection != null) { if (selection.contains("_SEP_")) {"#AUSGAB_1").attr("value", selection.split("_SEP_")[1]); } else {"#AUSGAB_1").attr("value", selection); } } if ("#FSET01 select[name=select$0]").size() > 0 && selection != null) { if (selection.contains("_SEP_")) {"#FSET01 select[name=select$0]") .attr("value", selection.split("_SEP_")[0]); } else {"#FSET01 select[name=select$0]").attr("value", selection); } } if ("#BENJN_1").size() > 0) { // Notification not requested because some libraries notify by snail mail // and take a fee for it (Example: Stuttgart_Uni)"#BENJN_1").attr("value", "Nein"); } if (".message h1").size() > 0) { String msg =".message h1").text().trim(); form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input.attr("value"))); } } doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); if (!msg.contains("Reservation ist erfolgt")) { res = new ReservationResult( MultiStepResult.Status.ERROR, msg); } else { res = new ReservationResult(MultiStepResult.Status.OK, msg); } } else { form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input.attr("value"))); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("textButton", "Reservation abschicken")); res = new ReservationResult(MultiStepResult.Status.OK); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); if ("input[name=textButton]").attr("value") .contains("kostenpflichtig bestellen")) { // Munich form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input.attr("value"))); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("textButton","input[name=textButton]").first().attr("value"))); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); } if (".message h1").size() > 0) { String msg =".message h1").text().trim(); form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input .attr("name"), input.attr("value"))); } } doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); if (!msg.contains("Reservation ist erfolgt")) { res = new ReservationResult( MultiStepResult.Status.ERROR, msg); } else { res = new ReservationResult( MultiStepResult.Status.OK, msg); } } else if ("#R01").text() .contains("Informationen zu Ihrer Reservation")) { String msg ="#OPACLI").text().trim(); form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input .attr("name"), input.attr("value"))); } } doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); if (!msg.contains("Reservation ist erfolgt")) { res = new ReservationResult( MultiStepResult.Status.ERROR, msg); } else { res = new ReservationResult( MultiStepResult.Status.OK, msg); } } } } } if (res == null || res.getStatus() == MultiStepResult.Status.SELECTION_NEEDED || res.getStatus() == MultiStepResult.Status.CONFIRMATION_NEEDED) { form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } Element button ="input[value=Abbrechen], input[value=Zurück]").first(); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(button.attr("name"), button.attr("value"))); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); } // Reset updatePageform(doc); try { nvpairs = s_pageform; nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_1.x", "1")); nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_1.y", "1")); parse_search_wrapped(htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs), 1); nvpairs = s_pageform; nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_3.x", "1")); nvpairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_3.y", "1")); parse_search_wrapped(htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, nvpairs), 1); } catch (OpacErrorException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return res; } void updatePageform(Document doc) { s_pageform = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { s_pageform.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } } @Override public ProlongResult prolong(String media, Account account, int useraction, String selection) throws IOException { String alink = null; Document doc; start(); doc = htmlGet(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid + "?service=" + s_service + "&sp=SBK"); try { doc = handleLoginForm(doc, account); } catch (OpacErrorException e) { return new ProlongResult(Status.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } for (Element tr :".rTable_div tr")) { if ("a").size() == 1) { if ("a").first().absUrl("href") .contains("sp=SZA")) { alink ="a").first().absUrl("href"); } } } if (alink == null) { return new ProlongResult(Status.ERROR); } doc = htmlGet(alink); List<NameValuePair> form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } for (Element tr :".rTable_div tr")) { if ("input").attr("name").equals(media.split("\\|")[0]) &&"input").hasAttr("disabled")) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.x", "1")); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.y", "1")); htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); return new ProlongResult(Status.ERROR, tr.child(4).text() .trim()); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(media.split("\\|")[0], "on")); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("textButton$1", "Markierte Titel verlängern")); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.x", "1")); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.y", "1")); htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); return new ProlongResult(Status.OK); } @Override public ProlongAllResult prolongAll(Account account, int useraction, String selection) throws IOException { String alink = null; Document doc; start(); doc = htmlGet(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid + "?service=" + s_service + "&sp=SBK"); try { doc = handleLoginForm(doc, account); } catch (OpacErrorException e) { return new ProlongAllResult(Status.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } for (Element tr :".rTable_div tr")) { if ("a").size() == 1) { if ("a").first().absUrl("href") .contains("sp=SZA")) { alink ="a").first().absUrl("href"); } } } if (alink == null) { return new ProlongAllResult(Status.ERROR); } doc = htmlGet(alink); List<NameValuePair> form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } if ("checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !input.hasAttr("disabled")) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), "on")); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("textButton$1", "Markierte Titel verlängern")); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); List<Map<String, String>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element tr :".rTable_div tbody tr")) { Map<String, String> line = new HashMap<>(); line.put(ProlongAllResult.KEY_LINE_TITLE, tr.child(3).text().split("[:/;]")[0].trim()); line.put(ProlongAllResult.KEY_LINE_NEW_RETURNDATE, tr.child(1) .text()); line.put(ProlongAllResult.KEY_LINE_MESSAGE, tr.child(4).text()); result.add(line); } form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.x", "1")); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.y", "1")); htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); return new ProlongAllResult(Status.OK, result); } @Override public CancelResult cancel(String media, Account account, int useraction, String selection) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { String rlink = null; Document doc; rlink = media.split("\\|")[1].replace("requestCount=", "fooo="); start(); doc = htmlGet(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid + "?service=" + s_service + "&sp=SBK"); try { doc = handleLoginForm(doc, account); } catch (OpacErrorException e) { return new CancelResult(Status.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } for (Element tr :".rTable_div tr")) { String url = media.split("\\|")[1].toUpperCase(Locale.GERMAN); String sp = "SZM"; if (url.contains("SP=")) { Map<String, String> qp = getQueryParamsFirst(url); if (qp.containsKey("SP")) { sp = qp.get("SP"); } } if ("a").size() == 1) { if ((tr.text().contains("Reservationen") || tr.text().contains("Vormerkung") || tr.text().contains("Bestellung")) && !tr.child(0).text().trim().equals("") &&"a").first().attr("href") .toUpperCase(Locale.GERMAN) .contains("SP=" + sp)) { rlink ="a").first().absUrl("href"); } } } if (rlink == null) { return new CancelResult(Status.ERROR); } doc = htmlGet(rlink); List<NameValuePair> form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(media.split("\\|")[0], "on")); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("textButton$0", "Markierte Titel löschen")); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.x", "1")); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.y", "1")); htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); return new CancelResult(Status.OK); } @Override public AccountData account(Account account) throws IOException, JSONException, OpacErrorException { start(); Document doc = htmlGet(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid + "?service=" + s_service + "&sp=SBK"); doc = handleLoginForm(doc, account); boolean split_title_author = true; if (doc.head().html().contains("VOEBB")) { split_title_author = false; } AccountData adata = new AccountData(account.getId()); for (Element tr :".aDISListe tr")) { if (tr.child(0).text().matches(".*F.+llige Geb.+hren.*")) { adata.setPendingFees(tr.child(1).text().trim()); } if (tr.child(0).text().matches(".*Ausweis g.+ltig bis.*")) { adata.setValidUntil(tr.child(1).text().trim()); } } DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd.MM.yyyy").withLocale(Locale.GERMAN); // Ausleihen String alink = null; int anum = 0; List<LentItem> lent = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element tr :".rTable_div tr")) { if ("a").size() == 1) { if ("a").first().absUrl("href").contains("sp=SZA")) { alink ="a").first().absUrl("href"); anum = Integer.parseInt(tr.child(0).text().trim()); } } } if (alink != null) { Document adoc = htmlGet(alink); s_alink = alink; List<NameValuePair> form = new ArrayList<>(); String prolongTest = null; for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { if (input.attr("type").equals("checkbox") && !input.hasAttr("value")) { input.val("on"); } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } else if (input.val().matches(".+verl.+ngerbar.+")) { prolongTest = input.attr("name"); } } if (prolongTest != null) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(prolongTest, "Markierte Titel verlängerbar?")); Document adoc_new = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); if (".message h1").size() == 0) { adoc = adoc_new; } } for (Element tr :".rTable_div tbody tr")) { LentItem item = new LentItem(); String text = Jsoup.parse(tr.child(3).html().replaceAll("(?i)<br[^>]*>", "#")) .text(); if (text.contains(" / ")) { // Format "Titel / Autor #Sig#Nr", z.B. normale Ausleihe in Berlin String[] split = text.split("[/#\n]"); String title = split[0]; //Is always the last one... String id = split[split.length-1]; item.setId(id); if (split_title_author) { title = title.replaceFirst("([^:;\n]+)[:;\n](.*)$", "$1"); } item.setTitle(title.trim()); if (split.length > 1) { item.setAuthor(split[1].replaceFirst("([^:;\n]+)[:;\n](.*)$", "$1").trim()); } } else { // Format "Autor: Titel - Verlag - ISBN:... #Nummer", z.B. Fernleihe in Berlin String[] split = text.split("#"); String[] aut_tit = split[0].split(": "); item.setAuthor(aut_tit[0].replaceFirst("([^:;\n]+)[:;\n](.*)$", "$1").trim()); if (aut_tit.length > 1) { item.setTitle( aut_tit[1].replaceFirst("([^:;\n]+)[:;\n](.*)$", "$1").trim()); } //Is always the last one... String id = split[split.length-1]; item.setId(id); } String date = tr.child(1).text().trim(); if (date.contains("-")) { // Nürnberg: "29.03.2016 - 26.04.2016" // for beginning and end date in one field date = date.split("-")[1].trim(); } try { item.setDeadline(fmt.parseLocalDate(date)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } item.setHomeBranch(tr.child(2).text().trim()); if ("input[type=checkbox]").hasAttr("disabled")) { item.setRenewable(false); } else { item.setProlongData("input[type=checkbox]").attr("name") + "|" + alink); } // item.setRenewable(tr.child(4).text().matches(".*nicht verl.+ngerbar.*")); lent.add(item); } assert (lent.size() == anum); form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.x", "1")); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.y", "1")); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); } else { assert (anum == 0); } adata.setLent(lent); List<String[]> rlinks = new ArrayList<>(); int rnum = 0; List<ReservedItem> res = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element tr :".rTable_div tr")) { if ("a").size() == 1) { if ((tr.text().contains("Reservationen") || tr.text().contains("Vormerkung") || tr.text().contains("Fernleihbestellung") || tr.text().contains("Bereitstellung") || tr.text().contains("Bestellw") || tr.text().contains("Magazin")) && !tr.child(0).text().trim().equals("")) { rlinks.add(new String[]{"a").text(),"a").first().absUrl("href"), }); rnum += Integer.parseInt(tr.child(0).text().trim()); } } } for (String[] rlink : rlinks) { Document rdoc = htmlGet(rlink[1]); boolean error = false; boolean interlib = rdoc.html().contains("Ihre Fernleih-Bestellung"); boolean stacks = rdoc.html().contains("aus dem Magazin"); boolean provision = rdoc.html().contains("Ihre Bereitstellung"); Map<String, Integer> colmap = new HashMap<>(); colmap.put("title", 2); colmap.put("branch", 1); colmap.put("expirationdate", 0); int i = 0; for (Element th :".rTable_div thead tr th")) { if (th.text().contains("Bis")) { colmap.put("expirationdate", i); } if (th.text().contains("Ausgabeort")) { colmap.put("branch", i); } if (th.text().contains("Titel")) { colmap.put("title", i); } if (th.text().contains("Hinweis")) { colmap.put("status", i); } i++; } for (Element tr :".rTable_div tbody tr")) { if (tr.children().size() >= colmap.size()) { ReservedItem item = new ReservedItem(); String text = tr.child(colmap.get("title")).html(); text = Jsoup.parse(text.replaceAll("(?i)<br[^>]*>", ";")).text(); if (split_title_author) { String[] split = text.split("[:/;\n]"); item.setTitle(split[0].replaceFirst("([^:;\n]+)[:;\n](.*)$", "$1").trim()); if (split.length > 1) { item.setAuthor( split[1].replaceFirst("([^:;\n]+)[:;\n](.*)$", "$1").trim()); } } else { item.setTitle(text); } String branch = tr.child(colmap.get("branch")).text().trim(); if (interlib) { branch = stringProvider .getFormattedString(StringProvider.INTERLIB_BRANCH, branch); } else if (stacks) { branch = stringProvider .getFormattedString(StringProvider.STACKS_BRANCH, branch); } else if (provision) { branch = stringProvider .getFormattedString(StringProvider.PROVISION_BRANCH, branch); } item.setBranch(branch); if (rlink[0].contains("Abholbereit")) { // Abholbereite Bestellungen item.setStatus("bereit"); if (tr.child(0).text().trim().length() >= 10) { item.setExpirationDate(fmt.parseLocalDate( tr.child(colmap.get("expirationdate")).text().trim() .substring(0, 10))); } } else { // Nicht abholbereite if ("input[type=checkbox]").size() > 0 && (rlink[1].toUpperCase(Locale.GERMAN).contains( "SP=SZM") || rlink[1].toUpperCase( Locale.GERMAN).contains("SP=SZW") || rlink[1].toUpperCase( Locale.GERMAN).contains("SP=SZB"))) { item.setCancelData("input[type=checkbox]").attr("name") + "|" + rlink[1]); } } res.add(item); } else { // This is a strange bug where sometimes there is only three // columns error = true; } } if (error) { // Maybe we should send a bug report here, but using ACRA breaks // the unit tests adata.setWarning("Beim Abrufen der Reservationen ist ein Problem aufgetreten"); } List<NameValuePair> form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.x", "1")); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair("$Toolbar_0.y", "1")); htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); } assert (res.size() == rnum); adata.setReservations(res); return adata; } protected Document handleLoginForm(Document doc, Account account) throws IOException, OpacErrorException { if ("#LPASSW_1").size() == 0) { return doc; }"#LPASSW_1").val(account.getPassword()); List<NameValuePair> form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input, select")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"submit".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { if (input.attr("id").equals("L#AUSW_1") || input.attr("fld").equals("L#AUSW_1") || input.attr("id").equals("IDENT_1") || input.attr("id").equals("LMATNR_1")) { input.attr("value", account.getName()); } form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } Element inputSend ="input[type=submit]").first(); form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(inputSend.attr("name"), inputSend .attr("value"))); doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); if (".message h1").size() > 0) { String msg =".message h1").text().trim(); form = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element input :"input")) { if (!"image".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"checkbox".equals(input.attr("type")) && !"".equals(input.attr("name"))) { form.add(new BasicNameValuePair(input.attr("name"), input .attr("value"))); } } doc = htmlPost(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid, form); if (!msg.contains("Sie sind angemeldet") && !msg.contains("jetzt angemeldet")) { throw new OpacErrorException(msg); } return doc; } else { return doc; } } @Override public List<SearchField> parseSearchFields() throws IOException, JSONException { if (!initialised) { start(); } Document doc = htmlGet(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid + "?service=" + s_service + "&sp=" + s_exts); List<SearchField> fields = new ArrayList<>(); // dropdown to select which field you want to search in Elements searchoptions ="#SUCH01_1 option"); if (searchoptions.size() == 0 &&"input[fld=FELD01_1]").size() > 0) { // Hack is needed in Nuernberg searchoptions ="input[fld=FELD01_1]").first().previousElementSibling() .select("option"); } for (Element opt : searchoptions) { TextSearchField field = new TextSearchField(); field.setId(opt.attr("value")); field.setDisplayName(opt.text()); field.setHint(""); fields.add(field); } // Save data so that the search() function knows that this // is not a selectable search field JSONObject selectableData = new JSONObject(); selectableData.put("selectable", false); for (Element row :"div[id~=F\\d+]")) { if ("input[type=text]").size() == 1 &&"input, select").first().tagName() .equals("input")) { // A single text search field Element input ="input[type=text]").first(); TextSearchField field = new TextSearchField(); field.setId(input.attr("id")); field.setDisplayName("label").first().text()); field.setHint(""); field.setData(selectableData); fields.add(field); } else if ("select").size() == 1 &&"input[type=text]").size() == 0) { // Things like language, media type, etc. Element select ="select").first(); DropdownSearchField field = new DropdownSearchField(); field.setId(; field.setDisplayName("label").first().text()); List<Map<String, String>> values = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element opt :"option")) { field.addDropdownValue(opt.attr("value"), opt.text()); } fields.add(field); } else if ("select").size() == 0 &&"input[type=text]").size() == 3 &&"label").size() == 3) { // Three text inputs. // Year single/from/to or things like Band-/Heft-/Satznummer String name1 ="label").get(0).text(); String name2 ="label").get(1).text(); String name3 ="label").get(2).text(); Element input1 ="input[type=text]").get(0); Element input2 ="input[type=text]").get(1); Element input3 ="input[type=text]").get(2); if (name2.contains("von") && name3.contains("bis")) { TextSearchField field1 = new TextSearchField(); field1.setId(; field1.setDisplayName(name1); field1.setHint(""); field1.setData(selectableData); fields.add(field1); TextSearchField field2 = new TextSearchField(); field2.setId(; field2.setDisplayName(name2.replace("von", "").trim()); field2.setHint("von"); field2.setData(selectableData); fields.add(field2); TextSearchField field3 = new TextSearchField(); field3.setId(; field3.setDisplayName(name3.replace("bis", "").trim()); field3.setHint("bis"); field3.setHalfWidth(true); field3.setData(selectableData); fields.add(field3); } else { TextSearchField field1 = new TextSearchField(); field1.setId(; field1.setDisplayName(name1); field1.setHint(""); field1.setData(selectableData); fields.add(field1); TextSearchField field2 = new TextSearchField(); field2.setId(; field2.setDisplayName(name2); field2.setHint(""); field2.setData(selectableData); fields.add(field2); TextSearchField field3 = new TextSearchField(); field3.setId(; field3.setDisplayName(name3); field3.setHint(""); field3.setData(selectableData); fields.add(field3); } } } for (Iterator<SearchField> iterator = fields.iterator(); iterator .hasNext(); ) { SearchField field =; if (ignoredFieldNames.contains(field.getDisplayName())) { iterator.remove(); } } return fields; } @Override public String getShareUrl(String id, String title) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public int getSupportFlags() { return SUPPORT_FLAG_ACCOUNT_PROLONG_ALL | SUPPORT_FLAG_ENDLESS_SCROLLING | SUPPORT_FLAG_WARN_RESERVATION_FEES; } @Override public void checkAccountData(Account account) throws IOException, JSONException, OpacErrorException { start(); Document doc = htmlGet(opac_url + ";jsessionid=" + s_sid + "?service=" + s_service + "&sp=SBK"); handleLoginForm(doc, account); } @Override public void setLanguage(String language) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public Set<String> getSupportedLanguages() throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }